The new company, Sefton Hospitality Operations Ltd, has been granted a 500k loan from the council, which they say will be repaid over a 10 year period. On 7 April 2022 the Council agreed the adoption of a COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund Policy. Your email address will not be published. This will include copies of accounts prior to the start of the pandemic in March 2020, and at least one years accounts in a subsequent year. However, the total cash value of that discount must not exceed: -, No business can, in any circumstances, exceed the 2 million cash cap across all of their properties in England. Currently these limits are the de minimis limit of 200,000 of State Aid over a three-year period, or, if this limit is exceeded, 800,000 of State Aid permitted under the COVID-19 Temporary Framework, which imposes limitations and exceptions. However, the total cash value of that discount must not exceed more than 105,000 for all eligible properties in England. If you are applying to be a new Sefton Taxi Driver, contact the Council Taxi Licensing Team by email to arrange an appointment. You must complete the online application form in one session as it cannot be saved. Tattoo parlours, spas, massage parlours, body and skin piercing services must also close. From 1 November 2020 these businesses will be eligible to apply for the Local Restrictions Support Grant. Applicants will receive an automatic response and a unique reference number (URN) which is confirmation that the application has been submitted and is in the system for assessment. For the purposes of this scheme, a hospitality business can be defined as a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink. However, we have had to contact a significant number of applicants as they have supplied incorrect or incomplete information causing delays. Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value of exactly 51,000 or over on 1 April 2021 will receive a payment of 6,000. All Hackney Carriage, Private Hire, Horse and Pedicab Omnibus Drivers Licences Fees & Charges, Private Hire (up to 8 years old) One year 145, Private Hire (over 8 years old) Six months 84, All Hackney Carriages (up to 8 years old) One year 145, Non-Metropolitan Hackney Carriages (over 8 years old) Six months 84, Metropolitan Hackney Carriages (8-11 years old) One year 145, Metropolitan Hackney Carriages (Over 11 years old) Six months 84, All Private Hire Operators Licences (Max 5 years), Transfer of Hackney to Private Hire licence 25, Transfer of Private Hire to Hackney licence 25, Transfer of Licence holder - any vehicle 25, Change of vehicle registration - any vehicle 25, Duplicate driver's badge or internal vehicle plate 8, Solicitor & RTA Written Response Fees (Minimal), Complex release of data (charge per hour) 80. To Guarantee your booking please book as early as you can using the booking form. Sefton Council reserves the right to vary the terms of the ARG3 scheme or suspend or close the scheme with immediate effect, without notice and at any time. A business that was ordered to remain closed on 2 December 2020 due to the imposition of Tier 2 restrictions will be eligible to receive a payment for each complete 14-day cycle they remained closed. This is an entirelyfreeprogramme of support. We request that you do not contact us by telephone or by e-mail to progress your application as this will only delay how quickly we can process the applications that have already been received. Many of Merseyside's taxi drivers are licensed in Sefton. 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Eligibility for this grant is in addition to any other support grants available to businesses impacted by COVID-19. The Government has determined a deadline of 31 March 2022 for all payments to be issued. It is the applicants responsibility to complete the application form and attach the required evidence, and we will not be able to chase individual businesses for supporting information if it is not included in the original application. This support will take the form of two grant funding schemes, the Small Business Grant Fund and the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant Fund. Antrec: 01388 436262 . You will then be notified when the renewed licence and plates are ready for collection. Full details of the government guidance can be found here: www.gov.uk/coronavirus/business-support. c) Self-employed / sole trader / home based business (that predominantly works in or supplies the hospitality and leisure sectors) / licensed market trader. If you do not, we will not be able to pay you a grant. Once you're there, put your email address where it says at the top, then click on the Echo Daily News button. The business is engaged in business activity; managing accounts, preparing for reopening, planning and implementing COVID-safe measures. Employ globally between 10 and 249 Full Time Equivalents (FTE) working at least 35 hours per week and are on payroll (sub-contracted staff are not counted towards the headcount). Tools and support to understand the impact and direction technology has on your business now and how to identify areas for positive change. How do I apply for a private hire operator licence? UBL has commenced proceedings against the Council under Part 8 of the Civil Procedure Rules seeking the following declaration from the High Court:In order to operate lawfully under Part II Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, a licensed operator who accepts a booking from a passenger is required to enter as principal into a contractual obligation with the passenger to provide the journey