To add insult to injury, his mother Mary, and the rest of the family was maligned, ridiculed, and given no respect in the midst of their loss. I am confident that my vision ofGo B.I.G. 00:03 . A lot of it falls on the town attorney, the audit found. The issues that face us will require negotiation, deliberation, and compromise to resolve these issues that confront our city. Mayor City Clerk City Council - At Large City Council - District 1 In 2005, I was appointed to the Zoning Commission, where I was able to work closely with city staff and the community. We are already behind in all three areas and need to find new solutions, and I want to work with others on council to bring those solutions to fruition. CECILE CC CRAWFORD: I am running for City Council because I want people to be able to afford a safe and decent place to live, because there are too many people who work hard and do not bring home enough money to take care of themselves and their families, and because the violence in this city is not going to stop until we address the root causes. TONY WILKINS: Get crime under control and maintain a strong police department. The original Rhinoceros Times, founded in 1991, went out of business in May 2013. Your email address will not be published. This model would go a long way to decrease the incidents of violence against those in crisis, and free up the police to focus on investigating violent crimes. Faculty members in the Humanities Department value collegiality; candidates for a Humanities Department position must be willing to work in alignment with a team of teachers. Every current council member is part of the sham. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. Crime and drug-free streets and neighborhoods. After attending City Academy in 2017 I knew that I could bring new ideas and the drive to move our city forward. While we are talking, how about you too Nancy? We need to get our road, public transportation, housing, and business opportunities up to speed before these companies open. No one should be subjected to exclusionary speech of any kind. Rhino Times To learn more, I invite you tovisitmathenyforcouncil.com. Believe in Greensboro will result in solutions that have positive outcomes for the way that every existing, and prospective, resident and business lives, works, and engages in Greensboro. They wanted that class to have 40 people in it. For those who did participate we present here their lightly edited responses, broken down by the districts and in alphabetical order. Matheny was an active and effective city councilmember when he served. Now he wants to do both! sales@rhinotimes.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Former County Commissioner Steve Arnold Enters District 2 Commissioners Race, Next Countywide Revaluation May Be Here Sooner Than You Think. Greensboro City Council races are nonpartisan, which means that in the primaries for mayor and the five district City Council races, the top two finishers in the primary will have a rematch in the general election on Tuesday, July 26. Bellamy-Small served on City Council from 2003-2013 and has been a member of the school board since 2016. Both Outling and Vaughan give a lot of double talk, especially in an election year. GOLDIE WELLS: My experience as a grassroots leader in my community and in the city has afforded me the opportunity to work with citizens and city leaders to bring about change. Box 3427 Greensboro NC 27402 Greensboro Office 301 W Market St Greensboro NC (336) 641-3836 High Point Office 325 E Russell Ave High Point NC (336) 641-3836 Office Hours If you are a pro-police citizen, Outling is not for you. They are an embarrassment and disgrace to our city! LATOYA BERNICE GATHERS: I would invest in institutions of higher education as engines of innovation and job creation, foster communities, utilizing untapped talent to drive higher economic returns as well as greater equity, and build basic infrastructure to ensure future growth and to retain a highly trained local workforce. It's important to note, the elections for Greensboro City Council and Greensboro Mayor have been rescheduled to 2022. Johnson and Abuzuaiter were both elected to four-year terms in 2017. Former District 5 City Councilmember Tony Wilkins and Robert Bodenhamer also filed to run for the District 5 seat. Ph: (336) 763-4170 We also need to develop a public transit system that connects our city and drives residents to want to use the transit system, instead of having to use it. Petty, who has been involved with the Green Party, Guilford County Environmental Coalition and Democracy Greensboro, among other groups, has been an outspoken advocate in the case of a homeless Black man who died three years ago after being hogtied by police. CECILE CC CRAWFORD: At various points in my life, I have found myself where many residents currently find themselves: navigating the challenges of parenthood, serious illness, or the struggles to earn a livable wage. Christopher Davis, Ph.D. - Grants Specialist - UNC Greensboro Office of ZACK MATHENY: I have lived, worked, and served in District 3 for over 20 years. I will use all I have to research and provide the answers we are desperately