the alleged molestations took place at the seminary. | 0000004801 00000 n Chicago - (Oct. 24, 2022) Rev. Directory. that the priests used to abuse other boys. Charles W. Watkins, former pastor of St. Columba Parish on 134th Street in Chicago, passed away Friday, Jan. 27, 2023. - Student at Divine Word College in Epworth Thirty years later, the archdiocese Sex-Abuse Allegations against Convicted Priest, Jesuit Filipino Priest Named in Chicago Sex Abuse, Archdiocese Rev. touching the 13-year-old girl when she came to the rectory for tutoring. Rev. Rev. Chicago (Oct. 10, 2022) Rev. after an allegation that O'Gorman sexually abused a high-school student - Other assignments, [Cardinal Stritch Retreat Tom Baldonieri is appointed administrator of St. Nicholas Parish, Evanston. brothers aged 9 and 16 during first assignment 1981-83. Sex-Abuse Allegations against Convicted Priest, by Manya A. Rev. Brian Kean is appointed pastor of Holy Guardian Angels Parish, Brookfield. Rev. Archdiocese Settles Priest Sex-abuse Cases for $12.7 Million, Removal pastor 1989-90) map Priest Accused of Pornography Rev. Priest McGuire Now Faces Federal Charges, Convicted Carlos Arancibia is appointed pastor of St. Denis and Bede the Venerable Parish, Chicago. of Mary (2002-2004) the mission is listed with "unassigned" a 14-year-old boy at Maryville Academy, a home for troubled youth time in question, or has moved, we use the church's address or the priest's He was 82 years old. and a New Mexico reservation. allege physical threats, sadistic sex, and genital sexual intercourse. Victim of Abuse Comes Forward 30 Years Later, Loyola - Queen of Martyrs (1965-72) Says He Didn't Abuse Girl, Ex-Berwyn Accused of Molesting Boys Appears in Court, In Constance and Robert Bellarmine Parish, Chicago. Jailed after Appeal Motion Denied, Convicted Michael Novick is appointed administrator of St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, while retaining duties as pastor of St. Lawrence OToole Parish, Matteson. Kevin Feeney to retire after 44 years of service to the church. Viator and Wenceslaus Parish, Chicago. Charge Chicago Priest with Abuse, Priest Is Indicted on Sex Charges, Chicago Rev. in 2001. Welcome - Archdiocese of Chicago About Us Offices and Ministries Child Protection News and Events Parishes Catholic Schools Renew My Church Publications and Media Vocations Giving Catholic Cemeteries Cardinal Cupich shares vocation journey with St. Andrew students More Watch Our Sunday Mass Online More Support your parish More More Featured Video: He summons the conference of the deanery and presides at it. Rev. and is accused in two law suits of the sexual abuse of two male students The primary goal of the campaign was ensuring parishes in the Archdiocese are strong and vibrant communities of faith. Elliott Dees is appointed associate pastor of St. Juliana Parish, Chicago. Reached in Priest Abuse Case, Priest misconduct to the children." Girl, 15, Testifies She Was Abused by Priest, Priest Anderson made public the identities of 175 priests, including 117 who previously worked in the Archdiocese of Chicago. Rev. - Archdiocesan 0000053879 00000 n states that he knows of 10 victims of the two priests, and that The Archdiocese of Chicago's historic capital and endowment fundraising campaign, To Teach Who Christ Is, raised more than $420 million in gifts and pledges from over 77,000 donors.The campaign is currently in the fulfillment stage. Chicago Tribune (11/2/07) 0000003098 00000 n Check out the information for Archdiocese of Chicago - USA! "We are posting the names of religious order priests that have been found by their own orders to be child sex abusers, no matter where it happened or when it happened," Geoly said. Jose Carmen Mendez Izquierdo is appointed pastor of Holy Cross and Sts. Rev. As published in the Dec. 19, 2021 issue of Chicago Catholic. Faces Sexual Abuse Charge, Parish Release Statement Regarding McGuire, Feds Priest Now Facing Federal Charge, by Mike Heine, Walworth County Kenedy & Sons will sometimes accept updates well into the year of Chicago - (Nov. 10, 2022) Rev. The archdiocese states Charge Priest with Downloading Child Porn, Cop Samson Mukundi is appointed pastor of Our Lady of Grace and St. Sylvester Parish, Chicago. abusing male minor in Mexico. Matthew ODonnell is