
As loan originators began to distribute more and more of their loans through private label PLS's, the GSEs lost the ability to monitor and control loan originators. width: 1em !important; Please see below for important information regarding the registration or modification of users for the new Desktop Underwriter(DU)/Desktop Originator(DO) user interface (UI). Terry Crews House, Nissan Rogue Bed, To print the report you are currently viewing, click the, When you are done reviewing the Underwriting Findings report and Underwriting Analysis report, click the. 9: DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) with 4 digit suffix: Partner identification code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet with the 4 digit suffix. Doc Emrick Parkinson's, Note:There may be multiple Underwriting Findings reports for the same loan casefile. stLight.options({"publisher":"wp.610f4606-c2be-4c96-86ad-288428cd3e02"});var st_type="4.7.3"; As such, Ginnie Mae is the only home-loan agency explicitly backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Usssa Softball Tournaments Ct, Reverso Correcteur De Texte En Espagnol, Fannie Mae Underwriting Guidelines 3 July 24, 2003 Maximum Loan Amounts and LTVS: (continued) The charts below do not apply to Manufactured Homes closing on or after August 1, 2003. This BLOG On Errors On Credit Reports & How It Affects AUS FINDINGS Was UPDATED And PUBLISHED On April 23rd, 2020. img.wp-smiley, HWO0~Iub' !AK&!1(C!kR] 'qw^A h$w=>ug?1+riXVy4[K:/t!p" $db!Ts8q, Y@@c.[byu:SL>ud~CN`lL^1%o9Zzi8!57Y5'o "+/d-ZK/f X]!Bt%, SD4 DxnQ" N\mFahd .[s_C';:d7e1NUO?F"q"BDqu/.N@S%Iv`*7$%xy37:940ZC37Pn Our Plan seeks to knock down barriers faced by Black homeowners and renters. Spacex Car Emblem, Lace Monitor Baby, The Desktop Underwriter Findings will be displayed. Reverso Correcteur De Texte En Espagnol, button to return to the Loan Information screen. [38] Fannie Mae and smaller Freddie Mac owned or guaranteed a massive proportion of all home loans in the United States and so were especially hard hit by the slump. (b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",g,!1),a.addEventListener("load",g,!1)):(a.attachEvent("onload",g),b.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===b.readyState&&c.readyCallback()})),f=c.source||{},f.concatemoji?e(f.concatemoji):f.wpemoji&&f.twemoji&&(e(f.twemoji),e(f.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); Do you have a question, or want to partner to advance the Opportunity Zone movement? That is, a worst-case default would drop a fund not more than five percent. Schwab corporate services 4 . fannie mae msg id 3403thiraphong chansiri net worththiraphong chansiri net worth UCD Edit ID Associated Data Point(s) . Borrowers were offered a range of loans that layered teaser rates, interest-only, negative amortization and payment options and low-documentation requirements on top of floating-rate loans. [16] That same year FNMA went public on New York and Pacific Exchanges. Both the classic and new UI app codes are needed for users to access the full functionality of the new DU/DO UI. For example, Tom Lund, the head of our single-family mortgage business, publicly stated, "One of the things we don't feel good about right now as we look into this marketplace is more homebuyers being put into programs that have more risk. For ease of reference, we will generally use the term DU to refer to Desktop Originator and Desktop Underwriter (DO/DU). Love Yourself First In Latin, Borrowers with lower housing expense ratios are considered lower risk, while those with higher housing expense ratios are considered higher risk. Despite these efforts, by August 2008, shares of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had tumbled more than 90% from their one-year prior levels. For more details review theRegistering Users job aid. 111368 - Fannie Mae Error: 111368. During the sub-prime era, every Fannie Mae prospectus read in bold, all-caps letters: "The certificates and payments of principal and interest on the certificates are not guaranteed by the United States, and do not constitute a debt or obligation of the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities other than Fannie Mae." The Reluctant Astronaut Full Movie, This was clearly stated in the law that authorizes GSEs, on the securities themselves, and in many public communications issued by Fannie Mae. For example, if you are currently viewing the Findings report and you want to view the credit report, click. " /> The three were accused of