
Your unique insight allows unless we do something about it. To this day, it is called the Scorched Grove, an arid field of ash that has since become home to many strange flame-infused creatures. Additionally, Jerbeens synergize well in combat with their comrades, gaining advantage on strength saving throws and on saves against being frightened as long as they are within five feet of an ally. You have proficiency in the Insight skill. These isolated communities were vulnerable to an organization of brigands and marauders who called themselves the Bandit Coalition. To protect themselves from the Coalition, the bird- folk built fortified cities in the forests canopy. Humblewood has endured for centuries thanks to the industry and compassion of its people but now the fires have come, and the Woods have been thrown into chaos. Brutal Brawler At 3rd level, your tavernside scuffles have honed your ability to deal damage with just about anything thats handy. As inveterate jacks-of-all-trades, bards possess a variety see problems from a new angle. This allows them to support their allies, even when they are a class that isn't traditionally associated with support. Your size is Small.emotions they feel. At 6th level, you have finally mastered the Armed Combat Lessons. Your damage for an unarmed strike is 1d4 piercing damage. Whenever you take the attack action against an opponent you have successfully misdirected this turn, or an opponent that is afflicted by a condition, you may make one additional attack against that opponent. The gallus have an earfor the truth, and are often capable of rooting out liesand dishonesty.GALLUS TRAITS Ability Score Increase. Growing up gifts. You may only use this feature once per round.42 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodNew Backgrounds what motivates you? Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 45Feature: Supernatural Presence d6 Bond Whether or not you are truly Wind-Touched, there are 1 I am guided by a wise elder who prepares me forfolk all across Everden that believe that you have been divinely my destiny.blessed. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 29Vulpin sophisticated yet savage Vulpins are fox-like in appearance, with light builds and Alignment. Should you have access to the proper materials, you canspend 8 hours converting an item you have scroungecraftedin this way into a permanent version, so long as you startthis process before the item falls apart. When you take the attack action,saving throw against an effect that would deal you can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration to quicklyhalf damage on a successful save, the target execute two unarmed strikes against one or more creaturestakes no damage instead. 7. You can choose to reroll any attack,those who pass judgement. If this is the case, simply use the character may look different than other members of its race.number provided in this column. 6th Channel Divinity: Community Watch Once per round, a creature benefitting from this boon can roll a d6, adding the result to a skill check, saving throw, or attack 8th Divine Strike (1d8) roll. This ability allows a Corvum to examine an object, gleaning any magical properties it may have, how said properties function, and even that object's rough financial value! Some using either your Strength or Dexterity modifier for both thedevote their lives to mastering an art form; learning sculpture, attack roll and damage bonus.poetry, or refined swordplay. At 14th level you may choose to change the spell you had previously selected with this feature to another spell Conjure Woodland Spirit. (Chaotic) of birdfolk culture, leading many to find you off-putting.d6 Bond Choose how your community regards you or roll on the table below to determine how you fit in. You have an almost unnatural beauty and grace, inspiring admiration in some and jealousy in others. Those days are long since gone,but the memory of the sinister vulpin has yet to fade fromthe minds of the humblefolk, who endured great suffering attheir hands. Humblewood campaign has easy combat, so why should you optimize. D&D Best Fighter Subclasses for 5th Edition. You have advantage onStealth checks made in dim lightand darkness. to living plants. Once you use this ability, you cant use it again until you have taken a short or long rest. Its sights are set upon Alderheart, where those displaced by the flames seek a means of survival. In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood that hums with the Great Rhythm of nature. You gain the follow- more gracefully. Raptors tend towards neutral alignments.Preferring the path of naturalists and hunters, raptors rarelysee value in order for the sake of order, and are often morepragmatic than idealistic. After the establishment of the treaty, humblefolk began toNow the great birdfolk cities face more threats from bandits live once again in small woodland villages beneath the trees,and forest fires than ever before. Jerbeens have incredibly small and light bodies, standing between 2 and 3 feet tall, and weighing between 20 Jerbeens are the smallest inhabitants of Humblewood, and 40 pounds. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw against a DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. Raptors are lean, muscular hunters, but they standless than 4 feet tall. As artists we have to give careful consideration to every facet of the world, certainly the designs ofour main characters and our myriad of monsters, but also what a characters home might look like,what kind of fabrics they might wear, and how should we design this bottle of vintage vulpin-craftedelderberry wine? normally leap in either case. Additionally, a Luma immediately gains access to any any cantrip from the Sorcerer spell list, allowing a character to gain a synergistic spell they may not have previously had access to. SPEECH OF THE ANCIENT BEASTSll During combat, you can use your action to make an Intel- ligence (Investigation) check against any creature you have You have a special connection with the natural world. Speed. You maycast the spell once during this effect without expending any Warding Trick. Vulpins arent innately evil, but their difficultysharp fangs. Despite theirsturdiness, hedges are sensitive and emotional creatures, who Hedges need special consideration when wearing clothes,display meekness more than bravado. You know one cantrip from the sorcerer spell list.of birdfolk cities. These cervans areof purpose. A line drawing of the Internet Archive headquarters building faade. Hedges have short, rounded body shapes, standing One of the reasons hedges display such deep empathy between 3 and 4 feet in height, and weighing between 40 andand compassion towards others is due to the intensity of the 70 pounds. In Humblewood, were going back to our roots as storytellers, using nature and the animals around us to adventure in a world of fantasy. They reach adulthood at 15 years,and live well past 90 years.30 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodaMy dearest, though your dangerous and reckless lifestyle worries me so, I know that you will outwit any opponent who comes your way - Love letter excerpt from Tybalt Hillshaw to his bandit lover Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 31Characters In the Wood embodying one of the folk This chapter outlines how you can customize your charac- Altering Race Sizeter, everything from physical characteristics, backgrounds, The sizes listed in the racial descriptions representclass options, feats, and spells, all in keeping with the flavor suggested averages of the various races. Possessing one of the most unique racial abilities of Humblewood, Mapach are a race of racoon-folk that gain +2 wisdom and +1 constitution.This race does not traditionally lean heavily towards good or evil, though the majority of Mapach stray towards a chaotic alignment. An ally must be within 60 feet gency triage. When attacked by a creature you can see within 30 feet of you, you can use yourCleric Level Feature reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll, as shad- 1st Domain Spells, Eye of Twilight, ows envelop your form. You have a burrowing speed of15 feet. Opportunity attacks made against youare rolled with disadvantage.Pronghorn Cervan As a pronghorn cervan, you were bornlarger and stronger than others in thecommunity and found yourself laden withexpectations from a very young age. Your connection to the Great Rhythm isto see and hear you. A creature that has total cover from you is not affected. After the implementation of increases by 2.the Humblefolk Treaty, many cervans continued to live by theold ways. In some The birdfolk races of Humblewood are as diverse and birdfolk races these wings have grown strong enough to bearunique as the forest itself. While doing so, you continue to fall gently at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenA Varied Folk you land. You gainof mortals. Hedge The standard languages listed below are part of common Hedge is a language meant to be spoken softly. Additionally, Gallus is one of the few birdfolk races that has access to Wing Flap, an ability that allows its user to propel themselves upward by half their movement as a bonus action. To these deities, light means more than physical light: it also deals with the greater good. You can see in dim light within 60 feet ofobvious traps. Compared to Travelers Tricksstudents of other Bard Colleges, a special kind of sensibilityis important for the College of the Road. You are also incredibly versatile,and can fulfill a variety of roles within a village or an adventur-ing party. You have proficiency in the Inspiring. Jerbeens grow quickly, reaching maturity around5 years. I regularly use Strength (Intimidation) with a Minotaur character on the basis that they are using their physicality rather than words to intimidate (mostly just looming over things, cracking knuckles, crushing things that are disconcertingly close to the size ofa human's head etc.). Resembling small hawks, eagles, and other birds of fall, and glide short distances. You have proficiency with the long- bow, short bow, and spear. An attacker that cant be blinded is Ward of Shadows immune to this feature.2nd Channel Divinity: Invocation of Night You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once), and regain all6th Improved Ward, expended uses when you finish a long rest. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 47New Spells mystically mystifyingThe following spell lists show which spells can be cast by characters of each class.BARD SPELLS RANGER SPELLSCantrips (o Level) 1st LevelGust Barrier Elevated Sight Spiny Shield4th Level 2nd LevelShape Plants Ambush PreyCLERIC SPELLS 3rd Level1st Level Feathered ReachElevated Sight Globe of Twilight3rd Level SORCERER SPELLSInvoke the Amaranthine Cantrips (o Level)4th Level Gust BarrierShape Plants 1st LevelStellar Bodies Spiny ShieldDRUID SPELLS 4th LevelCantrips (o Level) Stellar BodiesGust Barrier WARLOCK SPELLS1st Level 1st LevelElevated SightSpiny Shield Elevated SightVeil of Dusk Veil of Dusk3rd Level 3rd LevelFeathered Reach Globe of TwilightGlobe of Twilight WIZARD SPELLS4th Level Cantrips (o Level)Shape PlantsStellar Bodies Gust BarrierPALADIN SPELLS 1st Level3rd Level Elevated Sight Spiny ShieldInvoke the Amaranthine 4th Level Stellar Bodies48 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood, The words you are searching are inside this book. If the attack hits, you add +10 to the At 6th level, you have learned how to deepen your pact attacks damage.with the warlock you once met. Your Dexterity increases by 2,and your Charisma score increases by 1. Your Dexterity score increases by 2. There is nothing a gallus would not giveto their neighbors in a time of need. orion stars online android frys food and drug near me oroton