rhodesian mercenary mike rousseau

As he turned a corner, he encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. The Mozambique Drill,[1] also known as the Failure Drill, or Failure to Stop drill and, informally, as "two to the body, one to the head,"[2][3] is a close-quarters shooting technique that requires the shooter to fire twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap or hammered pair to the center of mass), and follow up with a more difficult head shot that, if properly placed, will instantaneously stop the target if the previous shots failed to do so. [34][62] Rhodesian recruiters told prospective Australian recruits that the cost of living was much lower in Rhodesia. [14] Rhodesia's security situation deteriorated during the mid-1970s when the nationalists were able to establish bases in Mozambique as Portuguese rule faltered and finally ended in 1975. the technique may also be called a triple tap, or failure to stop drill. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy soldier carrying an AK-47. [10] This ideology attracted support from many mainstream conservative politicians and military veterans in the United Kingdom and United States, as well as from some far right groups in those countries. It is vital to mix up your training, firing different numbers of shots into your targets, at different locations, because you never know if your first shot or your fifteenth is going to be the one that stops the threat. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. Rousseau fired two quick shots that struck the enemy soldier in the chest, but failed to stop him. In the chaotic maelstrom that swallowed up untold treasure and an entire generation of people, soldiers of fortune found employment opportunities on a previously unprecedented scale. Most of the mercenary soldiers carried FN FAL or HK G3 rifles. The term refers to his encounter with an AK-47 armed guerilla at an airport in Mozambique where he was armed with a Browning Hi-Power. [57] By the end of the war there were around 6,000 SADF personnel in Rhodesia. Rousseau had a pistol. There was a flurry of unrest in Mozambique. Those who were considered potentially suitable were sent information packs, and asked to supply documentation to support their application; preference was given to applicants who provided notarized documents in their response. [56] The desertion rate among foreigners serving in the SAS was particularly high. No matter the reason, the third shot should stop the attacker in his tracks. [69], Despite the Rhodesian government's claim that it did not recruit mercenaries, the British mercenary Peter McAleese was accepted into the Rhodesian Army during 1976. However, in a dynamic situation, the fraction of a second it takes to assess the threat could put your life in danger. [5] South Africa and Portugal provided Rhodesia with assistance, and it was able to evade the sanctions and covertly trade with many countries. Mike Rousseau was a white Rhodesian mercenary engaged in combat against FRELIMO guerillas in and around the Mozambique capital of Maputo. Then, they can make a smooth transition to the third V2 shot if it is necessary. Get the 76th edition of the World's Greatest Gun Book. Forums | Journals| Store Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. [8] The historian Donal Lowry has endorsed Evans' views, noting also that "the Rhodesia Front sought to combine the notion that Rhodesia embodied the best of true Britishness, the notion that white Rhodesians were the sort of people who once made the Great" of Britain, while turning to America as the only remaining champion of the Free World. Editors Note: Please be sure to check out The Armory Life Forum, where you can comment about our daily articles, as well as just talk guns and gear. A former police ofcer and serviceman with the U.S. Army, Richard A. Mann is one of the most well-respected rearms authorities writing on the subject today. Oops, there's been an error. Habah l'hargecha hashkem l'hargo -- "If someone is coming to kill you, rise against him and kill him first.". Many could well have been avoided or mitigated, had the perpetrators known their intended victims were equipped with a rifle and twenty bullets apiece, as the Militia Act required here. The Mozambique Drill brings together low-round count that challenges a shooter's speed, accuracy, and fundamentals. Rhodesian Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. A proposal by the mercenary Mike Hoare to establish an international brigade modelled on the French Foreign Legion was also rejected. opinions of the individuals who post them, and do not necessarily represent (snip) Rousseau related the story to an acquaintance, small arms expert Jeff Cooper, founder of the Gunsite Academy shooting school, who incorporated the "Mozambique Drill" into his . Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. the opinions of Democratic Underground, LLC. |-- Archives [102] He also wrote the novel Crippled Eagles which was based on the experiences of American volunteers. So how does a Rhodesian mercenary figure into the story? The United Nations General Assembly had adopted a similar motion several days earlier at the behest of several countries in southern Africa. The Rhodesian government openly advertised in the American Soldier of Fortune magazine during 1975. The ZANU was supported by China and the ZAPU by the Soviet Union, both of which were communist countries. It takes focus, determination, and plenty of practice to pull off the Mozambique Drill quickly and effectively. [78], The nationalists argued in their propaganda that the Rhodesian regime's need for foreign volunteers illustrated its political and military weaknesses. Armed with a