which is the subject of the booking. Sefton Council - Citizen Space Sefton's licensed black cab and private hire drivers are set to receive a cash boost after losing income due to Covid-19. Wedding venues (Social) Clubs & institutions. The business that according to the Councils records was the ratepayer in respect of the hereditament on 30 December 2021 is eligible to receive the grant. Please apply for your renewal licence as early as possible (28 days) before expiry. We expect to see a large volume of applications for this round of support. Threshold definitions for the purposes of this scheme are restated below: Hospitality definition: a business whose main function is to provide a venue for the consumption and sale of food and drink, Leisure definition: a business that provides opportunities, experiences, and facilities, in particular for culture, recreation, entertainment, celebratory events, days and nights out, betting and gaming. The window for applications will open on 12 April 2021 and applications must be submitted no later than 30 June 2021. This grant is NOT part of Business Rates or InvestSefton and therefore please do not call either of these teams if your query relates to this grant. Before applying for a grant, businesses must read the: and have all necessary documentation to hand before attempting to submit an application. Those payments will be: For the period 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020. For these purposes, the definition of an accommodation business will exclude private dwellings, education accommodation, residential homes, care homes, residential family centres and beach huts. The Council will use the following criteria to assess whether a business is eligible for a grant under this threshold: For these purposes of this scheme the definition of a hospitality business excludes: An indicative list of the types of businesses that can be supported under this scheme is shown below. Your full driving licence [DVLA, EEC or Northern Irish] or your old-style paper licence. We are making grant applications as simple and speedy as possible, but we must follow strict processes to avoid fraudulent claims. Businesses that deliver in-person holistic, beauty and hair treatments. The level of grant paid will depend on the rateable value of the business premises. Processing of renewal vehicle licences may take at least 15 working days and the new licence may take several days to arrive by post. You must have held a licence for at least 12 months, 2 other documents from either Group 1 or Group 2 (as described for a, A full list of all the addresses you have lived at in the last 5 years without any gaps, Details of your doctor. Once received we will check all documentation and start the process. Except for specific circumstances, such as where these act as someones main residence, where they cannot return home, for homeless people, or where it is essential to stay there for work purposes. The Leaders and Acting Mayor of the City Region's six local authorities and the Metro Mayor have now agreed to increase that fund to a maximum of 3.5 million. Drop off applications may take up to 5 working days to process. Accommodation such as hotels, hostels, guest houses and campsites, except for specific circumstances, such as where these act as someones main residence, where the person cannot return home, for providing accommodation or support to the homeless, or where it is essential to stay there for work purposes. Exclusions to Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant funding. If you are contacting us for an update on your application, we advise businesses not to call or email us unless you think you have made an error on your original application. Since the grant scheme closed weve been working as quickly as possible to review all applications in line with strict financial protocols, and distribute grants to businesses across the Borough. If not, or if we require further information, we will contact you directly. A business is not eligible if it has been subject to Covid-19, environmental health or planning enforcement prosecution (by the Police or any other authority) since 1 April 2020. Able to demonstrate that trading activities have been significantly impacted by the Omicron variant and provide information in the free text box to prove this, for example, the impact on business turnover, temporary business closure, loss of regular business income, cancellation and / or loss of contracts / bookings, proof of loss of income. Sefton Council Contact Centre | The Sefton Directory Fully constituted businesses in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking-off notice are not eligible under these conditions. 105,000 for businesses that were allowed to remain during the national lockdown restrictions commencing 5 January 2021. both are subsidiaries of the same company; or. Accommodation definition: a business whose main lodging provision is used for holiday, travel, and other purposes. Antrec's step by step guide on how to apply for your taxi badge and licence in Sefton, Liverpool, Knowsley, St Helens, Wirral & across the North West. Sefton Council has a restricted number of Hackney Carriage Licences available (271) which are all currently allocated. Businesses that provide accommodation for 'away from home' stays for work or leisure purposes. You can only apply for one grant per business. How do I apply for a taxi driver licence? For more information visit www.sefton.gov.uk/taxigrant, Have your say on the future of Crosby Coastal Park, Autumn edition of Aiming High for Disabled Children newsletter out now, How to get