I believe I have the same problem with my one touch, ended up buying a second l35af until I have time to tinker with it more lol hfjh5 1 min. You are using an out of date browser. I've had to do research to figure out what the heck my camera was, as the camera body itself simply says 'Nikon One Touch.'. It was released in 1983, a few years after Nikon's competitors had opened up the point and shoot market. Autofocus seems to be adequate for amateur use but it could miss occasionally if youre not careful. Is a Panasonic Lumix GH5 Still Worth Your Money? The latter is presented as a person, two people, a group of people and a mountain for infinity. I recently purchased a used L35AF and nothing actually happens when you turn it on. Send it to a real repairer and be sure that hes legit because there are many bogus operators out there. Stick a toothpick to the hole described earlier. Next to it was sitting the L35AF and was being thrown in for free! An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. For the record, the L35AF-3 (One-Touch Macro) is also a great camera, with its macro . It was an immediate hit thanks to its robust design and excellent specification. Nikon L35AF 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera - eBay The entire apparatus is powered by two AA alkaline batteries. Cheers all.. Also, if you're in a dark area the flash will pop up.</p>. #1 I just got a very nice condition Nikon L35AF for $1 at an estate sale with the original case. L35s are also a very sociable camera, they hate dark cupboards. All the major manufacturers were selling them. Not having to think about any settings is also great, especially when I take it out for a walks during my lunch break. The L35AF was produced for 2 years until 1985 which is when the L35AF2 was released. Pressing down (very) hard on the flash for every shot worked (and gave me a hint about root cause) but was a total pain. It seems to behave a bit like the Nikon F3 in this respect. I am also glad the article inspired you to take the L35AF out again! I was expecting that this will be underexposed due to the lamp but it handled it well. It then recovers after a little while to try again. The front cover is a bit more tricky to remove since thee left-side is has 2 clips that has to be disengaged first. but do give these simple things a try firstif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_0',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); A stuck or unreliable shutter could be caused by any number of mechanical or electronic problems, especially if theres any evidence of past moisture damage, but it is worth a quick check of the battery contacts first. The Fujica DL100 is also a nice camera, but it does not have the same lens, so does not stack up for my part. Despite that, I still think that its one of the best compacts in its time. Does anyone know of any places that can fix this type of issue or any . What grease exactly should I use and where do I apply it so it works again? It should not blink slightly, look weak or have any unusual properties. A filter with 46 mm thread can be used. That equates from 1/8 sec. This has now given me an excuse to load up the LF35AF (Yep still got it), with some ORWO-UN54 and go and shoot some images. The film only advances AFTER you take the picture and release the shutter button. For that visually pleasing, yet imperfect analogue look, collectors of mechanical rangefinder cameras, like myself, can pay dearly for Leica and L39 mount glass based on similar lens designs. The L35AF offers more of the same at a fraction of the price and (ignoring the noise factor), with much greater convenience. Also, under a very handy thumb grip is a little window with a red stripe which moves when film is advanced. The L35AF opened the door for Nikon into the world of consumer point-and-shoots, the way the Yashica T2 and then T4 did for that company. They insert easily enough, but the compartment feels like it can open or break very easily and takes a bit of effort to get it to stay in place. Free shipping for many products! Ive not film tested it, but it seems to be working ok. Would an AD without the button cells fitted work just the same as an AF? Thank you for the kind words on the review. By pressing the self-timer and the flash-mode button at the same time, you'll turn on the spot mode. Thank you very much for your continued support! I am not against this, in fact, its a sign of a healthy market. Nikon L35AF shutter stuck Hey guys! I'M trying to take professional homecoming pictures. The Panasonic Lumix GH5 might be nearly six years old, but when it arrived in 2017, it had incredible features, particularly for video. Powered by Invision Community. Check what the lens actually sees by using. When I clicked the shutter button down, the shutter clicked but the button stays down. It uses 2 AA batteries, a fresh pair will last you 100 rolls when not using the flash and merely 10 rolls when its fired every frame according to the user manual. This appears to be a nice, sharp photo but I can easily tell that the resolving power just isnt there. Its fantastic 35mm f/3.5 Zeiss Tessar lens is far and away better than the lenses found on many of today's top-end digital compact cameras. Nikon went big with this lens, in the sense that they used some of their tried and trusted techniques, dipping into their strengths. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Lets find out! It just a shame they dont produce cameras like it quite the same any more. Now check the batteries after you have pressed the shutter release button again. When I am wanting a compact camera, where I do not want to think about process much, it tends to be on top of my list. I was able to shoot a few rolls successfully before it ruined my last one due to this malfunction. The cover of the compartment is the second weak spot of the camera, in that it is well known to break off or just not close. Those were the days when the future felt around the corner through these cameras. In bright light and at smaller apertures the Canon is comparable to the Nikon's stellar performance. . I can say that that this version is robust and has none of the issues that you describe. What Are The Common Faults Of The Nikon L35AF Camera? The ergonomics are fantastic and this model (rather than the AF2 which succeeded it), doesnt feel as plastic/fragile as a lot of P&S camera of this era. ISO range available is 50 to 1000. What you see in the viewfinder should match the assumed distance. Its not bad but it looks rather cheap if you ask me. The two issues I seem to be having with the L35AF are that it will pop the flash up when focusing regardless of whether or not the exposure calls for it and then refuse to press the rest of the way down and take the photo. Reddit - Dive into anything . Technically this was not suited for this focal length, but Mr. Wakamiya was able to adapt it to great success. So, if you want stealth, Take your shot, hold the button down, look at an imaginary airplane flying overhead and then release the button. Useful focus confirmation, a filter thread and manual iso rating mean this will probably be my nightlife camera with pushed Kentmere 400. Custom size canvas prints are a great addition to your home or office. Id say that it handles distortion quite well judging from what we see in this photo. See which one is the best in this guide! And as with most compacts, if youre having problems with your shutter or motor the chances are youll have to open the camera up for prodding/adjusting/cleaning etc. If the distance youre focusing at doesnt correspond to the distance you see in viewfinder this is where it can be adjusted. The L35AF looks like a brick, and I love it. That was my understanding too, which when referring to lens I indicated both, not all three. Nikon L35 AF Film Cameras for sale | eBay 5 out of 5 . So Eddy, you might have opened a can of wormsI was just asked on facebook for a guide to opening the camera up to get inside , Hee hee I used this guide when I opened my first one:http://theshuttergoesclick.blogspot.co.uk/2014/03/nikon-l35af-shutter-release-and-onoff.html. Works fine now! While my copy has a bit of a hazy lens, I actually like the look and i. There is no problem with attaching a lens filter.tiny scuffs from normal use. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Check them out, along with various other photo printing options, in this guide! Nikon L35AF/AD | Camerapedia | Fandom This one appears to have been shot with a smaller aperture judging from how the sun-stars look. Thanks for following my work, if you liked this article please share this with your friends so it will get more views. It stood-out from the Tessar-type lenses that many manufacturers use. I have a nikon l35 af film camera and it's second hand so the shutter button was always a little stiff but it worked. This manual will help you fix errors related to your Nikon camera's lens, memory, and power supply or system. Youll see a slight curving of the beams and thats it. Be sure to discharge it first before you work on it in order to prevent any accidents. It appears that the camera will retain what it saw at the time you half-press the button, locking focus and exposure settings. Maintaining this requires resources and a lot of time. A funny old camera. Youre out-of-luck if thats the problem since looking for replacements can be difficult. Im having trouble with the motor and I wanted to take a look, but I cant open it past the L frame that houses the flash capacitor and count wheel. If it didnt then the flash would have fired with more power and the lantern would look overblown. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. Nikon's first AF, AE 35mm (135) format lens-shutter camera, offering 35mm f/2.8 lens and 9 fully automatic features. They will all attract peoples attention the next time you go order your fancy cake-coffee. Be sure to find those that will work with higher-ISO so you can push your film or shoot with a higher-ISO stock. To clean the viewfinder extract this screw and remove the cover. . wow, Thanks for this comment. Some other automatic compacts which have been reviewed here include theNikon Lite.Touch 140 Zoom, theCanon Sure Shot 70 Zoom, and theCanon Sure Shot A1. With these variables I expected to see more details at the bangs of the ladies but it isnt showing enough resolution to render those fine details well. This link really helped. Cheers again and I hope you have some luck with your camera. Thanks, Tim. This is a compact so Id let it slide. The only way to get it to fully depress and take a shot is if you hold the flash down and press it. Leica M11 Review: A Superb Digital Rangefinder Camera, A Beginner's Guide to Sony E Mount Mirrorless Cameras, A Simple Buyer's Guide for Custom Size Canvas Prints. How to fix a jammed camera lense on a point and shoot nikon? Film after film, I have been impressed with the results. It cleared on the next cycle, so I didn't get too worked up over it. The Nikon L35AF/AD was sold from 1983 to about a few years after that since newer, improved models were introduced frequently to keep the market interested. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hi, I opened my camera and I am not sure what you mean by this: Inspect everything and be sure not to lose anything. I put the two batteries in the camera (with no film)and turned it on and the light meter seemed to work. I just got a very nice condition Nikon L35AF for $1 at an estate sale with the original case. Easy to fix but does mean dismantling and being very careful around the flash capacitor. These are nice cameras. I shot this scene because I knew that it would look exactly like this and I was right. (LogOut/ The flash also pops up when its needed. It is terrible, some of the worst Ive seen. Nikon L35AF, L35AF2 and L35AF3 - Nikon - Photo.net You may like it depending on how much you pay for your coffee and how many letters its name contains. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Nikon L35AF 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera at the best online prices at eBay! When I clicked the shutter button down, the shutter clicked but the button stays down. Can't get my used Nikon L35AF to turn on - Nikon - Photo.net PIKAICHI - Nikon L35AD Review - Cak Bowo . The meter has been able to handle most conditions including fog in the morning. Avoid placing your straight lines near the edges of your frame so they wont appear bowed. I found out that the power switch is pretty loose but I don't think that's the error because i opened it up and bridget the switch. I just got a very nice condition Nikon L35AF for $1 at an estate sale with the original case. I really want to fix it since I have a roll in there that I don't want to waste. It usually only does this for the first shot after you turn it on. I had a lot of fun with it. [Nikon L35AF] Shutter stuck in down position. Is there a way to fix The Nikon L35AF is something the size of an ice cream sandwich. All seems normal, but the viewfinder bit foggy inside. Mirrorless Cameras. I just got a very nice condition Nikon L35AF for $1 at an estate sale with the original case. It has to supply enough current to keep the shutter open, and can't do it. In this Panasonic GH6 review, youll learn about the essential specs and features that make it a high-quality option for photo and video work, including superb image quality and a great price! Richard Haw's Classic Nikon Repair and Review. Dont forget which one came from where since not all of them are identical. Landscape photography requires certain gear to get the best results. Be careful with this, you may damage any of the delicate parts underneath it and jam the camera, making things worse. Classic Nikkors Repair and DIY maintenance, by richardhaw The 28 Best Vintage Film Cameras to Buy - Gear Patrol But the first version had an increase to ISO 1000 during mid-production. Loading film is easy, you simply put the leader above the spool and close it and let the camera do its job winding to the 1st frame. In my camera shop, there's a rather sad rack of broken cameras that we use for parts, occasional repairs, and to remind us of the temporaneous nature of our mortal existence. Nikon L35AF shutter stuck : r/AnalogRepair - reddit Film format: 35mm; Battery type: CR123A Weight: 6.7 ounces; When discussing the Yashica T4, you'll find it's really all about the lens. Vintage Nikon L35AF 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera. Cult Classic The hit rate with the focus is actually really good for such an early auto focus camera. Lets find out a bit more about it and Ill then explain why. But recently the shutter button jammed completely and I can't press down and I can't turn the camera on and of without a whole lot of force. Thanks in advance. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This photo demonstrates how inadequate the resolution can be at times. The flash does pop up when pointed at something dark, so there's that. The fully automatic CdS light meter also resides inside the filter thread, which allows for metering with a filter attached. The minimum distance to the subject is 80 cm. If you own a DSLR and suddenly an error of 'Press Shutter Release Again' pops up and it wont take any pictures although you press the Shutter repeateDly,what. Interestingly, rather than the usual Tessar style design this lens has a Sonnar design. This wheel can be accessed on many Nikon cameras by removing the floor plate . The L35AF became a constant companion every day including business trips to New Zealand. The L35AF was early in the 80s, but that does not discount it as a premier quality camera. 5 Frames with a Nikon L35AF - By Christian Diehlmann - 35mmc Thank you for the great story behind your camera, I love to hear these. Problem: The L35AF won't turn. Before opening up anything, always look for other people who have done so in YouTube or the internet. The next generation of the L35AF, the L35AF-2, was known in the US as the One-Touch. About this time, the market started maturing, with an established set of features. Either way later models seem much more forgiving. When I clicked the shutter button down, the shutter clicked but the button stays down. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Nikon L35AF - Camera - Kamerastore Nikon One Touch L35AF - shutter button won't go down all the way Nikon L35AF 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera - eBay Cover the meters window to deploy the flash and see if the ready-light works. Nikon L35AF - Features, batteries and films for the compact camera Nikon L35AF Shutter Button Problem | Nikonites - Nikon User Community The name Pikaichi means Top Notch in Japanese according to the Nikon website. The shutter button refuses to go down even a halfway. 7 6 6 comments Best Add a Comment The Nikon L35AF may not be the most advanced compact camera. Just recycle it and find another one. The first roll I used was Kodak Pro Image 100, a film at the time I had to specially order as it was only available for the South American market but still inexpensive. This is the slit for the meter, turning the dial will regulate the size of the slit. Whats peculiar about this is its lens, its a Sonnar-type, something you dont see much in compact cameras. Press the lever for the ND filter to move the tiny, smoky film over the slit to alter the meters reading. In my case it was corrosion all over the place under the flash itself and around the electrical connections. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Here is the problem. Remove the circlip to free the button. Nikon L35AF - easy to repair? - Digital Photography Review In addition i checked the battery compartment of corrosion. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Unfortunately it wont be as accurate specially when youre shooting through glass or other things that dont have a distinct form or is tinier than the AF-point inside the viewfinder. Most of the original L35s are very persnickety about power supply. Privacy Policy. NIKKOR Lenses. The Nikon L35AF is a compact 35mm camera. Free shipping for many products! The spring allows the chrome arm to return when the rewind function is disengaged. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A love letter to the Nikon L35AF - Kosmo Foto Broken Battery door on the Nikon L35AF The most common issue that arises with the Nikon L35AF camera is that the battery door becomes loose, this actually seems to happen with every series of L35AF cameras, One touch and the AF3 in different forms. Three Top Options for the Best Nikon Landscape Lens, Glass Photo Prints (and Other Beautiful Print Options). The lenses are 55-200mm,70-300mm,35mm,18-55mm. Nikon FE2 Shutter Problems Costly to Repair? - Photo.net You can also shoot with it in lowlight without the flash by depressing it so it wont pop-up but the results wont be as good because you are overriding what the camera thinks will give an optimal exposure. I shot this by focusing on the lantern and then recomposing my frame. The Sony E Mount is a popular line of compact mirrorless cameras with virtually endless options, features, and price points. Theres no information about the shutters range but its assumed that it wont go very-fast and it doesnt support long-exposures either. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There is no direct influence on shutter speed and aperture. Top 10 Last-Minute Gifts for Photographers - 2022 Edition. If it wont rewind, look at the bottom-right part of the camera and see if anything is jammed. Once theyre going they usually stay going as long as they see the light every now and then. Operate it ang see if it works, the film should advance without problems and the viewfinder display should also indicate the correct distance. The meter appears to be quite good for its time. Read my article on how to change light seals so you will know how its done. Nikon's 'Top Notch' Point and Shoot: The Nikon L35AF Its slow, winding takes about a second or so and rewinding is a lot slower compared to a Nikon F4. 4 Affordable Alternatives to Expensive Point & Shoot Film Cameras Not even the quietest (not even close). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. With the flash, compacts from the 1980s well into the 2000s had flash auto on as standard, which while annoying, you cannot point to one specific camera and say it is a build issue. Most other places would charge you $7.50 for a electronic copy. It was unscientific trial and error and on a beater of a camera that was more or less unusable probably wouldnt have done it otherwise. Carefully remove the top cover. This is the meters cell, you should wipe it clean when you see fungus inside of it. My L35AF had a lot of corrosion around the area where the rewind mechanism is located, so it got stuck. It flares terribly but thats expected, I dont think it has any of the advanced coatings applied to it. Loading film is by opening the back, inserting the 35mm cartridge and pulling out the film leader to the red mark. Tonight, I would like to discuss a lens for different tastes that was not given the prefix "NIKKOR." It was a "Nikon lens" rather than "NIKKOR" that was mounted in Nikon's first AF point-and-shoot (lens shutter: also known as compact) camera. It accepts a pair of LR44 cells to power the date-back. This will help me to continue to host this . Another reason for that is the capacitor. Im actually impressed by it, the results remind me of older Nikons or maybe a bit better in some cases. Focus on something and depress the shutter button. Just focus on something and see the tiny display in the viewfinder to confirm if you got it right. is it something that i can fix by opening the camera up? Lens on this one is spectacular! Thanks Frank and yes, it is a noisy one. Spherical aberration can be observed in this photo around the overblown areas of the scene despite this being shot at a smaller aperture. The lens is a 35mm f/2.8 modified Sonnar design. Its a handy camera for travel photography, Id imagine that this is the actual purpose of this camera. Repair: Nikon FE - Richard Haw's Classic Nikon Repair and Review Just a suggestion. Closing the back, press the shutter button and watch the window show you the film is advancing. Your safety is also at risk, you may get shocked and cause something fatal if you have a condition may not be aware of. I put the two batteries in the camera (with no film)and turned it on and the light meter seemed to work. Determine if the rangefinder is off or inaccurate, adjust if needed. There is quite distinct vignetting, a by-product of a lens design not really aimed at wide angle. Enter the 1980-1990s and you see the heyday of compact camera design, where there were a lot of high quality options, especially in the 90s. Does it just involve carefully resoldering it? The side-effect to this is prices of used gear is on the rise, even cameras that used to be less-desirable now cost more than they should. NIKON .Well taken of Nikon L35AF 35mm Point and Shoot Film Camera Hamish had a frustrating experience with a Nikon L35-AF. The L35AF3 uses a throw-away lithium pack, so there will be no issues with corrosion in the battery bay. Im a big 60s/70s rangefinder fan and generally grab one of those for a pleasurable film photography experience.
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