The heater is made of metal, and is therefore non-combustible. The packages are easy to handle and provide good protection for the delivery. The guarantee does not cover any faults resulting from failure to comply with installation, use, or maintenance instructions. 0000001935 00000 n Set the sensor aside for later installation (12 14). Check that the requirements for safety distances are fulfilled ( 3.2.). Your sauna has been paired with an appropriately sized heater to consistently achieve temperatures of 180-195F. The heaters factory settings are as follows: The settings menu structure and changing the settings are shown in figures 3a and 3b. To maintain the desired temperature, the power regulation unit will automatically turn the heating elements on and off during periods. Place the sensor pin in the housing with the bulb upright and close the wings of the housing over the sensor pin (24, 25). The diameter of the supply air pipe must be 50100 mm.Heaters with a separate temperature sensor: the supply air vent of the sauna must not be near the temperature sensor! Press the MENU button and wait for the control panel to return to the default mode. If the minimum distance is not fulfilled, ventilation must be changed. << The height of the sauna is usually 21002300 mm. Carry out the first heating outside more information in the installation and user instructions of the stove. Ceramic stones and soft soapstones must not be used. 0000007594 00000 n Bench towels should be used during bathing to prevent sweat from getting onto the benches.The benches, walls, and floor of the sauna should be washed thoroughly at least every six months. There is a lot of non-insulated wall surface in the sauna. P.O.Box 12Teollisuustie 1-740951 MuurameFINLAND+358 207 464 000harvia@harvia.fi, TUTCO Electric Duct Heater Installation Manual - Download [optimized] TUTCO Electric Duct Heater Installation Manual - Download, Rheem Electric Water Heater User Manual - Download [optimized] Rheem Electric Water Heater User Manual - Download, MakeUp Air Modular Electric Heater A0011031 - Optimized PDF MakeUp Air Modular Electric Heater A0011031 - Original PDF, Klarstein Smartwave IR Heater User Manual - Optimized PDF Klarstein Smartwave IR Heater User Manual - Original PDF, Installation of the Control Panel (PI70, PI90), HARVIA V45XE Electric Sauna Heater Instruction Manual, HARVIA PO165 Electric Sauna Heater Instruction Manual, TUTCO Electric Duct Heater Installation Manual, MakeUp Air Modular Electric Heater A0011031, Klarstein Smartwave IR Heater User Manual, AFL FSM-100 Fiber Processing Software User Guide, MyTana PGR200 Inspection System Reel Set User Manual, PHOENIX DOMES Teardrop Stargazer Glamping Tent User Guide, Canon LS-122TS Desktop Calculator Instructions, kbice FDFM1JA01 Self Dispensing Nugget Ice Machine User Guide, LUMINAR EVERYDAY 59250 2ft LED Linkable Plant Grow Light Owners Manual, Viatom Blood Pressure Monitor BP2 & BP2A User Manual. To be sure the breaker is off, connect your heater to power according to the diagram below. Surface rocks collected in nature are not suitable for heater use. /ID [<1c9c74a66b70af98df7878164f27e1e9><1c9c74a66b70af98df7878164f27e1e9>] uj_XL-/9(*?=|}K,aX`'5W0~%CU7vg)\rn#RZ~NW1z "Lu*j9Nqf/v/$bXSjyur?mN4O3#ne/;u1(ULK^,q+i2Jos_oTY4l-GBM"VNC_$gE`Pz~qM&z%Kv(.{9)BvLs@43 8}$F {C^. Your Salus Sauna is paired with a genuine Finnish heater manufactured by Harvia Oy, the world leader in sauna heaters. B. Never go to a hot sauna if you have taken alcohol, strong medicines, or narcotics. The stones and outer surface of the heater may burn your skin. Reset button is located on the bottom of the heater. Harvia on johtava kansainvlinen sauna- ja spa-yhti, jolla on viisi markkinassa hyvin tunnettua tuotemerkki: Harvia, Sentiotec, Almost Heaven Saunas ja EOS. The high-limit can be reset with the help of the reset button. The external control panel can be installed in the dressing room, for example it also shows the temperature of the sauna. endobj The button should be pushed upwards until you hear a click, which means the heating is back on. /ca 1 The minimum height depends on the heater (see table 2). Heater stones should be of a material that is as heavy as possible, dark in colour and large in size for them to be able to store as much heat energy as possible. 84 0 obj /Pages 72 0 R Harvia is the number one manufacturer of sauna heaters and components. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The time may be pre-set at 10-minute intervals up to 10 hours and at one-hour intervals from 10 to 18 hours. Exhaust air vent. If the panel is installed in the sauna room, it must be at the minimum safety distance from the heater and at a maximum height of one meter from the floor.The control panel is delivered with wooden covering ledges, an installation flange, two fixing screws, and a 3-metre data cable which can be shortened if necessary. The infrared cabin has not replaced the traditional sauna for her. /Root 77 0 R een pro kad prostor Modern sprchov sauna je idelnm eenm pro mal koupelny. Every 6 months or so the 105* C rated wires will burn out. Consult your sauna manual for the typical sauna routine, and enjoy! Tape the lower edges of the aluminium foil onto the upper edge of the floor tiling or onto the waterproofing. The deep heat of an infrared cabin has been said to raise the users body temperature, creating an artificial fever of sorts. /TrimBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] Reserve the larger stones for placement on top of the heating elements, covering them completely. It is normal to see some light smoke as this coating burns off. Sensor cableE. Figure 12. Familiarise yourself with the wiring required by the lights, the heater and the control panel or unit and decide whether you want to have the cables under or on the panelling boards. Please note, a licensed electrician should perform all electrical work, and Salus Saunas staff is available to assist with any questions you or your electrician may have. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. If these criteria are met, make a mark on the wall of the sauna directly behind one of the rubber gaskets on the lower back of the heater (7); this will be where the power enters the sauna. In recent decades, Japanese and Chinese researchers have studied infrared treatments extensively. Look for that and push and see if the heater comes on. /CA 1 /N 16 /ArtBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] The heater will begin to heat up as soon as the timer machinery turns the switch to the operation area. A. Electrical equipment installed higher than 1000 mm from the sauna floor must be approved for use at a temperature of 125 C (marking T125). It is perfectly normal for the wooden surfaces of the sauna room to blacken in time. The location is suitable for the heater ( 3.2.). 15 Amps of power can be provided by a household circuit. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding Add to cart Sauna's Warranty on parts is void if fans to fO"OW necessary . Exhaust air vent. /OP false When operating the heater for the first time, both the heater and the stones emit smell. /O 81 << Do not force other bathers from the sauna by throwing excessive amounts of water on the stones. Wiring for the sauna lightsD. xc```b``ng`2d@Y8600d| {M@}$RQ 3WvC)K%]dMjxH`Ye^sfoIim ^\`7G2XqeY@^U}\L The Harvia Forte electric heater is the right choice . Designed to use wood in place of electricity with very effective flame circulation system. /Filter /FlateDecode Check that the heater output is not too high ( 2.3.). Begin from the ceiling. The defines a reset button which resets all form values to its initial values.. 83 0 obj For indoor saunas, the screws should be mounted 22 to the floor and spaced 15.25 apart approximately centered above the vent holes (if present). I feel like the infrared heat also increases my metabolism and cleanses my body, Johanna says. /SMask /None This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. /Parent 77 0 R Harvia Sauna Heater Features. Therefore, it is necessary to throw water on the heated stones to reach a suitable level of humidity in the sauna. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] If the temperature in the sensors environment rises too high, the overheat protector cuts off the heater power. The supply air vent of the sauna must not be near the temperature sensor.The air stream near the vent will cool the sensor, resulting in the sensor sending erroneous temperature information to the control unit. Mount the sensor housing (the metal component zip-tied to the elements in step 1) vertically, at least 18 to the side of the heater and 18 below the highest point of the sauna. This is page 3/11. /OPM 1 One protects the control panel from any electrical shorts. Choose the correct heater output from table 2. The steam will feel sharp. 