in and out of Liverpool during Lime Streets major upgrade 30 September 22 October, Who's In Court: Flytipping, dangerous animals and dog fouling, Maghull & Southport next venues for mobile coronavirus testing, Watch out for the tide - beach safety advice from Southport Lifeboat. All ARG funds must be disbursed to successful applicants by 31 March 2022. This Wheelchair Service serves the registered population of, Southport and Formby localities of Southport, Ainsdale and Formby. Libraries can also remain open to provide access to IT and digital services for example for people who do not have it at home and for click-and-collect services. Check your local authority for their support offer. However, it is expected that the minimum grant level will be around 5,000 and the maximum will be no more than 50,000. This may include: Grant recipients should also be advised that the information they provide may be shared with The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for research and evaluation purposes together with their data held by the Council for the purposes of administering the grant and to account for how grant funding is spent. Your bill could be reduced by up to 100%. Businesses that require extensive cleaning protocols, which significantly slow down trade. It's free, easy and takes no time at all. Public sector organisations and other bodies directly funded by government grants, including education and health related sectors. Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value of exactly 15,000 or under on 30 December 2021 will receive a payment of 2,667. We know this is frustrating but its so important we uphold these strict standards and we do appreciate your continued patience. Operational premises must be based in the Liverpool City Region, currently trading and continuing to trade with a view to making a profit or surplus (i.e. Businesses will not be required to apply for the discount as it will be applied automatically. However, we aim to issue payments to all eligible businesses between 12 and 19 March 2021. The current handbook will be updated in due course to reflect the current guidance.. Payments made to businesses before 5 April 2021 will fall into the 2020/21 tax year. Places are strictly limited to 15. The business that according to the Councils records was the ratepayer in respect of the hereditament on 1 April 2021 is eligible to receive the grant. The Restart Grant will support non-essential retail premises with one-off grants of up to 6,000 in Strand One of the Restart Grant. Many businesses will already use a suitably qualified accountant. At the present time the only approved routes are within the tourist areas in Southport. Owners of vehicles renewing should retain the old plates on the licensed vehicle and drivers should keep the confirmation email from the OSS, available at all times the vehicle is working, as evidence that the vehicle has a current and valid licence. Please note, the deadline for applications was 30 October - the grant is currently closed. The Covid-19 pandemic continues to have a significant impact on the Liverpool City Region economy and as a direct response the Government has provided the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority with further Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) funding. Payments after 6 April 2022 will fall into the 2022/2023 tax year. Businesses that may rely on seasonal labour. To applydownload the New Driver Application Form, Any operator wanting to renew their licence (or any application for a new licence) should contact the Council viataxiapplication@sefton.gov.uk. Indicators that a business is trading are: This list of indicators is not exhaustive, and we may use our discretion to determine if a business is trading. In response to the Coronavirus the Government announced there would be support for small businesses, and businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors. Payment of the Hospitality and Leisure Grant. It is expected that payments will be made before Christmas. Following each ride, our drivers have at least 20 minutes to thoroughly clean the surfaces of the car and ventilate the cabin. Payments after 6 April 2021 will fall into the 2021/22 tax year. My Bill I Want to Pay my Bill I am Moving I want to Notify of a Death. The funding will be allocated proportionately to each local authority, according to the number of licenced taxi drivers in their area. Car Showrooms, Supermarkets and Auctions rooms, Animal Rescue Centres & Boarding facilities, Education providers including tutoring services, Banks, Building Societies and other financial providers. If it was in administration, insolvent or a striking off order was made at the time local restrictions started. Businesses that offer exercise classes or activities, which may mandate space and no masks etc. Businesses that only provide personal care goods, rather than services; Businesses used solely as training centres for staff, apprentices and others; Businesses providing dental services, opticians, audiology services, chiropody, chiropractors, osteopaths and other medical or health services, including services which incorporate personal care services, treatments required by those with disabilities and services relating to mental health. The fund replaces the right to request a reduction in business rates from the Valuation Office Agency on the grounds that COVID-19 has been a material change in circumstances which makes the rateable value of the property inaccurate. These services should not be provided in other peoples homes. The first cohort starts on10thMarch 2022. As a