Learn more about medical retirement from NSW Police with frequently asked questions and answers. Manufactured from high tensile steel First State Super. The NSW Court of Appeal this week rejected a state government appeal that claimed it didn't breach its duty of care. $389.4 million in capital expenditure for NSW Police Force infrastructure which includes $1.6 million ($18.9 million over five years) to commence phase 2 of the Marine Vessel Replacement Program providing a new . Statutory Rules and Instruments. PANSW calls on political candidates to keep police healthy, finanically secure, and ready to protect the people of NSW where you are needed most. In the ACT, EML is an appointed claims services provider for the ACT government and other self-insured entities under the Comcare scheme. P: 1300 667 197, Information and services available to support NSW Police Force Officers' families and keep them well. The Slip-on Roll Prong is designed for handling rolled products. Students who reported disengagement from school were no more likely to be stopped by the police the next day, which helps refute common stereotypes that only bad kids are stopped by the police, Del Toro said. Related Pages. Four months earlier, she'd clambered into the wrecked vehicle of a deceased young man, and then been tasked to inform his mother. 68 0 obj <> endobj Prong Len, Item Description D'AD=@;Rg$oa`bd2?CW w 7 h4 8 x Available 5500 each Some tins may have dents or ripped labels Pick up from 8 Sydenham Road, Brookvale You must arrange a pick up time Paint, renovation, ., 1309246578 Safe Working Load (SWL) 510kg Prior research has found that youth of color are perceived as less innocent and more like adult criminals than their white peers, and aggressive policing has been linked to reduced test scores and school attendance for Black boys. P: (02) 9382 4530 E:blackdog@blackdog.org.au, Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (formerly the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health) promotes recovery for the 15 million Australians affected by trauma, For more information on police career transition email policetransition@police.nsw.gov.au or call the Career Transition Infoline The research was published online in Developmental Psychology. Role and history of the Assembly. P: 1300 667 197 Family Support Information and services available to support NSW Police Force Officers' families and keep them well. New Equipment Missing man - Albion Park Rail, NSW Police are appealing for public assistance to find a man missing from the Illawarra region since last month, NSW Police say. In the study, 387 adolescents aged 13 to 17 (50% white, 32% Black and 18% other ethnic-racial minority) completed daily online diary entries over 35 days. P: 131 444, Workers compensation entitlements, return to work and welfare support. However, many of these practices result in racial disparities in policing and stop-and-frisks.. Article: The Policing Paradox: Police Stops Predict Youths School Disengagement via Elevated Psychological Distress, Juan Del Toro, PhD, and Ming-Te Wang, PhD, University of Pittsburgh, and Dylan B. Jackson, PhD, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Developmental Psychology, published online April 4, 2022. By David K. Li and Pei-Sze Cheng / Workplace Matters. She was medically discharged in 2010 after an 18-year career, which included seeing a man's suicide, unsuccessfully trying to help save a car crash victim and seeing a decomposed body on a tree. Accordingly, so much of the payment received by an eligible employee that exceeds the amount that could reasonably be expected to be received by the employee in 5 year warranty. 0 6. PANSW Launches Election 2023 Recommendations, Coalition receives PANSW Pre-Election recommendations. Register at 71 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<7766C3B752853849A46C2517D00552AC><6C779B4B5D983B4A8C3B037107FBBEC4>]/Index[64 12]/Info 63 0 R/Length 54/Prev 81223/Root 65 0 R/Size 76/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream H 0t See more of Australian Federal Police Association on Facebook. Enamel paint finish Students who were stopped also were more likely to report psychological distress, including anxiety, anger and depression. Atikoon Saenmuang, 29, was last seen on Thursday 9 February 2017 after leaving work in the Wollongong area. %%EOF Congratulations to today's winner - John Cox of Salisbury, NC. EML is a trading name of Employers Mutual Limited. Durable powder coat finish. Quick and easy to mount on any forklift There will be a three-year trial of the optional disengagement scheme. Not now. Police Association of New South Wales 2023. Suitable for handling fabric, cable and coil products All rights reserved. 