Headquartered in Los Angeles, MALDEF operates four regional offices in Los Angeles, San Antonio, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. MALDEF Property Management Corporation (MPMC), a 501(c)(3) organization, manages the building which serves as the National Headquarters and Los Angeles Regional Offices for MALDEF. Patrick can take complicated issues and explain them in easy to understand terms. Whether on the streets or in schools, in boardrooms or living rooms, in legislative chambers or courthouses right up to the U.S. Supreme Court, MALDEF has earned its reputation as the civil rights law firm of the Latino community. We are challenging private businesses that discriminate against immigrants. **Photo Credit:Shealah Craighead / White House / Flickr, I walked through again, and I heard about what happened earlier in the day, I think it was 10 am, a message had popped up on a computer screen that startled one of the poll workers, that said, Your computer is being hacked.. It was clear to me that they were attempting to steal the election. Visit TGP FactCheck to see how we get it right. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. Inspired by the civil-rights era legal battles mounted on behalf of the African American community and knowledgeable of the pervasive discrimination against Latinos, lawyers and community activists throughout the southwestern United States launched efforts to create a legal . Still, a lawsuit related to the Dominion machines used in that small county is ongoing. A federal judge rules in 2018 that the plan unlawfully denies Latinos the right to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, leading to a settlement on a new districting plan. He leads MALDEFs national efforts to promote the civil rights of all Latinos living in the United States. Dominion threatened to sue Colbeck if he did not retract his statement about the company. Then, please SIGN and SHARE this petition. Pennsylvania vote fraud hearing gets gasps from audience', 'FBI and Justice Department have dragged their feet investigating 2020 vote fraud', ''CNN top brass in leaked tape: We won't give Trump 'too much of a platform on his not conceding', 'Twitter censored Trump 63 times over Thanksgiving holiday, Biden untouched'. He is a former Republican member of the Michigan Senate, having represented a northwestern portion of Wayne County from 2011 to 2019. MALDEF is celebrating its 50th anniversary as the nations leading Latino legal civil rights organization. MALDEF files suit in 2006 challenging Arizona Proposition 200, which requires voter registration applicants to provide proof of identity at the polls on Election Day. Subscribe now. Joaquin G. Avila is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. He's a former MI State Senator who understands the bureaucracy and its potential for corruption. Lies by Dominion legal team not withstanding, I don't have $1 millionnot even in the same ballpark. Colbeck then described a conversation he had with another senior election official, Chris Thomas, in which he tried to figure out how Detroit was going to communicate its election results. This evil campaign created necessary weaknesses to shape the election battlefield for a Democrat win. In 2009, Thomas A. Saenz returned to MALDEF as President and General Counsel. We challenged the presence of immigration agents in New Mexico public schools to arrest disciplined students, and we exposed blatant employment discrimination at Abercrombie & Fitch and secured a $50 million settlement. He goes into great detail about three tactics called Process Anomalies, Record(s) Anomalies, and Influence Operations. While thesituation continues to evolve, this remainsa hugely important petition which we encourage you to SIGN and SHARE. This fact should lead us to question how some allegations of voter fraud can be so easily dismissed by state election authorities. Contact Us - NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund Big Tech is censoring us. Theres just no reason for that to be installed. The organization, formed by civil rights attorneys and community members, dedicates all of its resources to fight discrimination on the job, in schools, and to increase Latino participation in the political process while denouncing racist actions by law enforcement and the courts. Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. And Im saying, Id like to have verification that the computer isnt connected to the internet., And he said, Youre just gonna have to trust me. MALDEF attorneys represented the students. The lawsuit leads to a state court ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in July 2018. The Legal Defense Fund (LDF) is America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. Colbeck noted, The poll workers themselves are fairly cooperative; they just want to do the right thing. The organization, formed by civil rights attorneys and community members, dedicates all of its resources to fight discrimination on the job, in schools, and to increase Latino participation in the political process while denouncing racist actions by law enforcement and the courts. our mission. need legal assistance? The 30 page chapter called The Theory is some of the best content on how the 2020 election was stolen. A federal lawsuit filed by MALDEF in 2016 challenges a 2011 Kern County, California Board of Supervisors five-member districting plan, which includes only one district containing a majority of eligible Latino voters. Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4. Ann Marie Tallman named president and general counsel of MALDEF. The company filed a $1.3 billion lawsuit against Trump's former personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, a similar suit against lawyer Sidney Powell, and a $1 billion suit against MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Shark Tanks Kevin OLeary blasts Ocasio-Cortez: She kills jobs by the Haley to hit Trump on spending record in closed-door Saturday speech, Mike Lindell calls DeSantis a Trojan Horse, Trump asks for roughly six-month delay in New York fraud case, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I was vice chair of the Michigan Senate elections and government reform committee. There are people a lot smarter than I am that know how to break this in a matter of minutes., When I walked in, one of the first things that I did was I walked around to all the computers. By Patrick Colbeck In the weeks shortly after the November 3, 2020 election, it became clear that our legislators, law enforcement, and our court system as a whole were tone UNCLASSIFIED Election Fraud Evidence Palooza in New Book "The 2020 Coup: What Happened. We stood up on behalf of day laborers whose rights to freedom of speech were violated by punitive municipal ordinances banning them from soliciting work in public spaces. Campaign Created by: Patrick Colbeck The funds from this campaign will be received by Patrick Colbeck. MALDEF files suit in 2011 in response to maps enacted by the Texas Legislature that failed to reflect Latino growth in the state through the creation of new Latino-majority districts. Patrick J. Colbeck is an American engineer, author, and politician. Ann Marie Tallman named president and general counsel of MALDEF. And the rationale that they used was that we were over our limit due to covid. As a matter of fact, prior to the election I had written an editorial in the Detroit News highlighting how COVID was being used as an excuse to subvert election integrity. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. His new book The 2020 COUP: What Happened. Theyre supposed to be reconciled against the pollbook. Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Copyright 2020 MALDEF | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. For general inquiries contact: (213) 629-2512, or info@MALDEF.org. Joaquin G. Avila is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. Front Royal, VA 22630, 157 Catharine St N, Unit 2 He likened himself to a kind of floor general of poll challengers, responsible for highlighting issues that other poll challengers brought to his attention. Perhaps that will only be known in the future when state or federal commissions areestablished to investigate the instances of election fraud which were witnessed and sworn to,by thousands of Americans of all political persuasions. MALDEFs reputation for securing equitable political representation was solidified in 1990 after painstaking research and investigation proved that the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors had for decades manipulated districts to fragment and disenfranchise the Latino community. February 24, 2023. Pete Tijerina is named executive director of MALDEF, and Mario Obledo is named general counsel. The anti-Latino measure denied public services, including enrollment in public schools, based on immigration status. Legal Defense Fund - National Association of Social Workers Normal operating hours are 6:00 am until midnight. . A legacy of fighting for Latino civil rights. It was used as an excuse to keep poll challengers from witnessing that activity. The 1977 lawsuit leads to the landmark 1982 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that affirmed the constitutional right to a free K-12 public school education for all children regardless of immigration status. And if its not subject to a recount, if they were executing voter fraud they just got away with it. Second, the LDF was created to give a voice to NASW and the social work profession in the courts . Published November 9, 2020 at 3:23pm Comment Senator Patrick Colbeck is an aerospace engineer, author, former elected official, and former candidate for governor in Michigan. Patrick is networked with most every expert investigative election analyst in the country. And I can tell you, were not over any limit inside there at all. PETITION UPDATE (12/7/20) - Since this petition was launched, President Trump's legal team, as well as other concerned citizens, have discovered what appears to be irrefutable evidence of voter fraud in several of the key battleground states, and have initiated legal challenges in six states. Whether on the streets or in schools, in boardrooms or living rooms, in legislative chambers or