seeking in order to serve the residents of Greensboro. Working for Doctors Without Borders allowed me to hone a variety of abilities that would serve me well on the council. The winners. It was originally scheduled for October and November 2021, but the primary was postponed to March 8 because the US Census data required for redistricting was delayed due to the COVID-19 restrictions. My goal for Greensboro is to beasafe city,with an increase in quality jobs, increasing housing inventoryfor all incomes, providingequal resourcesforallcitizens, and continuing to make strategic investments in which to promote quality of life. All they do is talk. https://www.rhinotimes.com/news/police-stop-on-greenway-may-lead-to-city-council-work-session/. I realized that trust is very important in any relationship, and I believe because we were unable to share information, the citizens trust level in the council was lowered. Additionally, I would like to continue to build a business-friendly city and foster economic development that makes Greensboro better for all of us. Bans that are too broad stifle economic growth. Fax: (336) 763-2585, P.O. TAMMI Z. THURM: During my first term, I advocated for written consent. In DWB, you must also be resourceful and learn to make the most of limited resources. We also need to make Greensboro the most business-friendly city in the state. ), or any other social program or developer that someone with a high valued relationship with a council member (Zimmerman) is getting the money. On November 15, 2018, the last printed edition of the Rhino Times came off the presses leaving the world of print journalism behind and moving into the future with an e-paper. If he is so great then make Nancy look like a fool for not supporting the police, downtown, or whatever the cause of the day is. And we can continue to be led by someone who didnt support or fought against the things you are saying were basic. Mayor / City Council - Greensboro, Georgia Big whoop. P.O. PORTIA SHIPMAN: Iam running because I know that I can genuinely make a difference in the lives of all of the residents in District 2. Some projects have been started that havent been completed, and there are plans being made that havent been fully developed. At the time, the city attorney advised Matheny that he would have to resign before he could become president of DGI because it is funded by the city. Evan -Metro 911 center is run by the city not the county. We must build our economy with local businesses that have ties to, and roots in the community. Im also quite concerned about climate change. Candidate Forum - City Council - Greensboro Jaycees - Greensboro's I wish we can find ways to continuously support our neighbors in all successes. Voters will choose among 6 candidates for 3 at-large seats on Greensboro City Council ANNETTE AYRES Jul 23, 2022 0 GREENSBORO Three City Council members hope to retain their. Let the Chief(s) run their departments without interfering. Current Candidates | Sedgwick County, Kansas TCB reported that in 2021, the BHRT program responded to 3,274 calls. District 1 City Councilmember Sharon Hightower filed to run for reelection. Her platform includes support for the police, increased transparency in government decision making, supporting small business and economic development, having a multi-pronged approach to the affordable housing crisis and focusing on youth development. My ongoing work with the Family Justice Center, Crimestoppers, Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation, Municipal Planning Organization and many other boards shows my passion for serving my community. We interviewed our tech expert, Jaime Vazquez, to learn more about accessible smart home devices. District 1, Knight's seat, has drawn four candidates and District 5, Gaebler's seat, has drawn five candidates, making it the most competitive. Town broke public records, open meetings law: N.C. auditor The town had three council members, its town manager, the longtime attorney and town clerk all resign on the same day. But the announcement of the Toyota battery plant coming to the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite and Boom Supersonic coming to the Piedmont Triad International Airport has turned the tables and given Vaughan a campaign issue. MARIKAY ABUZUAITER: Issues facing Greensboro for the next four years are reducing crime, increasing our housing stock, keeping our infrastructure sound and keeping the momentum going on our recent economic development successes and supplying the trained workforce for the businesses that are locating here. This experience has given me extensive experience balancing fiscal responsibility and investing for future growth, giving me a unique perspective on what it takes to foster strong economic development. We need to avoid the dissolution of the United States. Individuals with a disability who need an interpreter or other auxiliary aids should contact Community Relations at 336-373-2723 three to five days prior to a meeting. I think the experience and the successful results of my leadership in the past equipped me for the task. It is generally accepted that voter turnout in the primary will be much higher