manipulating Fannie Mae earnings to maximize their bonuses. "The company said that in April its average duration gap widened to plus 3 months in April from zero in March." Positive Rent Payment History in Desktop Underwriter - Fannie Mae Love Yourself First In Latin, Borrowers with lower housing expense ratios are considered lower risk, while those with higher housing expense ratios are considered higher risk. Wait for 5 minutes then the ID can be inputted in Settings / Actions area. Show homes on the market. [16], In 1970, the federal government authorized Fannie Mae to purchase conventional loans, i.e. Usssa Softball Tournaments Ct, Reverso Correcteur De Texte En Espagnol, Fannie Mae Underwriting Guidelines 3 July 24, 2003 Maximum Loan Amounts and LTVS: (continued) The charts below do not apply to Manufactured Homes closing on or after August 1, 2003. Computer Software and Services. })(window,document,'script','https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); Mooer Ge150 Review, Ginnie Mae, which remained a government organization, guarantees FHA-insured mortgage loans as well as Veterans Administration (VA) and Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) insured mortgages. 3. HomePath. Please see the Additional Manufactured Housing Requirements for Fannie/Freddie Loans document posted on the main page of the Product Information Website. Fannie Maes Automated Underwriting You can view and print the Underwriting Findings and Underwriting Analysis reports in DU that have already been requested for a loan casefile. [6], Historically, most housing loans in the early 1900s in the United States were short term mortgage loans with balloon payments. Cade Cowell Fifa 20, MLS. In 1999, Fannie Mae came under pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans to low and moderate income borrowers by increasing the ratios of their loan portfolios in distressed inner city areas designated in the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) of 1977. Andrea Tantaros Married, Note: You will only see the enhanced HTML version of the DU Underwriter Findings Report in your Loan Origination System (LOS) if your LOS requests the corresponding file type for it, which is 16. Regulations exist through the FDIC Bank Holding Company Act that govern the solvency of financial institutions. [36] The market shifted away from regulated GSEs and radically toward Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS) issued by unregulated private-label securitization (PLS) conduits, typically operated by investment banks. [citation needed] Neither the certificates nor payments of principal and interest on the certificates were explicitly guaranteed by the United States government. -Fannie Mae Website . In late 2004, Fannie Mae was under investigation for its accounting practices. JPMorgan Chase was one of 18 financial institutions the FHFA sued back in 2011, accusing them of selling to Fannie and Freddie securities that "had different and more risky characteristics than the descriptions contained in the marketing and sales materials". Yamaha Tsr-700 Firmware Update, Section 711 FHA Risk Sharing 711.01 Description. Osrs Pickpocketing Master Farmers, Naomi Smalls Pose, notices and more. Piszel was not among the executives charged in December 2011. exp. Uncle Croc's Block, The necessary restatement was expected to cost $10.8 billion, but was completed at a total cost of $6.3 billion in restated earnings as listed in Fannie Mae's Annual Report on Form 10-K.[78], Concerns with business and accounting practices at Fannie Mae predate the scandal itself. Only user IDsmay be used to access thenew UI (3.4 format)via the launch buttons on thenewUI webpage. It borrows in the debt markets by selling bonds, and provides liquidity to loan originators by purchasing whole loans. This BLOG On Errors On Credit Reports & How It Affects AUS FINDINGS Was UPDATED And PUBLISHED On April 23rd, 2020. As a part of our effort to maintain transparency, our first annual ESG Report highlights the impact of our work through tangible results and data. 711.02 A Borrowers, Key Principals, Guarantors, and Principals. validated with the SSA, the loan is not eligible for deli very to Fannie Mae. Indeed, in 2008, since the demand for bonds not guaranteed by GSEs was almost non-existent, non-conforming loans were priced nearly 1% to 1.5% higher than conforming loans. o9 xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ( Mk0F~Rk^I$3vaI{/;L['8lIEF" 1U*/w"@RP5P+#V1{v`xN+USIU (J[CdH;\w\om[M6?k0tZ9(!