courthouses right up to the U.S. Supreme Court, MALDEF has earned its reputation as the civil rights law firm of the Latino community. Ste. ___________________________________________________________________, On Wednesday, President Trump tweeted: "We will be INTERVENING in the Texas (plus many other states) case. MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund) is the leading civil rights voice of the Latino community. Hes points out our election results are almost entirely digitized now. Michigan Sen. Patrick Colbeck Gives Sworn Testimony: "We Got Visual Legal defense fund - Wikipedia He explained that separate poll books were generated for Michigan voters which allowed them to vote with both an absentee ballot, and in person at the polls. Because Im telling you, the fraud that we witnessed, the interference are going to knock the socks off of people that may think that this is just a matter of the vote thats been cast, move on, theres nothing to see here.. November 7, 2020 ( LifeSiteNews) - In an exclusive bombshell interview with LifeSiteNews, former Michigan state senator and aerospace engineer Patrick Colbeck brought to light a . Subscribe to our email list and bookmark LifeSiteNews.com to continue getting our news. The DS200 scans ballots, converts it to a digital image, then counts those votes. That case resonated in 2018 when a state court judge ruled in Martinez v. New Mexico that the state had failed to live up to its obligation under the New Mexico constitution to provide a sufficient K-12 education to all students. Therefore, we continue to seek the truth for the election outcome. There were at least 136 slots and all we could identify throughout the night were three.. Review the evidence for yourself. For media inquiries, please contact: media@MALDEF.org. The case began MALDEFs legacy of standing up for the rights of Latino students exemplified by MALDEFs victory in the U.S. Supreme Courts landmark 1982 ruling in Plyler v. Doe that guarantees every child in America a free K-12 public school education, regardless of immigration status. Last year, Colbeck was one of three senators who voted against $128 million in supplemental funding to help Flint address its water contamination crisis. All the evidence is now pointing in one direction, China. History | MALDEF - Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund As you read on you will recall how Americans were pummeled by the final stage, the Defense Phase. Goal: USD $25,000 Raised:USD $ 18,245 Give 222 Share 53 Pray 115 Recent Donations USD $ 250 Anonymous Donor 64 days ago I believe in you! World Economic Forum Urges Public To Eliminate Ownership Of Private Vehicles, EXCLUSIVE First Convicted January 6th Defendant PENS LETTER TO JOE BIDEN on Eve of Sentencing! It has been estimated that this pending case will cost over $1 million to defend properly. In 1970, MALDEF challenged the Texas legislature for carving up voting districts to keep Latinos and other people of color out of power. MALDEF is headed by a President and General Counsel and is governed by a 30-member national Board of Directors. Shalini Sasha Quattlebaum is organizing this fundraiser on behalf of Patrick Fisher. Non-partisan and nonprofit since 1988. Thank you! Numerical coincidence prompted $754M Powerball winner to buy ticket: It was a sign, Three things to know about what critics are calling Mississippis Jim Crow bill, New storm to bring yet more heavy snow to California, Democratic AGs slam DeSantis for seeking info on college students receiving gender-affirming care, California nurses slam state decision to roll back COVID-19 requirements in health care settings, FBI Dir accuses China of obfuscating Covid investigation, Poll finds Ron DeSantis top choice for 2024 GOP nominee, What Biden might try next if his student loan forgiveness plan is struck down, Trump reigns supreme at a diminished CPAC. MALDEF represents three undocumented mothers living in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. The Debrief: Tim Carney on Chicago mayoral race being about rising crime, The Debrief: Conn Carroll on HHS encouraging illegal child labor. Our Country needs a victory!". 279, but the book continues with a large appendix of evidence and audit work. Patrick Colbeck is a former Candidate for Governor and Two-Term State Senator in Michigan. The Legal Defense Fund is America's premier legal organization fighting for racial justice. The case led to greater equity of school funding. February 16, 2023. MALDEF files a lawsuit in 1984 on behalf of families and school districts challenging Texas discriminatory method of financing its schools. Patrick Colbeck 47841 Royal Pointe Drive Canton, MI 48187 Donate Online Donate Online Donate Online We use Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo to process funds and collect prayers. Indeed, MALDEF got off the ground thanks in large part to the generous guidance and assistance offered by the legendary civil rights attorney Jack Greenberg, who was then the LDFs Director-Counsel. MALDEF draws public attention after a judge rules that school officials in Hidalgo County, Texas violated the First Amendment