One high school date was scuttled after fellow track team members trapped him in the gym and pelted him with eggs, forcing Joel to call his father for help. Jenny Soto is one of Joel Rifkin's victims. Rifkin was AWOL from his part-time job at an East Meadow liquor store, looking for trouble. After sex, he reportedly bludgeoned her with a Howtizer artillery shell and strangled her to death. Following a traffic stop that led to a car chase by police, authorities noticed a rank odor coming from Rifkins car. Next to him is his attorney, John Lawrence of Mineola. Flexing his ego, he fired Sale and retained two new lawyers: former Nassau County assistant district attorney Michael Soshnick and his partner, John Lawrence. Another 31-year-old victim, Korean hooker Yun Lee, was fished out of the East River on September 23, her body folded inside a steamer trunk. Joel Rifkin was born in in January 20, 1959. Sheriff Teasle hated Rambo because he represented a threat to his own power base. The suppression hearing convened before Judge Ira Wexner on November 8, 1993, Soshnick and Lawrence picking up where Sale left off in the effort to quash Rifkins confession. Police found Evens drivers license at his home. Upon waking, he dragged Susie down to the basement, draped her body across the washer and dryer, then used that makeshift operating table to dismember her corpse with an X-acto knife. The neighbor always survives to do the interview afterwards. Credit: AP/Pool Photo/ Bill Turnbull. O.J. His lawyer argued that his statements to the police at the time of his arrest should be suppressed because he had not been informed of his rights. Joel delivered a eulogy at his fathers funeral, moving the mourners to tears, and his depression deepened. "And he kept saying things like, 'I killed that one. The argument over whose killings were better reportedly ended when Ferguson punched Rifkin in the mouth. Lorraine Orvieto: Orvieto, 28, disappeared in Dec. 1991. Joel waited more than a year to claim his second victim. One drivers license belonged to Mary DeLuca, found dead in Cornwall, New York, in October 1991. So I put it on the backburner But for years, I wanted to know how somebody, who seemed like a very nice fellow, could commit such heinous crimes.". Instead of keeping him away from prostitutes, the incident made him more devious. He kind of leaned back and said, One or 100, whats the difference? Eugene Corcoran, the state police lieutenant who supervised the investigation, recalled, according to Newsday. He managed to completely slip by unnoticed while committing the most vicious rampage New York had ever seen,capitalizing on his own non-threatening anonymity and pursuingvictims who tended to fall through the cracks of society. Below we countdown to Joel Rifkin upcoming birthday. All rights reserved. Rifkin was transferred at once to the Nassau County Correctional Facility in East Meadow. Growing up, he struggled with confidence and lacked a natural athletic ability, which frustrated his father. Elaine told her new beau he should change his name. Rifkin suffered a major anxiety attack after learning that Susie was HIV positive, following the case as police prepared artists renderings of the victim in life and checked them against a list of 700 missing women. They were probably alone on the streets, but not in the world.. He also pleaded guilty to two murders in neighboring Suffolk County. Her body was never recovered. It was really unnerving., Marie Alonso, left,mother of Joel Rifkin victim Anna Lopez, shares an emotional moment with Margarita Gonzales,mother of victim Jenny Soto, outside of Nassau County Court in Mineolaon July 7, 1993. "Everybody has some kind of fantasy life, whether it's negative or positive. Bresciani, Julie Blackbird, Lauren Marquez, Mary Catherine Williams, Barbara Jacobs, Yun Lee, Maryann Hollomon, Leah Evens, Violet ONeill, Mary Ellen DeLuca, Lorraine Orvieto, Iris Sanchez, Jenny Soto, and Anna Lopez. After Rifkin was convicted in Nassau, he was sent to Suffolk where he faced two murder charges. The whole city is talking about this monster Joel Rifkin, and I am dating Joel Rifkin, laments Elaine, whose coworkers have gotten wind of the creepy coincidence. Doubling back from there, he returned to Manhattan, pitching the arms and torso into the East River. On July 14 of that year, 31-year-old Barbara Jacobs was found, strangled and rotting, in the Hudson River; her body had been wedged inside a plastic bag, then forced into a cardboard box. His guide enabled police all over the metropolitan area to find bodies they didnt know existed or to explain how and why bodies had been found earlier. What I found the most interesting was when he said they could also learn how to protect themselves from people like me. He described himself as a wolf in sheeps clothing. They questioned him for eight hours, but for some reason never recorded the sessions. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. Joel Rifkin is a serial killer who went on a string of murders in New York in the 1990s. Confidential (1997) and The Sum of All Fears (2002). Ahearn saidRifkins lack of concern for his victims haunted him for years and still does. She was missing one earring, later found in Rifkins bedroom stash. She vowed at the time to be present in the courtroom to let Rifkin and others know that the victims had been more than sex workers. He drove to the Hudson River, dropping her into the water near a cement plant. The wild chase was on. The cocaine in her system prompted detectives to brand her a drug mule, killed accidentally by the rupture of drug-filled condoms in her stomach. That one was easy.' This massive 8.5 x 11 perfect bound book contains over 300 pages of rare interviews, letters, documents, transcripts and artwork from historys most notorious killers. By the time Rifkin was done taking guilty pleas throughout the area, he had been sentenced to 203 1/3 years to life in prison. The 23-year-oldwas wearing only a T-shirt. Well, 17 girls thought that, and now theyre dead.. Table ranking Historys Most Deadly Events: Influenza pandemic (1918-19) 20-40 million deaths; black death/plague (1348-50), 20-25 million deaths, AIDS pandemic (through 2000) 21.8 million deaths, World War II (1937-45), 15.9 million deaths, and World War I (1914-18) 9.2 million deaths. She wasnt what they said she was, Gonzales said. Rifkin had reached the detonation point. Pittsburgh woman missing for 31 years found alive in Puerto Rico, School shooting survivor has emotional audition on "American Idol", exclusive 2011 interview with CBS-2's Mary Calvi. After sex, he strangled her to death. Rifkin wedged Lee into the same trunk hed used for Mary DeLuca and dropped her in the East River. A panel of seven men and five women was seated nine days later, with opening arguments begun on April 20. Known as Joel the Ripper, he murdered and dismembered at least nine women in New York. Joel waited more than a year to claim his second victim. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. ", I wanted to be normal. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. All of our Serial Killer Magazines and books are massive, perfect bound editions. "And a lot of them are dangerous people. As much as I say I wanted to stop, there probably wouldve been others,Joel Rifkin said of the likelihood he would have continued to kill if he hadnt been caught in 1993. His upstairs bedroom yielded 75 pieces of womens jewelry, photographs Rifkin had taken of several unidentified women, various items of feminine clothing, makeup cases, a womans curling iron, wallets and pocketbooks, plus a mixed bag of ID cards. Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! He paid a fine and managed to conceal the incident from his mother, ranging farther afield to seek hookers in Manhattan when he felt the urge. Seven months later, Simpsons name became connected to murder. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. "Leah was not a throwaway," Evans' friend tearfully says in the special. Get an all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more! He struck her on impulse, strangling her while she mouthed something about making a big mistake. It was Rifkins first murder of someone he knew beforehand, and he experienced fleeting remorse. He recalls killing one hooker in 1989 and another in 1990, dismembering their bodies and dropping the pieces into Manhattan canals, but the butcher work repulsed him, and he didnt really hit his stride until 1991. There, Rifkin testified himself in a pretrial hearing to contest that his confession was voluntary. His landscaping business had folded by then, his landlord clamoring for $700 in overdue rent. Brescianis body was found in the back of Rifkins pickup truck after he was stopped by the state police for a traffic violation, The New York Times reported. Mary Catherine Williams was number 13, Joels omission of her name confusing police and some reporters into citing Williams as an 18th victim. Thats well over 30 ebooks in one package. Eugene Corcoran, shown onJune 18, was one of the lead investigators in the Joel Rifkin case. Every issue of Serial Killer Magazine, every Ultimate Collection, trainscript, FBI file and more! They had destroyed themselves through their lifestyle. June 29, 1993. Joel Rifkin is now serving 203 years to life in the Clinton, N.Y. correctional facility. These are more like giant, professionally produced graphic novels. Check out our sister site VHS WASTELAND. Mladinich, Robert. He said he sat in his car outside his home for an hour and a half, listening to Frank Sinatra. In 1988 Rifkin enrolled in a two-year horticulture-study program at the State College of Technology in Farmingdale, New York. Good works notwithstanding, Rifkin had no luck in his bids to escape solitary confinement. Joel Rifkin, 34, is transferred to District Court 29 June, 1993 in Farmingdale, NY after police said he confessed to killing as many as 17 women. "Certain things are very hard to stop," Rifkin said. He was easy to make fun of.. Joels parents gave him a car that year, and he used it to troll for prostitutes, first in nearby Hempstead, later in Manhattan. "Oh! Simpson. We know Blackbirds fate today only from Rifkins confession, and from her diary stashed in his bedroom. Even before he was sentenced, on May 9, 1994, Rifkin was transferred to Suffolk County, pending trial for the Evens and Marquez slayings.
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