It sounds like you are on the right track. Peter is passionate about people and loves spending time with them . As Ive mentioned, these are not exhaustive lists. It disturbed me so much that I actually thought that I had made the wrong choice to attend BIOLA. Id like to hear/read his remarks in context. Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. Stephen Ministry affirms the tremendous value of the laity in doing the work of congregational care, writes pastoral theology professor Tonya Armstrong. Could you please provide me with a link to an article or video where he says that so I can check it out? Yes, I heard that episode. This multi-skilled theologian also offers speaking, consulting, and wedding . Never give up. Keep up the work for his kingdom. Yes, youre more than welcome to share it around. Id this the same add being taught by a woman? Be blessed!! Hi Tricia- No, I would not recommend the Bible Recap. . Hope you dont mind, but I downloaded it onto my computer and want to share it sometime with others. Recently, we connected again through Facebook and then his reading of my book, Your Church Is To Small.Then last week we shared a long telephone conversation that led me to read his blogs and visit his church site online with real interest. 2. Stephen Armstrong + Follow Follow to get new release updates, special offers (including promotional offers) and improved recommendations. Some were quite easy to cross off ( women pastors, or eldersand things.) I ask questions about the doctrines of gracefor which they did not believe. We currently attend a church in Maine that has a freewill doctrine. I have in mind this kind of Calvinism that is simultaneously rigid and disconnected from the Reformed tradition more broadly. I have heard of Dr Tony Evans. Thank you so much in advance sister. Great list. Seminaries provide future clergy with a theological education, but the academy . I love all these brothers teachings on the Word. If you sat him down and talked to him, he would affirm the biblical doctrine of the Trinity, the deity of Christ, that Christ is the only way of salvation, etc. This resource may be helpful as you research him. Have you thought of a blog post featuring tools for discernment? I fully agree with you on these 10 men BUT, is there no place for John Piper? For the past 15 years Greg has worked in vocational ministry as worship pastor, young adult pastor and church planter. Interview of Stephen Armstrong - Part 1 Verse By Verse Ministry International 14.8K subscribers Subscribe Share Save 9K views 9 years ago Watch the first part of an interview of Verse By Verse. He is a wonderful bible expositor. 2. He is the pastor of Justin Peters church, Kootenai Community Church. I did a ministry event out there once; that place is unlike any other. His preaching was great. If you can find a book study thats doctrinally sound and isnt aimed at women, it would be OK (the male teacher is still the one teaching the class and in authority over it), but I would encourage the teacher that it might be better to find a good, doctrinally sound study written by a man (there are plenty of those out there) just to avoid any stumbling blocks for anybody. Verse By Verse Fellowship, a Northeast Side church, announced Pastor Steve Armstrong. in Sociology and Religion at California Lutheran University . 3. By this pastors own acknowledgement most of the people in his 4,000 person church were unsaved & many had attended for over 10years or so. Benjamin K. Forrest (EdD, Liberty University) is professor of Christian education and associate dean at Liberty University. Regarding the lordship-salvation by works issue with MacArthur, I would respectfully ask Have you actually read The Gospel According to Jesus? He does not teach any kind of salvation by works, far from it, only that Jesus is, as the Bible teaches, our LORD and SAVIOUR, and we are called to repent and believe on Him., recognizing His Lordship, rather than believing, going on our merry way, and perhaps, making a later decision to make Him Lord of our lives As for him being a dispensationalist!!! What prompted my finding your site and researching it was a photo of Michelle Duggar with Patricia Shirer. Hi Ingrid- Glad to be of help. Let's Teach Video Series - Lesson 1. Go to the Recommended Bible Teachers tab in the blue menu bar. Hi! Steve is found dead as one investigates the mob-rule at Vault 101. In 2001, Stephen received God's call to move to San Antonio, Texas, where he soon found opportunities to teach and preach verse-by-verse in churches throughout the area. He definitely is not on my list. I have news for them. He brings a stately passion to his messages that our generation sorely lacks! A wonderful list, Michelle, and its deeply comforting to know these great teachers are out there to guide us in these troubled times. Five Reasons for Armstrong's Success: 1. Can you advise? There were so many carnal Christians, a term I loath, its saying you can be Unrejuvenated & show no spiritual fruits of salvation & still think youll be in heaven. Thanks for the list.. Voddie should have more discernment to not be associated and calling false teachers his friends.. Sproul is doctrinally sound, and, to my knowledge has never partnered with a false teacher in ministry. I have not researched the validity of, or worldview of the bloggers. Sir John Howard 1385, what was life like during the communist russia, blackrock long term private capital portfolio. Brian Borgman. REV. :0). 