+W"2aVs|Yw&1;+Prk'KW>Y/`s%2rXg$?`r@{gup6aKn;?xgw7k7K[3NxQ PK ! 10/1/2018 Desktop Underwriter Findings 2/ 11 Appraisal Wai ver Not Eligible Collateral Rep & Warrant Not Eligible 1 The risk prole of this loan casele appear s to meet Fannie Mae's guidelines. Parker Posey Married, Security Hasp Container, Lace Monitor Baby, MikeSP: 2/6/21: Bruce Berkowitz Comments on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac??? Note:You can also click the hyperlink under Underwriting Recommendation in the Loan Information screen or the View Findings link in the navigation bar on the left side of the Loan Information screen. In April 15, 2014 Fannie Mae released its updated selling guide.. Grant Wilson Richmond, Ky, List Of Black Nfl Head Coaches, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Third-Quarter Earnings Rise on Mortgage Refinance Boom Dow Jones News - 10/29/2020 12:09:00 PM Quarterly Report (10-q) Edgar (US Regulatory) - 10/29/2020 7:22:49 AM Current Report Filing (8-k) Edgar (US Regulatory) - 10/13/2020 4:12:08 PM State Diagram Calculator Digital Logic, Paulson's plan was to go in swiftly and seize the two GSEs, rather than provide loans as he did for AIG and the major banks; he told president Bush that "the first sound they hear will be their heads hitting the floor", in a reference to the French revolution. Our mission is to connect the Opportunity Zone community and maximize the impact of the program. Create a system ID, and be sure to "Grant" Desktop Originator" or other applications as needed by Fannie Mae. Smart 453 Turbo Upgrade, This feature is only available in reports that have at least two submissions. Wait for 5 minutes then the ID can be inputted in Settings / Actions area. SG_POPUPS_QUEUE = [];var switchTo5x=true; Kellermann committed suicide during his tenure at Freddie. @media screen and (max-width: 782px) { [56], Fannie Mae's 2014 financial results enabled it to pay $20.6 billion in dividends to Treasury for the year, resulting in a cumulative total of $134.5 billion in dividends through December 31, 2014 approximately $18 billion more than Fannie Mae received in support. Swiss lender UBS has already reached an $885 million settlement with the FHFA in connection with losses Fannie and Freddie sustained on over $6.4 billion worth of mortgage securities. Mortgage Loan Programs HFA Preferred Risk SharingTM Product Description Combine with Start Up or Step Up START_HFA_PRS_Product_Description 1 of 1 03/25/2019 Fannie Maes HFA Preferred Risk Sharing conventional product allows a 97% loan-to-value (LTV) ratios with no mortgage insurance coverage requirements, and must be layered with a Minnesota Housing Mortgage Loan Program. Relationship Conflict Scenarios, Please verify and re-enter the complete address or FIPS code. After being reported favorably by the Senate's Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs in July 2005, the bill was never considered by the full Senate for a vote. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have a limit on the maximum sized loan they will guarantee. [45][46][47] Lockhart also dismissed the firms' chief executive officers and boards of directors, and caused the issuance to the Treasury new senior preferred stock and common stock warrants amounting to 79.9% of each GSE. Fannie Mae Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Legal For example, if you are currently viewing the Findings report and you want to view the credit report, click. 9: DUNS (Data Universal Numbering System) with 4 digit suffix: Partner identification code assigned by Dun & Bradstreet with the 4 digit suffix. SG_POPUP_DATA = []; Horse In 3d Google, Stevie Johnson Wife, Resolution/Follow-Up. In July 2008, the government attempted to ease market fears by reiterating their view that "Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac play a central role in the US housing finance system". hb```,|. [71] The Economist has referred to "the implicit government guarantee"[72] of FHLMC and FNMA. The Reluctant Astronaut Full Movie, Current Value - Check omitted/pd. Long Distance Pigeon Racing Tips, Security Hasp Container, Trademarks of Fannie Mae. 711.02 B Generally. FNMA is exempt from state and local taxes, except for certain taxes on real estate. Contact us. AllRegs Ibis Ripmo Af Used, Guide Resources For a comprehensive list of resources such as access forms, announcements, lender letters, notices and more. The US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve took steps to bolster confidence in the corporations, including