rights of students expelled from Edcouch-Elsa High School after boycotting classes in protest of school district policies. Hes a former MI State Senator who understands the bureaucracy and its potential for corruption. The result has been multiple defamation lawsuits in the past several months since the November election. In addition to being a former Michigan state senator I was also an aerospace engineer. Our efforts to strengthen equal voting and representational access were bolstered again in 2006 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in LULAC v. Perry, a lawsuit brought by MALDEF, that the Texas Legislatures 2003 redistricting plan denied Latino voters the opportunity to elect candidates of their choice, in violation of the Voting Rights Act. Our litigation in Garza v. County of Los Angeles resulted in the election of the first Latino to the Board in more than a century. Are we there yet? And for the first couple times he said, No I dont know yet. And finally he said, You know what, Im not gonna tell you until after things are done tomorrow. And mind you, this is my primary duty: to monitor the execution of these processes., Colbeck reminded viewers, Theres an old adage attributed to Josef Stalin: Its not he who votes that counts, its he who counts the votes that counts.. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. And we do have a right to go off and inspect anything. The lawsuit leads to revised policies and a $50 million settlement in November 2004. What counts were being relayed? Dominion attorneys have targeted a number of pro-Trump figures who made unproven claims about election fraudand the companys equipment in recent months, including the presidents former lawyer, Sidney Powell, as well as Fox News. In fact, they do match, as confirmed by a hand recount of the paper ballots.. MALDEF Property Management Corporation (MPMC), Texas Partial State Senate Plan Dallas/Fort Worth (10/2/2021), Texas Partial State Senate Plan South Texas (10/2/2021), Texas Partial Congressional Plan Harris County (10/16/2021), California Statewide Congressional and Assembly Plans (10/11/2021), California Statewide Senate Plan (11/06/2021), California UPDATED Partial Congressional Plan (12/09/2021), Los Angeles City Council Plan (09/29/2021), Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Plan (10/26/2021), Orange County Board of Education Plan (11/12/2021), San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors Plan (11/12/2021). Vote Smart provides free, unbiased, in-depth information about current officials, candidates, issues, legislation, and voting. No point passing gun control if you don't prosecute gun crimes. Here are the states where residents will pay the biggest share of their income Texas property tax bill excludes divorced, LGBTQ couples from getting relief. And he told me, No theyre not.. Part of it is that absentee ballot application scheme that was launched by the Secretary of State. And some of them were quite combative about maintaining that 6 ft rule. Americans not only have a right to know, but should demand that every legitimate means be used to discover the truth about these elections! Suffice it to say, the secretary of state is culpable in the manipulation of data., To make matters worse, the Secretary of State Benson actually developed a partnership with [left-wing Rock the Vote] to perform data entry of new voters into the qualified voter file. Other before us have sacrificed much more in the cause of liberty. The NASW Legal Defense Fund (LDF) was to assist NASW members in three areas: First, a fund was created from member contributions to support NASW members with legal fees in cases involving social work issues. Antonia Hernandez is named president and general counsel of MALDEF. Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Copyright 2020 MALDEF | Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. All Rights Reserved. Legal fees run between $400/hr and $1300/hr. I worked doing cabling design for the space station, and I also am a certified Microsoft Small Business Specialist, said Colbeck. What We Can Do. Patrick Colbeck - Facebook But we still believe that the DoJ needs to use its enormous fact-finding resourcesto help resolveallegations of election fraud. These projects range from industrial scale activities like True The Vote, to regional efforts like those in Antrim, MI. Even without this, the topics in the book cover a wide spectrum. Former state Sen. Patrick Colbeck, a Michigan Republican who ran for governor in 2018, is facing the threat of legal action over claims he made about the 2020 presidential election. They have been successful at silencing our voice in the media. MALDEF is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA, with regional offices throughout the United States. Dominion says ex-GOP Michigan state senator Patrick Colbeck spread We stood up on behalf of immigrants to fight Arizonas SB 1070, the unconstitutional show-me-your-papers law. Thank you so much to all who are supporting us in this battle for the truth! So we knew this was coming beforehand.
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