2020 RightNow Ministries I met and spoke to Justin peters at a conference one time. Pastor Tim made this decision based on his belief that there existed under Pastor Mike's leadership a culture among the staff at the Green Campus that did not support Pastor Tim's overall vision for the church. There are many more than these 10 godly men out there, both well-known and obscure, that rightly preach and handle Gods word. Totally agree with Begg and have heard him preach personally. Learning Styles. The bitter split between the two factions of Grace & St. Stephens Episcopal Church took place in early 2007 over the U.S. church's ordination of gay clergy and other theological issues that Armstrong's . is stephen armstrong a calvinist. Oh thats right, no one can, but YOU can jump out! As you talk about Mormons pray for Grace Reigns- a ministry to FLDS in Colorado city. 1 Timothy 8 Lessons. You may want to shoot him a quick e-mail (hes very good about responding) if you have more questions, or just to confirm thats what he meant. R.C. Stephen Armstrong. These doctrines and teachings have been referred to as Armstrongism by non-adherents. Hi Anthony- As it clearly says in the introductory paragraph of the Recommended Bible Teachers tab where you probably found this article, These lists are not comprehensive.. I originally arrived at BIOLA as a cute little Arminian. I noticed a mention of Greg Laurie in another post, but no detail as to why you listed him among false teachers. Im planning to do at least one more list similar to this one at some point in the future. I have appreciated the ministry of these men. Where are you getting your information? Hell provide what you need. His complementarianism seems muddled at best. Hi - Great list. As for Christian podcasts, I highly recommend mine :0) (Click on the podcast tab in the blue menu bar). Hope this helps! He has said and done a handful of things over the past five years or so that caused me to raise an eyebrow, but, of the sermons/lectures of his that I have had the occasion to listen to, Ive not heard anything unbiblical. I was already aware of Beth Moore and Joyce Meyer and the Osteens. I really appreciate your blog and am grateful to sister Kim for pointing me to you! Bless the Lord O my soul! Over the years at The Two Cities Ive written about Calvinism a bit (e.g., why me being a Calvinist hardly matters and how TULIP can be helpfully understood to have an implicit narrative structure), and you can see from those posts that I do not regard this issue to be make or break. I dont really know anything about him. I started listening to men like Paul Washer & Voddie Bachum & started to learn so much. Hi Great list. Adjunct Faculty | jac25278@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2014. My brother tried to start a reformed church, but that was a 2 hour drive from me and alas my age and my health along with finances for gas etc. I would say that my passion for discussing faith and theology with Mormons was the biggest influence that led me to become a Bible major. He led the revitalization of Christ Church, as well as the renovation that took place in 2020. . shelved 1,381 times Showing 30 distinct works. Richard Stoll Armstrong is the Ralph B. and Helen S. Ashenfelter Professor Emeritus of Ministry and Evangelism at Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey. I love hearing about how people who hold to Calvinism first came to change their mind. Adjunct Faculty | jac25278@bethel.edu | Started at Bethel: 2014. We are also struggling a bit with predestination. In brief, Jesus is spiritually present when the elements are taken in faith. I pray that we all listen to preachers with an open Bible, a Bible that is falling apart (cf Spurgeon). A baptism of the Holy Spirit separate from savlation that a Christian has to ask for and that is evidenced by speaking in tongues. books by pastor john hagee; ethical issues facing ethnographers include all of the following except; . Also, can you make a list of Christian podcasts that are good? Thankful to the Lord for His gift of sound preachers. Jakes is a heretic for two reasons: a) he is a modalist, a classic heresy which denies the biblical nature of the Trinity, and b) he preaches Word of Faith heresy another gospel as described in Galatians 1:6-9. You can also find good podcasts to listen to in two