Sme Sound Mitigation Equipment Slimline at $175--Canooter Valve Suppressor As Low As $260--AK47 Sme Sound Mitigation Equipment at $175--Never miss a deal from Witt Machine! Muzzle rise has been optimized, with gas vented at an angle then forward. The last caliber tested was .308 subsonic ammunition in my 16\" AR-10, because the ammo doesn't cycle the action in the AR-10 it was the quietest of the bunch and was completely fine at the shooters ear.If you have a bolt action with a threaded barrel and subsonic ammunition that would be an excellent use for the Witt Machine SMELet me know what you guys think of it!Good testing Video with DB Meter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdUIvTmvzww\u0026t=33s10.5\" .300 Blackout 220 Grain (semi Auto)Shooters Ear: 130DB - 133DB16\" 5.56 55 Grain (Semi Auto)Shooters Ear: 135-140DB(not my numbers, see video link above)Witt Machine Description:The SME is a highly effective Linear Comp/Blast Can that allows for excellent shot to shot recovery \u0026 incorporates an external shroud that reduces lateral auditory reports. Offers Available. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Witt Machine SME Slimline - Sound Testing with 9mm, .300 Blackout, and .308 Subsonic - Hearing Safe? 118 Avenue B SW Childress, TX 79201 Text-only version of this email Both advertise as directing the concussion blast downrange. 18% Off. Both advertise as directing the concussion blast downrange. MUZZLE RISE ELIMINATOR .30 CAL MUZZLE BRAKE I got the muzzle brake from Ultradyne today. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. They do not suppress the blast but it sure sounds like it to the shooter. Remember to use code TacShit2020 @ check out for 15% off STORE WIDE! Testing Witt Machine & Tool Co. Sound Mitigation Equipment (slimline non-class 3) on a Vudoo barreled action in a MPA Hybrid chassis. The brake itself is machined from a single piece of 416 stainless and is tuned for efficiency without unnecessary weight. They should really set up at least an auto email saying that they are waaaaay behind. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. I tesred with and without ear pro. I have used a Levang, Kaw Valley and BRT. 18% Off On Custom Clamp-On Threaded Adapter. The device is supposed to send all the noise from a shot forward, so it isn't as loud for the shooter. You will receive an email every Friday morning featuring the latest chatter from the hottest topics, breaking news surrounding legislation, as well as exclusive deals only available to ARFCOM email subscribers. Main reason for buying SME A slight bit more weight to balance the rifle out. If this is the next bump stock Im not interested. 20% Off Discount at Witt Machine. - Kineti-Tech, https://www.kakindustry.com/kak-industry-flash-can, https://www.primaryarms.com/noveske-kx5-flaming-pig-flash-suppressor-slim-1-2x28-nvkx5-12x28. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. New and used Audio Equipment for sale in Bucharest, Romania on Facebook Marketplace. 8. Indiana Gun Owners is the most active and largest Indiana gun community online. $825.00. Proudly Manurfacturing Freedom in Texas. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Ive asked that question numerous times. very tru - but the reduction in noise was IMHO worth the trade off - that said I did choose the Noveske bc of its lower weight. Check out http://bit.ly/WittMachine for more info, and to get YOUR HAND on your VERY OWN SME. badwolf30 2 yr. ago. Shop. I don't know about the one in the OP, but we have put these on several builds. The Kaw Valley and other devices mentioned are all nice. SHARE: Another happy BRT owner here. Made rifle light and super manageable (to check a missing area in my own gun safe). 4 YT oA AT -AVAILABLE IN 58-24 Y "16-24 70 3 NI 3 PTP Tactical's Master Chief and Senior Chief 30 caliber suppressors are fully . CLAMP-ON MUZZLE BRAKE FOR THE RUGER AMERICAN I'm aware of advertising of reduction of Shockwave toward the shooter, reduction of recoil impulse, and slight sound reduction for shooter and lateral persons to the shooter on both devices. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. Re: Witt Machine SME Slimline. Well that guy is stupid. We are constantly adding new discount codes for Witt Machine so make sure you follow and never pay full price again! Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Just an aluminum mock suppressor lookalike. My buddy has it on a shorty and it does make a difference. Our non NFA SME muzzle devices are revolutionary in recoil management and protecting your hearing. A forum community dedicated to Ruger firearm owners and enthusiasts. No ringing in the shooters ear. This comment is an attempt to control posts made by a new type of spam bot. Muzzle break with a long shroud "deflect" the sound forward. Muzle Rise Eliminators 17.76% Off You must log in or register to reply here. The Miculek, as almost all comps are, are very loud for shooter and us behind the shooter. I've not used one of those (and at the price won't try one), but have used a linear compensator (similar idea) on a 16.1" 223. Does change in muzzle device change the zero of the gun? https://slrrifleworks.com/synergy-linear-hybrid-comp-5-56-223-1-2x28/. These devices just throw the sound and fury downrange. Sarah Gagestein & Jolijn Mes Word meesterframer (De complete handleiding framing voor iedereen die iedereen wil overtuigen) 2:06 1.92 MB Got the 30 caliber light version on order for a bolt action blackout. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. I ordered the SME Slimline Muzzle device. I gotta say guys, it's legit. Just waiting for it to arrive. Muzzle break with a long shroud "deflect" the sound forward. I'm always interested in different products on the market. JavaScript is disabled. Give a communist a helicopter ride, he flies for an afternoon. I use both a Witt. That is great. How do these sound re-directors do as far as muzzle flash? Finish Clear Caliber * Thread Pitch * Add to cart Posted: 9/9/2020 12:03:12 PM EST . I bet it would work really good on a 22lr rifle or even a 22lr pistol like the TX22. Clamp On Muzzle Breaks 17.76% Off Be sure to check out our gun classifieds where you can buy, sell or trade your gear. They do not suppress the blast but it sure sounds like it to the shooter. Deal. The BRT Covert Comp most closely resembles an A2, and it's shorter than the Kaw Valley. Answers for Will a Witt Machine & Tool Co. SME Sound Mitigation Equipment Slimline fit within this handguard as it overlaps the threaded end of the barrel? PS: I am not a pro, keep that in mind.Twitter: Focustripp (Only post new video Links)If you read all of this I hope you have a Wonderful Day Filthy AnimalsDisclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Witt Machine Sound Mitigation Equipment 17.76% Off SME SOUND MITIGATION EQUIPMENT SLIMLINE SME SOUND MITIGATION I - EQUIPMENT LIGHTWEIGHT AK47 SME SOUND MITIGATION 2 il EQUIPMENT SLIMLINE Clamp On Muzzle Breaks 17.76% Off CLAMP-ON MUZZLE BRAKE FOR THE RUGER AMERICAN CLAMP-ON B g SHOTGUN BRAKE CUSTOM CLAMP-ON Sy % MUZZLE BRAKE Muzle Rise . .300 Blackout in both 200 grain and 220 grain subsonic ammo in my ACR was better than 9mm but still loud, sounded like a firecracker. 118 Avenue B SW Deal. The SME takes the concussive blast away. Stepped my son up from 90gr 243 to 150gr 7mm. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The CQB Compensator is designed to redirect sound forward whereas others redirect to the side. I got shipment notification from Witt Machine on Sunday, but there's been no movement in the tracking so far. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. __________________. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. The baffles in the long tube will do somewhat of the same job as the can, but you're not going to reach the same decimal reduction in that length as the true sealed design will. I want to get some firsthand experience before I shell out $175.00 SME- Sound Mitigation Equipment - non class III Hard to tell how well it works on the video but everyone seems impressed with it. Just got my SME. Overall Length: 4" Shop All What Our Customers Say I went with one of the $40 1/2x28 barrel extensions off ebay for a similar situation. The Witt Machine SME just arrived for me. Looks like a real close fit to the MD, which might act as baffles, but I'm no expert. Bob Wright. I can't wait for it to come in. Witt Machine SME Sound Mitigation Equipment Slimline (5.56) 1/2-28 Thread. #6. Posted: 8/12/2022 3:43:45 PM EST. It is simply a lineal comp, a long lineal comp that adds 8 oz of weight to the end of your barrel and it will still have the same loud report than without. If I were to get an SME, would I be significantly better off compared to buying a blast can? Remember to use code TacShit2020 @ check out for 15% off STORE WIDE! Its not something I would spend $175 on. Nearly half a pound added to your rifle/pistol. Matthew Berry Height Espn, Billet Drag Racing Steering Wheel, Callebaut Dark Chocolate Ingredients, Roadies Season 1 Winner, Alexis Pauline Gumbs Poems, I have an AR Pistol (5.56, 10.3" barrel) I love it but it is LOUD! St. Peters, MO 63376, Mr. Shush of Witt Machine comes to hang out at our undisclosed shooting location to show me and Alex, DynaDeath Milberg, their new SME or Sound Mitigation Equipment, how much sound does it mitigate us ask? In this product linked here is a muzzle brake that's the standard 1/2 x 28; however, it was external threading that is 13/16x16 which happens to be the same threading as an automotive part. Sound Mitigation Equipment