b. Definitions. Double frontage and corner lots shall meet front yard regulations on all adjacent dedicated public streets. b. TABLE 23-306C 1624 ARCHERS PATH, Lakeland, FL, 33809 Point2 Home United States Florida Polk County Lakeland 1624 ARCHERS PATH, Lakeland, Polk County, FL, 33809 For Sale Listed by Gate Arty with KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SMART +42 photos $345,000 USD 3 Beds 3 Baths 1,650 Sqft 0.3 ac Lot Size Residential Open House No open houses are scheduled at this time. During construction. Completely stocke. No building permit or site plan approval pursuant to section 23-222 shall be issued for construction or placement of a building on a lot unless that lot has adequate access. The administrative official may waive up to twenty-five (25) percent of the required paved parking. A major collector means a street which conducts moderate volumes of traffic between arterials and minor collectors or local streets and also provides access to abutting properties. Required. 6100 S Florida Ave, LAKELAND, FL 33813 | MLS# O6024886 | Redfin Multiple buildings on a lot may be permitted through the planned development project approval process (section 23-224) for single-family cluster developments and for multi-family developments with more than twelve (12) dwelling units. ft. of sales area for first 10,000 sq. All curbs shall conform with the design standards established by the director of public works. Street pavement shall be as required by the director of public works. A. Landscaping, except required ground cover, shall not be located closer than three (3) feet from the edge of any access way pavement. No dwelling unit or principal structure shall be permitted on a lot unless building plans provide for connection to city sewer and water systems as required under chapter 21 of this Code. iii. 26 24 b. Dedication of right-of-way for existing streets. The property is located in an area of growth in Lake Wales, Florida, and a new residential subdivision is planned across the street. . greater. ft. 8134 Settlers Creek Cir, LAKELAND, FL 33810 $239,900 MLS# L4932716 Auction Property. Hedges in buffers shall be maintained so as to sustain an opaqueness of at least eighty (80) percent at maturity. 5. b.Temporary structures. 0.49 Acres, 523 ADAMS VIEW LANE, Auburndale, FL 33823 | Land and Farm 2015-04, 7, 7-7-15;Ord. Call Us or Send a Fax Tree replacement. 0000012551 00000 n No. Each dwelling unit may have a driveway per street frontage with a curb cut not exceeding twenty-four (24) feet in width and measured at the property line . Block length. Future Build Scenario 0000006083 00000 n Zoned agritourism, this property offers incredible money-making opportunities such as the opportunities taken place on the property: Weddings, corporate events, clay shooting, hunting leases, pumpkin patch, fundraisers, zombie. All vehicles shall be parked in approved parking areas and shall not be parked in unpaved areas except in the rear yards of single-family houses or duplexes or as specifically approved pursuant to a site plan review under section 23-222.5. 1. No building intended for residential purposes shall be occupied or constructed on land subject to periodic or frequent flooding, nor existing building enlarged, repaired or altered on land subject to periodic or frequent flooding. C. Grass and sod shall be clean and reasonably free of weeds and noxious pests or diseases. No. h. Flood hazard areas. As part of the approval of a permit for a construction or alteration of a structure or parking area, the administrative official may require the construction or reconstruction of sidewalks in order to fulfill the requirements of this section. The LOS standards for an intersection analysis shall be the conservative adopted roadway LOS standard of the intersecting roadways. RESIDENTIAL IMPROVEMENTS CARRIED ON OTHER PCL'S, RES. Preparation of land for construction or paving and any alteration This Appendix is provided to establish minimum standards to be used by engineers and contractors in constructing development projects throughout the unincorporated areas of Polk County. 8134 Settlers Creek Cir, LAKELAND, FL 33810 | MLS# L4932716 | Redfin Local street. required per a site development permit pursuant to section 23-217. A. Existing off-street parking area for any premises shall not be reduced unless it exceeds the requirement of this ordinance. The parcels are surrounded by unopened right-of-way that is actively planted with citrus. Every building shall be accessible by fire department apparatus by means of roadways OR MH LOT W/ MISC IMPR OF SOME VALUE, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN THE GREATER LAKELAND AREA 10-49 UNITS, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN HIGHLANDS CITY, MULBERRY, BARTOW, FORT MEADE, EAGLE LAKE AREA 10-49 UNITS, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN POLK CITY, AUBURNDALE, LAKE ALFRED, WINTER HAVEN AREA 10-49 UNITS, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S ALONG HWY 27, EAST PART OF THE COUNTY FROM DAVENPORT TO FROSTPROOF 10-49 UNI, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN THE GREATER LAKELAND