398 0 obj <>stream s08=$&:Y,IQZ&18h7+][0FY=]MWzuCt-H:SADa-PoUPW" 0 The primary judge, Alister Abadee, found the police force had a responsibility to identify officers it thought were at risk of suffering psychological harm from their duties, take steps to ensure they were getting treatment and help them return to work safely if they could. Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct and Ethics may result in management action. Safe Working Load (SWL) 850kg Recognised Medals. $47.9 million to commence a three-year pilot of an optional disengagement scheme supporting officers to exit the NSW Police Force. Royal Military College of Australia - Australian Army. Government to take advice on social media app. Download and print out a PDF guide with key information from this webpage. NSW Police Force Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Employee Assistance Program offers counselling to police employees and their immediate family through its extensive network of providers. Learn more about the role of the Family Support Coordinator and how they support the family, that are in turn supporting the employee in their recovery process. 0 Youth who reported being stopped by the police were more likely to report disengagement from school the next day (skipping all or some classes, not staying focused, etc.). Police Minister David Elliott said the proposal would give officers more options when considering their careers. The youth were students in five public school districts in Pittsburgh where district leaders were concerned about racially disparate juvenile justice court referrals. endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>>>/Lang(en)/MarkInfo<>/Metadata 6 0 R/Outlines 11 0 R/Pages 66 0 R/StructTreeRoot 12 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 70 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Thumb 5 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 71 0 obj <>stream 3 point locking system. endstream endobj startxref The Slip-on Roll Prong is designed for handling rolled products. His failure to do so "set in train a sequence of events which exacerbated (her) psychological condition until her ultimate medical discharge," the judge said. The NSW Police Force Optional Disengagement Scheme (hereafter referred to as 'the Scheme') is an early retirement scheme for the purposes of section 83-180. The officer was last year awarded $743,780 after a court found NSW Police Force failed to conduct a thorough mental health assessment of the officer from May 2007. %PDF-1.5 % 06/14/ 2022 NCDU Calendar Winner. 366 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj startxref Concealed hinges. hbbd``b`S@ b}E## Electronic funds transfer (EFT) request form - claims payments. This is a read only version of the page. g0,mE[}Gf7e?>ep'@ {{&t(j" z4^|GfJ?q~P$warY(CSW''vk)P| BFM OMR|]OY|Xldh+wPG+c}Rl(> |ba- 2.wTj}YNN,KNpO}'ce] L $_]|oGYo;zscKL[|X=uC9.Te?l XC=lqP'euZ=JkOXzNs1,:A'/|f5v?M 3__^MdqxjJ_Tz#o\T^{U _>un1z,(&J%4V5Z\l;8y. Portal.police.nsw.gov.au. %PDF-1.7 % New South Wales police have paid out more than $100m in relation to legal settlements over the past four years but in most cases details of the suits were never made public due to. It can be daunting and confusing to visualise life after Police. Police did not organise critical incident debriefings after either incident, meaning no records existed of any psychological difficulties when she faced challenges later. Solid welded body But the court did overturn a finding that the officer had contributed to the breach by failing to mention her depressive condition to a police psychologist in 2007. Pick up from 8 Sydenham Road, Brookvale Juan Del Toro, PhD, may be contacted via email. Q Such an option would be a reward for police who have done their time and need to be redeployed in vocation and life. He found that her commander should have organised for the officer's mental health to be fully assessed in 2007 before suggesting she return to frontline duties. Enamel paint finish At last a multi-purpose forklift jib for towing and lifting! Questions and Answers tracking. Last updated on 2023/02/23 The researchers analyzed more than 13,000 diary entries. This short course provides evidence-informed education, suggestions, and a way for you to start planning your career transition. 