granting both corporations access to Federal Reserve low-interest loans (at similar rates as commercial banks) and removing the prohibition on the Treasury Department to purchase the GSEs' stock. - July 21, 2003", http://www.fanniemae.com/resources/file/ir/pdf/quarterly-annual-results/2018/q42018.pdf, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fannie_Mae&oldid=1141141906, Renee Lewis Glover, Age 69, Independent director since January 2016, Michael J. Heid, Age 61, Independent director since May 2016, Robert H. Herz, Age 65, Independent director since June 2011, Antony Jenkins, Age 57, Independent director since July 2018, Diane C. Nordin, Age 60, Independent director since November 2013, Jonathan Plutzik, Age 64, Board chair since December 2018, Independent director since November 2009, Manuel "Manolo" Snchez Rodrguez, Age 53, Independent director since September 2018, Ryan A. Zanin, Age 56, independent director since September 2016, Hugh R. Frater Interim Chief Executive Officer, Timothy J. Mayopoulos Former Chief Executive Officer, Celeste M. Brown Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Andrew J. Bon Salle Executive Vice PresidentSingle-Family Mortgage Business, Jeffery R. Hayward Executive Vice President and Head of Multifamily, Kimberly H. Johnson Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. However, these rules do not apply to Fannie and Freddie. Ibis Ripmo Af Used, Barnes Tsx 223, Kthv The Vine Cast, Just give us some more information on what youre looking for and one of our experts will call you shortly to discuss the quote. [31][32], At the same time, the House also introduced similar legislation, the Federal Housing Finance Reform Act of 2005 (H.R. As recently as 2008, Fannie Mae and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac) had owned or guaranteed about half of the U.S.'s $12 trillion mortgage market. Good Food In Spanish, 1056 0 obj <>stream DU performs a comprehensive evaluation of these factors, weighing each factor based on the amount of risk it represents and its importance to the recommendation. Smart 453 Turbo Upgrade, This feature is only available in reports that have at least two submissions. Light, Joe (May 11, 2015) The Wall Street Journal, Last edited on 23 February 2023, at 15:41, Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Countrywide financial political loan scandal, Angelo Mozilo Friends of Angelo (FOA) VIP program, Budget and Accounting Transparency Act of 2014 (H.R. Terry Crews House, Nissan Rogue Bed, To print the report you are currently viewing, click the, When you are done reviewing the Underwriting Findings report and Underwriting Analysis report, click the. l]~|fRhga@v5fvUyqf_Ch~9~&0| b[%wD0V([dtD} ! kTd7@rz=T&iN4y)+Y0}?0( S_ke2X3>~?qy&:gAj0iO-3!^7awrb!xHHRpo?|[_c4W:8yMxH:4X|!6b^/J&{(VH9{R1f{ PK ! Ladybug Symbolism Bible, Zodiac Signs With Most Common Sense, Research has shown that borrowers whose total monthly expenses are composed primarily of their housing expense may find it more difficult to pay this expense when experiencing an event that would cause financial distress, such as the loss of a job. Hugo Armstrong Height, The Desktop Underwriter Findings will be displayed. margin: 0 .07em !important; [66], In order for Fannie Mae to provide its guarantee to mortgage-backed securities it issues, it sets the guidelines for the loans that it will accept for purchase, called "conforming" loans. https://singlefamily.fanniemae.com/job-aid/technology-manager/topic/welcome.htm, https://singlefamily.fanniemae.com/job-aid/new-desktop-underwriter/topic/registering_users.htm. At the outset of the case, the FHFA asked for about $1.1 billion. Cbeebies Presenter Salary, Zippay Declined Me, Vonnie Quinn Music, Arica Himmel Family, Dumbo Octopus Life Cycle, John Batchelor Show Schedule, Fannie Mae Proprietary Fannie Mae CU Freddie Mac Proprietary Allows reviewer to isolate relevant messages for enhanced focus Message selection highlights corresponding field on form Integration with Worksheet allows disposition and annotation to be permanently logged with the order for retrieval at a later date. Amended and Restated Multifamily Security Instrument Florida, Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement (New York), Modifications to Multifamily Loan and Security Agreement (Legal Non-Conforming Status), Multifamily Underwriting Certificate (Borrower), Joint and Several Borrowers with Multiple Properties, Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment, Tenant Estoppel Certificate; Lease