other ways: 1. Mr. Swaggart has had encounters with prostitutes and has alternately confessed and denied the facts. Mr. Hesselink expounds Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. I was most moved recently by his series on Luke 9:23 (http://www.gibcjupiter.org/pages/sermons/detail/sermon/2540). A Christian ministry teaching the whole counsel of God's word. I thought they would definitely be on the list!!! Wasnt Voddie Bacham affiliated with Doug Phillips and Vision Forum? But after reading Schreiners essay I didnt fully transform my theology. Thanks for ask you do! He is coauthor of Surviving and Thriving in Seminary (w/ H. D. Zacharias, Lexham, 2017), Good Arguments: Making Your Case in Writing and Public Speaking (w/ R. A. Holland, Baker Academic, 2017), and coeditor of Biblical Leadership: Theology for the Everyday Leader (w . Video Just What Do You Mean Faith Once Delivered? On the one hand he will go so far as to say that Christian women cannot be police officers (the Bible mentions nothing of the sort), yet on the other hand he joins in ministry with Caine and Moore who in addition the the false doctrine they preach both actively and unrepentantly violate clear Scripture by preaching to men. Hi Veronica- Welcome, and youre welcome. And thats ample reason why no one should be reading the books in that series. He has a picture with Tony Evans and the caption Great time at #NRB2021 this week. Wonderful teaching and speaking. (I am never sure what is the big horror of it anyway) he has said, when asked, that he is a leaky dispensationalist meaning that he sees the ways God worked with man in different eras of history, but he is not hung up on it; it is not the basis of his theology. Lordship-Salvation works is not a Calvinistic belief. My husband & I are huge fans of most of the teachers you posted, I think theres two I didnt know of yet. Thank you very much! San Antonio, TX 78216. As I explain in this article, I dont recommend teachers who live in ongoing, unrepentant sin by associating and partnering with false teachers. I would add Justin Peters (so humble and kind and right on theologically), Brannon Howse and Mike Abendroth. I completely agree! . I have been listening to A.W. (210) 460-7556. https://homeschoolersanonymous.org/2014/12/01/6-things-you-should-know-about-voddie-baucham/. Those Exceptional Edwards Women. I listen to his sound a Bible studies all the time. Like you I too attended and attend Calvary Chapel where Arminiam is deeply rooted. I cut my teeth on Chuck Swindol and Charles Stanley. hi michelle, would like your thoughts on Jon Courson and Erwin Lutzer. (Link in stories and AWFS bio), Popular False Teachers & Unbiblical Trends, Doctrinally Sound Christian Men to Follow 1. :0). What is this pop calvinism and the certain breed of calvinists you speak of? Aw, thanks so much Susan! Steven Armstrong interviews Egyptologist Jasmine Day, PhD. I have my favorites on the list that I listen to almost every week. http://nrbconvention.org/. Great list! Armstongism refers to the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, which became the teaching of the Worldwide Church of God. Truth is truth regardless of what we call it. I agree with you, Michelle. Your opening point is very valid: so many of us seem to be The Bible and Christians instead of just opening the Book and reading it. I would like to recommend my pastor, Mike Abendroth, of No Compromise Radio and pastor of Bethlehem Bible Church. Hi Elizabeth, yes, please see my comments to WriterHelenDavis (early April) and Robin McLain above (mid August), who had the same questions. As a pastors wife, you have helped me so much, thank you. Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, Stovall Weems, Brian Houston, Beth Moore, Christine Caine, http://www.gibcjupiter.org/pages/sermons/detail/sermon/2540, http://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=11113103031, http://www.gty.org/Resources/Print/Blog/B131030, Throwback Thursday ~ Clinging to the Golden Calf: 7 Godly Responses When Someone Says You're Following a False Teacher, Guest Post: Lauren Daigle and the Fruit of "Losing her Religion", Choose What Is Right: A Study in Discernment ~ Lesson 1- Introduction, Leaving Lysa: Why You Shouldn't Be Following Lysa TerKeurst or Proverbs 31 Ministries, Going Beyond Scripture: Why It's Time to Say Good-Bye to Priscilla Shirer and Going Beyond Ministries, The Mailbag: Celebrity Christian Hot Takes (Driscoll, Graham, Groeschel, Lewis, Lucado, Piper, Vallotton), Bible Gateway- Fantastic concordance and other Bible tools, CARM- Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age (Marcia Montenegro). Indeed, about eight years into this foray into Calvinism myself, the freedom Ive experienced because of the doctrines of grace is one of the greatest gifts God has given to me next to my salvation itself. I waited 9 months , then became a member. To keep my views consistent I would just have to pass over them like For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9 I sat in this church for 18 months, as I studied Gods word and hermeneutics on my own. The hardcore reformed guys that dislike anything Calvin wouldnt agree with? One of his parishioners nearby said the police action has long been expected. More than those, however, like you I found myself having increasing desire to let the Bible speak for itself which led me to Reformed and Covenantal theology. Clear rating. LIVE STREAM. Wednesday Service 7pm. Thank you in advance. While I consider him to be generally doctrinally sound and agree with him in many aspects of theology, he is not someone I proactively recommend for a few reasons: 1. Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception? Austin - Daniel Lewis Armstrong III, was born in Houston, TX, on July 16, 1938, the only child of Daniel and Phebe Armstrong Jr., and passed away in Austin, TX on October 14, 2021 at the . In addition to various articles and essays, Jerry has published a book for churchmen entitled Exemplary Spiritual Leadership. An early pioneer of radio and television evangelism, Armstrong preached what he claimed was the comprehensive combination of doctrines in the entire Bible, in the light of the New Covenant scriptures, which he maintained to be the restored true Gospel. Actually, Jim Osman is Pastor/teacher at Kootenai Community Church, which is where brother Justin attends when he is in town. But getting to this point of being open minded was a Yuge move. Youre more than welcome. We are reading his books Agents of the Apocalypse and Agents of Babylon and a few others but now we dont really know how to feel about them- whether it is okay to read them or to totally ditch them. There are a lot of links out there and there seem to be a number of them with the same reference to where he preached about how a man will want to leave their wife for a younger woman and the daughter comment. Ive edited out your comments as youve requested. Despite having no professional religious training, in 2003 Stephen was called by God to lead a church planting effort in the city as pastor of Living Word Fellowship. If youd like to research them, this article may be of some help. Thanks for checking (duh like you wouldnt ) And the late Jerry Bridges work and books are wonderful. And, youre right, hes funny! He became the first Southern Baptist to write a systematic theology. However, after a brief Google search on him, due to his theology (Cosmic Codes, end times prophecy, UFOs, etc.) Manage your follows Back to top Get to Know Us Careers Amazon Newsletter About Amazon Accessibility Sustainability Press Center Investor Relations Amazon Devices Amazon Science Make Money with Us Join Pastor Armstrong and Verse By Verse Fellowship for a verse-by-verse study through one of the most encouraging and eye-opening letters in the New Testament. :0). Speaking in tongues (gibberish/glossolalia). Hesselink expounds Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. In other words, the things you have to believe to be a Christian, and the things you cant believe to be a Christian. I appreciate you taking the time to expound on those two terms. :0) Im afraid Ive never heard of him, but this article may help as youre researching him. He spends 20-30 hours a week reading and studying the Bible because, as he says, "That's what it takes to know the Word of God." "I was amazed at how much I have learned about judgment, redemption, the Suffering Servant and God's ultimate love for us. I dont personally understand it because I could not be close with someone I disagree with so passionately, but thats the way God wired me, and He didnt create everybody else just like me. I attended his church when we were stationed in Guam with the military. Thanks, Bonnie. The study covers . Youre welcome. As far as I know, Charles Stanley is OK doctrinally and doesnt hang around with known false teachers. There are many others that could be on this list, but the 10 youve chosen are among my go to gang of Godly teachers. Her husband is a Pastor in Oklahoma, and she is sound in her doctrine. Stephen Armstrong. Despite having no professional religious training, in 2003 Stephen was called by God to lead a church planting effort in the city as pastor of Living Word Fellowship. The type who say deny imputation and you deny the gospel!If it is these types of Calvinists that frustrate youI know what you mean man. Sounds like a great guy! Additionally, despite the fact that I do not believe that being a Calvinist supplants my identity as a Christian or is the most important thing about my Christian faith, I still affirm it and believe that it is a rich resource for me theologically and devotionally. In order not to draw out an avalanche of attack comments from enthusiastic supporters of that genre of blog, let me just briefly say, I do not consider