385 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<97836502A484EF44BFAC31A7BD4A8181><2384348089D1314D9AAD84EEE72F6A89>]/Index[366 33]/Info 365 0 R/Length 91/Prev 70158/Root 367 0 R/Size 399/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream The Deputy Secretary underscored U.S. calls for dialogue between the Coordination Council and Belarusian authorities to resolve the crisis, truly free and fair elections under international observation, and the unconditional release of all political prisoners and those unjustly detained. Solid welded body This short course and seminar helps to give you and your families a better understanding about the support available and what to expect through the medical retirement process an Workers compensation exists to help you recover from work-related injury by supporting access to and payment of required medical treatments and supporting your income if your ca Leaving a job you enjoy can be challenging. Police will be offered a new retirement payout in NSW, to try and drive down the number of worker compensation claims. `C=={gX^Mf1KzzIgDfkta C1HaJ/z>~K"8vBwIjDvBsKY |~V]7{uSR:M>5.#$JuS) Parramatta, NSW 2150, Locked Bag 5102 There are numerous options available to support you regardless of what stage in your rehabilitation you are at. Flammable Goods Storage Cabinet 60L Free pickup Sydney warehouse, Flammable Liquid Storage 60L Ext 1070x515x470mm, EW-FJ-TOW Forklift Tow Jib Attachment 2000kg Pickup Wetheril, Fixed Forklift Jib 2500Kg Sydney Metro Delivery, Slip On Carpet Prong Roll Prong Spike 2800mm Long Varying Sizes, Slip On Carpet Prong Roll Prong 2800mm Long 850KG NSW Stock, Carpet Prong Roll Prong Slip On 2800mm Long 510KG Varying Sizes, Superb Seal - Teak & Timber Protective Sealer - Next Generation, 4L PORTER DEEP BASE PAINT AQUASATIN DOORS & TRIMS RRP$140.00, 4L PORTER POPCORN PAINT AQUASATIN DOORS & TRIMS RRP$140.00, 4L PORTER IRISH LINEN PAINT AQUASATIN DOORS & TRIMS RRP$140.00, I consent to receive marketing and third party offers from Gumtree, Commercial Sales, Leasing & Property Mgmt, Residential Leasing & Property Management. Parramatta, NSW 2124. The police organised a psychologist to attend the police station, encouraged staff to use an Employee Assistance Program and organised a presentation from the Black Dog Institute. - Fully welded 150mm deep liquid tight sump capable of containing at least 25% of the maximu, Product Name: Flammable Liquid Storage 60L Ext 1070x515x470mm Part No: EW-FC60D Product Price: $1,140.00 plus GST New Stock Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets are proudly made in Australia and come in a range of sizes. Since 1910 these operations have been conducted jointly through subsidiaries and related body corporates of these entities. This initiative has been a partnership between NSW Police and EML. SPECIFICATIONS: hbbd``b`z$ f rHX/@3 8 ">$XW$82`:HqK$ The Optional Disengagement Scheme (ODS) is an initiative designed to help support eligible police officers wishing to pursue an alternate career or life path by transitioning from the NSWPF in a dignified and supportive manner that recognises their contribution to policing in NSW. (You must arrange a pick up time) Paint, renovation, renovations, painter, painters, painting, cheap, trade, tradies, build, builder, builders, home, house, home renovations, reno, renovate, house paint, factory paint, wall, walls, fence, fences, roof, gutter, guttering, roof painting, roof painters, house painters Sydney, northern beaches painters, northern beaches, maintenance, concre, 1 x Available $55.00 each Some tins may have dents or ripped labels The officer was last year awarded $743,780 after a court found NSW Police Force failed to conduct a thorough mental health assessment of the officer from May 2007. The Slip-on Roll Prong is designed for handling rolled products. P: 131 444 75 0 obj <>stream She had to remove the body and clean fluids off his wallet. Suits larger capacity forklifts due to the extended load center created by the fork tines Enamel paint finish 2 x lifting positions, Slim line - allows for best possible visibility, Lifting hook included, Painted finish is standard, Secured to the forklift by two locking pins hb```Xv3 09,X]c]5Azl) @I`&fbvH P7^rE AI@h-ERL gLjQ9 ' 64 0 obj <> endobj Government Organization. , Item Description You have acquired some very effective and desirable capabilities throughout your service with NSW Police. All rights reserved. Watch the latest news on Channel 7 or stream for free on 