result of Tier 2 local restrictions being put in place to manage the spread of COVID-19, the following rules apply: If a pub or bar is closed during the period Tier 2 restrictions apply because, it does not or cannot provide meals, then further grant payments may be payable. not a dormant company). Sefton Borough Council - view and make Freedom of - WhatDoTheyKnow Note: Completed applications will be appraised in order of receipt by the local authority. In a joint statement the leaders and mayors of the Liverpool City Region said: We recognise the hardship experienced by our areas taxi drivers, who have seen their trade seriously affected by the coronavirus restrictions. Those drivers who do not meet the criteria for this grant are able to access other support schemes which offer financial aid. You can apply here from 10.00 am on Tuesday 25th January 2022 until 5.00 pm on Monday 7th February. Please ensure that you make it clear in the email subject line what the enquiry relates to and include any applicable expiry/renewal date (eg. We have access to funding for those out of work to enable you to earn again! Any business or ratepayer falsifying their records, providing false evidence to gain this grant, including claiming support above the subsidy thresholds, who falsely applies for grant support, or provides false information or makes false representation in order to gain financial support may be guilty of fraud under the Fraud Act 2006 and may be subject to prosecution. Airport transfers and all your transport needs. Bootle One Stop Shop is open Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 5.00pm and the Southport office based at the Atkinson is open 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. No cash caps will apply for the period between 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021. In order to apply for your taxi badge in Sefton you must first complete the VRQ in Transporting Passengers by Taxi & Private Hire. Contact the council - Sefton Education and training (including for schools to use sports and leisure facilities where that it is part of their normal provision), Childcare purposes and supervised activities for children, For elite sports persons (in indoor and outdoor sports facilities), professional dancers and choreographers (in fitness and dance studios), For the purposes of professional film and TV filming, Public houses and bars - unless they require customers to purchase a substantial meal alongside the purchase of alcohol. The Trading On Scheme has been designed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and its constituent Local Authorities and will be delivered in Sefton by Sefton Council. Please refer to the grant payment amounts in the Guidance Notes and Checklist document which you will find at the bottom of this webpage. Last Updated on Friday, September 2, 2022, From 4th April 2022 you must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire, taxi operator or scrap metal licence, or to apply for the same type of licence with a different licensing authority. The business continues to trade online, via click and collect services. The primary principle of the Restart Grant scheme is to support businesses that offer in-person services, where the main service and activity takes place in a fixed rate-paying premises, in the relevant sectors. An initial window will open for receipt of applications for the Liverpool City Region Care Providers Grant on Tuesday 4th May 2021 and CLOSE on Tuesday 18th May 2021. Please note, due to the volume of applications expected, it may take several weeks to consider applications and for applicants to receive a decision. A business shall be treated as having a qualifying connection with another where both ratepayers are companies, and. Redeployment of capacity into other areas of Council needs. In some cases the Council may need to make quick decisions with imperfect information. The Local Business Support Grant will be administered by each of the six local authorities that form the Combined Authority, namely Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral. Apply for a taxi licence grant - Liverpool City Council You must complete the online application form in one session as it cannot be saved. Check if you're eligible for the coronavirus Additional Restrictions Grant IMPORTANT NOTICE: The application window now closed. We have a small, dedicated team ensuring that business enquiries and grant applications can be reviewed as quickly as possible during this unprecedented period of demand. Payment in advance or interim payments where justifiable. To ensure that you are notified of any future business grant funding, please subscribe to the InvestSefton mailing list by emailing your business details to investsefton@sefton.gov.ukand ask to be added to the mailing list. If we require further information from you, we will request it via the e-mail provided on the original application. It is now the responsibility of private hire operators to deal with enquiries regarding lost property left in vehicles. By working together we aim to deliver the best possible outcomes for Sefton businesses and residents throughout the Covid-19 outbreak. A business that was ordered on 31 December 2020 due to the imposition of Tier 3 restrictions will still be required to remain closed until the end of the current National Lockdown restrictions. Where a business, eligible for the closed cash cap, also occupies properties which do not meet the criteria for the closed cash cap, and the value of the discount on the closed properties is less than 2 million, then they may also claim the discount