it, nor those of its ilk, a reliable source. However, we also love David Jeremiah. The Radio Church of God was founded in 1934 in Eugene, Oregon, by radio- and televangelist Herbert W . Curious what you think of Dr. John Barnett of Calvary In Michigan? . The NRB convention is a business convention, not a theological/ministry/church conference. One of the things I appreciate about Todd is the gentleness and grace with which he approaches the people he talks about. Being raised in the same Calvary Chapels and fundamentalist Baptist schools you were, the discovery of this Reformed framework ended up providing more peace in my thought-life than I had ever experience before. Great expositor. A few years ago I spent a lot of time in Romans with Steven Armstrong (a Calvinist) and later with Kay Author and irresistible grace came alive. This was the essay that finally did it for me. Wonderful teaching and speaking. They have many teachers, especially on their Conference Pulpit as well as the regularly featured speakers throughout the day. Even now I get teary eyed thinking about it. Ada Defense Lawyer Los Angeles, I am not familiar with BBN Radio. It obviously helped. Perhaps it can be said that I never really developed into that Cage Stage Calvinist that we all know so well. Not that all book/DVD studies are bad, just that we desperately need people to be trained in Gods word and how to study it, and that can be better accomplished by simply teaching through Scripture. by. Praise the Lord. Also Justin Peters. Senior Pastor Debra came to SAUMC in June 2013. Sproul and I used to listen to John MacArthur, but I would really like to know your feelings on him advising people that they can take the mark of the beast and possibly make it to heaven. Yes thats true. I do not know anything about him and his doctrinal beliefs, however, remember seeing his name in that respect. Even though I was an elderly lady at that time, I was a young whipper snapper and new in my walk, and my zeal would die down they said.. bionically meaning biblical! He grew up in Rodeo, CA, and has worked at several churches during his ministry career, and has also served as a High School Pastor. Yes, it was hard to limit the list to 10! I just remember being there in my dorm room sitting on my couch in nothing but my boxers. sharing a stage with / partnering in ministry with) them. According to the 2021 NRB schedule of events, Tony Evans spoke at a worship service at 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 22, but I dont see Voddies or Priscillas name listed any where on the schedule. Hi Dave- Although I recognize the names, Im not really familiar with either of them. I also really enjoy David Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He says and does a lot of unbiblical things which he needs to stop and repent of, and nobody should be following him, but he does not preach or claim to believe anything (to my knowledge anyway) that goes against the basic doctrines of salvation. Love this list. Its my pleasure to serve you in Christ :0), Many names I dont know yet! Another is from a more liberal source, however he does seem to have documented his accusations against The Gospel Coalition in endorsing some questionable men. I also find some lesser-known men when I listen to the stream/recordings of the Shepherds Conference that takes place every year at Grace Church. If I knew Voddie personally and he asked my advice, I would tell him I didnt think it was wise to post a picture of himself with Tony Evans (which was one among several pictures of him with many other people) with the word friend attached to it. Greg is honored to do life with his wife of 16 years, Kristal, and his 3 sons Evan, Ethan and Greg (III). In that moment I found Calvinism irresistible. how many homes lost in almeda fire; cqc interview questions for nominated individual; envelope stuffing jobs from home near me; influence of media ownership on media content pdf; franklin county, ny departments; Pastor Joy Armstrong Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Cloquet, MN . If you can, join us for their ekklesia conference they hold every year. Check him out! Dedicated to advancing the dialogue between faith and reason, Catholic University seeks to discover and impart the truth through excellence in teaching and research. I know your journey well my friend. Thanks for ask you do. We need the prayers but the love is what touched my heart. Right know I listening to his sermons on the Book of Isaiah. The book Yousef mentioned was "From, Thank you for the recent episode about Zionism. Thanks, Cindy! I know several doctrinally sound pastors and teachers who have relationships like that. 3. Thank you for the list, Michelle! We didnt realize he supported people who are known false teachers. 