7plus >>. The cumulative negative effects of police stops could have long-term consequences for youth, including lower grades, lower standardized test scores and a lower likelihood of college admission, Del Toro said. When her commander suggested she might return to frontline policing work in 2007, she told him she was "sick of being physically and psychologically injured at work". When former Police Commissioner Peter Ryan mooted such an idea it was slammed by the NSWPA. FEATURES: Concealed hinges. Guide for Police with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - to help officers, their friends and family recover after a potentially traumatic incident. Youre offline. A former police officer who witnessed traumatic scenes of death, injury and suicide has been awarded nearly $900,000, despite a NSW government appeal. Desperate Aussies are turning to Facebook Marketplace but this one act could cost $11,000, Woman sued for quiet quitting while working from home, Massive changes coming to Australia Post that could impact millions, Could Australia ban TikTok? The Chamber. The EW-FJ-TOW Forklift Tow Jib Attachment is a dual purpose, lightweight and simple to use forklift attachment which allows towing with the attached 50mm towball, and doubles as a 2000kg WLL lifti, Product Name: Fixed Forklift Jib 2500Kg Sydney Metro Delivery Part No: EW-FFJ25A-SYD Price: $515.00 plus GST New Equipment Stock at Wetherill Park warehouse endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream Nationals for Eden-Monaro. $+, 2H9' f MEDIA STATEMENT Incorrect reporting of NSW Police Force's Optional Disengagement Scheme Wednesday, 22 February 2023 05:50:26 PM; Man charged after allegedly soliciting online child abuse - Strike Force Trawler Wednesday, 22 February 2023 04:01:34 PM; Appeal to locate man missing from Sydney's east Wednesday, 22 February 2023 02:02:44 PM P: 1300 650 873 E:enquiries@firststatesuper.com.au, For information specific to your claim, contact TAL on P: 1300 209 088, Information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live. hbbd``b`f+S`bMIh u NSW Police Optional Disengagement Scheme Misreported 5:52 pm AEDT Scientists Find New Oscillations in Single Filament Driven by Two-Loop Jet 5:48 pm AEDT Parents Unknowingly Overheating Prams: Tips to Avoid 5:44 pm AEDT Review into Queensland's workers' compensation scheme 5:42 pm AEDT Ramsay Health Care Honors LGBTQIA+ on WorldPride Day Recognising your service withNSW Police Forcewe want to continue to support you through your career transition. %PDF-1.7 % Superb Seal is the market leader in terms of revolutionary intelligent active molecules that are alive in the product and communicate with the natural fibers in the Teak & Timber to continue to nurture and provide natural nutri, 2 x Available $55.00 each Some tins may have dents or ripped labels 1850H x 900W x 450D - $445 Details about a high-risk missing person. Use this form If you are a member of the Police Superannuation Scheme (PSS) and: are aged at least 45 and less than 55, have at least 20 years equivalent full-time service in the Police Service and There was a queue of other officers to see the psychologist when she had a session. Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives. %%EOF Psychological distress after police stops includes anxiety, anger and depression, study finds. Political Party. Suitable for safe storage of: - Petrol and petroleum derivatives - Adhesives - Printing inks and solvents - Paints and solvents - Any Class 3 liquids All cabinets compl, Product Name: EW-FJ-TOWS Forklift Tow Ball Jib Attachment 2000kg Sydney hb```Y,7(`~qw#8lcHOR=$5!bsMg H(>]gdyEhCy CMm^:a74#a`xH!)FU @6 SPECIFICATIONS: The woman took stress leave in March and May 2007. dignified disengagement at twenty-five or thirty years. Features: 2 x lifting positions Slim line - allows for best possible visibility Lifting hook included Painted finish is standard Secured to the forkli, Item Description 2000H x 900W x 4, Features: Then in June and September 2007, two colleagues she was friendly with killed themselves. EML Group is a partnership between Employers Mutual Limited ABN 67 000 006 486 (an Australian owned mutual) and ASWIG Management Pty Limited ABN 52 002 617 012. President Kevin Morton callson all political parties to keep police officers safe and resource them to protect their communities. ducks unlimited calendar gun raffle 2022 Nsw Police Optional Disengagement , Maddox Derkosh Video , Mgsv Prisoner Extraction 02 Repeatable , Footballers Who Retired