0000019927 00000 n Any other wiring (special lights etc.). As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Privacy Policy | Affiliate Disclosure. aluminium paper. After exercise, the infrared heat aids muscle recovery and relaxation. the timer will not cause the Sauna to heat. The only connections that should be made are two hotlines to L1 and L2, and the ground line to the ground screw (17). All electrical appliances that are fitted with a protective housing, that is attached by screws to prevent dangerous live components from coming into contact with one another, must be installed and serviced, in compliance with the regulations in place, by a professional, authorised electrical engineer or any such other knowledgeable person. A. 0000001778 00000 n air vent directed away from the sensor: 500 mm. Place stones inside the top part of the frame. Arrange the stones tightly. >> This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Sea air and a humid climate may corrode the metal surfaces of the heater. << endobj timer (0 to large 1 on the The air in the sauna room should change six times per hour. Harvia KIP-30B $ 855.00 Harvia KIP-45B $ 872.00 Harvia Topclass KV-45-S $ 1,314.00 Harvia KIP-45W $ 740.00 Harvia Ever Ready Forte AF-45 $ 3,940.00 Harvia KIP-60B $ 903.00 Harvia Topclass KV-60-S Take the heater o the wall and remove the rubber gasket, exposing the cutout. The sauna is too large in relation to the stoves heating capacity. The flue connection pipe is too deep in the flue. /Type /ExtGState Thread the data cable through the flange. The Harvia Club K15G 3ph electric sauna heater is a heavy duty, functional, and efficient heater used in large saunas or on a continuous basis. External control units are necessary for large heaters used in public facilities, but they are also well-suited for home use (consult your electrical engineer first). The connecting cable (figure 7: B) must be of rubber cable type H07RN-F or its equivalent. Infrared heat has effects that promote health and well-being. NOcn!3k/K'V47D$h{gdueD@~G$@4q. The heating elements will also last longer with good air circulation. The diameter of the exhaust air pipe should be twice the diameter of the supply air pipe. Before switching the heater on always check that there isnt anything on top of the heater or inside the given safety distance. See the heaters instruction manual for the locations of the mounting screws.2. The control panel will light up and the heater will begin to heat up immediately. HARVIA SENLOG CF9C 1. Many heaters intended for home use are also available as so-called E models that utilise a control unit instead of operating switches on the heater. The effects vary from person to person. 0 Page 4: Control Unit: User's Guide Fix: Press the overheat limit reset button. Sit back and relax to reap the benefits from the humid air in your sauna space with the Harvia Autodose. You can use the control unit of a Combi heater to adjust a suitable air humidity level and temperature. Slightly alkaline (pH 810) products are suitable detergents. For example, if you turn the timer to 5, your heater will begin heating in ve hours. Our 404 manual reset snap disc thermostats have a temperature range of 100-350F. An average of 1 kW of heater power is required for each cubic metre of sauna volume. Harvialle Vuoden 2021 Strategiateko -tunnustus! /Resources << /ExtGState << /GS0 79 0 R /GS1 80 0 R >> /Font << /TT0 81 0 R When the heater starts, the indicator light 6 flashes and the display will show the set temperature. Teollisuustie 1-7 Check the red and yellow wires to the temperature sensor and their connections (see figure 8) for faculties. << The shipment includes clear installation >> /Type /Font /FontWeight 700 Support email info@saunainter.com SUPPORT Outlet SPARES DISCOUNTS Guide DESIGN SHIPPING FOR BUSINESS CATALOG SAUNA CONTROL PANELS HARVIA Sauna control panels Do not know what is the best for your sauna? If you wish to avoid bending down or your bench solution prevents manual access to the heater, you can select a heater model that is equipped with an external control panel or control unit. Did you know that there is a myth about saunas and water? /ToUnicode 84 0 R Because infrared heat energises and accelerates vital functions, it serves as an excellent form of warming up before exercise. /CropBox [ 0 0 595.276 841.89 ] Heater dealers sell stones that are specifically intended for use as heater stones, and that come from well-known suppliers, so their composition and suitability are guaranteed. Home HARVIA HARVIA PI90 Electric Sauna Heater Instruction Manual, PI70, PI90PI70E, PI90EInstructions for Installation and Use of Electric Sauna Heater. Placement of the supply air vent. Saunas are generally set to between 80-90 C. (175 . Sauna heater installation, wiring, operating instructions, troubleshooting, maintenance and guarantee. If an accident occurs and you detect it immediately: Extinguish the fire with a dry powder extinguisher suitable for electrical fires. Electrical wiring for the heaterC. If it is too high on the wall or too close to the heater, it will sense that the sauna is hotter than it actually is, triggering a premature shut-off (23). 