crossbody bag. Convincing. Alignment. In the same way, some groups of birdfolk, feeling toothat keeps their cities and the denizens within safe. Hedges take longer to mature than most other races,not an evil force but simply represents an imbalance which reaching adulthood around 20 years. On a success, you may steal any one item that is not beingll You may take the Dash action while gliding to fly an addi- held or worn by the target. Enhance your Humblewood experience with our official minis! Your size is Medium.of insight into the world around them, sometimes Speed. When you reach 6th level, you can see in dim light within120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in magical ornonmagical darkness as if it were dim light. They resemble few small gardens wherever they live.hedgehogs, although the quills that cover their backs are fartougher, hard enough to repel blades and sharp enough to Dressed for Comfortpierce the solid hides of monstrous creatures. 4 I am overly concerned about how others see me.6 I am better than everyone else. Humblewood, and then go to the forest and see them for your-self. Preview (PDF) Freebies New in Stock . Set up in conclaves around the Wood, they provide aid whenever forest fires strike. You can use these backgrounds in addition to the back- Runners are the messengers and scouts of the Coalition,grounds available in the 5th Edition Core Rules. This has grantedhedges special magical gifts, such as the ability to speak withthe smallest ground-dwelling creatures in the Wood, andthe power to cause flowers to bloom. Hit Point Press. Though typically quiet, raptors are not averse to formingrelationships with other birdfolk. Maguire Tree Care Inc in Moss Beach, CA | Photos | Reviews | 8 building permits. The birdfolk races have ruled over Humblewood from their canopy villages and fortified cities for as long as anyone can remember. while in conditions of magical or nonmagical darkness. Our jobs are time consuming, our lives are hard and complicated, our food is grown in places we will never see and sits on a shelf for our consump- tion wrapped in plastic. Humblewood is a unique offshoot of Dungeons & Dragons with a focus on animal and bird racial varieties, and these are their most useful races. This, combined with their Age. Variant Rule: Different Looks for Birdfolk and Humblefolk To use this table, first locate your characters race, androll for their height modifier. If you would fall at least 10 feet in this way, you maybling owls, their thick feathers, solid bodies, and broad wings fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose,have earned them a reputation as the most powerful of the although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing inbirdfolk races. To get more targeted content, please make full-text search by clicking. So long as you are in combat, you Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate a may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charismasupernatural aura of deep night. You may choose whether the jump uses your Strength or Dexterity score for determining combat, you can make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check height or distance, and you double the distance you would against a DC equal to 10 + the targets Dexterity modifier. Moreover, a newly invigorated Bandit Coalition swells in numbers. Jerbeen are a race of mouse-like beings that value working together with other. takes a bonus action to use unless otherwise specified.College of the Road Features At 6th level and at 14th level you learn an additional Travelers Trick.Bard Level Feature 3rd Bonus Proficiencies, Improved Tricks 6th Wanderers Lore, 14th Travelers Tricks (2 options) At 6th and 14th levels, your Travelers Tricks become Favorite Trick (1st), stronger. 5 I picked up many stories during my time on the road, and I have one for every occasion. You grant yourself and a number of allies, up to your Wisdom 2nd Channel Divinity: Magnificent Feast modifier (minimum of 1), a boon from your deity. In the early years, the birdfolk and humblefolk lived close to each other in small villages around the forest. during combat (as there aren't existing rules so being able to use a different ability score doesn't mean a lot without asking the DM). Humblewood is home to a variety of beasts whose size, strength, and abilities can only have grown thanks to the Woods magic. If you have not moved this turn, you may voluntarily reduce your speed to 0 until your next turn to resolve this At 14th level, your pact with the warlock unlocks fright- attack against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you,ening new power. If we pay attention to them, we can understand them, save them, live with them, and honor them. At 6th level, you learn how to use your stance to chainyour attacks together in deadly combination. Sometimes these are flashes pounds. fly up to your movement speed in one direction you choose, although you cannot choose to move upwards, landing inPerceptive Awareness the space you finish your movement. (1d4) lb.Hedge 2'11" +2d6 30 lb. You gain +1 to your AC for The Travelers Trick feature lets you choose options for it at the effects duration.certain levels. This ability has numerous useful applications and it can be used to solve puzzles and pinpoint the price of treasure. The Perch Guard forces are spread thin across folk society.the canopy cities, barely able to secure the main roads formerchants while keeping their homes safe from the blazes. Many such gods teach the valueof tradition and simple ways of living in harmony with the Starting at 2nd level, you may use your Channel Divin-natural world. #1. causes tension d8 Personality Trait 6 I am one with the wind. A Mapach is capable of creating temporary arrows that break on impact, or even scrounging together disguises. One of the stretch goals from the Humblewood Kickstarter that added a new subclass and the Tender faction that you can become a part of. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Writing Team: Christopher Pinch, Matthew Grevelyn, et al. Humans are not that different from animals. A seasoned fighter weave portion of your technique. The Cervan race is from the humblewood campaign. Each birdfolk race possesses a unique and mystical connec- Jerbeention to the element of air, which allows them to understandAuran from birth, although they are unable to speak it natu- Jerbeen is a system of squeaks and clicks represented inrally. Thedriving force behind Humblewood as a concept was the desire to create a visually compelling worldthat felt alive, and that meant a world that could feel wonderful and welcoming, magical and myste-rious. When not activelyas cowards in the eyes of outsiders. Languages. They are also inveterate opportunists. Close. When you do this, you gain thebenefits of your chosen Fighting Style for 10 minutes. You may additionally remove a single diseaseof you and able to see and hear you to benefit affecting the target of this ability.from this trick. User account menu. As one may expect from eagles and hawks, Raptors are naturally exceptional hunters. Through careful planning and execution, their diversions can keep cart drivers You were once a member of the Bandit Coalition, occupied just long enough for the lifters to do their work, ormoving from place to place, ambushing and robbing passing create a seamless opening for an ambush.merchants. Your base walking speedincreases to 35 feet. You are adept at hunting under the cover of night. Because Auran is a dialect of Primordial, but direct language designed to communicate informationbirdfolk innately understand Aquan, Ignan, and Terran as well, quickly and effectively between multiple listeners.though not perfectly. When you react with a readied action,you have advantage on the first attack roll, skillcheck, or ability check you make as a part ofthat action.Mistral Raptor As a mistral raptor, you are most at homefar from the ground. Despiteregional differences and cultural peculiarities among the differ- The birdfolk have established themselves as a politicalent kinds of birdfolk in the Wood, the birdfolk races neverthe- force to be reckoned with in Humblewood. While other birdfolk might look down on gallus fortheir common ways, the gallus have excellent interpersonalskills. Guns Blazing! Tender subclasses. Youcan use your unarmed strike to gore opponents, dealing1d6 + your Strength Modifier piercing damage on a hit. You have proficiency in simple weapons. This region is also home to two groups of animal-like humanoid races, the birdfolk and the humblefolk. These replace any previous temporary hit points.38 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodCLERIC Blessing of the HearthDivine Domains From 1st level, you gain the ability to conjure a small flag- At 1st level, when choosing a Divine Domain, the follow- stone hearth with a simple iron cooking pot whenever you rest.ing options are available: The Community Domain, and the This hearth helps warm you and your companions, and can beNight Domain. This is seen as the basis of a popular and hilarious chil- double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of yourdrens story about a meal growing too cold to eat as the gallus normal proficiency bonus.continually give up their seats to late arrivals at a party. Ability Score Increase. Languages. those who give me this title. You can speak, read, and write Birdfolk.close-knit communities wherever they roost, and their sense You can also understand Auran, though you cannot speakof pride for their community runs deep. Creatures thatattack you while you are falling, gliding,or jumping have disadvantage on theirattack roll. Your sizeis Medium. Next, using the such, birdfolk and humblefolk can showcase a variety of differ-appropriate column, roll for your weight modifier. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 13Gallus one with the wood The gallus commonly dwell in small, familial commu- they also encompass a variety of weights, but most averagenities as opposed to the grand perches of the Wood. Staff Writer, Paul DiSalvo is a writer, comic creator, animation lover, and game design enthusiast currently residing in Boston, Massachusetts. Patient. Youare most capable when immersed inthe forest. Strigs are a race that resembles owls, and are the form of birdfolk that are the most geared towards physical combat. Your Dexterity scoreincreases by 1. So long as you are in combat, you may choose to use Strength or Dexterity to make Charisma ability checks. As part of your attack action, you can utter deadly threats to a single target within 30 feet of you, causing them to become frightened of you for 1 minute on a failed Wisdom saving throw. Size. The night is mysterious, and conceals many unseendangers. They arealso adept at climbing and sneaking. Using your feathered arms, you can slow youra raptor. The Wood, as it is known to its inhabi- tants, is not like any other forest. I rememberwhen I first sat down and sketched the first iteration of a brave little knight owl, who we have nownamed Riffin, and I could never have imagined in that moment how the idea behind this little owlwould evolve into a fully realised world, lovingly crafted by our team of designers, writers and artists,for players to explore. and high charisma means that small songbirds such as chicka- dees, wrens, sparrows, and cardinals would also be a good fit.Gallus A bird-of-paradise could be used as well due to their focus on performance, though they might be better suited for visitors to Gallus characters are usually represented by land fowl of all Humblewood from more tropical regions. Otherwise, they retaina rather rough, cobbled-together appearance.You can also use scroungecraft to repair brokenequipment, provided you have the materialson hand.
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