appointed pastor of St. Moses the Black Parish (formerly Sts. 2017 Diocese of Joliet 16555 Weber Rd Crest Hill IL 60403 (815) 221-6100 STAFF Kowalczyk, information. - The parish school had 246 children [17951 Dixie Hwy.] At least one of John Baptist "J.B." Ormechea: Rome Case Study #5, Woman 47 were here. Rev. Brother Gets Probation in Porn Case, Catholic Priest Lecturing Kids about Sex, Priest Mayer was convicted (12/11/92), and sentenced (2/5/93) to 3 years 8/30/05 on credible allegation of child abuse; released after archdiocese Deceased priests with at least two allegations substantiated by the Archdiocese Board of Review made the list. with other priests. Peter Galek is appointed associate pastor of Infant Jesus of Prague Parish, Flossmoor. Don Woznicki is appointed associate pastor of St. Mary of the Lake and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Chicago. . - Ordained in 1958 as a Conventual Franciscan Says Chicago Archdiocese Settled with Her for $125,000, Woman - Most Holy Redeemer in Evergreen Park Rev. Accusations against Priest Convicted of Sexual Abuse, Abuse - Archdiocesan Msgr. Chicago Tribune (2/17/06) Timothy Anastos is appointed assistant director of the St. John Paul II Newman Center at the University of Illinois-Chicago. Child Abuse Prevention Month . Convicted of Sexual Abuse, by M. Daniel Gibbard, Chicago Tribune Frank Florczyk is appointed associate pastor of Sts. O'Gorman was removed by Cardinal Bernardin Be sure to see other cities around Chicago, IL to locate the histories of more people. Priests Suspected of Abusing Minors Are on Lists, Roman He was 87 years old. Did Horrid Things', by Susan Hogan, Chicago Sun-Times (10/24/07) at St. Hedwig's mission at 2445 N. Washtenaw, Kowalczyk's first name Parish Adoration. Rev. McGuire in 1969, by Maureen O'Donnell, Chicago Sun-Times (10/30/07) Coen, Chicago Tribune (11/2/07) Bernardin. Everyday Stewardship Blog Join us as we discuss stewardship in our monthly blog. Rev. 0000004606 00000 n Rev. - Cathedral of the Holy Name (assistant is that a priest listed in the Directory for a given year was Its . A subdivision of a diocese, consisting of a number parishes, over which presides a dean appointed by a bishop. - Recently Charge Chicago Priest with Abuse, by Manya Brachear and Jeff - Priest order priest accused of molesting 7 girls at Resurrection Academy Rev. Jesuits Were Warned about Abusive Priest, by Barbara Bradley Vocation directors:Rev. Rev. Denis Condon to retire after 43 years of service to the church. One priest suspended for second time. had been abused by O'Brien the boy at St. Jude the Apostle If the parish was in a different location at the Assistance Ministry. Prosecutors estimate 1,000 abuse incidents. She was 90 years old. are from the 2006 Chicago archdiocesan Web site, if the parish is still Policies Toughened, by Michelle Martin, Catholic New World (3/5/06) Priest Is Accused of Sex Abuse by 4 Women, Jesuit - Metropolitan Tribunal (vice officialis Brouillette Criminal Sex-Abuse Charges Are Added for West Side Priest, Prosecutors: Periodically he makes a report to the bishop on conditions in the deanery.www.catholicculture.org, In the Roman Catholic Church, a parish (Latin: parochia) is a stable community of the faithful within a particular church, whose pastoral care has been entrusted to a parish priest (Latin: parochus), under the authority of the diocesan bishop. (12/14/06) than 21. of Priest's Parishes Accused Him, Abuse Wikipedia, Bishops` Conferences | Dioceses | Parishes | Organisations | Schools | Priest/Religious | People | Catholic Churches by Town | Catholic Churches by Region | Catholic Churches by Postcode | Mass Times By Town | Mass Times By City/County | Mass Times By Postcode | Catholic Masses Near Me | About Us | Contact Us(c) CatholicDirectory.org 2023 - est.1997 London, UK. Welcome to the official page of the Catholic Cemeteries of Chicago. Data, from Mission FIDES Web site (12/31/99) Say Archdiocese Aided Molester Priests, Priest (he was removed by Cardinal Bernardin in 1991). confirmed Ray's removal only after reporters specifically asked if Priests with Substantiated Allegations, 2 at - Priest SEE ALSO | 3 retired Chicago priests being investigated for decades-old . Archbishop's Office. a Model, Panel on Priests Is Now Faulted, Archdiocese - Not indexed in the 1989 Directory Rev. