
In 2 . The layer is focused on light vehicle combat, each team has access to up to 20 light vehicles (CAF TAPV and RUS Tigr). Fixed LODs before imposter on Beech/Oak trees. Potential Fix for the critical issue of vehicles occasionally missing their turrets at the round start. Gorodok Fixed various floating grass: grids F6-1-2, H4-1-4, F7-7-8, C12-8-3. Adjusted the Mi8/Mi17 Helicopters default ammo/construction cargo split from 750/750 to 900 ammo / 600 construction. Added a road connection between Niva Upper and Train Bridge. Fixed a minor visual issue with the UV normals on the MEA MTLB APC not looking correct. Adjusted all Tallil map layers helicopter altitude threshold to be decreased from 400m to 300m. Fixed a minor issue on Yehorivka Skirmish v2 where a RUS Ammocrate was spawning on top of a shed at RUS Main. Smoke, grass, bushes and other foliage will now be blown around when a helicopter hovers low to the ground during flybys / landings. Fixed an issue with the vehicle driver smoke generator, where the smoke was invisible to the driver. This issue is a high priority to fix and. One squad leader is usually trying to pull the team together and getting yelled at by the other squad leaders, who are doing nothing productive, for losing everyone the game. This means, for example, that the gunner on the Simir will now take damage if a grenade lands close to the vehicle. Fallujah Fixed a detached wall segment at grid G5-3-2. Local/Offline issues currently have a lower priority. Increased intensity of peripheral vision blur when using zoom optics. If you experience any issues with the latest update please contact our Support Team (Link URL). Fixed an issue with columns having z-fighting issues on the rooftop of the Warehouse. Fixed a gameplay issue where in some circumstances, projectiles were dealing double damage to vehicles. Updated landscape to be rockier across the entire landscape. You may want to raise or lower your graphics settings from what you used before this update. Soldier stamina regeneration will be paused until these actions complete. Adjusted the North American biome street signs and cones to ignore collision with vehicles, to be consistent with all other biomes small street signs. Numerous fixes and updates to improve Squads modding SDK.These have been communicated directly to our modding community on the Squad Modding HUB Discord server. . Updated Mutaha RAAS v1 to include new CPs and new routes. A lock icon will appear over a capture zone when a team cannot currently affect the flag state anymore (in a double-neutral situation). Adjusted several CPs capture areas to better match the POI layouts. Updated several map layers which were displaying vehicles bundled in groups in the vehicle card list info. Updated HUD notifications to cap the maximum number of notifications to 4. This, Player kit role icons are sometimes not being displayed on certain menu screens. Local/Offline Bug with Scoped Emplacements: When playing offline on Jensens Range, if a player exits an Emplacement while looking through the scope, the Scope remains on the Players HUD until they get back in the Emplacement and then Scope out. Also. Initial Neutral flags have an additional 1.3x speed multiplier. Squads v2.12 update also brings a host of additions, improvements, and changes to the games gameplay experience. This is intended to give low-end hardware more performance options. Improved Ambient Lighting: Converted the Skylight to work with HDRI skyboxes, and removed the old Ambient Cubemaps. Also added more opacity at further LODs. Added Low Quality Environment toggle: Aggressively reduces maximum allowed quality of foliage and small rocks. Adjusted rearm cost for USA M136AT4 & CAF Carl G HEAT from 50 down to 35 ammo points. Fixed vehicle spawner issues on Lashkar layers that would cause the incorrect vehicle to spawn at a given location. Fixed a long-standing issue with RAAS fog of war, which was unintentionally hiding lost and double neutral flags. RAAS v04. Adjusted Sumari Seed v1 map layer increased tickets to 300/300 (was 100/100), increased round timer to 4 hours (was 2 hours), decreased startup timer to 30sec (was 60sec), increased forward spawn expiration to 15min (was 10min), removed ticket gain from capturing a flag (was +20 tickets), increased the mercy bleed rate. Fixed a sidewalk using an incorrect material. Fixed an issue with multiple vehicles turret armor meshes, which were not synchronized with the actual gun and shield movement. Fixed a minor visual issue with the USA HAT MAAWS having a slight gap in the reticle. The Australian Faction was originally developed by the modding organization Midnight Interactive Pty Ltd. Offworld purchased the mod and has spent many months fine-tuning the artwork and mechanics. RAAS v04. Squad is a tactical first-person shooter made by Offworld Industries, a game developer comprised of several people who helped create the Project Reality mod for Battlefield 2. proportions on the CAF and MEA static flags. Players may want to try adjusting their Shadows and Ambient Occlusion Graphics settings for this update. This is an inherent problem, and the solution is currently in long-term development. If you are experiencing this issue, you are likely under the minimum required specs for VRAM (4GB). Added 3 new Kohat RAAS layers with re-configured CP routes for improved variability and less predictable routes: Kohat RAAS v5 (USA vs RU), Kohat RAAS v6 (GB vs RU), Kohat RAAS v7 (RU vs MEA). TC v2. The fix attempt. Adjusted the corn and wheat fields to remove the short grass. Capturing the center flag does not cause any ticket loss or ticket bleed. Fixed the long standing FOB Double teleport bug. . This means it will not be possible to destroy these vehicles by hitting only their turret. This patch adds the new Harju Map to the game. This gives defending players the opportunity to deploy an elevated, protected position, which they can use as an observation and firing