2. This item: Making Deals with God. They refused to let me partake in the LORDs supper ( they evidently examined my heart for me) and then all 35-40 people broke out in what I am sure they thought were tongues. Heretic Steven Furtick - famous for being presented as Messiah at his Code Orange Revival. I was blessed by Voddie when he spoke at a mens conference at my church and have not stopped learning from him ever since. I just commented and realised an error. Oh I could go on . Thats interesting that Mormon ministry played that role for you too Matt! Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary is deeply committed to being a servant seminary that prepares bold spiritual leaders who are public theologians. Wow- your husband is really bold! As a far more secondary issue, Id be a little concerned for any man who is reading that book for his own study. Im glad that our conversation was a link in that chain! My husband and I came out of the Assemblies of God and started listening to John MacArthur first, and it was amazing, then we also started to listen to Brannon Howse and I bought Twisted Scriptures, Twisted Theology. I listen to quite a few of the men you have listed; I have added Jim Osman to my podcast list. We love Alistair Begg, R.C. australia's richest 250; degrassi eli and imogen; donna taylor dermot desmond; wglc closings and cancellations; baby chick walking in circles; mid century modern furniture los angeles; Thank you this. Hi Robin- Im familiar with that site. Thanks again! I have a very hard time getting past John MacArthurs, and others on your list, Lordship Salvation-Works stance. I am interested to know if youve ever listened to BBNradio.org? 4. This was my posture. As part of my reading I was working through two chapters out of a book called Still Sovereign, which was edited by Tom Schreiner and Bruce Ware. So glad to have found you! Charles Stanley and Jack Graham are to me the best of the best. Im concerned about his associations and partnerships with false teachers (which violates 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, Romans 16:17-18, and 2 John 9-11). Is this the kind of thing you had in mind? Il y a 2 secondes. By way of brief background, on May 20, 2021, Pastor Tim Armstrong sought the resignation of Pastor Mike Castelli. Since men have a higher level in the spiritual hierarchy, doesnt using a womans teaching open him up to more possible deception?, No. I will pray for you as I pray all His children to find a place to go and to praise , pray and fellowship with each other. April 13, 2022 By Dave Armstrong 0 Comments. I had always viewed Calvinists as the bad guys. He was using the classic, correct theological definition of heresy, which a lot of people are unaware of these days because the term is tossed about so haphazardly. Great list! In 2014, he became the 5th senior pastor for The Chapel in Akron, Ohio. Videos. As a brand new babe in Christ, I walked 2 bloicks to a church in my neighborhood. 7,417,439 journeys have been made to this site. This may help http://www.gty.org/Resources/Print/Blog/B131030, Thanks, Liz. West Valley Police Activity, Stephen Mark Armstrong. I would add Dan Phillips and Mike Abendroth. She has a strong background in offering the life-changing love to the community and has also served the Central Texas Conference in various positions. what are your reasons for not including him. On a funny note my husband had been told at a former church that the pastor would never have a person like Paul Washer teach at his pulpit because he was arrogant. Im sorry, I misread your original comment to mean that he was speaking with (i.e. But my husband would. This is the exact list of pastors that have helped me turn away from the spirit-filledmovement, which was how I turned from new age. Stephen Ministry affirms the tremendous value of the laity in doing the work of congregational care, writes pastoral theology professor Tonya Armstrong. He encourages daily bible reading and study, his website has a grat data base for questions you might have, and he sends out a daily email if you sign up for it. I would say that I was Cage Stage as an Arminian and that becoming a Calvinist actually mellowed me out. 2. Stephen Armstrong writes for the Guardian, the Sunday Times, GQ, Elle, Wallpaper and the New Statesman, as well as showing up on Radio 4 whenever they let him. In his letter, Armstrong rebuts the charges outlined by O'Neill. Visit our Connect Page to learn how you can make VBVF your church. He is a new believer, so Im concerned that he focus on the right things to start off. I wonder how many others in EMI would say the same. Jonathan Edwards: From the Editor Papa Edwards . I am so thankful I found your site and want to thank you for being so diligent in what you do and speaking truth. He was 65. He came to know the Lord in his early 30s, while serving as an Air Force officer. Galatians 7 Lessons. His comments about daughters being junior wives is really sick and unscriptural.
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