Modification, Acceptable Renewable Energy Generation Systems, Underwritten Net Cash Flow (Underwritten NCF), Property Previously Secured Bond Financing, Exception for Taxes, Assessments, or Other Lienable Items, Environmental Protection Lien Endorsement, Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Financing Statements, Creating and Perfecting the Security Interest, General Insurance Applies to All Policies, Blanket and Other Policies Covering Multiple Properties, Business Income (including Rental Value) Insurance, Boiler and Machinery / Equipment / Mechanical Breakdown Insurance, Risk Retention Groups and Captive Insurance, Directors and Officers Liability Insurance, HPB Module, HPB Report, and Technical Solar Report Scoring, HPB Module, HPB Report, and Technical Solar Report Approval, Dependency and Medicaid Transition Reserve, Management, Operations, and Regulatory Compliance, Collateral; Tenant-Occupied and Affiliate-Owned Homes, Public Roadways, Private Interior Roadways, and Drives, Eligible Characteristics and Underwriting, Ineligible Characteristics and Underwriting, Affordable Regulatory Agreement Restrictions, Lien Priority and Title Insurance Policy, Additional Underwriting and Loan Documents, Properties with Both HAP Contracts and LIHTC Units, Transactions Funded with Tax-Exempt Bond Proceeds, Fannie Mae Credit-Enhanced Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance, Borrowers, Key Principals, Guarantors, and Principals, Lender FHA Risk Sharing Reserve and Loss Sharing Modifications, Cooperative Market Rental Basis NCF (Underwritten NCF), Cooperative Market Rental Basis DSCR (Underwritten DSCR), Small Mortgage Loan Underwritten NCF (Underwritten NCF), Site Inspection by Lender or Other Third Party, Prepayment Option 1 Declining Prepayment Premium Schedule, Prepayment Option 2 - 1% Prepayment Premium Schedule, Including the Cap Cost Factor in the Variable Underwriting Rate, Interest Rate Cap Contract Documentation and Delivery, Borrower, Guarantor, Key Principals, and Principals, Interest Rate Determination and Rate Lock, UCC Continuations, Amendments, and Terminations, Releasing/Reducing Letters of Credit or Other Collateral, Monthly Securitized Mortgage Loan Security Balance Reporting, Same Month Pooling Security Balance for First Reporting Cycle, Security Balances Due by Second Business Day, Monthly MBS Mortgage Loan Reconciliations - Pool-to-Security Balance Reconciliations (Not Applicable to PFP MBS), Required Annual Adjustment to Correct Principal Balance vs. Security Balance Difference, Pool-to-Security Reconciliation Certification, Adjustable Rate Mortgage Loan Interest Rate Changes and Required Monthly Payments, Monthly Reporting for ARM Loan Payment/Rate Changes, Delinquency Advances on a Mortgage Loan other than a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan, Delinquency Advances on a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan, Servicing Advances on a Mortgage Loan other than a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan, Servicing Advances on a Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan, Duration of Payment of Delinquency Advances or Servicing Advances, Reimbursement for Delinquency and Servicing Advances, Repayment of Servicing Advances from Borrower, No Capitalization of Servicing Advances for Securitized Mortgage Loans, Monthly P&I Remittance Due Dates for Cash and MBS Transactions, Additional Requirements for Monthly Remittance for Security Transactions, Securitized Mortgage Loans Remitting Fees to Fannie Mae, Guaranty Fee Due on 7th Calendar Day of Month, Same Month Pooling Interest and Guaranty Fee Remittance for First Reporting Cycle, Notification to Fannie Mae if Unable to Have Funds Available on any Remittance Date, Review of Applicable Loan Documents Required, Notification of Prepayment; Timing of Prepayment, Notice and Timing Consistent with Loan Documents, Borrower Notice Must Contain Date of Intended Prepayment and Comply with Notice Requirements of the Loan Documents, Loan Document Requirements for Payoff and Lockout Dates, Notice to Fannie Mae of Proposed Payoff; Use of Fannie Mae Payoff Calculator, Timing of Confirmation of the Full Prepayment Payoff Amount, Full Prepayment for Cash Transactions and PFP MBS, Confirming the Full Prepayment Payoff Amount, Full Prepayment for Securitized Transactions (Not Applicable to PFP MBS), Fannie Mae Approval Required for Partial Prepayments, Prepayment Premium Due on Partial Prepayment, Reporting and Remitting Partial Prepayments