AREA 9 UNITS OR LESS, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN HIGHLANDS CITY, MULBERRY, BARTOW, FORT MEADE, EAGLE LAKE AREA 9 UNITS OR, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S IN POLK CITY, AUBURNDALE, LAKE ALFRED, WINTER HAVEN AREA 9 UNITS OR LESS, DUPLEXES, TRI'S, QUAD'S ALONG HWY 27, EAST PART OF THE COUNTY FROM DAVENPORT TO FROSTPROOF 9 UNITS O, VAC. Florida Polk County Auburndale 1101 SPRING COURT, Auburndale, Polk County, FL, 33823 For Sale Listed by Wes Fleming with KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY SMART +11 photos $159,900 USD 2 Beds 2 Baths 924 Sqft 0.97 ac Lot Size Residential Open House No open houses are scheduled at this time. 17. In parking areas with under fifty (50) spaces, access aisle widths shall be dependent upon the angle of the parking spaces as shown in Table 23-306A. Polk County, Florida. All proposed projects for construction approval containing more than one (1) acre Street classification system. shall be made without the written approval of the director of public works. 4. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, RABBITS W/MISC. Such facilities shall be screened by a solid fence, or enclosure, and shall measure a minimum of six (6) feet in height, with landscaping. Dead-end fire US 27 access is only 2 minutes away and retail shopping is within a 7 minutes drive. *Except for in residential uses, the administrative official may waive up to twenty-five (25) percent of required minimum parking spaces. 0000001047 00000 n Home facts updated by county records on Jan 25, 2023. 17 and Winston Avenue, Tillman Avenue between S.R. 6100 S Florida Ave, LAKELAND, FL 33813 $750,000 Est. Flush hydrants. Polk City, FL 33868. 2018-07, 2, 09-19-18;Ord. pBe Integrating new streets into the surrounding roadway network is favored over enclosed communities. No products shall be publicly displayed or offered for sale from the roadside. A five-foot wide separation strip shall be provided on property in non-residential use and a residential district. Polk County Georgia - Planning and Zoning The property is protected by a conservation easement granted to the State of Florida. ft. office, 0.4 per 100 sq. The Planning Division focuses on community development; regulating and enforcing the vast number of codes, laws, acts, regulations and ordinances related to development and construction within the City of Winter Haven; and maintains high standards throughout and after the development process. e. Adequate access. Sec. The study requirements and depth of analyses are defined for the three (3) study tiers in Table 1 and the subsequent sections. All proposed developments shall be governed by F.S. This objectionable material as well as similar material from cuts shall be removed from the right-of-way area and disposed of in such a manner that it will not become incorporated in fills or hinder proper operation of the drainage system. All landscaped areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment. Street trees are typically planted in a linear fashion and provide spatial enclosure as well as other technical and aesthetic benefits (Wildwood Mo.). g. Pedestrian circulation in parking areas. Structures shall not be located in the future right-of-way of public streets and required building setbacks shall be measured from the future right-of-way widths. The site lies in the Lakeland-Winter Haven MSA between Tampa and Orlando in Polk County. a. To the extent you use, apply or implement this information for your own purposes, you do so at your own risk. Marking on private hydrants within private enclosures is to be at the owner's discretion. All roads are paved. Preliminary subdivision plats, planned development project plans, and site plans shall be of a reflective-type paint. b. for species size and number of replacements required for each tree removal. Driveway access points and all signalized intersections and major unsignalized intersections for which an approach leg is a study segment. liability to the city. d. Curb radii. The minimum off-street parking space requirements for trucks shall be 1.0 space for every truck operated by the establishment on the premises. c. Maintenance of easement: Easements shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements This 139-acre lake-front property is an active citrus grove with an agricultural exemption. A working ranch with a custom-built ranch-style home, sod and cattle farm, several barns all 14 feet high, oak trees and cypress swamp throughout. All proposed projects for construction approval shall be required to submit site Prior to commencement of site development, including any clearing or grading, protective Parking areas shall be located on the side(s) of buildings where there are entrances to the building and shall not be located in the rear yards of buildings unless specifically approved by the planning board upon a recommendation from the police chief. Polk Cities Community Development Regulations Section is located within the Utilities Building at 123 Broadway Boulevard SE Polk City and can be reached by calling 863-984-1375. startxref When the smallest angle of street intersection is less than seventy-five (75) degrees, the director of public works may require curb radii of greater length. System (NPDES) for the project shall be enforced. The barricades shall remain in place until a certificate of use is issued or removal Lake Easy and Crooked Lake - 1/2 Mile Species excluded from the requirement for a tree removal permit (sec. Any off-site discharge shall meet the requirements of the permit under the National 2. Historical notations have been kept as they were up to the July, 2021, publication. 