0000000017 00000 n Please note, little water is required to achieve this. /Type /Catalog For eg., if you set the timer knob at number 3 setting, the Sauna heater will turn on 3 hours later, and will be ready for useage in 3 1/2 hours (allowing for 1/2 hour heat up time). 0000001269 00000 n Many people are surprised to learn that unlike the conventional sauna, which serves as a natural sleeping aid for many, infrared has an energising effect. In Finland, relatively little research has been conducted on infrared cabins, but information regarding its health effects has made its way here. Neglecting them causes a risk of fire. The infrared heat works best on bare skin. Place the heater and connect cables to the heater ( 3.3.). Put heat control setting to maximum, heat Sauna for 1/2 to 1 hour to observe adequate Sauna temperature. The hotter the core temperature, the more pronounced the sweating will be. Turn the timer back until one loud clunk is heard, immediately stopping the turn. To remove the smell, the sauna room needs to be efficiently ventilated.If the heater output is suitable for the sauna room, it will take about an hour for a properly insulated sauna to reach the required bathing temperature ( 2.3.). /E 69609 Check that the control panel shows a higher figure than the temperature of the sauna. Non-insulated walls (brick, glass block, glass, concrete, tile, etc.) The support can be made of plywood, for example. Allgemeines 1.1. >> If you have chosen a wall-mounted heater, install a support (A) onto the wall for the heater mounting screws. Attach the ceiling frames to the wall frames. The heater is semi-stationarily connected to the junction box (figure 7: A) on the sauna wall. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. If necessary, adjust the temperature with the + and - buttons. /XHeight 480 >> Figure 5 illustrates different sauna room ventilation options. Familiarise yourself with the wiring required by the lights, the heater and the control unit (if one is used) and decide whether you want to have the cables under or on the panelling boards. If you are in good health, you can have a swim if a swimming place or pool is available. /Contents 96 0 R @%jnZWq$/"r . the outlet should be close to the floor, e.g. For more detailed instructions, see the heater installation instructions. Check Circuit Breaker Many times the problem with the electric sauna heater is a very simple fix. 2. NOTE: While this location is the most common, the power can enter the sauna at any location. Fasten the flange with fixing screws. For example, according to some estimates, infrared cabins cause three times the amount of sweating compared to conventional saunas. Assess how the stones are placed around the heating elements. The sauna room heats slowly. 81 0 obj The darkening may be accelerated by sunlight heat from the heater protective agents on the walls (protective agents have a poor heat resistance level) fine particles coming off the heater stones and lifted by the air flow, Wood-heated saunas: smoke that enters the sauna when adding firewood, for example. Use a scrubbing brush and sauna detergent.Wipe dust and dirt from the heater with a damp cloth. Check that no heating elements can be seen behind the stones. With automatic intervals or on demand flow, you can choose the pace in which you experience the steam. The purpose of aluminium foil used as humidity proofing is to keep the humidity inside the sauna. (Note:two 120 volt lines does not make 240 volt. Harvia Cilindro PC90 EN DE 29 PC Figure 10 Reset button for overheat protector Abbildung 10 Rcksetzknopf des berhitzungsschutzes 3 5 Zurckstellen des berhitz. Peridotite, olivine-dolerite, and olivine are suitable stone types. TROUBLESHOOTINGIf the sauna heater does not operate after the initial installation:Check the breaker to be sure it is onVerify with your electrician that 240 volts are reaching the heaterDouble-check that the timer is being operated correctly (refer to instructions in step 5). If mechanical exhaust ventilation is used, place the supply air vent above the heater. Applies to heaters with a mechanical timer switch.Make sure that the fuses/breakers of the heater on the electrical panel are in working order. How often they are changed