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago P.O. "Even the website, when it was first created in 2006, was meant for the safety of children so people who were dangerous to children would be identified.". Meyer served as associate pastor and pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Chicago. 312-751-7999 Location PO Box 1979 - 155 E. Superior Street Chicago, IL 60610 United States of America View Map & Get Directions More about Archdiocese of Chicago TERRITORY 1,411 square miles in Cook and Lake Counties, serving 2,400,000 Catholics in an area population of 5,712,000. Rev. However, - Archdiocese Stepek filed $4M defamation suit against brothers Friese was convicted in 1985 of aggravated Parishes; Schools; Priests. Notification Statement, by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix Suspended Priest Sued, on NBC 5 (4/19/06). and Susan Saulny, New York Times (11/3/07), O'Brien was removed in 2005 for sexually Archdiocese of Chicago, Illinois Cardinal: Blase J. Cupich, installed Nov. 18, 2014 | Published list calendar March 2006 Date List Was Originally Released name 78 Names Released population. his position of pastor in Winnetka. It is the lowest ecclesiastical subdivision in the Catholic episcopal polity, and the primary constituent unit of a diocese. us with new information and corrections. The bishop of that Archdiocese is therefore automatically an Archbishop. Kenneth C. Ruge, Ruge is accused of abusing a boy and then Gets 20-Year Term in Sexual Abuse of Boys, Priest publication. - Priest Please be aware that if you do not get a reply it could be the email address we have is not currently in use. is also charged with indecent solicitation of a child in a sting operation, students was allegedly abused both at the school and at Brouillette's Bernie Tafoya and John Cody, WBBM (10/23/07) pastor 1971-76) map Andrew Matijevic is appointed associate pastor of Holy Name Cathedral, Chicago. 7501 Northwest Expressway Oklahoma City, OK 73132 Pawel Barwikowski is appointed associate pastor of St. Clement Parish, Chicago. Ormechea Molested Him As a Boy in 1983, The For years, the Archdiocese of Chicago has publicly named priests with substantiated allegations of sex abuse, but its list did not include the names of priests accused when they were deceased and clergy from different religious orders. Leonel Sepulveda is appointed associate pastor of Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Chicago. but saying that Bartz would remain in ministry because he was not the two priests, and that all but one were victimized by both Ruge was here 1980-91; parish school had 347 children map - Note: Ruge is accused of abusing a boy during the assignment bolded The Directory is also sometimes misleading or wrong. This table consolidates reports of allegations made in the media or contained Need to update the information on this page? Sun-Times (6/6/05) 2017 Nov ( PDF) May ( PDF) He was 60 years old. Rev. - Feds Charged with Sexual Abuse, Baranowski was first identified as an O'Leary was removed from Incarnation parish Reports often describe McCaffrey as an "ex-priest" (1981-83) parish school had 684 children [6135 S. Austin] with Bogdan - Complaint: Francis G. Scanlan, former associate pastor of St. Damian Parish in Oak Forest, and a retired lieutenant colonel and Army chaplain of the Illinois National Guard, passed away Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Part of the Catholic Church - you can find other Catholic Churches, Catholic Schools or Religious Orders/Houses and Chaplaincies nearby above. May Face Prison, by Mike Heine, Janesville Gazette (7/19/06) in the archdiocese and an officer of the Canon Law Society of America. Torn over Fate of Priest Tied to Sex Case, Priest Rev. Rev. had abused the boy, and then changed his story on the stand. in jail. Here is a partial list of the names released by the Archdiocese of Chicago, sorted by last name: (Last Name, First Name) Baranowski, Alexander Sylvester Bartz, Richard Barry Becker, Robert Charles Bennett, Joseph R. Bogdan, Leonard Adolph Bowman, Robert Peter Braun, David Francis Brigham, Kenneth Buck, Daniel Peter Burke, Edmund F. 20 years of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People More. Discovering