platform. Fixed hundreds of foliage visual issues. Offworld Industries has launched Squad Update v2.9, debuting some major changes to ammo racks to reduce one-hit kills, a few new map layers, and a boatload of other changes. Squad Masters Vanilla are the normal maps with normal settings. Added a new map layer: Fallujah Seed v1 (USA vs MEA) New map layer for server seeding, which includes a single capture point in the Market with restriction zones. Updated map to use new grass & adjusted the scale of the grass. Australian Defence Force; British Army; Canadian Army; Civilians; Insurgent Forces Fixed an issue with projectiles like hand grenades not showing VFX or audio (debris sounds). Adjusted the grass materials to better match the landscape. Updated Yehorivka to use a new road material. Adjusted most soldier clothing materials to be more consistent with each other and to respond to light in a more physically accurate way. !vote end - Gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer. Added Dynamic Mesh Quality setting: Scales the quality of distant skeletal meshes, including soldiers, vehicles, and weapons. Server performance may periodically dip when a server has a high population and high load. Adjusted Sumari AAS v2 vehicle layout to not include APCs. Squad v3.0 will be released on Wednesday, June 22nd at 18:00 UTC. Local/Offline Bug with Commander Insurgent / Militia Handheld Drone does not move in local. Fixed a minor UI issue with the INS/MIL Modern Transport Pickup Truck being called Technical. Updated binoculars with new zoom in/ zoom out sounds. Reply If a player does not have a microphone plugged in at launch, or accidentally unplug their microphone and then plug it back in, Squad needs to be restarted to get the microphone to work again This issue will likely require an engine upgrade to UE4.25 or above to be fixed. Fixed an issue with a floating Road grid J10-2-1. If you spot any specific errors, please open an issue! Updated Mestia Skirmish v1 to now use Overcast Lighting. Added various types of additional cover to various central locations. At higher quality, textures remain at full resolution further into the distance. Fixed a minor UI issue with a typo for the kit limit warning for Auto Rifleman, it should read unlocked and not unclocked. RAAS layers offer high variability of point layouts, Invasion layers offer a unique balancing philosophy of "First point hard to hold, last point hard to take" which should offer much more enjoyable Invasion Games for both sides, but will have a slight adjustment period. So the 1st flag could connect to any 2nd flag, then that one could connect to any 3rd flag, etc. Updated the grass wind effect, replacing the old wind function with an updated version, which should emulate wind gusts and overall foliage weight much better. Updated the MIL/INS AK74 with 1P29 to once again have adjustable range zeroing from 100m out to 400m, in increments of 100m. RAAS v11. Create Infographic with the information below: Added a Depth of Field (DoF) effect. With improved shadows and lighting also comes updates to the Graphics Settings Menu. For more on the development and challenges we faced with this update see our pre-launch blog post (LINK URL). Along with every map/layer, each contains: Team Information (Name and Total Tickets) Vehicle Information (Name, Quantity and Delays) Layer Information (Weather, Command and Total Capture Points) and more! Various Kit icon issues Occasionally the kit and weapon in the deploy screen squad list will show up as a white square instead of the kit. Admin Commands. Fixed a minor visual issue of characters backpacks getting awkwardly crunched down in 3p by adjusting soldier prone pitch up and pitch down 3p poses. We have added a mod versioning system to prevent this, however it will mean that servers are not able to host mods until their authors update them for v2.12. Fixed specular on the imposter LODs for some trees, including the palms on Al Basrah. RAAS v05. Fixed an issue at the Old Hospital POI with wall alignment. Updated the way armor meshes react to damage traces from explosions. More details below: Removed the force which previously prevented infantry from standing on each others heads. Fixed an issue where players occasionally would have very thick fog after switching to a new map layer. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Exception is RUS AR kits with RPK-74, which should spawn with 2x 45 round magazines (90 rounds in total). Added new map layer: Goose Bay Invasion v3 USA vs RUS, dim twilight lighting scenario with very large capture zones. Fixed a minor issue on Logar Valley Insurgency v1 where the RUS Main Repair Station is crooked. Fixed a minor visual issue with a concrete doorway trench arch static which had an incorrect setup for LOD1 normal maps. MEA now has 2x Ural Logi instead of Simir Logi. Fixed an issue with z-fighting decals on hangars. RAAS v10. Fixed an issue on Jensens Range v2 with a Minsk spawning for the RUS team. Fixed an issue on Goose Bay with a hole in the rock face that could be shot through at Fishing Village grid D9-1-1. This is intended to make using these deployables more effective for defence, as well as offsetting the impact of the new muzzle flashes. Fixed issue with shiny roads on several maps. Others can still hear them when they talk. Overhauled the graphics scalability settings for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and Textures. Added a BP tool that allows media creation by loading a weapon mesh with all the attachments associated BP_Weapons_Marketing, If you are experiencing issues, be sure to go to Settings ->, Squad welcomes the folks from down under to the fight. Restriction zones are in place that prevent enemies from coming close to forward spawns, Weaponized emplacements are removed from the build menu. Designers Note: The intention with this change is to incur a more noticeable effect on soldier stamina when navigating obstacles, to bring more