by and large depends on how much the heater is used. Before installing the heater, study the instructions for installation. The effect of heat and steam on people varies by experimenting, you can find the levels of temperature and humidity that suit you best.You can adjust the nature of the heat from soft to sharp by throwing water either to the front of the heater or straight on top of the stones. Sometimes, if the sauna is very hot, the steam from the heater may feel too hot when it reaches the bathers. The combination of a low temperature and plenty of water works best when using a heater with a large amount of stones. >> Its a good idea to make sure the GFCI wasnt installed. Insulation wool, thickness 50100 mm. In between these clunks is one hour of heat time. Press the + button. 0000019172 00000 n Thermal expansion in the heater parts may cause sounds when the heater is heating up. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To remove the smell, the sauna room needs to be efficiently ventilated. Usually, the desired temperature will be reached in 3545 minutes from turning on the heater. Remove small pieces of stone and stones that are less than 10 cm in diameter from the stone compartment. 80 0 obj Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Planning stage.). WARNING!Cover the heating elements with stones completely. Its important to remember to drink water before and after using the cabin in order to stay hydrated.. /CA 1 Check to see if the amount of power that the sauna takes matches the power meant to flow through the breaker. The main reason I did this, was to actually have a hot sauna when I was ready to go outside. The cable can be extended with a lower temperature value cable with an equivalent cross section, provided that the temperature affecting the cable after the connection does not exceed 80 C. Check the heater stones. Timer will wind down to large 1 (1 hour) setting. Infrared heat can also help with the symptoms of many diseases. 10/2 wire. Depending on your preferences, you can safely use the infrared cabin on a daily basis. Attach battens onto the walls. Reset button is located on the bottom of the heater. 0 0 0 537 574 537 574 537 371 574 574 241 241 537 241 871 574 574 574 574 /Pages 77 0 R The steel chimney withstands extensive changes. /ca 1 Try these thing first and call with any other questions. The sauna needs to be connected to a dedicated 220 to 240volt, 30 to 60amp breaker. NOTE: The power should not enter the heater through the cutout on the bottom cover this cutout is to allow access to the high-limit reset button (19). Tape all feed-through openings so that they are sealed! If you choose a Combi model with automated water dispensing, there must be a water supply near the heater. Water traces should also be cleaned from the visible surfaces of the heater after use. Check the bench heights from your bench plan and install reinforcements into the planned locations on the bench support attachments. The other is a low round button which protects the heater from over-heating. Flip the heater on its back and remove the bottom cover. The on-time will be approximately four hours. If too much water is poured onto the stones, it will drip out the base of the heater and should be wiped up with a towel after the sauna session. Measure the battens so that the upper ends are approximately 20 mm below the ceiling battens. The flooring material must also cover 1020 cm of the walls. Pry the guard back and lift up to remove it. /Type /Page +213 770 93 05 18 Fax +213 23 29 93 22 https://www.harviasaunaalgerie.com Yahi Zine CEO, Verkstllande direktr Tel. After five seconds, the temperature in the sauna room appears on the screen.When the desired temperature has been reached in the sauna room, the heating elements are automatically turned off. In that case, the timer works, but the heater will not heat up. Have the sauna rewired so that it is on a dedicated circuit breaker. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Due to large variations in temperature, the sauna stones disintegrate in use. Water is thrown onto the heater stones to achieve a pleasant level of humidity in the sauna. See figure 8. /BM /Normal REMOVING THE STONE GUARD AND BOTTOM COVER. Open the air vent and leave the sauna door half open. 22 x 50 mm) onto the ceiling where the framing studs are placed. If you have more than one device plugged into the same circuit, your Sauna may trip the breaker. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. No such objects or devices should be placed inside the heater stone space or near the heater that could change the amount or direction of the air flowing through the heater. However, a glass door is installed when determining the right heater power level, the door must be taken into account as 1.5 m3of additional room volume. Placement of the supply air vent. The temperature and time can be easily adjusted, allowing you to have a comfortable and cozy sauna experience. 241 0 0 0 0 0 574 ] Turn the timer switch to the operation area (A): Make sure that the overheat protector has not been triggered. Tape the seams with aluminum tape.C. >> Too tightly piled stones, the settling of stones with time, or the wrong stone type can hinder the airflow through the heater, which results in reduced heating efficiency. The heater may only be connected to the electrical network in accordance with the current regulations by an authorized, professional electrician. 0000002898 00000 n Set the insulation materials between the framing studs. Contact service. << The stones should touch the elements, but not bend them. 0000026572 00000 n This happened 5-6 times last night when using the sauna. The water to be thrown on the heated stones should meet the requirements of clear household water (table 1). calcium (Ca). The floor coverings of the installation place should be heat-resistant.E. A suitable temperature for the sauna room is about 6080 C.1.2. A fire blanket rarely helps, as the fire receives air from under the heater. /SA true This sauna heater should be at an 18cm height from the ground. Make sure that the heater is not too powerful. 79 0 obj General The purpose of the Harvia Senlog CF9C control unit is to control an electric sauna heater and steamer, or a Combi heater, which is their combined version. While the heater is cooling, rinse your sauna stones to prepare them for placement. /FirstChar 32 endobj Harvia has developed an extensive range of sauna products for the needs of different bathers. 94 0 obj The infrared cabin is a wonderful addition to the Finnish sauna culture. Pillar heaters must always be installed onto a non-combustible floor, as hot stone fragments may fall through the steel frame. The sauna heater circuit is the only electrical circuit that needs to provide additional protection. Good air circulation guarantees a proper sauna experience. Certikin PU2 Mini LED Light; Certikin Quick Change PU6 U/W Light; Certikin PU9 Standard U/W Lights; Sylvania Colour Change LED Lights; LumiPlus Mini LED Lights Not adhering to the safety distances causes a fire hazard. The heater will begin to heat up. By going around like this, you can make sure that any width differences in the panelling boards do not affect the end result. /Root 80 0 R Reset button is located on the bottom of the heater. Read the operators manual. 0000000903 00000 n Its true that all electric sauna heaters can be used with water. Certikin PU2 Mini LED Light; Certikin Quick Change PU6 U/W Light; Certikin PU9 Standard U/W Lights; Sylvania Colour Change LED Lights; LumiPlus Mini LED Lights 629 629 629 629 629 629 333 333 0 0 0 0 0 741 629 704 722 574 556 741 722 The minimum height depends on the heater. Check the data cable and its connections. Adjust the heater vertically straight using the adjustable legs. The supply air vent of the sauna room must not be located near the temperature sensor.The airflow near an air vent cools down the sensor, which gives inaccurate temperature readings to the control unit. The smoke ducts of the stove are blocked. Ive noticed that it reduces muscle soreness and alleviates aches. Place stones inside the bottom part of the frame. Forte: Disrupted connection between the lower and upper card. 0000001800 00000 n Too tightly piled stones, the settling of stones with time, or the wrong stone type can hinder the airflow through the heater, which may result in overheating of surrounding materials. Sauna's Warranty on parts is void if fans to fO"OW necessary Wiring The purpose of Harvia Xenio control unit is to con-trol an electric sauna heater within an output range of 2.3-11kW. :mdb_|yl If the control panel is installed in the sauna, it should be placed no closer than the minimum safety distance from the heater and no higher than one metre from the floor. Make sure that there are no gaps in the insulation. 76 22 The saunas electrical circuit isnt being used for any other electrical items, thats what the term dedicated means. The sauna is too small in relation to the stoves heating capacity. This is especially convenient when the heater is embedded into a bench.
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