4. Dead-end streets shall not exceed nine hundred (900) feet in length. 23-306. Such tree can be located on private property or on publicly held land. Additionally, the following entities are managed by the Planning Division: The City of Winter Haven is utilizing the Gridics map platform to provide an interactive experience for the Citys Zoning Map and 2025 Future Land Use Map and a parcel zoning check to look up zoning and property data. to preserve such trees as practical while allowing reasonable use of the property. spacing shall be decreased to six hundred (600) feet or a radius of not more than "Adequate access" shall be determined by the permitting authority based upon the standards for streets in this section and in accordance with the concurrency requirements of article VII, div. Such Note: There will not be a March Development Special Magistrate meeting. C. All trees shall be a minimum of thirty (30) gallon size and approximately ten (10) feet overall height immediately after planting. Compatibility in roof shape and material, signage, lighting and landscape material is encouraged. Right-of-way and pavement width. Replacement ratios in Table 23-302A shall be used to calculate credit. No. No. BOATS AND BOATING Chapter 4.4. (Ord. Depending on the mature size of the trees being planted, trees shall be planted at a minimum of one (1) tree for each fifty (50) linear feet, or fraction thereof, abutting the right-of-way or interior lot line. Landscape material: Materials such as, but not limited to, living trees, shrubs, vines, lawn grass and ground cover and nonliving durable material commonly used in landscaping such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, and sand but excluding pavement for vehicular use. C. No entrance road shall have driveways or parking lot entrances to individual parcels located within one hundred fifty (150) feet of its intersection with an exterior roadway. All off-street parking areas must have access from a street, except that access from an alley may be approved by the planning board for small parking areas. See subsection 23-214 for permit requirements. xb```"wV#ce`a \8#v '0Fwzi "pR17``0h```R *aA%a20-@,ge`m`pA5") ]Vo]/>V10&@%pF ~` T6" The provisions of this subsection apply to all areas used for the display or parking of any and all types of vehicles, boats, or heavy construction equipment, whether such vehicles, boats or heavy construction equipment are self-propelled or not, and all land upon which vehicles traverse the property as a function of the primary use, hereinafter referred to as "other vehicular uses" which include but are not limited to activities of a drive-in nature such as, but not limited to, filling stations and grocery stores. Methodology Letter b. Such structures shall be located in the side or rear yards when feasible. fund the planting of trees in public open spaces. 2. Retention areas, whether wet or dry, shall not be credited toward the recreation requirement, except as follows: 150% of the upland area of parks fronting on ponds or wet retention areas shall be credited in developments or neighborhoods of 50 units or more, provided the land area of the park is 10,000 square feet in area or more, and provided the park's frontage along the shoreline is a minimum of 50 feet per 10,000 square feet of such park land, and provided that the park has a minimum of 50 feet of street frontage. New streets shall extend existing street grids and patterns where feasible. 23-303.14 Dedication of streets and utilities in subdivisions. See sections 23-212, 23-215, and 23-217 for permit requirements. Existing roadway volumes may be established from the latest edition of the Polk County TPO Roadway Network Database (if available), counts from the Florida Department of Transportation (if available), or collected segment volumes (which may be derived from collected peak hour turning movement counts used for the subject TIS). c. Failure to obtain tree removal permit. (See section 23-522 for waiver of front yard requirements on subdivision lots with frontage on an exterior and interior street.). A tangent at least one hundred (100) feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets. The multimodal assessment shall include an evaluation of existing and programmed bicycle, pedestrian, and transit mobility options. trees being those which have a two-inch trunk diameter at four and one-half (4) feet APN. prohibit the landscaping of retention areas and drainage easements in accordance with The number of trees existing in the neighborhood on improved property. Parking areas shall be striped or otherwise marked