Browning HP35 pistol chambered in 9mm, Rousseau immediately brought up his Hi Power and shot the guerrilla twice in the chest. Sometimes in practice, I will draw my weapon and shoot one shot to the chest . At the start signal, draw from concealment and fire two shots into the V1 zone and one shot into the V2 zone as fast as you can do so without missing either zone. The Mozambique Drill[1] is a close-quarter shooting technique in which the shooter fires twice into the torso of a target (known as a double tap to the center of mass), momentarily assesses the hits, then follows them up with a carefully aimed shot to the head of the target. Rumored to have begun with Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau and adopted into coursework at Gunsight Academy, the Mozambique Drill is intended to drop an advancing threat immediately. Titanfall Blisk is working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. [34], American and Australian volunteers who had fought in the Vietnam War were generally well regarded by Rhodesian soldiers, and were often posted to the elite SAS and Selous Scouts. Thats why practicing the Mozambique Drill is so important. The Triple Tap Callsign can be unlocked by playing with the Mozambique, and Triple Tap XL can be unlocked via Advocate Gift. My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 DCScripts.com According to anecdotal history, the technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau, engaged in the Mozambican War of Independence (1964-1974). [74], The Canadian spree killer Mathew Lamb was able to join the Rhodesian Army in 1974 after being released from a mental institution. Under three seconds, and youve got some major skills. If youve been around defensive pistol shooting for a while, youve likely heard of the Mozambique Drill (AKA, failure to stop drill). [51] As a result, there are a range of estimates of the numbers of foreigners who travelled to Rhodesia to serve with the security forces: British citizens made up the majority of the foreign volunteers who served with the Rhodesian Security Forces. [38] The prohibition proved difficult to enforce, as it was not possible to prevent Britons leaving the country. slams Colorado gun control bills, Biden's FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation, Russell Brand was challenged to give examples of MSNBC pushing misinformation (that was a BAD idea), Trump Reveals What He'll Do If He's Indicted, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. These letters were closely scrutinised, as many of the men who had written them were considered "obviously nuts" by the Rhodesian Army's recruitment officer Major Nick Lamprecht. As historians have found it difficult to access Rhodesian records, it is not known exactly how many foreigners volunteered for the Rhodesian Security Forces. During a fight, he bumped into a guerrilla soldier armed with an AK-47. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly giveaways! One such soldier of fortune was Mike Rousseau. An accurate shot to the T-zone (the area between the eyebrows and upper lip, also called the ocular cavity) damages the brain and central nervous system and secures instant incapacitation of the target. [44] Many volunteers were also strongly anti-communist, and wanted to stop the further spread of this ideology in Africa. Center mass shots are easier to make quickly. As the story goes, a Rhodesian named Mike Rousseau was serving as a mercenary in the Mozambican War of Independence. European colonial powers like Belgium and Portugal fought to defend their interests, but the rebels had little to lose and everything to gain. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. Portugal had ruled Mozambique for . [16], Despite its need for foreign volunteers, the Rhodesian government was uncomfortable with them. If youre looking for some variety in your training, one practical application of the drill is to fire the first two shots to the targets center mass (V1), then take two steps back to create distance before the third shot. The most common motivation was opposition to governments led by black people, but other volunteers were motivated by anti-communism or a desire for adventure. Many of the Europeans had previously served with the French Foreign Legion. [26][34] Other volunteers were expected to pay their own way. After the end of the Frontier War, he went on to create a popular bloodsport competition called the Apex Games. [75] The Rhodesian Army only learnt of Lamb's history after his death during an operation in 1976. This proposal was quickly dismissed as the Rhodesians did not see how they could arm or use large numbers of non-English speakers. The ethnographic and historical researcher Henrik Ellert has written that there were 1,500 in 197778. Canada had similar laws to the UK, and France and New Zealand were unable to prevent their citizens from travelling to Rhodesia to fight. [106], Foreign volunteers in the Rhodesian Security Forces, Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, February 1980 Southern Rhodesian general election, "Foreign Fighter Problem: What the War in Rhodesia Means for Ukraine", "Fine-mannered, articulate and urbane: the mercenary as deadly romantic", "Security Council resolution 460 (1979) [Southern Rhodesia]", "Rhodesia: Oral Answers to Questions Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 16th January 1980", "Many Rhodesian Whites Threaten to Quit Jobs", "Rhodesia's Approach to Counterinsurgency: A Preference for Killing", "Mercenary Activity: United States Neutrality Laws and Enforcement", "The White House and White Africa: Presidential Policy on Rhodesia 1965-79", "The 'New Model' Armies of Africa? [88], The United States' Neutrality Act of 