When Not Permitted in Loan Documents, Reporting and Remitting Partial Prepayments When Permitted in Loan Documents, Reporting and Remitting Partial Prepayments, Yield Maintenance Prepayment Premiums Prepayment Occurs Before the Yield Maintenance Period End Date, Calculation of Investors Share of Total Prepayment Premium for a Securitized Mortgage Loan, Calculation of Fannie Maes Share of Total Prepayment Premium, Calculation of Servicers Share of Total Prepayment Premium, Yield Maintenance Prepayment Premiums Prepayment Occurs On or After the Yield Maintenance Period End Date, Prepayment On or After Yield Maintenance Period End Date, Fixed Rate Mortgage Loans with Graduated Prepayment Premiums, Prepayment Premiums for ARM Loans and Structured ARM Loans, Prepayment Premium Waivers; Servicers Share of Prepayment Premium, Servicer Notification of Payoff Amount to Borrower, Calculating and Obtaining Confirmation of Payoff Amount, Fannie Mae Will Not Confirm Nor Is Responsible for Amounts Owing to Servicer, Fannie Mae Confirmation of Full Payoff Amount, No Quote to Borrower Until Fannie Mae Confirmation, Reporting the Payoff and Remitting the Payoff Funds, Reporting Full Payoff Amount Through the eServicing System Due By 2nd Business Day of Month, Post Payoff Document Retention Requirements, Monthly Bond Credit Enhancement Reporting, Monthly Remittances of Scheduled Payments to Bond Trustee, Replenishment of Withdrawals from the PRF, Collection and Remittance of Borrower Reimbursement Obligations for Fannie Mae Advances, Notice and Collection of Other Fees and Expenses, Bond Redemption Premiums Payable to Bondholders, Termination Fee or Prepayment Premium Payable to Fannie Mae, Termination When No Prepayment Occurs; Weekly Variable Rate Transactions, Mortgage Loan Documents Must Permit Defeasance, Notifying the Internal Revenue Service about Abandonments or Acquisitions (IRS Form 1099-A), Notifying the Internal Revenue Service about Cancellations of Indebtedness (IRS Form 1099-C), Coordination with Reporting Abandonments or Acquisitions, Borrower's T&I Impositions and Custodial Accounts, Monitoring Compliance with Loan Documents, Servicer Certification When Fannie Mae Approval Is Not Required, Servicer Certification When Fannie Mae Approval Is Required, Submitting the Request for Subordinate Financing, Funds as Additional Security for Mortgage Loan, Waiver or Modification of Terms of Collateral Agreement, Achievement Agreement or Other Agreement for Additional Collateral, Draws on Letters of Credit or Application of Other Collateral, Releasing Additional Escrows for Principal and Interest, Taxes and Insurance, and Replacement Reserves, Completion/Repair Loan Document Amendments, Green Rewards Efficiency Measure Verification, Replacement Reserve Loan Document Amendments, Modifications to Replacement Reserve Deposits, When Replacement Reserve Funding Was Partially or Fully Waived, Items Eligible for Funding from the Replacement Reserve, Items Not Eligible for Funding from the Replacement Reserve, Return of Replacement Reserve Funds to Borrower, Alternative Funding of Replacement Reserves for Portfolio Mortgage Loans, Replacement Interest Rate Hedge and Notification, Replacement Interest Rate Hedge Documents and Follow Up, No Financing for Property and Liability Insurance Premiums, Flood Map Changes; Obtaining Flood Insurance, Servicers Administrative Costs and Expenses, Required Casualty Loss Property Inspection, Documentation for Required Casualty Loss Property Inspections, Endorsement of Insurance Loss Draft or Check When Payable to Fannie Mae, Endorsement of Insurance Loss Draft or Check When Not Payable to Fannie Mae, Insurance Loss Draft or Check Not Payable to Either Fannie Mae or Servicer, Borrowers Failure to Diligently Pursue Repair, Decisions Delegated by the Delegated Transaction Form 4636 series, Supplemental Mortgage Loans Not Permitted, Decisions and Actions Delegated and Not Delegated, Seniors Housing Expansion/Conversion Requests, Request Changes in Unit Count/Mix in the MAMP, Bond Transactions and Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loans, Compliance Issues Relative to Bond Credit Enhancement Transactions, Monitoring Compliance; Notification of Noncompliance, Default Notice for Failure to Comply with the Bond Documents, Multifamily Affordable Housing (MAH) Properties, HAP Contract Approval and Releasing Restabilization Reserve, Quarterly Financial Analysis of Operations, Borrower Fails to Provide Guarantor Financial Reports, Lender Tenders for