
They cant get themselves to believe that their governments or doctors or the news people on TV would ever lie to them. I dont see it, yet the advertising industry engages in constant self-flagellation over the lack of black workers. It explains the Who, How, and Why of all these social issues. They are also becoming the professionals on sitcoms, fire chief, head surgeon, police chief etc with whites reporting to them. I noticed the shift in black over-representation all the way back to the Obama years. Just saw two in a row with black families. Far from it. Beautifully written! All they are doing is checking a box on the inclusivity inventory checklist. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! CTV Advertising Means Diversity. No, I suggest you do a web search to find what you are looking for. its discrimination. Liberals. All men are demeaned in commercials and have been for a long time but especially Black men lately. Im getting sick of TV in general. I hear you. I literally get up and leave the room or x out ALL of these commercials (and blacks are in ALL of them) that are bombarding and attempting to control our thinking that theyre normal .. its almost exclusively black man and white or Asian woman. The other challenge is if you say anything negative about misrepresentation in advertising, you are accused of being a racist. Below, they share their best tips for doing so. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. Even at that age, consumers can tell when a brand is being opportunistic versus truly being committed to a cause or community. I have been saying this for years. Mine your data and do research before making assumptions and youll be authentic as it comes from your current customers. Indeed. not only for blonde, fair-skinned males, but females with the Marcia Brady look that blonde(ish), blue eyed irish type of face. The sad truth is, the spectre of slavery in Americas past is now merely a convenient tool used by one political party to drive a wedge between black people and white people. He also often had female villainsthe worst thing as a villain in a Disney film was the evil mother. And we have not noticed it and allowed it to happen!! But for new readers coming in, Id like to steer the conversation back to the topic of representation and diversity in TV commercials. Start by consulting diverse communities through surveys, advisory or focus groups to understand their concerns or perspectives on a given topic. Is it any wonder there is less racial harmony now? 8. March 31: Big thanks to Jim Thompson at RedState for linking to my blog post in his article, Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, in which he discusses a survey showing just how detached from reality Americans perceptions are about the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more. People need to be made aware that they are being misrepresented on company boards. I cant help but notice the blatancy of this and it feels so forced and ingenuine. I usually watch Restaurant Impossible on Thursdays, but now after seeing coming attractions from the last two weeks, and coming attractions of him helping only all black restaurant owners, I will stop watching until he puts white people back on his show. Check out this childrens cereal from Kelloggs, the box of which encourages young kids to choose their pronouns or even make up their own. This organic, truthful approach will seem more genuine. Correct. All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). Now I cant tune out. Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. I am truly sorry for what people of color had to endure throughout early American history but white people today had nothing to do with what happened 100, 200 years ago. Keep it coming. We are not to pay for the sins of our fathers, and absolutely no one has done more to help lift the black community out of poverty. Gee, Wallace, I wonder. I totally agree and you would think that white people are completely ignorant of what is going on. Its all a way to appease them. You know that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Maleficent shows the prince what she has in store for him? But modern Disney is very different. Especially for the scumbags that are part of The Frankford School. AP Associated Press style dictates that only the word Black is capitalized when used in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense; not white. Hey, I dont make the rules. We also noticed several auto agencies running the same awful holiday ads from the year before were looking at you Ford Trucks. They need to work with the police and clean up their own communities. And nowhere not in the journalist media, nor in social media, can I find anyone calling BS on it. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. In addition, they are the highest paid athletes in the world (basketball and football) and take home 75% of the coveted music awards each year. Its a good question, Bill. Whats the difference between self-identifying as a feline instead of a different gender. Nowadays, however, a lot of this women-and-minorities-everywhere-at-the-exclusion-of-white-males is over-the-top pandering at best. I hope. Thats a great point, WonderWoman. Its my belief that all these things are doing harm and serious damage and just pissing people off even more. Ask your sales folks for input. Advertising cookies (of third parties) collect information to help better tailor advertising to your interests, both within ANAs website(s) and on other websites and online services. This is hard to explain as the Asian population is larger in UK. Thank you, Jo! I feel terrible Im starting to feel this way. A bleakness akin to socialism. this is NOT saying people of color are not smart, nor is it saying they are not nice people, intelligent, funny, and personable! Thank