In 2018 , . Optional Antimicrobial Powder Coating for a hygiene surface upon which a wide range of microbes including bacteria, mould cannot survive ($45 extra per unit) Pricing: 1020H x 900W x 450D - $365 Safety chain prevents unintentional disengagement P: (02) 9265 6777 E: info.centre@pansw.org.au, For more information on income protection, total and permanent disablement or terminal illness. NSW Police Optional Disengagement Scheme Misreported 5:52 pm AEDT Scientists Find New Oscillations in Single Filament Driven by Two-Loop Jet 5:48 pm AEDT Parents Unknowingly Overheating Prams: Tips to Avoid 5:44 pm AEDT Review into Queensland's workers' compensation scheme 5:42 pm AEDT Ramsay Health Care Honors LGBTQIA+ on WorldPride Day Rivetless construction. 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Labor commits 50 additional police PANSW recommendation to boost police numbers in Western Sydney will be acted on if Labor form the next NSW Government Latest News View all PANSW Launches Election 2023 Recommendations President Kevin Morton calls on all political parties to keep police officers safe and resource them to protect their communities Employers Mutual Limited (ACN 000 006 486). In New York City, Black and Latino males between the ages of 14 and 24 account for only 5% of the citys population, but represented 38% of the reported police stops in recent years, according to a 2019 New York Civil Liberties Union report. Site is running on IP address, host name dpl3-syd.ap9-syd.inst.siteforce.com (Sydney Australia ) ping response time 6ms Excellent ping . Manufactured from high tensile steel A guide for prospective employers on a former NSW Police officer's transferrable skills that would benefit any organisation. The Optional Disengagement Scheme (ODS) is an initiative designed to help support eligible police officers wishing to pursue an alternate career or life path by transitioning from the NSWPF in a dignified and supportive manner that recognises their contribution to policing in NSW. or. Safe Working Load (SWL) 850kg Fully enclosed base. Appeal for information following malicious damage - Penrith, Appeal for information as investigations continue into suspicious death near Nyngan, Man charged with drug offences - Wagga Wagga, Raptor South officers charge man after seizing dedicated encrypted criminal communication device, cocaine and cash, Horses safe after dawn gallop through southern Sydney, 27 defect notices issued during South West Region Traffic and Highway Patrol operation, Man reported missing from Oak Flats located, Man dies after being pulled from water - Kiama, Man dies and six charged with drug supply following Transmission Music Festival, Appeal to identify man after assault - The Rocks, Predatory driving, DV-related assault arrest - Hurstville, Man dies after being pulled from water at Nambucca Heads, Unlicensed motorcyclist charged; $20,000 worth of drugs seized after pursuit - Berkeley, Appeal to locate man missing from Blacktown, Critical incident investigation underway following fatal crash - Forbes, Search underway to locate teen missing from Sydney's South-West, Finks OMCG member in court over alleged outstanding warrant, drug offences - Raptor North, Civilian employee charged with drink driving - Central Coast, Man charged over Condell Park shooting - Strike Force Chelston, Appeal to locate boy missing from Sydney's Eastern Beaches, Charges laid after pursuit of stolen vehicle in state's central north, Man charged with firearm, traffic and property offences - Riverina PD, National President of Comanchero OMCG extradited for breach of Serious Crime Prevention Order - Criminal Groups Squad, Two men charged over deliberately-lit fire - Broken Hill, Weapons seized and three charged following pursuit - Tweed Heads, Senior OMCG member to be extradited and another charged under new organised crime legislation - Criminal Groups Squad, Senior OMCG member arrested in QLD over alleged breaches of Serious Crime Prevention Order, Appeal to locate woman missing from Merrylands, Warrant issued for wanted man - Bankstown, Man dies following single-vehicle crash near Taree, Three charged after 130kg of 'ice' found within wax slabs - Drug and Firearms Squad, Three charged over alleged supply of cocaine in Sydney, Man and woman drown at Frazer Beach - Central Coast, Four arrested over alleged assault - Newcastle West, Appeal to locate woman missing from Sydney's Northern Beaches, Inquiries continue after woman seriously injured in shooting - Condell