1794 prohibits American citizens from enlisting with foreign militaries or working as mercenaries for other governments. One such soldier of fortune was Mike Rousseau. Now you understand the history and background as well as the importance of the Failure Drill. Two American ex-Marine deserters from the Forces who robbed jewelry stores in Salisbury, while carrying stolen Uzis, were involved in a shoot-out with authorities at the South African border. Center mass is easier to hit quickly, and in most cases will effectively stop a threat. [44] The Rhodesian military rarely discussed the foreign volunteers with journalists. [87] The historian Hugh Patterson noted that the relatively small numbers of volunteers from the UK indicates that "however vocal the support for Rhodesia by some on the political right, very few men were actually willing to put their futures on the line for the Smith [Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith] regime". So why not just send the first shot to the head? He is a contributing editor to numerous gun-enthusiast magazines and websites, including Combat Handguns, Black Guns, Gun Tests, Gun Digest, Gun World, Ballistic, range365.com, SHOT Business, and others. However, they and their guerrilla armies were motivated mainly by nationalism and a desire to end discriminatory practices and establish majority rule in Rhodesia. [80] Many Africans believed that the inaction of the western governments demonstrated their lack of commitment to combating white minority rule in Rhodesia and South Africa. "All too many of the other great tragedies of historyStalins atrocities, the killing fields of Cambodia, the Holocaust, to name but a fewwere perpetrated by armed troops against unarmed populations. These organisations provided recruits for the security forces as well as private industry, including farms, mines and timber companies. This proved impossible due to the large numbers and difficulty of checking their backgrounds. They generally joined the Rhodesian Security Forces individually after seeing advertisements or after being contacted by recruiters. Although in most situations, the two perfectly placed shots to the chest should disable an attacker, there are several reasons they could fail. Rousseau later related the story to an acquaintance, Jeff Cooper, who incorporated the "triple tap" or "Mozambique Drill" into his practical shooting technique. Rousseau immediately brought up his Browning HP35 pistol and fired two bullets into the target's upper chest, usually enough to incapacitate or kill outright. The party was deeply committed to maintaining the white minority's status, with this motivating a decision to declare independence from the United Kingdom rather than submit to a transition to majority rule. Rousseau was fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques, which is now called Maputo. Until the early 1970s the Rhodesian Security Forces had little difficulty in defeating the guerrillas. Sundry populist uprisings supported by distant communist benefactors strived to nip at the forces and institutions of the European colonial powers long enough to draw blood. "The Mozambique Drill: A History and How To", "Lesson Plan: Immediate Target Engagement (CMC-22 Combat Marksmanship Coaches Course 08/12/2008)", "History of the Failure Drill: Mozambique Revolt Roots", "Shooting Skills: The Mozambique-Failure Drill", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mozambique_Drill&oldid=1141379493, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 19:40. [39][40][41] Sources differ on whether these men were paratroopers or members of the French Foreign Legion. In 1976 former Portuguese officials offered 2,000 white soldiers who had served with the UNITA nationalist movement in Angola until that country's independence. [26], Several individuals and companies recruited United States citizens to fight in Rhodesia. Shots to the chest can also slow an attackers advance, even if they dont completely incapacitate him. This is a drill created during the Mozambique War of Independence, when a Rhodesian Mercenary (Mike Rousseau) had an up-close encounter with an opponent wielding an AK-47. As he turned a corner, he bumped into a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. The shots should be fired as fast as you are able, however they shouldnt be so fast that you miss your intended target. Its editor was a strong supporter of the white Rhodesian cause and wanted to encourage Americans to fight for Rhodesia. [23] In 1979, the military historian John Keegan noted that foreigners made up between a quarter and a third of the strength of the RLI. [89] This law can only be enforced within the United States, meaning that American citizens who enlisted to fight for Rhodesia while overseas could not be prosecuted. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly gungiveaways! For simple evaluation purposes, position a target with a V1 and V2 zone 5 yards to your front. Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. Rousseau and his mates were in action clearing the airport in what was then known as Lourenco Marques, the Maputo appellation came later. It is commonly known as a" Mozambique Drill" because it comes from a story told to Cooper from Rhodesian Mike Rousseau, a mercenary during the Mozambican War of Independence. FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. Engaged in a firefight at an airport in Lourenco Marques, Rousseau encountered a guerilla fighter armed with an AK-47. Big Forums The Carter administration considered taking steps to stop Americans serving in Rhodesia, but this did not result in any policy changes. The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. It sought to attract more white immigrants to the country, but from 1973 onwards the white population decreased. So, as the story goes, Rousseau was involved in a firefight at the airport. [47], The Rhodesian Special Branch sought to vet all of the foreign volunteers for security risks. The drill was inspired by an incident encountered by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau during the Mozambican War of Independence (1964 to about 1974). [39] An exception was a group of almost 200 French military personnel who enlisted together in late 1976. Its a port city in southern Mozambique where it can be hot with humidity over 80 percent. [63], After completing training, many of the volunteers were assigned to the all-white Rhodesian Light Infantry (RLI) and particularly its 3 Commando sub-unit. [23] Other volunteers were posted to a range of units, including protection companies mainly made up of black soldiers and the largely white Grey's Scouts and Rhodesian Armoured Corps. Therefore, the more difficult head shot should be used as a follow up to your double tap. The Rhodesian government actively recruited white personnel from other countries from the mid-1970s to address manpower shortages in the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Rhodesian Bush War. | Discussion After a quick assessment of the situation, Rousseau tried for a shot to the mans central nervous system. Rousseau immediately performed a double tap two shots to the center of the torso. One of the earliest versions of this three-shot drill required law enforcement officers to fire two shots at center mass, then lower their weapon to the ready position while assessing the need for the third head shot. Rousseau then lowered his weapon to the ready position. Rhodesian officers also sought to use their networks in other militaries to attract volunteers. Two to the body and one to the head is guaranteed to stop a threat. 2001 - 2011 Democratic Underground, However, this drill is mostly concerned with improving your shooting skills rather than learning the nuances of self-defense tactics. |-- General Discussion He turned a corner and came face-to-face about 10 paces with a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. | ContactUs | PrivacyPolicy. During fighting at the Loureno Marques airport (modern-day Maputo ), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla, 10 paces away and armed with an AK-47. In many countries it was illegal to serve with the Rhodesian Security Forces. [36] In 1976 some current and former British soldiers were sent unsolicited leaflets that encouraged them to enlist in the Rhodesian Army and explained its conditions of service. [1] From 1962 its government was led by the Rhodesian Front political party. From the beginning, Africas indigenous people resisted. We must protect our Second Amendment and we must spread the word that Jews support the right to bear arms. The bottom line: Accurate head shots are hard. By the early 20th century, the scramble to colonize Africa was on. All Rights Reserved. The French troops were being withdrawn from Djibouti upon that country's independence, and French intelligence agents helped facilitate their recruitment by the Rhodesian Army. [7] Fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered an enemy combatant, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, at 10 paces (7.5m (25ft)). Learn how your comment data is processed. [36][74] These volunteers may have further encouraged the Rhodesian Security Forces use of the 'body count' of guerrillas killed as a measure of success, with this having been a key metric in Vietnam. [83] Various approaches were considered to develop legislation to ban recruitment by the Rhodesian Security Forces during the late 1970s, but none eventuated. Two to the body, one to the head. Two to the body and one to the head became the mantra. This led to a rapid growth in the insurgency which the security forces were unable to contain. He finished the job with a headshot. The volunteers were often labelled as mercenaries by opponents of the Rhodesian regime, though the Rhodesian government did not regard or pay them as such. [2][3] Accordingly, the government issued Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI) from the United Kingdom in November 1965, with the colony becoming Rhodesia. [29] Advertisements were also placed in other American magazines, including Shotgun News and Shooting Times. Rousseau hit an . Rousseaus exploit turned into the Failure Drill and was included in the Academys curriculum starting in the late 1970s. : The British Military Advisory and Training Team and the Creation of the Zimbabwe National Army", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Foreign_volunteers_in_the_Rhodesian_Security_Forces&oldid=1135864497, The historians Peter Godwin and Ian Hancock have written that foreign volunteers represented only a "tiny minority" of the Rhodesian military in 1972, with 90 per cent of recruits being Rhodesians and most of the remainder. [47], All foreign volunteers were required to complete basic training upon arrival in Rhodesia, even if they had prior military experience. Soldier of Fortune ran large numbers of articles on foreigners in the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Bush War; each edition published between 1975 and 1980 included at least one article on the subject. He also edited Shooters Bible Guide to Firearms Assembly, Disassembly, and Cleaning; 50 Guns That Changed the World; and Gun Traders Guide. [46] Economic factors also influenced some of the volunteers, as they believed that the Rhodesian Security Forces offered better career prospects than those available in their home country.

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