nuance to stamina management and navigating terrain. The root cause of this issue was addressed by a change to the way penetration is handled. Fixed a minor visual issue with some small visual holes in the mesh of the Middle East Urban Center static building. Weve made a host of other gameplay changes which are listed below in the Changelog, as well as addressed numerous bugs. Design Intention: Give GB team better odds to and take and hold the first objective. The audio module for Squad is initialized at the game start. Now they should block traces with the visibility channel. Discussion Squad is again way too infantry-based, almost all AAS/RAAS layers lack light AT-vehicles Author Date within 1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks 1 month 2 months 6 months 1 year of Examples: Monday, today, last week, Mar 26, 3/26/04 This will be addressed in a future update. For certain Seeding layers (mentioned below) we added Restriction zones which are outside Main Base Protection zones. Added subtle Volumetric Fog to all maps, which reacts to light more realistically. Updated Anvil loading screen music to use its own unique theme. The system is limited to only one player being able to stand on another at a time, to prevent giant towers of players The Squad teams focus here was to reward players who move and work together to overcome obstacles, encouraging and rewarding players who move in closer proximity and work as a squad rather than as individuals. Fixed a long-standing UI issue with the diamond-shaped flag state indicator on the map, where the indicator was incorrectly blinking even when neither team was capturing the flag, giving players an incorrect impression about the current capture situation. RAAS v09. Fallujah RAAS v1 Adjusted vehicle layout, removing MEA Simir Kornet, replaced with BMP2 IFV. One side of the camo netting appears semi-transparent up close, while the side facing the enemy is fully opaque. Kamdesh RAAS v4 Fixed respawn time of an MEA MTLB 6MA (was incorrectly 10 seconds, now 6 minutes). The only exceptions are the MIL AR kit with FN Minimi and CAF AR kit with C9, which uses 200-round belts. RAAS v06. This often happens when numerous players are spawning in at the same time This will be addressed in a future update. This is linked to the moment a FOB starts getting de-shoveled / HAB deactivated. Fixed a gameplay issue with pilots getting excessively harsh team kill penalties in relation to crashing helicopters with multiple passengers. In the future, restriction zone functionality may be extended to some of our larger maps as well. V2.12 also features extensive overhauls to some existing maps with Yehorivka and Gorodok getting significant updates including lighting updates and new geographic features. Fixed an issue with ragdoll momentum, where previously the ragdoll would not maintain its forward momentum, this momentum should now be maintained. RAAS v08. This occurred when the stabilizer was enabled and the gunner would move the turret while the vehicle commander would move their periscope/HMG. Updated CAF TAPV Armored Cars woodland texture to better match the OD color tone of the rest of the CAF vehicles. We have managed to make the new system up to ten times more efficient than the old Far Shadows system. Updated Seed Map layers to now show the game mode in the server browser, as well as adding the game modes description to the team select menu. Upgrade package for defensive deployables. AAS . The squad lanes website is a website where you can enter your objective and it will display what possible objectives can come up next. Both locations will now use the IFV icon. Added GPU Occlusion toggle: Enabling this feature may help improve performance by reducing occlusion query times. ATGM projectiles desync for other players that are not the gunner, however, what the gunner sees should be the actual synced projectile. I already made a thread about it here a few months ago and simply due to the fact that it got zero response from any member of the development team one can only assume that such behavior is actually officially condoned. Added a new deployable fortified HASCO Observation Tower for all conventional factions. WoodenQuality5099 25 days ago However it's not truly random. Updated the MEA MTLB 6MA APC & MEA BRDM2 to now have collision on the UB32 rocket pod. The full Release Notes for v2.12 are below, and we encourage that you take the time to look for them, to get the full scope of what the Squad development team has been working on. TC v1. Fixed a minor visual issue with the texture on an Afghan rock wall endcap looking washed out, which was missing albedo. Fixed vehicle spawner issue on Kohat RAAS v4 GB LPPV and FV107 will now spawn at the start of the round. Fixed a minor audio issue with the ambient sounds on Mutaha cutting out when around the main bases/edges of the map. . before taking any other troubleshooting steps. Fixed a minor visual issue for helmets with the CAF Pilots helmet LOD being offset from the character, resulting in a floating helmet. Here the intention is to encourage more strategic options, especially during the early stages in a round and during Double Neutral scenarios. Fixed a minor issue with the GB helmet scrim appearing too dark at longer ranges. The collision should now better match the visual mesh. This will be addressed in a future update. The primary purpose is to provide a camouflaged observation position with which a defensive player can monitor enemy movements without being seen, as well as a firing platform should they choose to engage. Now many of these faction setups will be displayed on individual lines, except for when a team has many of several vehicle types: IE Invasion layers with many Minsk bikes or Logis. RAAS v08. Fixed an issue on Gorodok RAAS v1, the minimap was not showing the map layers version number. All UGL / Frags now use a new light impact sound.
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