Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Then, Captain America is pulled out of the ice, and Tony is recruited to be his roommate and guide to the modern world. The plot twist regarding the death of Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr.) parents was plotted as early as Iron Man. A vengeful Ivan then. We could easily picture him as someone who love young ladies whatever he's age. [12] Ultimately however, Downey ended up being the choice the studio made for the first character in their ever-expansive cinematic universe. Stark returns to the United States, where Killmonger exposes Obadiah Stane's involvement in the ambush plot, and Stark names him the new COO of Stark Industries. However, in the comics, Tony Stark was born in 1963. He creates time travel, and the Avengers successfully restore trillions of lives across the universe. Homily starter anecdotes: # 1 : " O Lord, open his eyes so he may see .". And as for Robert Downey Jr., he was born in 1965 and turned 54 just three weeks before the film hit theaters and went on to become the highest-grossing movie ever made. In the real world, WWII was ~70 years ago and increasing. So now Tony Stark is in his thirties or maybe in histwenties. To answer your question, the timeline of ages is about right, despite not having Tony Stark's real birth year. Publication history. "[44] About the character's evolution from previous films, Downey said, "In Iron Man, which was an origin story, he was his own epiphany and redemption of sorts. In 2023, when Scott Lang hypothesizes a way to bring back the fallen, the Avengers approach Stark, who initially refuses, considering the idea dangerous. Which means he was 21 when they died. Him just blurting out 'I am Iron Man?' Adding more concrete date sources to spoog's answer. Tony doesn't look 70 years in The Avengers. This is a tragedy that has shaped who Tony is as a person and has no doubt had a profound impact on his life. What was really important to me was to not have him change so much that he's unrecognizable. He was like, 'Okay, let's try that.' When Howard Stark reveals his wife is pregnant during Endgames time heist, it confirms Tonys date of birth as May 29th, 1970 in MCU canon. What Is the Difference Between 'Man' And 'Son of Man' in Num 23:19? He withdrew from everyone and everything, shutting himself off from the world. He was used as a decoy to hide his brother Arno Stark. Well caught. Instead of "Source : SHIELD character file" can you add the movie you took the screenshot from, please ? But to find this I had read several article and blog post of people about it. Instead, both are killed in a car accidentlater revealed to be an assassination carried out by the Winter Soldier, who was mind-controlled by Hydra to steal the serum. "[48] Screenwriter Drew Pearce compared Stark in Iron Man 3 to an American James Bond for both being "heroes with a sense of danger to them, and unpredictability" even if Stark was a "free agent" instead of an authority figure like Bond. At the Expo, Stark's rival Justin Hammer unveils Vanko's armored drones, led by Rhodes in a heavily weaponized version of the Mark II armor. Robert Downey Jr. portrays Tony Stark in the Marvel Cinematic Universe films Iron Man (2008),[15] Iron Man 2 (2010),[16] The Avengers (2012),[17] Iron Man 3 (2013),[18] Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015),[19] Captain America: Civil War (2016),[20] Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017),[21] Avengers: Infinity War (2018),[19] and Avengers: Endgame (2019). By age 17, Tony was the youngest Fortune 500 CEO in history. Agents possessed by Loki attack the Helicarrier, disabling one of its engines in flight, which Stark and Rogers must work to restart. To help with animating the more refined suits, information was sometimes captured by having Downey wear only the helmet, sleeves and chest of the costume over a motion capture suit. ", "Teen Choice Awards 2010: First Round of Nominees Announced", "Teen Choice Awards 2010: Second (Giant) Wave of Nominees Announced", "And Your 2010 Scream Awards Winners Are", "Nominees Announced for People's Choice Awards 2011", "2011 MTV Movie Awards: The Full Nomination List", "Inception, Let Me In, Tron, and The Walkind Dead Top the 2011 Saturn Award Nominations", "Teen Choice Awards 2012: Nominees and Winners (Complete List)", "People's Choice Awards 2013: The Complete Winners List", "Nickelodeon Unveils 2013 Kids' Choice Awards Nominees", "2013 MTV Movie Awards winners and nominees complete list", "2013 Teen Choice Awards: The complete list of winners", "People's Choice Awards 2014: The winners