Park, Charges laid over fatal crash - Hunter Region, Sixty charged in Mid North Coast property crime sting - Strike Force Kinnereth, Appeal to locate missing woman - Fairfield PAC, Man arrested following alleged firearm and property offences - Kincumber, Man charged over attempted sale of allegedly stolen property - Wollongong PD, One driver dead, second driver critical after head-on crash south of Murwillumbah, Charges over alleged carjack, pursuit through Sydney's west, Man charged over alleged assault - Wollongong, Man missing from North Coast located safe and well, Knives and drugs seized; 84 charged - Operation Disrupt, Arrest after carjack, pursuit through Sydney's south west, Teenager charged over serious crash - Monaro PD, Warrant issued for wanted man in Sydney's CBD, Critical incident declared after woman falls from balcony - Newcastle, Man's charges upgraded after woman dies following alleged fall from car - Airds, Man charged over alleged 'dial a dealer' drug supply - Bankstown, Two dead in single-vehicle crash - New England Police District, Man charged after alleged unprovoked assault - Sydney CBD, Appeal to find woman missing from Sydney's south, Woman pulled from water dies - Mid North Coast, Police investigate after fatal fire - Orange, Appeal to locate teenager missing from Central Coast, Appeal to locate woman missing from St George, Man charged over historic alleged sexual abuse of young boys, Charges laid following alleged brawl and assault - Bankstown PAC, Operation Fume targets drug and alcohol-affected drivers - Tweed-Byron, Man charged over alleged sexual assault of teenage girl - Haymarket, JOINT MEDIA RELEASE: Tamworth man jailed for advocating terrorism online, Investigators appeal for information after headstones vandalised with Nazi symbol - South Maitland, Appeal to locate teen missing from Sydney's south west, Woman falls from car, man arrested - Airds, Man charged over alleged assault of teen - Murrumbidgee PD, Man missing from Sydney's south-west located, Appeal to locate man wanted on warrant - Auburn, Driving instructor charged over alleged sexual touching - Kuring Gai Police Area Command, Four charged with online grooming and child abuse material offences across state, Appeal to find man missing from Blue Mountains, Search underway to locate man missing from Sydney's west, NSW Police Force statement on planned protest activity, Appeal after theft from licensed premise - Haymarket, Man charged, almost thirty allegedly stolen credit cards, 1500 blank cards located - Lake Illawarra PD, Two charged with alleged property, fraud offences - Wagga Wagga, Man charged following pursuits - Wollongong PD, Operation Amarok leads to the arrest of NSW's most dangerous DV offenders, Renewed calls for information following suspicious fire - Adamstown, Teen charged over alleged assault of officer - Lake Illawarra PD, CCTV footage released as police continue to investigate Heddon Greta fatal shooting, Driver dies following single vehicle crash - Nepean PAC, Four arrested over alleged break-ins, trespass - Casino, Appeal for information as inquiries continue into suspected drowning - East Maitland, Australia Day 2023 Traffic Operation results, Two men charged after alleged stabbing - Lilydale, Teens charged following pursuit - Hunter region, Teenager missing from state's Central West located, Appeal for information following armed robbery - Monaro PD, Two people charged after alleged stabbing - Ryde, Two charged after woman allegedly kidnapped and body of man located - Wyong, Man charged after pursuit - Central Coast, Two arrested after woman kidnapped and body of man located - Wyong, Man dies, two hospitalised, after being pulled from water at Cronulla, Man charged following investigations into deliberately-lit fire - Muswellbrook, Officer charged - Central Metropolitan Region, Woman charged over alleged attempted child abduction - Riverwood, Investigation underway following stabbing - Blacktown, Man missing from the Mid North Coast located, Man charged over alleged break-in - Murrumbidgee PD, Man charged following pursuit - Lake Illawarra PD, Men charged following alleged armed robbery - Glenmore Park, Police operation concludes following Australia Day 2023, NSW Police employees recognised in Australia Day Honours list, Three charged over alleged fatal stabbing - Nowra, Investigators renew appeal to identify driver after woman hit by ute - South Grafton, Man dies after being pulled unconscious from surf near Crescent Head, Youth charged after alleged break