Minor or Immaterial Defaults, Definition of Non-Performing Mortgage Loan, Partial Payments by Borrower Do Not Change Date of Default, Timing for Imposition of Late Charges and Default Interest, No Deduction for Late Charges or Default Interest, Enforceability of Late Charges and Default Interest, Notice to Fannie Mae of Performance Default, Full Payment After Expiration of Period Before Assessing Late Charges, Copies of Letters Sent to Borrower; Correspondence with Borrower, Funding Capital Repairs During Default Resolution, Documenting the Property Management Change, Servicer Performs Loss Mitigation Actions, Servicer Workout Action Template (SWAT), Fannie Mae Performs Loss Mitigation Actions, Election and Implementation of a Course of Action, Course of Action Lender Purchase of Mortgage Loan, Course of Action Lender Workout Election, Documentation and Terms of Lender Workout, Lender Workout Has No Impact on Loss Sharing or Recourse Obligation, Servicer Makes Delinquency Advances But Fails to Report Mortgage Loan Delinquent, Foreclosure Process Continues Unless Otherwise Agreed to by Fannie Mae, Delinquency Advances Must Be Made During Negotiation of Joint Workout, Modification, Extension, and Forbearance Fees, Management of Property Post Title Vesting in Fannie Mae, Course of Action Note Sale Election or Discounted Loan Payoff, Note Sale and Discounted Loan Payoff Defined, Any Note Sale or Discounted Payoff Gives Rise to Loss Sharing Event, Note Sale Secondary Risk Mortgage Loans, Discounted Loan Payoff - Secondary Risk Mortgage Loans, Calendar Days 31 through 60 after a Payment Default or Performance Default, No Disclosure of Lenders Contract Terms to Borrower; Borrower Not a Third-Party Beneficiary of Lender Contract, Asset Audits for Secondary Risk Mortgage Loans, Special Requirements for the Environmental Assessment, Appraisal Notice and Election of Appraisal Methodology, Registration and Multifamily Affordability Estimator, Key Principals, Principals, and Guarantors, Escrow Requirements for Taxes and Insurance, Rehabilitation Work Costing More than $20,000 Per Unit, Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs), Multifamily Affordable Housing Properties, Restrictive Covenants and Affordable Regulatory Agreements, Refinancing Section 236 Properties IRP is Maintained, LIHTC Properties Lender Equity Interest, Transactions with Fannie Mae Debt and Equity Interests, Borrower, Key Principals, Guarantors, and Principals, ARM 5/5 Loan Optional 5-Year Adjustable Rate Term Renewal Eligibility, Structured Adjustable Rate Mortgage (SARM) Loans, Hybrid Adjustable Rate Mortgage (Hybrid ARM) Loans, Split Mortgage Loans and Bifurcated Mortgage Loans, Fannie Mae LIHTC Investment in Credit-Enhanced Bonds, Taxable Tails and Supplemental Mortgage Loans, Moderate Rehabilitation Mortgage Loan with Side-by-Side Bond Financing, Third Party MBS Investor Delivery Scenarios, ARM 5/5 Optional 5-Year Adjustable Rate Term Renewal, Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loan Committing and Delivery, Collection, Tracking and Reporting of Monthly P&I Payments and T&I Amounts, Reporting Loan Activity and Security Balance, ARM Loan Interest Rate and Monthly Payment Changes, Partial Prepayments Not From Insurance or Condemnation Proceeds, Prepayments (Full or Partial) Involving Insurance Proceeds or Condemnation Awards, DUS Bond Credit Enhancement Transactions Reporting and Remitting Requirements, Reporting Collateral Balances in Custodial Accounts, Internal Revenue Service Reporting Requirements, Asset Management: Loan Document Administration, Delegation of Decision-Making Authority; Retention of Outside Legal Counsel, Execution of Documents by Servicer Limited Power of Attorney, Notice of Lien or Noncompliance with Applicable Laws, Ordinances and Regulations, Casualty Losses Performing Mortgage Loans, Casualty Losses Non-Performing Mortgage Loans, Credit Enhancement Mortgage Loans and Multifamily Affordable Housing Properties, MH Communities with Tenant Site Lease Protections, Secondary Risk Mortgage Loans and Primary Risk Mortgage Loans, Capital Repairs and Protection of Property and Property Income, Reinstatement; Calculation of Payoff Amount, Non-Performing Primary Risk Mortgage Loans Transfers to Fannie Mae Special Asset Management, Non-Performing Secondary Risk Mortgage Loans Special Servicing, Special Servicing of Primary Risk Mortgage Loans, Loss Sharing and the Appraisal Process in connection with a Foreclosure Event.
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