list", "Critics Choice Awards: '12 Years,' 'American Hustle' Earn 13 Nominations Each", "Nickelodeon's Kids' Choice Awards: The Winners", "2014 MTV Movie Awards: Full Nominations List", "Teen Choice Awards 2015 Winners: Full List", "People's Choice Awards 2016: See the Full List of Winners Here", "Here Are The Nominees For The 2016 Kids' Choice Awards", "MTV Movie Awards 2016: Complete List of Nominees", "Teen Choice Awards 2016 Nominations Announced: See the "First Wave" of Potential Winners", "People's Choice Awards 2017: The Complete Winners List", "Kids' Choice Awards 2017 Winners: The Complete List", "People's Choice Awards: Complete List of Winners", "Kids' Choice Awards: 'Avengers: Infinity War' Tops Nominees; DJ Khaled to Host", "MTV Movie & TV Awards Winners: The Complete List", "Teen Choice Awards 2019: Complete List of Winners and Nominees", "People's Choice Awards: 'Avengers: Endgame' Named Best Movie", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tony_Stark_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)&oldid=1141169035, This page was last edited on 23 February 2023, at 18:31. In Tony's personal history, his accident that resulted in him creating the first Iron Man suit has been updated over the years: Writers have updated the war and locale in which Stark is injured. Tony Stark first premiered as a comic book character, in Tales of Suspense #39 (cover dated March 1963), a collaboration among editor and story-plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, story-artist Don Heck, and cover-artist and character-designer Jack Kirby. [66], Stark's fashion sense evolved over the course of the films, initially being described as "woefully basic mostly saggy jeans, henleys and tank topswith an occasional suit", but improving by the time of the first Avengers film,[67] and becoming more sophisticated by Civil War, as Stark matured and accepted greater responsibility for the consequences of his actions. Stark and Yinsen secretly build a small, powerful electric generator called an arc reactor to power Stark's electromagnet and a suit of powered armor. By 2016, eventually discovered a way to cope with the loss through the B.A.R.F. The Avengers become divided, both over how to approach Loki and the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. But over the decades, that link to WWII makes less and less sense in the real world, as the character from the 60's has their personal timeline dragged into the future while the WWII link is perpetually fixed to the real life WWII. Tony Stark, the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist was born on May 29th in 1970. He spent a lot of time tinkering with machines and trying to figure out how they worked. For Iron Man, Stan Winston and his company built metal and rubber versions of the armors featured in the film,[70] while Iron Man comic book artist Adi Granov designed the Mark III with illustrator Phil Saunders. Tony Stark is a genius inventor and billionaire industrialist, who suits up in his armor of cutting-edge technology to become the super hero Iron Man. Stark intercepts the missile, and in an apparent sacrifice of his own life, takes it through the wormhole toward the Chitauri fleet. @spong Take a look at Shisa's answer below, with files from the films, and you can see that you made one wrong assumption (that the newspaper referring to Starks graduation from MIT at 17 means he is still 17 now), and that pushed your dates off slightly. Three years after his parents died in a car accident, college sophomore Tony Stark is happy to keep to himself and his routine. What If Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark? In another version, his mother Maria Stark died in a plane crash. When looking back at Tony's journey as Iron Man, he may have had one of the most remarkable arcs thus far in the MCU. Content creator whose likeness was similar to that of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark character from the Iron Man franchise. There is an old joke that if your child tells you that he wants to be a superhero when he grows up, you should be concerned. The Avengers had to travel through time to enlist a 19-year-old Tony Stark to help defeat his older self. "MANY HAVE CLAIMED THAT HE BELONGS TO A DIFFERENT PANET SO HE IS FOREVER YOUNG LIKE THE ASGARDIAN AVENGER THOR." [a] As a result, Stark inherited his father's company, becoming CEO of Stark Industries. Can archive.org's Wayback Machine ignore some query terms? In the films, Vision is created by Stark and Banner as a counter to Ultron. He notably won the Saturn Award for Best Actor three times,[91][92][93] making him a record four-time winner (he had previously won the award for 1993's Heart and Souls);[94] it is also the record for most wins for portraying the same character, tied with Mark Hamill for playing Luke Skywalker. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Tony Stark's parents died in a car accident when he was just a child. Stark learns that Barnes was framed and convinces Wilson to give him Rogers' destination. The Stones are incorporated into a gauntlet made by Stark, which Banner then uses to resurrect those that were disintegrated by Thanos. Growing increasingly reckless and despondent about his impending death, he appoints Pepper Potts CEO of Stark Industries. Tony Stark's DOB in the MCU is May 29th 1970. [56] Downey's personal trainer Eric Oram stated that the trick to pitting Rogers against Stark, "is to show Iron Man using the 'minimum force' necessary to win the fight". Howard Stark's DOB is 15 Aug 1917 [source: SHIELD character files; also CA1], Tony Stark's DOB is 29 May 1970 [source: SHIELD character files ]. A.I.M. As for Tony Stark, given that he was a heightened extension of Robert Downey Jr.'s real-life personality, it seems fitting that the actor and the genius billionaire playboy philanthropist who. 2:36. We tried it and it didn't work, because this is a different sort of thing, the story and the idea and the theme is the theme, and everybody is just an arm of the octopus. Without informing Ross, Stark goes to the Siberian Hydra facility and strikes a truce with Rogers and Barnes. As we all know, when Captain America wakes up after 70 years, he is as young as Thor. It was always assumed that Tonys parents died when he was very young, but it wasnt until recently that we found out exactly how old Tony was when they died. She dated Obadiah Stane. +1|Excellent observation about the sliding scale of comics and their use of fixed historical points. Both of Tony's parents, we learn, were seemingly killed in a car crash back in 1991. Tony is a brilliant engineer and has used his talents to create a powerful . The Starks' murder was arranged by HYDRA to look like a car accident, but the man who did the actual killing was the Winter Soldier. He becomes a founding member and leader of the Avengers. Your caps-lock and shift keys seem to be broken. When Bruce Banner crash-lands in the New York Sanctum to warn the heroes of Thanos's arrival, a zombified Stark attacks him alongside Stephen Strange and Wong, but is quickly killed by Hope van Dyne. The theory maintains that the Parkers died in a plane crash (which on its own is extra poignant given how heavily flight and crashing planes factor into the climax of Homecoming) but not just any. Rhodes dons Stark's Mark II prototype armor and tries to restrain him. Stark and Nebula, stranded on Titan, watch as Parker and others are turned to dust. technology that was invented by Quentin Beck, which enabled him to view and relive the last memories he had with his parents. Howard and Maria Stark were killed by the Winter Solider on December 16th, 1991. [63] In June 2013, when Downey signed on to return as Iron Man in Avengers: Age of Ultron, he also signed on for a third Avengers film. First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 (1963) Created By: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Larry Lieber, and Don Heck. On the platform, Stark goes to save Potts who had been kidnapped and subjected to Extremis as Rhodes saves the president. For instance, Chris Hemsworths Thor revealed in Infinity War that hed been around for 1500 years, while Steve Rogers joked in The Winter Soldier that he was 95 but not dead, which would make him over 100 years old by the time that Avengers: Endgame rolled around. 2012-Thor uses Mjolnir to restart the reactor, saving 2012-Stark's life. At his death in 1991, he would be about 70. Sadly, Tonybecame an orphan just four years later after the deaths of his parents. In the original 1963 story, it was the Vietnam War. That's the big idea. On making a third Iron Man film, Downey said, "My sense of it is that we need to leave it all on the fieldwhatever that means in the end. it becomes more and more difficult as they get older. Nick Fury told Captain America that he has been "asleep" for nearly 70 years. So the mere fact that Howard was in his 50's doesn't really matter. vegan) just to try it, does this inconvenience the caterers and staff? Or was it explained somehow? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? After graduating college, writing began as a part-time hobby for Kara, but it quickly turned into a career. Heartbreaking, but . Kathryn Newton On Her Debut in Ant-Man and the . And we saw in Civil War that his parents died on December 16, 1991. Tony was born on May 29, 1968. agents over custody of Loki and the Tesseract, Lang, using his Ant-Man suit, shrinks down and enters into 2012-Stark's chest arc reactor, pulling a plug that gives him a cardiac dysrhythmia. In the comics, some of the characters have been in use for half a century or more. While Tony's sacrifice was tragic, there was no doubt that he lived a full life considering how much he accomplished by the time he reached 50-years-old. The unexpectedly sentient Ultron eliminates Stark's A.I. Iron Man Has Found Its Tony Stark!! The film is dated 9-15-73. Tony became CEO of stark Industries, thanks to Iron Man 1 during the short presentation when Roddy should give at Tony his award. We know about Tony's breakdown when his whole nervous system was under the control of his ex/former-lover (I forget her name). Stark's personality more closely resembles the Ultimate Comics version. ", "Robert Downey Jr. Talks Iron Man 2, The Dark Knight and Colin Farrell", "Downey Jr., Favreau & Cheadle Suit Up for The Avengers! December 13, 2022 by Marjorie R. Rogers, MA (English), Certified Consultant. Marvel Unlimited. Israel is at war with Aram, and Elisha, the man of God, is using his prophetic powers to reveal . When the Ten Rings attack the workshop, Yinsen sacrifices himself to divert them while the suit is completed. After a confrontation with Stark and Rogers, Thor agrees to take Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D. The Tesseract falls out, and with 2012-Stark and Thor distracted, Loki picks it up and teleports away. The Avengers are divided: Stark supports oversight because of his role in Ultron's creation and Sokovia's devastation, while Rogers has more faith in their judgment than that of a government. He dies surrounded by Rhodes, Parker, and Potts. There are some plot problems, but not based on the assumption that Tony Stark was born when Captain America was frozen in ice. As one of the original Avengers, Tony and his technological and scientific knowledge were integral to the team's efforts in protecting the planet. Fellow captive Ho Yinsen, a doctor, implants an electromagnet into Stark's chest to keep shrapnel shards from reaching his heart and killing him. I've. 2023-Stark obtains the briefcase but loses it when 2012-Hulk smashes through the elevator. Killian intends to kill Ellis on an oil platform on live television. "[8] The character's original costume was a bulky gray armored suit, replaced by a golden version in the second story (issue #40, April 1963), and redesigned as sleeker, red-and-golden armor in issue #48 (Dec. 1963) by Steve Ditko. "[18] On following up The Avengers, Downey said they "tried to be practical, in a post-Avengers world. [86], For The Avengers, Joe Morgenstern of The Wall Street Journaldespite complimenting Downey's performancefavored his work in Iron Man over his acting in The Avengers: "His Iron Man is certainly a team player, but Mr. Downey comes to the party with two insuperable superpowers: a character of established sophisticationthe industrialist/inventor Tony Stark, a sharp-tongued man of the worldand his own quicksilver presence that finds its finest expression in self-irony". That's weird. @Thaddeus Thanks! went on to become the highest-grossing movie ever made. How old was Tony when his parents died? Howard died 21 years later, when he was 73 or 74. "[34] To prepare, Downey spent five days a week weight training and practiced martial arts to get into shape,[11] which he said benefited him because "it's hard not to have a personality meltdown after about several hours in that suit. And again we don't know Maria Stark's age, so she could have been much younger than Howard Stark. [87] In his review of Avengers: Endgame, Morgenstern lauded both actor and character, praising "Robert Downey Jr.'s startlingly smart Tony Stark" who, along with Chris Evans' Captain America and Chris Hemsworth's Thor, contributed to that film's "feeling of family because the debuts of its most prominent members remain vivid to this day. [89] In 2019, following Stark's death in Avengers: Endgame, a statue representing the character in his Iron Man armor was erected in Forte dei Marmi, Italy. I think it tends to be an oversight of translating one form of media to another. When you said they use a "sliding timescale," I thought, "don't you mean Comic Book Time?" Iron Man comic, in which he mentions that he's in his thirties, so I guess he's 38, 39 maybe? He reinstitutes the Stark Expo to continue his father's legacy, but discovers that the palladium core in the arc