in - Thornton, Plan ahead - Operation Australia Day 2023, Two in court over alleged break-ins targeting pizza stores across Sydney's west, Pedestrians dies after being hit by SUV - Baulkham Hills, Teenager dies after falling from a cliff - Coogee, Man arrested over alleged assault - Wollongong, Appeal for information following robbery - Murray River PD, Appeal for information after man assaulted - Wollongong, Appeal to locate man missing from Sydney's North Shore, Double demerit points in place over Australia Day period, Appeal to locate missing man - Sydney's west, Appeal to locate missing girl - Liverpool, Critical incident declared after crash - Strathfield, Appeal to locate man missing from Penrith, Investigators release CCTV footage following alleged arson incident - Muswellbrook, Woman charged with manslaughter after man dies following alleged neglect - Rozelle, Man wanted on outstanding warrant - Auburn PAC, Raptor South to set up base in Southern NSW, Raptor North to target criminal activity in Northern NSW, Images released as inquiries into public transport indecent assaults continue - Operation Artemis, Four charged over alleged assault, pursuit - Northern Beaches, Girl missing from Lake Illawarra found safe and well, Investigation underway after dog thrown from cliff - Mount Ousley, Appeal after assault, pursuit - Northern Beaches, Man charged, drugs seized after pursuit - Bourke, Appeal to locate man missing from Sydney's south-west, Man in custody after pursuit - Central Coast, Woman dies after branch falls on car - Southern Highlands, Boy missing from Sydney's northwest located, Driver dies following crash - Marsden Park, Driver dies following single vehicle crash - Richmond PD, Man charged over alleged sexual assault - Bondi Beach, Man missing from Dubbo located safe and well, Woman missing from Sydney's south-west located, Man charged over alleged stabbing - North Albury, Second teen charged over alleged break-ins - Condobolin, Man injured following two-vehicle crash - Berkshire Park, Man charged following alleged assault, citizen's arrest - Matraville, Man charged over alleged $2.1 million fraud - Sydney City PAC, Man arrested over alleged sexual assault - Bondi Beach, Man charged with affray and use weapon with intent following Rosebery brawl, Man arrested for peep and pry offences - Pagewood, Investigation underway after man stabbed during fight - North Albury, CCTV released as police reappeal to locate missing woman Jessica Zrinski, Critical incident investigation underway after man shot dead - Tenterfield, Charges laid after alleged crime spree - Richmond Police District, Charges laid over four-vehicle crash - Kurmond, Police and communities launch new awareness campaign to combat hate crimes and incidents, Man drowns attempting to rescue daughter - Lennox Head, Man in custody after body found in Roselands home, Fatal single-vehicle crash in state's north, Firearms, ammunition, vehicles, and cannabis seized in state's north, Young person arrested after spate of alleged vehicle thefts - Tweed/Byron, Appeal following Mid North Coast attempted armed robbery and shooting, Man charged after officers allegedly assaulted - South Coast PD, Man charged with murder after woman's body found in Penrith unit, Man in custody after woman's body found in Penrith unit, Woman on drink-drive charge after alleged hit-and-run crash - Bonnyrigg, Man dies after motorcycle crash - The Hume PD, Man charged after woman allegedly stabbed - Minchinbury, Driver in multi-vehicle crash charged- South Coast, Appeal for information after man assaulted in break-in - Goulburn, Police locate woman missing from Sydney's Inner West, Two men in court following alleged water police pursuit - Mid North Coast PD, Man charged after pedestrian struck by vehicle - Erskine Park, Charges laid over alleged trespassing, assault of police - Camperdown, Man wanted on outstanding warrant arrested - The Hills PAC, Appeal for information after two men assaulted, struck by car - Ashfield, Investigations continue after woman stabbed - Minchinbury, Man in court after police officer bitten - Northern Beaches, Body of missing bushwalker located - Central Coast, Luxury watches, jewellery seized; three charged - Plumpton, Man charged after firearms; drugs seized - Berkeley, Appeal to locate man missing from the Mid North Coast, Teen arrested, charged with break and enter, steal offences - Orange, Man wanted on outstanding warrant - State's northwest, Missing man located - Sydney's Inner West, Strike Force