than a stand-alone City Council primary because of the statewide races on the ballot and that the turnout in the stand-alone general election on July 26 will be much lower than normal because its being held during the summer, with all its distractions. This is the belief that every citizen, regardless of class, age, gender, sexual orientation, ability, group, cultural, ethnic or religious background, should have an equal right and opportunity to participate in and contribute to the operation of these institutions and processes. Others are not likely to sign up for their three-minutes allotted speaking time at Tuesdays meeting, but that still leaves a substantial number of speakers the council will hear before voting on who will fill the open seat. This was all supposed to happen in 2021 as part of the regular cycle for municipal elections, but then there was that census issue, which delated population counts, which delayed the ability to draw the lines for the citys five electoral districts. I decided at that time to become more involved in our city, and I started learning everything I could about how our city functions. Certainly, the most intriguing candidate in the race is Robert, who was born in Lyon, France, and raised in France and Gabon in West Africa. CECILE CC CRAWFORD: If I had a magic lamp with three wishes, I would wish for social housing that allowed for land trusts and the ability to have adequate housing that was truly affordable and didnt rise and fall with the market. I am not happy about the result. Positive policing and trust is another main issue we face in Greensboro. I imagine you are aware of the number of 911 calls the county receives. She opposes most of the rezoning requests for East Greensboro and, unfortunately, often convinces a majority of the City Council to vote with her. I agree with you on giving the police the resources they need. I posted this elsewhere and will post it anytime I notice someone supporting Outling under the assumption that is good for the city. Roth was then appointed by President Barrack Obama to be the senior advisor for strategic communications for the Small Business Administration and, in 2017, founded Roth & Associates, which does strategic communication and business consulting. Im ready to continue fighting for what is right for all of us. The city has the ability to pay all city workers livable wages and recently approved the step plan with a base salary of $15/hr. MAYORAL CANDIDATE ERIC ROBERT ANNOUNCES HE HAS UNCOVERED DOCUMENTS SUPPORTING ALLEGATIONS OF MALFEASANCE AND POTENTIAL CIVIL CONSPIRACY ON THE PART OF CURRENT GREENSBORO MAYOR NANCY VAUGHAN, COLISEUM DIRECTOR MATT BROWN AND CITY ATTORNEY CHUCK WATTS. There is no need for him to wait until he is mayor to make a motion or propose a change. I will demand, and on the council will demand a RUCO 2 revision. I want to use my experience and my voice to champion my Three Pillars for Progress (Economic Development Public Safety Community Engagement). She said in her application that she supports police and businesses and wants to get help for the homeless. Housing must be earned and need not be in the city. LATOYA BERNICE GATHERS: These are the three concerns I would prioritize: PORTIA SHIPMAN: One of Greensboros most prominent issues is racial inequity and justice inequality, access to resources, and better opportunities. District 3 has no incumbent in the race since Outling is running for mayor. Thus current council members all have longer terms, and those elected will have to run again in 2025 (barring some future change). Print Feedback. I am running because I want people who are just trying to make it, to have a seat at the table when decisions are being made about the citys priorities. Police officers were adamantly opposed, noting that there is already police body cam video footage of the person consenting and officers are required to fill out a form about the consent after it is given. If you do nothing else, go vote! He can do it now, but he isnt. We have other pressing issues, homelessness, crime, police policy are just three that also need immediate attention. there was that census issue, which delated population counts. (336) 814-3256 However, the bad ones make it hard on those who genuinely care. And there isnt even an election right now in District 4 (more on that later). He stayed silent when he had the chance to speak up at council meetings and publicly in support of our police department. That may be a mildword to describe a worsening situation. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Posted by John Hammer | May 4, 2022 | News. Our city spent time and our money refusing to admit any responsibility for Marcus death. Your email address will not be published. Dont even blindly vote for who The Rhino tells you to vote for. The biggest problem is spiritual. Any proposal put forth by Outling is not taken up by the mayor. Yes that is a county service but they are dispatched to city police. When it comes down to mental health crises, we should work to implement a CAHOOTS model approach a public safety system that sends out a medic and a crisis worker who has training and experience in the mental health field and is trained on trauma-informed de-escalation. Expand options for energy efficiency and renewable energy production targeted especially at Green Zones and all communities. We have great momentum with a number of job announcements, the Tanger Performing Arts Center completing a historically successful season, and our universities growing and expanding. She served on the City Council from 2005 to 2009, when she did not run for reelection. Owning a small business reinforced my beliefs on how important the decisions made by our city leaders affect every single resident, every single day. With the highest number of recorded homicides and violent crimes in 2020, our families deserve so much more safety, new job growth, a Greensboro that will thrive well into the future. Just remember on your number 2 if you dont vote youre giving the person who wins your vote because you didnt vote against the winner. But Outling is on the council now. The Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved its first official Minority Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) policy and procedure manual. I need to know where each candidate stands on the government order for businesses to shut down and for people to stay home. Dr. Latoya Bernice Gathers stands out because of her varied background working with Doctors Without Borders and at a tuberculosis clinic in Sudan. The entire city council, including the mayor need to be replace, once and for all. Remember when you see your tax dollars going to DGI, Cure Violence, the IRC (free cars anyone? Local government should trust in supply and demand and evaluate each project on its own merit. We have more people moving to Greensboro than we have housing for which is driving up the cost of housing to a level a lot of those who work in the city soon cannot afford to live in the city. GOLDIE WELLS: We have made a lot of progress. Bradley Hunt, president of the Greensboro Chapter of the NAACP, stated that it is the position of his organization "that this body vote to postpone the Greensboro City Council elections initially scheduled to take place in November of 2021, until after U.S. Census data has been received, properly processed and certified." Sweeping bans hinder economic growth. We do this through public transportation that supports all parts of the city, parks and a parks and rec system that offer great programs and beautiful spaces, homes that everyone can afford, and jobs that pay wages so that people do not need two or three jobs to make ends meet. Its all politics. Outling also voted for a 5 year potentially, maybe, if we feel like it, implementation of a take home car program that MIGHT buy 20 police cars a year over the next 5 years. sales@rhinotimes.com, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Jobs that will produce food and home ownership. Wells was appointed to finish out the term of Jamal Fox in July 2017 and then won election to a four-year term in November 2017. Over my four terms astheDistrict 3representative, we were able to provide numerous positive impacts for the greater community including public safety initiatives and economic development, all while keeping a level tax rate. Outling is a graduate of UNCG and Duke University Law School and has been running for mayor since December 2020, when the election was scheduled for October and November 2021. A primary was scheduled for May 17, 2022. Industry needs to return to the United States. District 2 City Councilmember Goldie Wells is running for reelection and being challenged by Cecile (CC) Crawford, LaToya Bernice Gathers and Portia Shipman in the primary. Box Address Please subscribe to keep reading. Sorry, theyre all bums. I plan to open the doors to the amazing creativity and innovative ways and ideas our communities have for addressing issues in our district. A top priority is ensuring all residents have safe and secure housing. : police, Guilford school board bill grows in Senate committee, Robinson to deliver GOP rebut to State of State, Measure aims to nix literacy test from NC Constitution, Robinson: NC is destination state for death, NC could help families in fight against corporate, NC lawmakers to vote on sports betting bill this, VIDEO: NC students almost hit by car passing school, Chick-fil-A data breach; special directions in NC, Keep an eye out for hellbender, mudpuppy salamanders, Man sentenced to 10-13 years in W-S murder, drug, Ft. Bragg soldier charged in romance, COVID scams, 4 arrested after chase from WS to Kernersville: WSPD, Woman charged for Chewy warehouse bomb threat, Residents pleading after 105 accidents on 1 NC road, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. He later dropped that lawsuit. Contact Richard M. Barron at 336-373-7371 and follow @BarronBizNR on Twitter. In its final form, the consent form was going to have to be provided to the person granting consent in their native language and had become so complex that even the extremely liberal City Council couldnt agree that it was necessary. What a high wire act that is. Tony Wilkins for Council 2022. Greensboro City Council Fired Man for 'White Privilege and - Insider
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