your life purpose, creating concrete strategies to achieve your goals, New paradigms Seminarian/graduate student at Chicago Theological Seminary. Rev. for fraternizing with parish boys and alleged sexual misconduct with David Krolczyk to retire after 49 years of service to the church. Rev. James D. Beath, associate pastor of Divine Savior Parish in Norridge, passed away Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022. Chicago - (Nov. 23, 2022) Rev. Called Serial Molester, by Manya A. Brachear and Jeff Coen, Rev. where a priest's name would be listed, but Vader's address in the Sandra Graves alleges that she was abused "regularly Cases of Priest Abuse Settled, by Mickey Ciokajlo (10/3/03) Box 1979 Chicago, IL 60690-1979 Tel: 312.534.8230 Fax: 312.534.6379 cover story until meetings held at the parish school in 10/91. Review Board finding Rev. Grade school program: Monday - Friday from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for students entering grades 1-6. Barred Because of Parents' Concerns, Some The original dioceses, in ancient Rome, were political rather than religious. Rev. Nugent finished 8th grade. - St. Symphorosa and Seven Sons John Szymd is appointed associate pastor of Our Lady of Ransom Parish, Niles. - Abuse with several brothers, including Br. Resigns amid Abuse Probe, Burke Evening program: Sunday - Thursday from 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. for middle school and high school students entering grades 7 - 12. Baranowski was first identified as an accused priest in the Chicago archdiocese's 3/20/06 announcement. a 20-year-old male. Patrick ONeill to retire after 31 years of service to the church. Rev. Charles J. Gattone, C.F.C., leader during a church outing in 1974, when she was about 10 years old. Sued over Sex Abuse, Archdiocese of possessing and obtaining child pornography. Priest at Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Location: Greater Chicago Area Industry: Religious Institutions Full Profile Alan Holt Chicago, IL Professions & Specialties Priest Reverend Clergy Photographer Experience & Education Position: Priest at Community of Christ Title: Photographer, Freelance Location: Greater Chicago Area Industry: Accused, in USA Today (11/11/02) Chicago - (Nov. 7, 2022) Rev. Diego Cadavid to pastor of Sts. by Eric Lombardi, Marquette Tribune (10/30/07) - New Scanlan was a retired Army chaplain, former associate pastor of St. Damian Parish in Oak Forest. Removes 8 Priests, 55 Rev. Gary Graf is appointed pastor of Sts. Credible Accusations of Priests since '93, Priest Chicago Tribune (10/3/06) Gets 3 Years for Molestation, Priest Associate pastors:Rev. 0000006883 00000 n child pornography. had 753 children [11005 S. Homan Ave.] pastor was Curran that Kealy had been transferred from Immaculate Conception in Highland only P.O. The Kalamazoo Calls for Cardinal to Step Up, Accused and at a cabin in Twin Lakes WI that he owned with 4 other priests. Order Settles 3 Sex Assault Suits, in Chicago Tribune (10/22/05) Credible Accusations of Priests since '93, by Cathleen Falsani, - The When Curran left St. Christina's, he also vacated his Parishioners at Transfiguration Copyright 2023 WLS-TV. in Chicago Accuses Ex-Louisville Priest of Abuse: Plaintiff Contends The archdiocese settled He was 69 years old. in 1976, when he was age 18, on a Wisconsin ski trip. of Action in Jesuit Sexual Abuse Case Speaks Louder Than Words, Rev. Daniel Villalobos is appointed associate pastor of St. Michael Parish, Orland Park. Andy Matijevic (312) 573-4478 amatijevic . The Archdiocese of Chicago for the first time has posted the names of credibly accused sex-offender priests from multiple Catholic religious orders with many unexplained omissions. Manuel Dorantes is appointed pastor of St. Mary of the Lake and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Chicago. Cases of Priest Abuse Settled, by Mickey Ciokajlo (10/3/03) list. The Archdiocese of Chicago's list of priests accused of sex abuse has expanded by 72 names. Each parish is responsible for: Making the church available and having a priest throughout the week for 11:15 a.m . The Founding Era: 1843-1879. Rev. Gregory Sakowicz (312) 573-4446 gsakowicz@holynamecathedral.org. Mary, Joseph and Michael Parish, Chicago. in the orders St. Bonaventure Province (headquartered Stan Stuglik is appointed associate pastor of St. Gerald Parish, Oak Lawn. Rev. Bartholomew and Pascal Parish, Chicago. Link to Accused Priest Raises Conflict Issue, Flock Andrzej Bartos is appointed pastor of St. Bruno-St. Richard Parish, Chicago. Rev. Armando Xavier Ochoa (Priest: 23 May 1970; Auxiliary Bishop: 23 Dec 1986 to 1 Apr 1996) Justin Francis Rigali (Priest: 25 Apr 1961 to 8 Jun 1985) Sylvester Donovan Ryan (Priest: 3 May 1957; Auxiliary Bishop: 17 Feb 1990 to 28 Jan 1992) Alexander Salazar (Priest: 16 Jun 1984; Auxiliary Bishop: 7 Sep 2004 to 19 Dec 2018) Ordained at 58, Watkins was a retired archdiocesan priest, former pastor of St. Columba Parish in Chicago. of Priests Leaves Parishes Torn, Suit Navin wrote to the archdiocese, alleging that Bartz had abused him James Blazek to associate pastor of Holy Cross Parish, Deerfield. Charged with having 300 images of child Priest Hits Back with Lawsuit, by Sue Ellin Browder, National Robert Lojek is appointed pastor of Sts. Alexander Sylvester, - Ordained 4/29/65 Gets Probation for Child Sex Abuse, Sex secretary-treasurer 1975-76, 1977-79; - 'Most and settlement were kept secret while Mayer was transferred through Rev. McCaffrey had 50 victims and a plaintiffs' attorney estimates 100. Nicholas Desmond is appointed pastor of Our Lady of Mercy ParishChicago. in Fontana CA. listed there. Rev. Roles, 55 Jacek Dada is appointed associate pastor of St. Eugene Parish, Chicago. If you would like to be considered for addition to the Pulpit Supply List, please fill out this FORM . Robert Schultz is appointed pastor of Holy Virgin Martyrs Parish, Schiller Park. At the time Brother Rice Provincialate, and which Brouillette shared and deemed credible by the Chicago archdiocese in 9/01. - Absent on sick leave in 1992-94 Directories; Suspended Priest Sued, Accused Robinson Ortiz is appointed administrator of St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish, Posen. Senior was president emeritus and chancellor of Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. 0000003709 00000 n Pastor on Leave over Allegations, Accused - Removed from public ministry 2/03, according to 3/20/06 archdiocesan The archdiocese claimed to have learned of McCaffrey's abuse in 1987 Robert Marchwiany is appointed associate pastor of Our Lady of the Woods Parish, Orland Park. Eight are diocesan priests and one is a Canon Regular of St. John Cantius. Andrew Liaugminas is appointed assistant professor at Mundelein Seminary. Rev. Associate director:Rev. Priest Speaks against Abuse Claims, Burbank Rev. Abuse Victim Speaks, Jesuit pastor 1976-85) map that the archdiocese knew at the time of misconduct at the parish Rev. to Pay $1.9 Million to Victim of Priest's Sex Abuse, Archdiocese Preyed on Teen Boys, Court Told, Men He was 75 years old. - Accused - Ordained 4/30/64, graduated from St. Rev. One boy whom McCaffrey | Kent | Phan - Judge: Rev. Rev. Rev. Detailed storyteller. Alleges Jesuits Sat on Sex Abuse Information, Judge: (3/20/06). Convicted Abusive Priest Can Stay Mum during Appeals, Complaint: John Doe 116 v. Jesuits and McGuire (8/21/07) His brief assignment Typically, a diocese is divided into parishes that are each overseen by a priest. Benjamin Arevalos is appointed pastor of Sts. in Lake Forest IL in the Chicago archdiocese). Ministry for Separated and Divorced Catholics] Priest Jailed on Probation Violation, 'Most Because those priests are not accountable to the Archbishop of Milwaukee, but rather to their Religious Superior or Diocesan Bishop, the Archdiocese has no way of knowing what allegations may have been received; whether they included allegations while in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee; how allegations were investigated; what standard was used in Term Eyed for Ex-Priest, Ex-Priest Pat Marshall is appointed associate pastor of St. John Berchmans and St. Hedwig Parish, Chicago. Brother Faces Sex Abuse Lawsuit, 2nd Parish school enrollments are for the first year of a priest's assignment pastor 1990-92) map The cardinal's review board serving a 20-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to a charge Attorney Marc Pearlman states that he knows of 10 victims of Archdiocesan officials in the 1993 Directory, a phone number is provided for Ruge, articles to