reactor that keeps Stark alive and powers the armor is slowly poisoning him. In the MCU, Stark is also the creator of two iterations of Parker's Spider-Man suits, unlike in the comics where he only creates the Iron Spider Armor, while Parker creates other suits by himself. files it says his DOB is 29th May, 1970. Iron Man's life came to an end in Avengers: Endgame after serving as the character that launched the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but how old was he when he died? While Tony's sacrifice was tragic, there was no doubt that he lived a full life considering how much he accomplished by the time he reached 50-years-old. Howard Stark was also a genius and an inventor and he soon took Tony under his wing and began teaching him everything he knew about engineering and science. Downey initially pushed director Joss Whedon to make Stark the lead of the 2012 Avengers film: "Well, I said, 'I need to be in the opening sequence. Tony served as thechief weapons manufacturer for the U.S. militaryuntil his change of perception led him to build weaponized suits to defend the world. The plan worked in Endgame, but following the use of the new Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos brought the war to the Avengers Compound. I mean a woman's eggs kinda go bad around 35 or 40 but a man can father healthy children up til his seventies and beyond. Stark is initially depicted as an industrialist, genius inventor, and playboy who is CEO of Stark Industries. He was always proud of his sons accomplishments and grateful for the wonderful things Tony did for him. [76], The AI version of J.A.R.V.I.S. [10], Jon Favreau, who was selected to direct the first Iron Man film, felt Downey's past made him an appropriate choice for the part,[11] and that the actor could make Stark a "likable asshole," but also depict an authentic emotional journey once he won over the audience. The truth behind the death of Tony Stark's parents resulted in the breaking up of the Avengers in Civil War, but Marvel had it planned since Iron Man. He turned his focus to inventing weapon technology, but he also became a party boy. Why do academics stay as adjuncts for years rather than move around? As 2012-Stark and 2012-Thor argue with Alexander Pierce and S.H.I.E.L.D. Escaping with the scepter, Ultron builds an army of robot drones, kills Strucker and recruits the Maximoffs, who hold Stark responsible for their parents' deaths by his company's weapons. Billionaire. Before using his powers for good, the CEO of Stark Industries was more focused on money and fame. Several alternate versions of Stark appear in the animated series What If?, in which he is voiced by Mick Wingert. This also puts Howard as 74 and Tony as 21 at time of the Stark Srs' deaths on 17 Dec 1991. Was Nick Fury aware of other super-powered people between Captain America and Iron Man? Stark arrives in the Mark VI armor to warn Rhodes, but Vanko remotely takes control of both the drones and Rhodes' armor and attacks Iron Man. Prior to developing an online fanbase he cosplayed at comic conventions. Tony went on to become one of the leaders of the Avengers and the MCU, to the point where some events from his personal life ended up triggering bigger conflicts. After the demonstration, the convoy is ambushed and Stark is critically wounded and imprisoned by a terrorist group, the Ten Rings. Alternate versions of Stark from within the MCU multiverse appear in the animated series What If? Endgame reveals Tony was born on May 29, 1970 because his mom was said to be pregnant when Tony and Steve traveled back toa S.H.I.E.L.D. World War II took place between 1939-1945. Philanthropist. When did Captain America learn what happened to Howard Stark? Howard had Tony at the age of 53. Is he comfortable with that? The date of the newspaper is December 17, 1991. Tony Stark's Origin Has Several Layers of Tragedy To It Ironically, A.X.E. [22], In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Stark appears in archival footage from Captain America: Civil War,[23] and also appears via archive footage in the Marvel One-Shot The Consultant (2011). Though he was still a bit egocentric, he constantly put his life on the line for others. Rogers, Romanoff, and Barton find Ultron and retrieve the synthetic body, but Ultron captures Romanoff. Alternatively, they could retcon him into being Tony's grandfather, and introduce a new father for Tony. "[43], The Avengers introduced Stark's role as one of an ensemble of heroes who must come together to defend the Earth from an alien invasion led by the god Loki.
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