you! I feel myself going down the rabbit hole of racism There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. While I can certainly appreciate the occasional clever attempt to subvert traditional gender roles in TV commercials, it becomes a problem when the majority of ads go out of their way to push agendas focused on race and gender. Also, they rarely riot and burn down cities. I dont feel guilty. If you notice, the actors playing Bond have gotten shorter and less masculine over time. Also, another very subtle message was an ad that had Grandma and Grandpa sitting in the backyard with their grandson and granddaughter running towards them. If you dont like what youre seeing from the brands that want your business, the best way to let them know is to contact them and tell them how you feel. What she/he is doing to womens college swimming is a travesty!! The problem isnt racism, its woke-ism. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. The majority of emcees of tv shows are black, awards shows are hosted by blacks and the presenters are mostly black. I call it Clown World and were all living in it. And that the belief in a God or divine spark within is a total lie. Subliminally the affect is that white females should be dating black males or are supposed too. However, it can be difficult to incorporate diversity in a way that feels authentic, rather than a forced reply to a growing demand. Admittedly Im going off of anecdotal evidence, but it seems almost every interracial couple in commercials is black-not black (usually black-white), with the bare minimum being black-not black. If you look at some famous movies of the 80slike Back to the Future, the big blonde man is the bad guyBiff. I think a white person wants their race to survive & thrive as much as all other races. And I think a lot of people instinctively realize this even if they have difficulty expressing it. Hollywood is not making art at all anymoreits all social engineering propaganda. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online books..one of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. It drives me nuts, and for so long I have felt like I am the only one who gets worked up about it. No, they must get in our faces at every chance and turn everything into a platform for their message. Have people from those groups get involved in developing and reviewing the content you plan to use. Because of course, white men are the only ones who ever mansplain. Some brands are particularly popular with people of different races. Blm and its little followers are trying to take over the world and that will NEVER HAPPEN!! I have noticed such a drastic change in the demographics of television commercials. But, as I have said, the biggest problem with this forced-diversity agenda is that its a bullshit game anyway. I actually think its more nefarious. We have all forgotten that the fall of the Roman Empire, and every great civilization that has risen and fallen, was the result of sexual deviation and perversion. Theyre just trying to make them appear as white families. The dollar is becoming essentially worthless and history clearly shows the connection between the corruption of currency and the decline of civilization in terms of morality, prosperity and material wealth. I believe it, Janet. People have plenty of reasons to keep quiet. Like you, I would love to see the social media platforms reclassified as utilities, but Im not sure whos going to do it. Should either of those be the objectives of Delta Airlines? If you are a long-time Cranky reader, then you know that I believe authenticity is a key component in advertising. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. Yes, the erasure of strong male role models from American culture is absolutely intentional. Too bad for them, then, that thoughtful and measured comments like yours, and so many others on this page, prove emphatically that we are not. Id never have imagined youd ever catch me writing a screed such as this. Great post, Anonymous. If you truly want to be disgusted read about them a bit. Over the past few months, its been out of control. Id like to add some thoughts to some specific points Advertising Agencies are still mostly filled with college-degreed White males, and although this is changing they still have ideologies motivated toward the Left. However, the. Well, have you watched the news lately? A group of atheistic supporters of chaos to brainwash and control all human society. But even before that, we had the social justice movement which fostered entitlement in some groups and programmed so many young white people to feel guilty about being white. In major urban areas of the the United States, Canada, and possibly the UK, it is by far people of color that wreak havoc within the public sphere. Sadly, I think you are largely correct. Remember in this country there re 2% Jewish, 1% Muslim and 2% other religions. Yeah, the same idea applies here. Thanks for doing the legwork so we dont have to, Wypipo. The future is female, as the T-shirts say. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. As an aside, Im not sure why the above article suggests that blacks shouldnt be depicted in commercials doing white things, that they should be depicted doing black things. Perfectly coiffed. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. Absent, but it didnt stop me from achievement. Patrick West Columnist 31st August 2017 Share Topics Politics According to a report in The Times on Saturday, advertisers. Youd be wrong, of course. Yes and the bumbling, idiotic White male is overplayed too. Diversity is great and was much needed in the entertainment industry. I boycott all these companies with their PC bull****. Yes embarrassingand since you say this Im guessing you are black. . The reason why you see white girls with black babies is because they pay blacks to get them then pay them every month til the child is 18. (Look into Klaus Schwab and his buddy Yuval Noah Harari, the World Economic Forum, the annual Bilderberg meetings, and The Great Reset if youre curious, but do it using a web browser other than Google maybe Brave or Qwant to get the best results.). 