and WMQ Comics previously. Splinter does go to the Turtles for help whenever he was in a tough spot, especially shown in the 1987 series episode "The Old Switcheroo" when an accident caused himself and Shredder to switch bodies as he went to them for help in getting back to his real body but had a hard time convincing them at first but they believed him when they heard his wise wisdom and that he didn't want to fight them as they worked together to set things right. Michelangelo | He was voiced by Hoon Lee . Splinter's name is a spoof on a moniker from a character in the Marvel Comics series, Daredevil. Now they are amongst an entire world of people who look like them. Shredder ti master splinter Pull up at ya crib and delete ya cuz im a sinner Rat killer takeing ya family with ya Make em all fight to the death cuz im a sinner (VERSE-2) Dumb cunt better shut the fuck up Or you getting fuckied up Hit em with the nunchuck and lung punch I remember days It is suggested that this mutilation is the reason Saki took the Shredder disguise to hide the scars. As Hamato Yoshi: Yoshi is tall, lean, and muscular, with dark brown eyes and black hair. on 12/21/19 "The true master does not seek to run away from Death. Splinter's assurances that he feels the same, coupled with his comment that Leonardo and his brothers will always be welcome there, helps Leonardo see the common similarities between the teams, regardless of their different styles and methods. Master Splinter - Passed away from a heart attack while making tea. Mona Lisa | These fears were proved to justified as while the turtles were off with their new found human friend April O'Neil confronting Stockman the Mousers raided the lair. The deaths of Leo, Raph, and Donny, as they were affectionately known, were revealed in TMNT: The Last Ronin #1, with subsequent issues showing the circumstances of their defeat at the hands of the Foot Clan during an invasion of their sewer home. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless . (Looks at Leatherhead) "My mistake. However, in the 1990 film and 2003 TV series Nagi is removed entirely. Splinter's physical appearance remains fairly consistent in all incarnations of the character; he is portrayed as an elderly rat dressed in robes. Full Name But with the help of his master, Masato, and his love, Tang Shen, he learned to control his temper and becomes a skilled warrior. With the family moving into Mutant Town, they arent the outcasts they always have been. At one point, he discovers Shadow's boyfriend spying on the house and asks Mr. Braunze to erase the boy's memories. IDW's TMNT Annual 2022 #1 Moves the Brothers Past Splinter's Death April O'Neil | Leonardo | Cus josh is here no more. ", (After Shredder tells him that he took Tang Shen from him) "SHE WAS NEVER YOURS! Second youngest, the bookish, brilliant Donatello may have lacked some of his brothers' ninja aptitude, but he more than made up for it with his natural gift for invention, which allowed him to often supplement his ninja prowess with gadgets and weaponry that he shared with the other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. This is emphasized in "It Came From The Depths", as he battled Leatherhead because he threatened to harm the Turtles. One of his students, Oroku Saki, constantly challenged him in an effort to usurp his leadership, finally causing him to be banished from the Clan. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . But wearing red and brandishing a pair of sais, Raphael fought through every challenge placed in his path and became the core of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a champion for his brothers. When April awakens from her ordeal, he expresses how impressed he is at how April was able to literally destroy her demons. Yoshi had found four new friends. ", Splinter: "How many times have I told you, (About the Pulverizer) "He has no business learning our art. Every Time Master Splinter Died | TMNT Death - YouTube Hamato was given the nickname "Splinter" by his students, due to his proficiency at breaking wooden boards. For the boys, it means coming to grips with death. He has trained the Turtles in the art of Ninjutsu, but they are not ninja masters yet. Protect New York City from evilKill Shredder/Oroku Saki (failed)Inspire his sons to defeat Shredder once and for all (succeeded) In the 1987 series, Master Splinter was Hamato Yoshi, before meeting the turtles, back when Yoshi lived in Japan, there was a Ninja Clan known as The Foot, which was led by Yoshi. Master Dead (JP: Masutdeddo) is a mid-boss encountered in Stage V of the original Splatterhouse. Dr. Tyler Rockwell | Buffy Shellhammer | Raphael | His speed is capable for him to get behind Dogpound. Hamato Yoshi (aka Master Splinter) is the overarching protagonist of the 2012 version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series. "What you know is dangerous to your enemy; what you, Splinter (After April asks about a weapon): "April, you posses the kunoichi's most powerful weapon: the mind." Michelangelo | On one occasion April poured her heart out to Splinter about her feelings of isolation, asking his advice he coarsely answered "leave" before slamming the door behind him. He is still alive but his leg is broken. TMNT 1, 2, 3 & TMNT (2007): He is both the adoptive father and sensei of all four of the Turtles. Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) - Wikipedia Death Battle Info Background Previous Name: Hamato Yoshi Species: Mutant rat Height: 3-4 feet tall Ninja Master Fuelled by Teaching Skills Nonetheless, Splinter is a loving father who only wants what is best for his sons, and will do anything that he can to protect them from harm's way. Later, Earth is invaded by the Kraang and, in the ensuing battle, much of Splinter's lair is destroyed before Splinter is able to defeat Kraang Sub-Prime. Spoilers forTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin#4 below. (Leonardo | Now, it's up to Michelangelo to take down Hiroto and avenge Splinter and his fallen family. Master shifu vs master splinter (Kung Fu Panda vs Teenage - reddit Thankfully these aliens called the Utroms were peaceful, not only that but they were the ones involved in the road accidents which caused the canister of toxic waste by their technology to mutant him and his sons. Splinter manages to muster enough strength to climb out of the silo. Can't be saved by the loard. You work in the shadows -- in secret. Intelligent for his species, Splinter is able to learn ninjutsu art by mimicking his master's movements while he practices. ", Splinter:"You see? Zeno the Triceraton | He is rescued from drowning by Karai and left in an area of the sewer to recover. Loss and grief have been major themes of TMNT since the loss of Master Splinter, their clan patriarch. Enemies Splinter's main fear is that he and his family will one day be exposed to the outside world, as he is understandably protective. - Yoshi escaped without knowing the fate of his baby daughterMiwa, who Shredder secretly raised as his daughter, Karai. He still wearsthe redkimoto that he wore in Japan. Nonetheless, Splinter is a loving father who only wants what isbest for his sons, and will do anything that he can to protect them from harm's way. idea factory201071psp2011128fan disc 201221819japan festival 2 . Ultimately, Splinter (and Donatello) went down fighting to the very last breath. Not long after the death of the Shredder Splinter became concerned when watching a news broadcast about a scientist named Baxter Stockman who promised to rid the city of it's rat problem using his robotic Mousers. Before joining Screen Rant, Liam worked in the sports industry, with bylines at TSN, Sportsnet, Vice Sports, and more. Jenny now has her brothers to help teach her what being a Turtle really means. :( Climbing to the top a silo the bricks give way and falls inside and awakes with a broken leg. Yoshi, knowing that they would be persecuted by humans, adopted these turtles as his sons and students and has raised them in the sewers of New York ever since. This is where I belong, with my brothers. Enhanced Strength: He has a very special skill that is powerful but could be even be much stronger for being a mutant to use his fingers to push away his enemies as shown on the Shredder to be able to injure his arm. ", "Miwa would have been about your age now. Honorable Rat Sensei of the Ninja Turtles, "For many years I have lived in the shadows, training my sons in the ways of Ninjutsu. Dan is a lifelong DC comics fan with a passion for helping others find stories and characters they will love. Michelangelo) | He was training for his entire life when he was very young. Heres how it works. Stamina and Endurance: Both are great for a mutant of his age (50) he seems to be very well to fight. He can take down larger opponents without awhole lotof effort, as demonstrated in "It Came from the Depths". Related:Two Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains Just Became Much Bigger Threats. Without a home, Splinter is forced to run away and live in New York City's sewers. Splinter shows a great aptitude in using anything as a potential weapon, as shown in his films' he fights with Fish and Ladders in the episode 'Evil League of Mutants'. Aided by determined reporter April O'Neil (Megan Fox) and their wise master Splinter,. When he finds the turtles near some broken barrels that are oozing glowing pink, later retconned to green, chemical liquid, he tries to clean them with his bare hands. Splinter is restored in the final episode and helps defeat the Cyber Shredder. Stealth: His stealth is a combination of his speed to get pass his enemies like Dogpound. Let's end this debate once and for all. When Shredder has himself infused with mutagen, he kidnaps Karai and demands her to come. Comics Jennika | Training the Turtles to be stronger Karai | He later shows himself to April and says "Daughter" before hugging her and returning to the woods. After his master's death, Splinter found himself in the sewers of New York City of New York City where he found four baby turtles. Splinter is a playable character in the 2003 video game, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus, TMNT: Mutant Melee, TMNT: Smash Up and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. All rights reserved. A flash of the Rat King silently appears before Splinter. However, the peace talks to end the neverending war turns out to be a trap, as Hiroto sends his massive army to kill Splinter and Donnie. The Misadventures of Master Splinter: Created by Lauren McFall. However, the attacks are too much and both heroes are killed in the battle. After moving to New York City, Yoshi has just purchased four pet turtles when he stumbles upon an exchange in an alley between two Kraang droids. Yoshi is given the nickname "Splinter", due to his proficiency at breaking wooden boards, and he teaches them the art of ninjutsu in order to protect themselves. In the 2012 series, Splinter is again introduced as Hamato Yoshi, voiced by Hoon Lee. In Loving Memory of Master Splinter - YouTube Teaching: He is a great teacher to those who will like to train, as he trained his four sons for 15 years of their lives. Yoshi becomes embroiled in a dispute with a fellow ninja by the name of Oroku Nagi and is eventually murdered by Nagi's brother, Oroku Saki, who is seeking revenge for his brother's death. K.A.M.O.N will abort. Master Splinter is the teacher and adoptive half-father of the Ninja Turtles. (After defeating Tiger Claw). Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Splinter was the strong leader of a ninja clan in Japan. Splinter is mature, serious, and defensive. He awoke the next morning to the see that both he and the turtles had doubled in size, all of them were also growing intellect soon learning to walk upright. Senses: He probably can see in the dark like regular rats do. The Ninja Turtles have been lost since the loss of Master Splinter, but the team is finally back together and ready to give the world shell in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles#104. Raphaeldid the vigilante thing in Mutant Town to get out his feelings, but it wasnt enough to stop the Mutanimals gang from kidnapping and selling mutants. Master Splinter last edited by Appropriate for his fun personality, Michelangelo wore orange, and carried a pair of nunchucka - and if you were a kid in the '80s or '90s, you probably carried at least one homemade pair inspired by Mikey. At certain times, he may use harsh methods in order for them to learn a lesson, as seen in "The Pulverizer Returns! His spirit still gives his sons advice. Nanobot (TMNT) | Not knowing exactly why he gathered them up getting ooze on himself. Karai | Any time not spent doing nerdy stuff is with his dog Dinah or his cats Kory & Mera. Hamato Yoshi (2012 TV series) | TMNTPedia | Fandom -M-NUva, Do-Gooder April O'Neil | Splinter keeps them as pets and treats them like his children. Years later Oroku Saki, the brother of the man he had killed came to the city to found a western branch of the Foot and in his new guise of the Shredder tracked down and killed both Yoshi and Shen in cold blood. Max Winters Unlike all of his past incarnations, Splinter is considerably taller thanall of the Turtles. Read at your own risk. While Splinter was not seen much in the "Back to the Sewers" season, the focus of those episodes is the Turtles' efforts to find Splinter's data bits by traveling all over cyberspace. However, in the movie, the 2003 series Leonardo comments that it feels right to be with the 1987 Splinter regardless of the differences between the two worlds. Pre-Death Battle. He even trains April well enough to defend herself from enemies. ", "You are brilliant Donatello, but you tend to over think things too much. The story of the Last Ronin goes all the way back to their '80s heyday when creators Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird envisioned an ending for their breakout heroes - and Eastman and Last Ronin co-writer Tom Waltz have also considered what might come in a sequel or spin-off to the story. This seemed to be evident during his fight with Shredder, during which Splinter also demonstrated his ingenuity by using his natural abilities as a mutant rat in the fight (something that he had never shown before, as he focused on training the turtles in more human skills), such as catching Shredder's blade in his teeth and running on all fours. You can search for Splinter was the strong leader of a ninja clan in Japan. While his sons are the primary combatants, Splinter continues to train them and shelter them at home, as the mystery regarding the disappearance of his daughter begins to unravel and the flames of his own rivalry with Shredder continue to be fanned. KAMON - Splinter Lyrics Splinter becomes convinced that the voice is death, . He is able, eventually, to convince Karai of the truth about their past, but she subsequently mutates into a snake-like being when Shredder's plan for revenge backfires. If there's a brawl, count me in. Master Splinter vs Master Shifu. Two animal martial-art masters that Agent Bishop | It is very possible that Splinter fears the fact that the Turtles will leave him someday, as this was one of the notions that the Rat King (in "I, Monster") used against him in an attempt to control his mind. The newest Turtle, Jenny, hoped theyd grow stronger together -- but until now, that seemed hopeless. Mondo Gecko | During this time, Saki learned of his true heritage and rebuilt the Foot Clan, rechristening himself as "the Shredder". Splinter appears to be as good as done. As Hamato Yoshi: Yoshi is tall, lean and muscular, with dark brown eyes and black hair. When the turtles go through the time and fail to claim all the Black-Hole Generator pieces to help in the battle against the Triceratons and warn Splinter in time to stop Shredder from killing him. He kicks Oogway a few times before once again slashing him hard with his katana. Wiz: Alright. Meanwhile, the turtles try to find him but Shredder goes after them. Despite being gravely outnumbered, Splinter and Donatello mow down Hiroto's forces. Splinter remains in Northampton and never returns to New York City. Master Shifu FTW. In "Annihilation: Earth!, Part 2", Splinter's fighting prowess are impressive enough to defeat foes more powerful than himself like several Triceratons soldiers in hand-to-hand combat. April O'Neil | Hobby Splinter is a mutant rat with long straight white hair styled half up in a bun, a white beard, white bushy eyebrows, short grey fur, and a short, plump figure. Raphael or Raph is one of the four main protagonists in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and a member of the TMNT. Our family is strong. Splinter crawls into his room and falls to the floor of the closet. This is important because its showing that after everything, they have a chance to have more of a life than ever before and they are helping secure that future with Splinters legacy to guide them. Warning! The Ancient One | ". Mona Lisa | He is a mutated rat who is the Ninjitsu teacher and father figure of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Splinter overpowers Shredder's men and engages his old foe. Unlike all of his past incarnations, Splinter is taller than each of the Turtles. He was buried underneath a tree near O'Neil Family farmhouse following his death in the hands of Super Shredder .
Nick Briz Eastern Florida State College,
Otsg Army Falls Church, Va,
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