Chelston established to investigate shooting - Bankstown PAC, Man charged after allegedly making false report and initiating a police investigation, Man wanted on outstanding warrant - The Hills, Man charged following fatal crash investigation - Central Coast, Driver charged over serious crash - Riverina PD, Revellers urged to plan their trip and party safely at Tamworth Country Music Festival 2023, Loaded firearm, silencer, stun device sized when homes searched - Murray River PD, Man pulled from water dies - Riverina Region, NSW Police Force unveils enhanced online Sexual Assault Reporting Option (SARO), Inquiries continue into alleged assault of female jogger - Lidcombe, Appeal to locate woman missing from Sydney's south west, Man arrested, charged with break and enter, steal offences - Condobolin, Teenager charged over bushfire - Griffith, Four men in court over alleged kidnapping - Guildford, Further four charged following 'ice' importation into NSW - Strike Force Chellington, Music teacher charged over historic alleged sexual abuse of students - Campbelltown, Girl missing from the Sydney's West found, Youth organisation employee charged over alleged historical sexual abuse of children - Daceyville, Woman charged after paramedic allegedly assaulted - Riverina PD, Inquiries ongoing into man missing in Sydney's south west, Police appeal to identify a wanted man in Sydney's CBD, Appeal for information following alleged arson incidents - Metford and Raymond Terrace, 3.8 tonnes of prohibited drugs destroyed - State Crime Command, Investigations underway after group flee stolen vehicle following crash - Wentworthville, Woman missing from Sydney's southwest found, Warrant issued for wanted man in Sydney's north west, Missing boy located after search in Sydney, Two charged over alleged armed robbery - Lake Illawarra PD, Arrest over fatal stabbing of Toongabbie man - Strike Force Haskett, Teenager missing from Sydney's north west found, Teenager missing from the Southern Highlands found, Appeal following attempted theft of an ATM - Central North, Two seriously injured in crash - Riverina PD, Driver dies following single vehicle crash - Morriset, Man charged over nail gun shooting - Somersby, Surfer pulled unresponsive from water - Jervis Bay, Woman pulled from water dies - Sydney's Eastern Beaches, Man charged after firearms, ammunition seized - Bathurst, Appeal to locate man missing from Sydney's south west, COURT DATE CORRECTION: Man charged after boy struck with arrow - Manning/Great Lakes, Man charged after boy struck with arrow - Manning/Great Lakes, Investigation underway following fatal crash - Sandy Hollow, CCTV released, appeal for information following fires - Albury, $1.5 million cash, cocaine, methylamphetamine seized - Strike Force Polle, Appeal to locate man missing from Liverpool, Woman's charges upgraded after boy dies following serious crash - Central Coast, Drink-driving charge following crash - Bankstown, Woman charged after two allegedly stabbed - Central Coast, 3.2kg ICE, cash, IDs seized after Wentworth Point home raided - Organised Crime Squad, Appeal after Raptor Squad locate firearm and drug manufacture items - Lidcombe, Passenger dies in single vehicle crash - Somersby, Driver charged following serious crash - Orange, Owner of silver bar sought - Mylestom Beach, CORRECTION: Teen critical after car hits tree - Orange, Rifle hidden in kitchen compartment, $10,000 and knuckle dusters seized - Toongabbie, Teen charged after electronic tablets worth $21,000 stolen from school - Concord, Couple wanted on outstanding warrants - Inner West, Trio charged after two men allegedly stabbed- Wollongong PD, Investigators appeal for CCTV and dashcam footage following shooting - Blue Haven, JOINT MEDIA RELEASE: NSW woman charged for allegedly entering Syria when occupied by Islamic State, Man charged over alleged child abuse material - Police Transport Command, Woman missing from Blue Mountains located, Two charged over alleged carjacking - Bossley Park, Driver charged after boy seriously injured - Central Coast, Driver charged following fatal pedestrian crash - Canley Vale, Appeal to locate missing man from Riverwood, Man charged with child abuse material offences - Armidale, Appeal to locate missing man - Murray River PD, Appeal to locate missing woman from Blue Mountains, Man charged over alleged murder of woman - Ballina, Reappeal for information after suspicious telecommunications tower fire - Mullumbimby.
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