3. It is focused on small, low-budget, often local and owner-made videos.promoting small businesses. Nothing gets a message through like a punch to the pocketbook. some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) But theyd still need to scroll down and will see white fathers along with obligatory POC. So yes, we have been, and continue to be manipulated by corporations that have political, social and religious agendas. I guess this is what makes me mad it feels disrespectful, not just of folks of color, but also of my intelligence. Homosexual couple having fun together "Diversity" has many different . Healthy minds recognize differences like this and it niggles away at us because it just doesnt track. Its amazing how overnight white people became complete buffoons and black people became highly intelligent with all the answers to everything in life. I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. Its Time to Acknowledge Anti-White Racism. I agree that we need to tell the advertisers what we want by not purchasing their items or services. . I dont even watch the commercials anymore. And honestly, when I was a child between 5-10, I fantasized about having a LITTER of KITTENS. To your point, I ran across a study while doing research for this post that showed that despite enjoying far more representation in television ads than other minority races, blacks were also the group that thought they should be seeing much MORE of themselves in commercials by a wide margin. I dont even want to look at another Black person on TV, and this is coming from someone who has had many Black friends in life. In Opinion: Survey Says: Americans Are Dumber Than a Bag of Rocks, writer Jim Thompson cites a study that shows just how out of whack peoples perceptions are regarding the size of different populations by income, race, religion, gender identity, and more all due to the agenda-driven programming we are being force-fed on TV. I dont think youre racist per se. Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report! Many years in fact. Like what happened with that BLM founder after she bought four million-dollar homes in L.A. While 10% of all new marriages are interracial, only 1% are black/white marriages. I also happen to feel very very bad for Asian and Hispanic people. Being Educated as much as possible. Movies and tv followed the same trend. Then form your messaging and campaign strategy from there. I cant help wonder if there isnt some political manipulation going on here. Are they hoping they can influence black families to behave like white families? Its going to backfire! The Left admonishes us to celebrate the differences in our cultures while completely ignoring the fact that different cultures may in fact have different preferences in careers and entertainment. This is not realistic or representative. 59% of people say they are more loyal to brands that stand for diversity and inclusion in online advertising. You dont have to be a Rhodes scholar to see the intention behind all of this. (Thats what the report says, anyway. I truly believe advertisers are receiving a subsidy from somewhere or something, this cant be a lucrative selling campaign, it makes too many people angry, theres a subsidy. Mostly white men. The advertising industrys complete disregard for accuracy, fairness, or authenticity is truly breathtaking. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. Use cartoons or just anything other than actors! Have you noticed, even the cartoon commercials contain black, interracial and gay people in them. Youre not going to see a straight white male in a commercial unless its to play an idiot with a lampshade on his head or if they need one to play a home intruder in a SimpliSafe commercial. And everyone suffers. If there is anyone else in the ad its frequently a white woman and mixed kids but its still the man whos been relegated to menial chores. When relationship of ANY type is broken, it requires both parties to take some level of personal responsibility to make amends that genuinely last. . Why Have 49 Agencies Dropped Their DEI Pledges? - Adweek I could give hundreds of examples, but a couple of recent examples jump to mind. America GET YOUR BACKBONE BACK AND START SAYING NO TO THESE PEOPLE!!! Yes, changing channels and closing out of online ads are two ways of telling advertisers their ads dont interest you. Second, most of these kids grow up in drug infested high crime urban areas historically governed by corrupt politicians. They parade black people around to try and prove that most blacks can be upstanding. We all have! Marija Zivanovic-Smith, NCR Corporation, 2. How TV ads perpetuate anti-Black racism - Quartz Bogart was that height but he wasnt going to be paired in a movie with Cary Grant or Robert Mitchum because he would look like a midget. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! The net result is even fewer white people in commercials. No one eating Shabbat dinner or at a seder, or celebrating Chanukah, etc. Opinions expressed are those of the author. I used to vote Democrat.but now, I would never vote for one again. Powers that be in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue want women to stop breeding with white men. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. Well, right now there is nothing authentic about the way advertisers are representing or not representing different races and cultures in commercials.
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