They teased us in the preview of ep16 with the bed scene and I understand that an actual bed scene might have been out of place in this drama but surely they can give us some cuddling in bed. (Man, that pizza looked so tasty.). Which is great and everything, but if I needed a self-care, self-love lecture, Id speak to my therapist. And now to Ian Chase. I enjoyed the drama still. During her date, Kang Da-jeong sees someone who recognizes her, and he shouts date. She charges after her acquaintance and expresses that Chae Jun isnt her boyfriend. She narrates how she doesnt want to be hurt and bring up her painful past she wishes to be happy. Copyright 2021 Ready Steady Cut. Ian Chase was the one that got involved with Jae-shik and instigated the murders; he was also the one that returned to Korea and found his brother, which is when their cosplaying first started. Would any sane shrink marry his patient? In the distance, Ju Young-do is taking photos. It really examined the dark and the light, the bitter and the sweet of life. Regarding Ian: I get the idea that he went back and forth between the U.S. and Korea. Starring: Seo Hyun-jin, Kim Dong-wook, Yoon Bak. The next day, Kang Da-jeong and Chae Jun go for a walk and a drink after enjoying the cinema, and Chae Jun is full of compliments. At a cafe, a friend tells Kang Da-jeong that she gets with every man she disapproves of, but Chae Jun she scared away. Because when Da-jung entered Young-do's life, everything seems new. Da-jungs mother has a really lovely discussion with Young-do as she basically gives him the (second) seal of approval, even though hes been painted as not a healthy dude. Marriage is not a cure for mental health issues, is all I'm saying. Also another healing drama and it didn't do too well ratings wise. Throughout the drama, I had the suspicion that Ian Chase and Choi Jung Min were the same person with a multiple personality disorder. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access But he wasn't her friend tho. (Source: Soompi, Netflix), Park Sang Nam confirmed to join Kim Min Gue and Go Bo Gyeol's fantasy K-drama, Yun Ji On to join Kim So Hyun and Chae Jong Hyeop's new K-drama, All healing lines in You Are My Spring (or interesting dialogues), Let's discuss theories (who's the killer etc). Detective Ko sends Ju Young-do a photo of Chae Jun and Kang Da-jeong, and there's been a tip-off that Chae Jun is the killer, so they are looking into it. Let us know what you are looking for as well as what youve enjoyed in the past and let our community of drama lovers suggest Korean dramas for you to watch! Thats life isnt it, no everyone gets a happy ending in real life. Then they'll work on the neck and shoulders, then each arm, and finally the legs and feet. They stayed at a bed and breakfast and wore matching pajamas, and the finales closing scene even implied the two were going to, um, consummate their relationship, if those Cialis-quality smiles were any indication. One, that the romance + murder didnt fit together at all and the two plots were more parallel than anything; and two, that because they were so different and only vaguely woven together, they actually became something even more meaningful. View all posts by Jess, childhood connection, Happy Ending, happyending, Kdrama, korean drama, psychology drama, Psychology/Medical Drama, romance drama, twins drama, Your email address will not be published. It goes without saying, but Ill say it anyway: You Are My Spring has excelled at these beautifully written and quite sensitive (for lack of a better word) scenes between its characters. At least he got closure to his feelings about EunHa. That one scene on the roof where they put their arms around each other to head for the door to her apartment (and the bedroom) was mischievous. Once Upon a Small Town season 1, episode 2 recap fast-paced and serviceable. They never were lovers. Looking at his personality type, it does not seem that disjointed for him to be a very quiet, withdrawn character (even if he did spend years in the U.S/). Young Do also inadvertently saved the life of a suicidal stranger over the radio by sharing the plot of the Iranian film Taste of Cherry. Even after I knew that they were two distinct characters--one light, one dark, I guess?--there was still an element of self-hatred in their relationship for Ian, the dark, nameless twin. As we draw to the end of our tale, our wider plot points are concluded, and we get some nice wrap-up for each of our side characters and stories as well. And then, of course, theres Young-dos beautiful monologue that were left with at the end. Plus, my body was so relaxed that it was hard not to get excited. You Are My Spring: Episodes 9-10 Open Thread - Dramabeans And I bacame ridiculously happy when they gave him a loveline. I agree so much with the Mr Hong thing! Watch You Are My Spring | Netflix Official Site If it's a "happy ending" joint, they never ask. (Side note: I love this couple so much I want a side drama just about them.). }; Therefore they entered into a fake marriage, so he could counsel her on a daily basis without it raising any eyebrows (but always keeping his distance) and as soon as she was well enough, the therapy had worked, they divorced. As the plot continues to turn, we get tons of unanswered questions, foreshadowing, and a serious dose of creepy. I think he was but they didn't have any evidences. i see what u mean by the last 2 eps were TOO innocent re the romance - that may be part of my personal letdown! I liked most of the side characters, (except for the producer friend who I hated). The reflective ideas on society as a whole and how people interact with one another is nice, while the main themes of the show come together really well to show that this is, in fact, a healing drama. Oh! (function(d, s, id) { My only small disagreement is that I didn't find the "innocence of their romance" to be charming this week - I found it juvenile. He states hes still looking into it. I feel like they could have done more with the boxing instructor but I also desire to know how Patrick's group thinks about his relationship and if Seung-won's show ever aired. Ian Chase waits for Da-Jeong at the hotel and contemplates what life would have been like had he not spoken to Jae-Sik. Not that I shouldve been surprised but that the fantasy became all too real and I knew I couldnt handle any more than what he did to me. It was simply ridiculous. Because we are all intertwined, and we all surge forward in life together. They usually just do it. So much for normalcy! I don't think it was unethical. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. im so glad i gave this drama a chance n stuck with it, cos i found possibly my favouritest OTP n relationship development of all time; and im so so so so glad it was KDW who took on the JYD role instead of another actor that was initially reported. When she showed some interest, he stopped her. Does Jae-Sik resign? Afterwards, as the massage ended and it was time for me to get dressed, I started to feel awkward. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ways To Ask A Massage Therapist For A Happy Ending - Ultimate Tips on Wait who was supposed to be Youngdo before Kim Dongwook again? Young Do also convinced Ian to keep living, but what kind of life is he going to have? I think it was never supposed to be something we physically see, it's just Miran and Dajung telling each other their everyday life. I'm so confused with the twins, I'm still not sure what actually happened to who and when and why. Ju Young-do explains that the lack of nutrition can lead to memory loss, but after a series of tests, he recommends a healthy diet and vitamin B. Hes also concerned that the patient does not trust herself, so thats why she gets stressed and eats. it's not so much to call it a slice of life but also I can't really seem to tell what the plot is. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There, he reflects back on their time together. Since her character description was that she was hurt by a past betrayal from her manager/ex bf so I thought we would get to explore her backstory a bit more but alas no. RELATED STORIES Well, the pair have finally come to their crescendo, and so too does this drama. [Drama 2021] You Are My Spring, - Page 19 - k-dramas & movies Women Who Get Happy Endings Massages - BUST I don't think they were friends yet at that rainy encounter. It felt like two people in their mid-to-late 30s, who have been in relationships before acting like they were on one long middle school date. FB.init({ Except this time, when I entered the room there was a familiarity and playfulness. Go behind the scenes of Netflix TV shows and movies, see what's coming soon and watch bonus videos on. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; I think they did try to finally adress why the murder subplot was necessary, in the lecture where Youngdo talks about how their childhood affects their life, he did adress about the difference of their perspective on their (almost identical) childhood trauma and how they dealt with it. He is smart and looks into peoples wounded heart, but he also has a wounded heart. Well, a later incident involving a crook outside with a knife soon changes his tone, as he decides to stick around after all. I get that hes not the main character, but come on. In our final week, things settle down on all fronts, and theres a sense of finality for each storyline and relationship. They will be happy to see you married (maybe) but will be harsh when you get a divorce. And now I really felt like a man (minus that guilt). They never were husband and wife but more doctor and patient undercover of a marriage. This drama is no exception. I also loved the compilation of beautiful dialogues voice-over multiples scenes at the end, very moving and soothing. The quintessential healing drama. As so many dramas that involve active psychiatrist plots there is some triggering stuff going on. But the fact that Im breathing is enough proof that Im doing well, despite not shining brightly all the time. You Are My Spring has been an enjoyable drama over the weeks, even if it has been a little tonally discordant at times. But yes, I'm really glad Kim Dongwook took this role. I really liked our couple! His therapist is awful, so does that mean Young Do is going to become his psychiatrist? Desperate adults who leave a wake of damaged children behind and then the intentionally malevolent ones who dispose of children - it's beyond horrible. Ji Seung Hyun, who is getting favorable reviews from viewers for his hard-carrying performances every episode. Essentially this entire hour works as an epilogue, giving everyone their closure but dragged out across an entire hour. Both actors were incredibly flawless. You Are My Spring. And with that, he moved from behind my head and massaging my breasts to standing in front of me, pulling down the towel all the way, and working my clitoris. I started to watch it but was thrown off by the introduction of the SML. Ju Young-do has concluded that hes a sociopath. Ive always heard of men going to special massage parlors for that happy ending relief at the end, but I had no idea if that was something that ever happened for women. 25 Photos - 302 Main St, Colorado Springs, CO - Yelp At the time, I was also going through a bad breakup. Ju Young-do is at a bar, and his friend insists he stays, but he claims hell be back shortly. A verification email has been sent to your new email address. i actually made a list of things i was dissatisfied with, as i watched n rewatched those last 2 eps just to name a few.. that was it, with the scary chaebol lady storyline?!?!?!!!! The scene with Mun MiRan and AGY had this very soothing effect because it was done after MMR had appended her second seal and it was an edifying moment for MMR, instead of it being used to clarify JYD's past with her. Man, it really felt like the writers lost interest in Ian Chase, too, and his only real sense of resolution was to tell the ghost of Chae he was the shadow, not Chae. I felt as though I'm watching two dramas sometimes: a romcom and a thriller. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Find where to watch this and more with our Discovery Tool. That part was confusing. The series closes with Young-do and Da-jeong, recognizing how they found peace and happiness, and plenty of narration about healing from emotional wounds. It was more surprising that the cool headed Ian admitted he was the shadow, and poor JungMin had cowered several times already. It flits to the present day, and the young man resembles Chae Jun. But again You are My Spring has always been blur about what they are, but they did excellent at whatever they did so I'm happy and satisfied. Its genuine love to round off the series. or That after-orgasm regret stuck with me. Ian also didnt kill the Chairman in surgery as promised, and the powerful woman who hired him to eliminate the Chairman vowed revenge, but that didnt play out in time for the finale either. ~~~~~ This is really good to know!
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