Standard. FOURTH OF JULY SALE! The 22lr subs sounded like a high powered air rifle. However, the rearward/side concussion of this compensator, yeesh! Does it make it more pleasant for other people on the range: yes compared to a traditional comp, debatable comparing to no device. Thanks! Witt Machine Sound Mitigation Equipment 17.76% Off Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Help Center Check Order Status About Us Policies Reviews How To Sign In or Register All 0 Shopping Cart Deals 7586 Does anybody have a recommendation for a blast can/flash can to compare to a Witt SME? for the people around the shooter and the shooter as well it greatly reduces the noise coming back.for the hearing testing I used 147 grain 9mm out of a 6\" MP5 barrel and it was mildly unpleasant at the shooters ear but not bad if you are just a few feet away. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! Made in the USA too. care to share, 'A government that is big enough to give you everything you want, is also big enough to take away everything you have.' I have one on order, but I'm not sure if it's a scam or not. Q 4" OVEMLL LENCTH .30 CAL 58-24 THREADING ST IV Y 3y 13.9 OUNCES I would not hesitate to shoot without earpro with the Witt installed, IF I HAD TO. Heres a picture of a Witt compared to a KVP for those interested, On my new New Frontier AR9 build, I'm probably going with an SLR Hybrid Linear Comp. What do ou guys recommend? the industry while maintaining a high level of sound suppression and accuracy. That looks awesome. Location: sign said "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here". Second Media Corp., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Still loud as hell. 3.9 INCHES LONGC -118 INCH IN DIAMETER beardenbc May 8, 2021 beardenbc uber n00b May 8, 2021 #1 Just wanted to share a little something with you guys. I like its size and weight, or really the lack of. Yes, linear comps do that, and this SME thing is trying to be a linear comp. Manufacturer of High-Quality Firearms, Suppressors and Firearm Accessories. This allows for maximum recoil control and a hearing safe environment for your Teammates or fellow shooters on the firing line.Colors: Graphite Black or Flat Dark Earth Calibers: 5.56, .30 Cal and 6.5Thread Patterns: 1/2-28 and 5/8-24 ONLYMost of my Lowers are Palmetto State Armory as they are cheap (under$130) and have worked flawlessly. Probably because it's such nuanced information about a relatively unexplored topic. for long range/high caliber applications the muzzle brake is extremely high quality and a good value.The shroud is about 5.5\" long and threads on to the outside of the muzzle brake and has a very slight taper which works to direct all of the report down range. Deal Town is an archive of the best email newsletters. So if I put one of these on the front of my .22 caliber rifle it would sound like a .50 caliber? AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. It's a sound director - it's just longer and not sealed - so it bypasses the suppression legal requirements. I installed a Witt Machine and Tool SME on my AR for a hunting trip in TX this fall. I have a KAK slimline flash can on my 20 inch AR in 6.5 grendel. #24 Lets face it we all love to shoot and eat, Buy, sell, and trade in the classified section, Chat with Local gun shops, ranges, trainers & other businesses, View up to date on firearm-related events. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. Strumm Sound 04:15 3.89 MB. They do not suppress the blast but it sure sounds like it to the shooter. Replaced his "Flash hider" ??? I assume similar to other linear comps but this one seems extra long. I do have a brake and was looking for more info as nothing has showed up on youtube yet. $175.00. My Great Great Grandpa died fighting for the CSA. Witt Machine Proudly Manurfacturing Freedom in Texas. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. - C.S. SME SOUND MITIGATION EQUIPMENT SLIMLINE NFA Items Join Our Email List I've not used one of those (and at the price won't try one), but have used a linear compensator (similar idea) on a 16.1" 223. Press J to jump to the feed. It's just a redirect like the flaming pig. https://www.wittmachine.net/sme-sound-mitigation-equipment-slimline-non-class/. ***Support***- Subscribe Star (Pro 2A Patreon): https://www.subscribestar.com/focustripp- Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp *Monthly Giveaways on Subscribe Star***Contact/Follow***- Instagram: Focustripp ( I post extra Pics/Vids)- Business Inquires: Focustripp@gmail.comPlease Like, Comment, And Subscribe :)Link: https://www.wittmachine.net/sme-sound-mitigation-equipment-slimline-non-class/I purchased the Witt Machine SME (sound mitigation equipment) in FDE in the .30 caliber 5/8x24 variety. I think youre referring to a blast diverter, pretty common in the AR pistols. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. f you just want to make shooting a shorty less unpleasant, just go with an A2 and save yourself some money. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Download. Its still loud and the person standing next to you is still going to hate you, maybe just not as much because only their ears will be hurting, but they wont feel like they just got punched in the face too. Probably a limitation of microphone captured audio. Rule 2 -NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER ANYTHING YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO DESTROY (including your hands and legs) Rule 3 -KEEP YOUR FINGER OFF THE TRIGGER UNTIL YOUR SIGHTS ARE ON THE TARGET. SME Sound Mitigation Equipment Slimline $ 175.00 Colors: Graphite Black or Flat Dark Earth Calibers: 5.56 .30 Cal, 6.5, 9mm and 45 Thread Patterns: 1/2-28 and 5/8-24 ONLY Length: 4 The Slimline shroud has a diameter of 1 1/4inch and weighs 7.9oz with the brake. I'm still new to the world of muzzle devices. SME- Sound Mitigation Equipment - non class III Manufacturer of High-Quality Firearms, Suppressors and Firearm Accessories. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any our videos. My 18" .308 will rattle windows a couple miles away on a still night, while hunting hogs in a flat field. I will update this thread with the results once I install and shoot it. I'll give some feedback on sound mitigation and performance once I get it to the range. Am I suppose to forget about him and the flag he died fighting for. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Ruined his whole night. all of my triggers are rack grade Mil-Spec, nothing special. This only applies in a wide-open environment. As it increases the sound, does that make it a better gun???? From my understanding it isn't a surpressor. Even with a KAK flashcan. Sound mitigation equipment (almost-suppressor?) y OVEMLL LENCTH -9MM 12-28 OR 58-24 THREADINC -1 58 DIAMETER -13.8 OUNCES Thanks for the info though. Fair Use: In the rare instance I include someone elses footage it is covered in Fair Use for Documentary and Educational purposes with intention of driving commentary and allowing freedom of speech. I don't know how well it works to reduce noise because I have never shot it without the can, but I can tell you that it is quieter than an unsuppressed 16inch 5.56 with no muzzle device. Would I shoot without hearing protection: absolutely not. Video of guy doing a mag dump from a 10.5" AR with no ear pro. Our boys Jacks and RW placing the SME Sound Mitigation Equipment Slimline to the test from www.wittmachine.com to order yours We couldn't have done this without www.primaryarms.com amazing SLx. Posted: 8/31/2020 9:56:34 PM EST . Childress, TX 79201, Witt Machine Independence Day Sale Continues. Hopefully it will work. Then I guess I'll be waiting for several months, oh well. Get Discount. I guess it directs down range and also acts like a brake. Who even knows what calibration and equipment they were using. I'm interested, and I'm sure other people would be too. Discover inspiration, deals and sales from the brands you love. Legal, as they midigate the sound forward away from the shooter, not lower the db. I'll give some feedback on sound mitigation and performance once I get it to the range. I deer hunt without ear pro, but I'm not blasting away either. Please let me know how you like it after you install and shoot a few rounds through it. The brake itself is machined from a single piece of 416 stainless and is tuned for efficiency without unnecessary weight. Thanks for info, that is what I'm looking for. It's not a suppressor because it does not reduce the overall noise signature, merely directs a large amount of it down range. Not sure if this has been brought up before but I haven't seen them. The shooter perceived sound at about 15dB, which is a lot considering dB is a logarithmic scale. I like the idea of one of these but they are HEAVY! Merry Christmas to me. I have 2 Bear Creek Arsenal (BCA) uppers, a Palmetto State Armory(PSA) \"big boy\" upper and 2 custom uppers. Ive asked that question numerous times. I don't really hear a difference between the shots before and after Jerry puts the can on the brake. Has anyone shot a AR with this device attached or have any firsthand knowledge. I see on the description pages for blast cans that they're for AR pistols and similar situations. (basic term). I'm interested in this as well. I bet they are getting a lot of chargebacks, which sucks as a vendor. Outdoor Hub, LLC (d/b/a Carbon Media Group), 30800 Telegraph Rd, Suite 1921, Bingham Farms, MI 48025 USA. If you are a human, you can ignore it.
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