on other eligible properties, but only up to the cap of 105,000, in respect of those other eligible properties. Over 50% of all applications received have been reviewed to date and a proportion of these have been paid. Sefton businesses being urged to submit Omicron Grant applications Guidance Complete a tax check for a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence English Cymraeg You must complete a tax check to renew a taxi, private hire or scrap metal licence, or to apply for. All new driver applications will be considered in strictly date order. For the purposes of these grants, businesses already closed as a result of restrictions imposed previously are deemed to have still been trading. The business has only had a restriction placed on its opening times. If we require this evidence, we will request it from you before we can confirm payment. Gyms and Sports BusinessGovernment guidance states that the definition of a leisure business should exclude gyms and sports businesses where physical exercise, or training is conducted on an individual basis or group basis. If you would like further help on finding information from The Sefton Directory please contact Sefton Council Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845. This can be completed by your own registered GP or a GP who has access to your medical records (not needed for horse omnibus or pedicab driver licences), Your fees for the DBS check and DVLA referral, The details of the Sefton licensed Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Holder (Plate Number and address) that you intend to use, Valid current proof of Public Hire Insurance cover for the vehicle, The vehicle registration document (or bill of sale for recently purchased vehicles), The licence fee (this will vary depending on the licence type), A valid certificate of relevant insurance cover, Your Licence and Vehicle inspection fees (this will vary depending on licence type), A valid certificate of fitness issued by a specialist veterinary surgeon, for each horse that is to be used. Sefton Council approves 3.4 million funding for warmer, greener homes Failure to provide satisfactory evidence will result in a refused application with no right of appeal. b) Businesses in the hospitality and leisure sector or supply chain that either pay business rates or have commercial property related costs. The Restart Grant scheme is a one-off grant for businesses on the ratings list only. The current list of designated wheelchair accessible vehicles is shown below along with guidance for drivers on their duties as well as an explanation of the reasonable mobility assistance that is expected. For example, a business that was forced to close as a result of Tier 2 instructions imposed from 2 December 2020, will still be deemed to be trading up to 4 January 2021, the day before national restrictions were imposed, provided that the business has not been sold or permanently closed during that period. We will endeavour to reduce this waiting period depending upon the number of applications received. Employ fewer than 10 and more than 249 full time equivalent staff. It will be allocated on a first come first served basis to those businesses most in need in the Hospitality, Leisure and Accommodation sectors. Organisations that are predominantly funded by the public sector (e.g. If a business operates services that could be considered non-essential and also fall into another category, such as hospitality in the higher funding threshold, the Council must determine the main service main service to determine which grant is payable. These venues can continue to be able to operate click-and-collect (where goods are pre-ordered and collected without entering the premises) and delivery services. Businesses that provide food and/or drink to be consumed on the premises, including outdoors. The Council has adopted Section 165 of the Equality Act which makes it an offence for drivers of designated vehicles to refuse to carry a passenger in a wheelchair unless that driver has a valid exemption. Sefton Council is currently distributing over 400,000 in grant funding to support taxi drivers who have been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. small business rates relief, charitable relief, discretionary relief etc. Therefore, a further small pro-rata payment will be made for the 6 days from 30 December 2020 to 4 January 2021 in addition to any other payments due for other periods of closure. Sefton Council needs all suppliers to ensure that business continuity is maintained wherever possible, and that you enact your business continuity plans to do your utmost to support the Councils requirements. When your licence is due present your vehicle to a testing station to be tested in the normal way. Pubs and bars may not provide alcohol for consumption on the premises, unless with a substantial meal, so they are operating as a restaurant. Logistic warehouses used by food, online or other retailers which have not been adversely affected by the pandemic. We recommend that you use Chrome, Edge or Internet Explorer. phone: +420 220 51 33 55; Radiotaxi . Free one-to-one consultancy and action planning session (optional). Company Number (where the ratepayer is a Limited company registered with Companies House), Number of employees at the premises for which the application is being made, Percentage decline in turnover within the April 2020 to March 2021 period, compared to the same 2019 to 2020 period, A declaration that the award of relief will not result in a breach of Subsidy Control thresholds.
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