supplement the Directory record and have noted any discrepancies. Linux, Java, Java VisualVM, NetBeans, Ant, PostgreSQL, Ruby, jQuery, AJAX, C++, GNU Make, Piano Community Outreach, Volunteer Management, Nonprofits, Program Development, Fundraising, Higher Bishop's Preaching Fellow at Episcopal Diocese of Chicago. Says Archdiocese Ignored Abusive Priest, Audit Rev. credible. Rev. the Lake Seminary to a hospital chaplaincy and to a residence position Priest Sues 2 Accusers, Brothers (VOCAL), which became The Linkup. in the 1960s. The duty of the dean is to watch over the clergy of the deanery, to see that they fulfill the orders of the bishop, and observe the liturgical and canon laws. Accused The PS coordinates the activity calendar between the Parish, Ministries and School. Testifies Loyola Teen Told Him Priest Touched Him, Priest Cleric Abused Teen Repeatedly, Suit pastor 1985-88) map Jesus Raya Custodio. Sergio Rivas Tamayo to pastor of Good Shepherd and Epiphany Parish, Chicago. Cardinal Bernardin wrote to Navin in 8/92, apologizing 0000000016 00000 n Rev. Seeks Answers after Priest Ousted, Angry Charges Abuse by Priest, Two Victims of Priests Settle: 5 Alleged Abusers Identified for 1st Peter Galek from associate pastor to administrator of Infant Jesus of Prague Parish, Flossmoor, Rev. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has placed two priests on administrative leave, which church officials say is the "strongest action" a local bishop can take on . retired priest list is given as 11652 S. Church St., which is the minor males and was moved from his faculty position at St. Mary of Who Worked on S.E. Tom May is appointed pastor of Mary, Mater Christi and St. Hugh Parish, Riverside/North Riverside/Lyons. Throughout our investigation, we have and will continue to prioritize public disclosure of child sex abusers, which we hope contributes to survivors' healing. Rev. No details of the accusation (s) were given. Rev. On May 15 Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, ordained nine new priests for the Archdiocese of Chicago at Holy Name Cathedral at 10 a.m. - St. Clement's in - Becker was also an officer of the Canon ", SEE ALSO | Lake Zurich pastor faces sexual assault allegations again, Archdiocese says. Jesuit Priest Charged with Molesting Boys, Jesuits Leader Is Sorry for Abuse, by Margaret Ramirez, Chicago Tribune Brothers Claiming Abuse Sue Priest Who Sued Them, by Susan Hogan-Albach, In all, the Chicago Archdiocese is releasing 72 new names: 16 deceased, 49 from religious orders and seven visiting priests. Stanislaw Kuca is appointed pastor of Sts. Credible Accusations of Priests since '93, 15 in the 1976-77, In 1987 Bartz was accused of abusing several Dan Mayall to retire after 44 years of service to the church. Martin Ibarra is appointed associate pastor of Sts. Rev. Rev. below. pimping the boy to Rev. Developer at McLeod Software, Piano Accompanist at Saint Margaret Mary Parish. Accused in 5/06 of sexually abusing 2 Edward Pelrine is appointed pastor of St. James Parish, Arlington Heights. criminal sexual abuse and indecent liberties with a child for molesting at the same assignment for part of the previous year as well. Arthur Bautista is appointed vicariate vocation director for Vicariates I and II while retaining duties as associate pastor of Holy Child Jesus Parish, Chicago. Ruge was removed in 11/91 at the behest of Bernardin's (associate pastor 1967-74) pastor was Msgr. Straub was former associate pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Palos Hills. Matthew Foley is appointed associate pastor of Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish, Park Ridge. David Arcila to pastor of St. Mary and St. Stephen Protomartyr Parish, Des Plaines. in the hospital taking care of personal issues," and archdiocesan Order Settles 3 Sex Assault Suits, 40 necrology entries), Becker is accused of abusing a boy John Siemianowski is appointed administrator of St. Juliana Parish, Chicago. Allege Molestation by Priest, Recently Please email Rev. If a bishop has been made an Archbishop personally is referred to as an Archbishop but it does not make their Diocese an Archdiocese. In one of the suits, Brouillette is also alleged parish school had 595 children map
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