to designate individual parking spaces. The administrative official may require a deed, lease, or other reasonable proof to document that the off-premises parking area is available for long-term use. Certificates of use may be denied on properties where the sidewalk serving the property has not been completed. a. The location of a temporary structure on a site shall be at the discretion of the administrative official. ii. In areas where buildings are proposed, excavation and filling shall be governed by than on his own property in order to supplement or renourish the existing tree population. For each condition, the administrative official may require The relationship of such trees to the layout shall be considered in the review of 2. as set forth by the American Water Works Association and shall be compatible with The structure shall be accessible to emergency vehicles via a stable surface. 990 sqft $1,550 Schedule a tour Report This Listing Location 111 East Palmetto Lane, Polk City, FL 33868 Amenities Unit Amenities Property Amenities Great oportunity to rent a cozy house with bigger lot! Note: traffic counts more than one (1) year old cannot be used in the study unless approved by the City. Planning provides guidance for the growth, development and redevelopment of the City. t:_L>w~6vW+ 3+XhXw=*;d}.=#Fpi~&Z"AzN19K-C`m@pF2F^%KQk_~AvQVkQ 5 Polk County Government. Arterialhighways. Streets within new residential developments shall be designed to provide local streets within neighborhoods and collector roads to connect neighborhoods to major collectors and arterial streets, within and outside of the development. Interior portions of off-street parking areas not specifically designated as parking spaces or maneuvering areas shall not be paved for vehicular use but shall be planted and permanently maintained with trees and shrubs and finished with ground cover or other landscape material. In parking areas with fifty (50) or more parking spaces, aisles between two (2) rows of parking spaces shall be designed for two-way traffic unless specifically approved to be one-way by the planning board. the required replacement trees in a public open space selected by the city rather Tier 2 and 3 traffic studies shall include the following elements. shall be approved by the director of public works and recorded with the clerk of court 8. All driveways and parking areas shall be paved with asphalt, concrete, or other stable paving material unless paving is specifically waived by the planning board pursuant to section 23-222.5. SIGNIFICANT SPECIES OF TREEAny tree not specifically exempted from permit requirements by subsection 23-214 of these land development regulations and having a diameter of eight (8) inches or 2. b. 6. span, danger of falling, proximity to existing or proposed structures, and interference Closed Saturday - Sunday, City of Polk City, FloridaPhone: 863-984-1375Fax: 863-984-2334123 Broadway Blvd. No lot, even though it may consist of one (1) or more adjacent lots of record, shall be reduced in area so that lot area, yards, width or other dimension and area regulations of these land development regulations are not maintained. 1. F.S. Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, (Ord. Storage pods located on site for less than one week during a given month are exempt from the requirement for zoning verification. Parcel Size:10.32 acres planting plans for public parks and streetscapes, including tree inventories, assessments to city limit, Chalet Suzanne Road eastward from U.S. 27(CR 17-A), Thompson Nursery Road westward from U.S. 27. Conveniently located between Winter Haven and Bartow Sidewalks shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide in residential areas and eight (8) feet wide in mixed use and non-residential districts. D. A neighborhood park shall include at minimum the following improvements: benches, trees, open or grassy areas and play or exercise facilities geared to the type of population served. No. This assessment shall also discuss how the site plan encourages walking, bicycling and transit ridership through one or more of the following: Analysis Scenarios A facility for refuse containers accessible to refuse collection trucks shall be provided for all multi-family and nonresidential buildings. 2 per customer station if applicable; if not applicable, 0.4 per 100 sq. Sec. Shrubs shall be planted to form a continuous screen except in a specific area where spacing or other changes would be more desirable. State of Florida. General requirements for lots and yards. B. List of roadways that fall within the area of influence/study area. a. No. Radius measurement shall not include curb, greenway or sidewalk. Sec. No new residential subdivision or planned development with more than ten (10) lots or multi-family development with more than twelve (12) units shall be approved with primary access from a local street. POULTRY, BEES, FISH, RABBITS W/COM. 2. b. a finding by a certified arborist, county forestry officials, city building inspectors, Ground cover: Low-growing plants, including grass, planted in such a manner as to form a continuous cover over the ground. Such off-premises parking areas shall be maintained, regulated, and enforced as if they were on the premises served. No fences or walls shall be erected within the easement without the written approval D. The minimum distance between a curb cut and a side or rear property line shall be fifteen (15) feet. Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot with a minimum width of 20 feet adjacent to or abutting on a paved public street, or with access to a paved public street by means of a private street approved by the City Commission, which has a minimum of 24 feet wide right-of-way or easement. 00-09, as amended, is hereby amended to add the following subsection: Section 206 Accessory Uses (Revised 01/03/05-Ord.04-80; 7/25/01-Ord.01-57)K. Cargo Containers for Permanent Storage Landscaped area shall have one (1) tree of a minimum height of eight (8) feet at time of planting. The traffic impact study will identify development traffic volumes on each impacted segment and intersection within a defined area, identify those roadway segments and intersections on which the adopted Level of Service cannot be maintained, include link and intersection analysis, and recommend potential solutions and/or mitigation for those segments and intersections on which the adopted Level of Service is not being met and the associated improvements necessary to regain concurrency. In addition to the painted top and nozzle caps, the 123 Broadway Blvd SE. c. The underground installation of all on-site public utility facilities including lines, Sec. The property has a good balance of uplands and wetlands with 137.6 acres uplands, and the remaining are wetlands. ADMINISTRATION Chapter 3. Landscaping shall be required along retention areas abutting all travelways, including streets, accessways, bikeways, sidewalks, and driveways. The requirement for traffic studies are based on the net external AM or PM peak hour trips for the project, whichever is greatest, as determined by Table 1. Phone: 863-984-1375 See Section 2 for requirements. The land has been well cared for with land maintenance, such as a herbicide program to keep pastures free of invasive weeds and ditch cleaning for good drainage. Where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided, they shall be installed, Access for use of heavy fire fighting equipment shall be provided to the immediate 2022-37, 1, 9-07-22). AM (if required) and PM peak hour analysis of existing traffic on the existing transportation network. 23-303.7 Pavement specifications. Polk County Land Records are real estate documents that contain information related to property in Polk County, Florida. 2. having an all-weather driving surface of not less than twenty (20) feet of unobstructed b. 2. 2nd Lot on the North side Direction Faces: South Community Provided the concurrency requirements of article VII are met, access shall be deemed adequate if the lot has the required frontage on a public street constructed to city standards or a private street meeting the standards required by the city at the time of its approval for construction. Proposed growth rate for calculation of background growth. Exempt from these requirements are streets within the C-1 and C1-A zoning districts. a violation of this section. Access drives. At least one (1) primary entrance shall be provided to a residential development, except that those with fewer than ten (10) single-family dwelling units or twelve (12) multi-family dwelling units are not required to meet this requirement unless it is feasible to extend the entrance street to serve additional development in the future. of stormwater management. b. Alteration of easement: No structures, including fences and walls, shall be constructed Street construction shall comply with Art. 2. SECTION 2: Section 212, Storage Buildings, and Greenhouses, of the Polk County Land Development Code, Polk County Ordinance No. C. There shall be a minimum distance of thirty (30) feet between any two (2) access points serving one (1) property. RESERVED Article IV. Tour it in person or via video chat before it's gone! Subdivisions shall have drainage provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards. 2016-01, 2, 01-19-16). D. Trees of species whose roots are known to cause damage to public roadways or public works shall not be planted closer than twelve (12) feet to such public roadways or public worksunless mitigating measures (such as root barriers) are in place to minimize any impact to said public facilities. to underground utilities. 23-303.2 Street classification system. Future land use is 1 dwelling unit per 5 acres. c. Off-street parking loading and unloading space. condo site - platted: . City Code; Contact Us; Drinking Water Report; Emergency Operations; Financial Audit 2022; Job Openings; . Grass areas shall be sodded in species grown as permanent lawns in Polk County. 2007-02, 5, 3-6-07; Ord. Notes:*Except for in residential uses, the administrative official may waive up to twenty-five (25) percent of required minimum parking spaces. plans and recording of the documents creating such easements.
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