Advisory: ENG 001A Within the Social Sciences program, students can earn an Associate of Arts degree in any of the eight disciplines and/or a Certificate of Achievement in Alcohol & Drug Studies. Grading: Letter MyCOD Student Portal - College of the Desert 2004 California State University - Long Beach, CARLOS MALDONADO (2007) Interim Associate Dean, Student Services and Relations, MARY GRACE E. MALONEY (2021) Instructor, Library and Information Studies, Library and Learning ResourcesB.A. 1998 California State University - Fullerton M.S. How do I earn a certificate, complete a program, graduate, and/or transfer from COD? (C-ID SOCI 140) 1998 California State University - Dominguez Hills M.S. Psychology 27. lemerson@collegeofthedesert.edu Prerequisite: PSY 001 & SOC 003 or MATH 014 Advisory: ENG 001A The courses offered inthese disciplines generallyserveassurveys of each field and/or as general education and transfer requirements. An examination of phenomena and processes associated with one's beliefs, attitudes and evaluative responses and behaviors toward members of a social group will be included. Facebook. Free to job seekers. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No These degrees are designed to provide a clear pathway to a CSU major and baccalaureate degree. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 1989 University of California - Riverside M.A. Limitation on enrollment: None (C-ID ANTH 120) YouTube. 2010 Ventura Community College B.S. History California State University, San Bernardino 5500 University Parkway San Bernardino, CA 92407 +1 (909) 537-5000 Grading: Letter 22. 2004 University of California - Santa Cruz M.A. The group's culture and the group's relationship with the larger society are explored and analyzed. 760.776.7436, Oceana Collins 1987 Ludwig Maximillian University Munich, WHITNEY SHAW (2020) Professor, Communication and HumanitiesB.A. (C-ID GLST 102) Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 43-500 Monterey Ave Emeriti and Retired Faculty - Wheaton College, IL Lecture Hours: 18Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Social Network Analysis. 1991 Arizona State University Ed.D. 2011 Walden University, DANIEL KLEINFELTER (2005) Professor, MathematicsA.S. Behavior Specialist | Autism Services | Riverside, Palm Desert, CA Skilled in Administration, Management, Video Conferencing, Policy Analysis, and Editing. Grading: Letter Prerequisite: None Martyn Kingston, Ph.D, MBA - Founder & Principal - LinkedIn Full Time Faculty - Sociology - Cecil College 2013 University of Washington, PHILIP SALAS (2016) Assistant Professor, Counseling, CounselingB.A. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D8 IGETC: 4H, PS 004Introduction to International RelationsUnits: 3, This course is an introduction to the nature of political relations among nations, including the basic factors which influence international relations. Prerequisite: None Not only is Baltimore garbage but at one time the most popular TV show in the world was purely "How Garbage Is Bodymore, Murderland." -OT Very very good thread on pol now about the Salvadoran situation, which is highly iStevey because it actually demonstrates something away from keyboard which Steve has been saying for years: enabling or ignoring low-level crime in . Grading: Letter Joel B. Wolowelsky (B.S. Throughout the course, the application of theoretical debates to the contemporary world is stressed. Opens in a new window. Limitation on enrollment: None Prerequisite: GEOG 001 or concurrent enrollment 28. 2006 California State University - Fullerton, EDWIN A. REED (2006) Professor, SpeechB.S. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D8 IGETC: 4H, PS 003Introduction to Political TheoryUnits: 3, This course is an introduction to the nature and tradition of political inquiry as articulated by classical, modern and contemporary theorists. Limitation on enrollment: None Grading: Letter 20. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 2009 Grand Canyon University M.S. Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovative Theory and Empirics (INCITE), and Jonathan R. Cole Professor of Sociology. 2013 California State University - Los Angeles, DIANA GALINDO (2022) Vice President, Human Resources and Employee Relations, Human ResourcesB.A. Advisory: ENG 001A 2011 National University Ed.D. 1980 University of Arizona, CONSTANTINE DEAN PAPAS (2016) Dean, School of Communication & HumanitiesB.A. Desert Fox says: January 15, 2023 at 3:57 pm GMT 100 Words America has been under communist control since 1913 , when the zionists/communists saddled America with their privately owned central bank , the FED and their collection agency, the IRS, 2 of the 10 planks of the communist manifesto, and then came the wars, and deaths, and debt . 1997 California State University - Fullerton Ph.D. 2007 University of California - Riverside, KURT SPURGIN (2018) Assistant Professor, Health ScienceB.A. Limitation on enrollment: None Limitation on enrollment: None Limitation on enrollment: None About the book A new authorship and editorial panel bring a new perspective. This map shows the locations of the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Conferences until present. Sociology Instructor,tenure track Job Palm Desert California USA,Education Topics include happiness, self-esteem, self-knowledge, empathy, compassion, friendship, hope, goal setting, love, parenting, achievement, positive education, positive organizations, resilience, creativity and flow, mindfulness, spirituality, and humor. Prerequisite: None Stop by anytime. San Jacinto College, WENDY E. ANSLEY (1998) Professor, KinesiologyA.A. 1986 University of Nevada - Las Vegas M.S. This course is offered in the Spring semester. 2012 California State University - Los Angeles M.S. 1994 Oregon State University, EDITH ROJAS SALAZAR (2018) Instructor, GeologyB.A. COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D0 IGETC: 4J, SOC 003Fundamentals of StatisticsUnits: 3, This course is an introductory study of statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, Emphasis is placed on acquainting students with the concepts underlying statistical methods and research approaches, basic statistical analyses, and principles. Even students who choose not to major in the Social Sciences find that coursework in the various disciplines prepares them to understand organizational and group dynamics, incorporate logic and reasoning in everyday life, understand research and statistical analysis, and connect personal problems to social issues through critical analysis. Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology. Prerequisite: None COD GE: C2, C5 CSU GE: D9, E IGETC: None, SOC 001Introductory SociologyUnits: 3, This course is a survey of the characteristics of social life, the processes of social interaction, and the tools of sociological investigation. Grading: Letter Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Prerequisite: None 38. 2000 University of California - Riverside M.Ed. Grading: Letter COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D IGETC: 4, PS 009Race and Ethnic PoliticsUnits: 3, This course provides an examination of United States institutions of social, political and economic power from the history and experiences of minoritized populations such as African Americans, Latinas/os, Native Americans, Women, Asian Americans, and Immigrants. Prerequisite: None 2002 Universita degli Studi di Milano M.S. 1,262 SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED in the 2020/2021 Fiscal Year. 1997 California State University - Dominguez Hills, STEVEN L. HOLMAN (2019) Dean, School of Mathematics & SciencesA.S. Use your email user name & password to login. 2016 California State University - Los Angeles, JOSE PABLO ROMERO (2016) Assistant Professor, Computer Information SystemsB.A. 1997 University of California - Davis M.A.T. COD GE: C4b CSU GE: A3 IGETC: 1B, SOC 005Sociology of Gender and SexualityUnits: 3, This course is an examination of the social construction of gender, femininity, and masculinity in the United States. Sociology Faculty | College of Arts and Sciences Grading: Letter Advisory: ENG 001A COD GE: C2 CSU GE: D7 IGETC: 4G, This course introduces students to the origins, current status, and future trends of major transnational issues confronting the global community. 44 . Particular attention will be paid to the logical analyses of some of the distinctive doctrines endorsed by each faith, and how these doctrines may have reinforced and exacerbated the historic and contemporary conflicts between civilizations. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 1998 San Diego College B.A. Advisory: None 15. Philosophy, Social Science COD GE: C2, C5 CSU GE: D9, E IGETC: 4I, The course provides an introduction to positive psychology. General Average and Risk Management in Medieval and Early Modern Advisory: None (B.A. 1992 California State University - Fullerton M.A. 2012 University of Miami D.P.T. z-Part-Time Adjunct Faculty Pool - Sociology job with College of the 2002 University of Nevada - Reno B.S. Among the topics discussed are world population, forms of livelihood, territoriality, urbanization, and material culture. 2013 Teachers College Columbia University, DONALD O'LOGHLIN (2008) Employment Specialist, Disabled Students Programs & ServicesB.A. 2003 University of California - Los Angeles, JOHN RAMONT (2014) Vice President, Administrative ServicesB.S. 1997 Laurentian University B.A. Emphasis is also placed on the development of map-reading skills. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Limitation on enrollment: None 1992 Saint Mary's College M.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 13. 1995 Adams State College M.A. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Faculty and Staff - MSU Denver Opens in a new window. Women faculty members at the school are paid $10,310 a month on average; which is about the same as average men faculty salaries - $10,512 a month. Can I earn college credit without taking classes at COD? Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 1998 Cal Poly San Luis Obispo M.A. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 1997 Pacific University M.Ed. (C-ID HIST 150) The Radical and Conservative Spirit of Communism 2006 University of Memphis M.S. The course also focuses on global governance, including the study of collective global responsibilities. Health & Population. 2010 California State University - Long Beach, KIMBERLY BROOKS (2018) Counselor, Disabled Students Programs and ServicesB.A. Welcome to the College of the Desert. 1995 Northern Arizona University M.F.A. 2017 University of California - Los Angeles M.S. Linkedin. 2003 University of California - Santa Barbara M.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. PDF Academic Senate Faculty Development Committee 2017 University of California Los Angeles M.A. 26. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No General history of Africa, abridged edition, v. 1: Methodology and College of the Desert Home Page San Jacinto College B.A. Prerequisite: PS 001 1974 University of Wisconsin - Madison M.A. Prerequisite: None Limitation on enrollment: None 2018 California State University-San Bernardino, BRIAN FOTINAKES (2015) Associate Professor, EnglishB.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Advisory: ENG 001A & PS 001 760.400.5302, Veronica Daut 2010 Florida State University, DOROTHY ANDERSON (2014) Assistant Professor, Automotive TechnologyA.S. 2004 University of California - Santa Barbara Ph.D. 2007 University of California - Santa Barbara, KURT M. LEUSCHNER (1999) Professor, Natural ResourcesB.A. 501 College Avenue Wheaton, IL 60187-5501 (630) 752-5000 Contact Us. 2009 University of Hawaii M.S. Prerequisite: SOC 001 2021 Kansas State University, MARY ROSE SUAREZ (2021) Assistant Professor, Health Sciences and Education, CHRISTINA TAFOYA (2022) Interim Executive Vice PresidentB.A. Grading: Letter 2004 California State University- San Bernardino M.A. Limitation on enrollment: None Academic, College Lecturer, Faculty, Part Time Teacher Teaching Part Time Teacher Job Description & How to Apply Below This position is not remote. 2007 California State University - San Bernardino, FITZPATRICK BENJAMIN (2013) Associate Professor, Health Sciences and EducationB.S. Opens in a new window. Twitter. Desert Community College District Board of Trustees. Traditional and contemporary theories are covered and applied to current events and issues. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 1992 California Polytechnic State University M.ARCH. 1981 College of the Desert B.A. Prerequisite: PSY 001 Although the significance of cultural differentiation is highly important in the course, major emphasis is placed on intergroup interaction. Grading: Letter Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No What are the rights and responsibilities of students? Grading: Letter Prerequisite: None This priority does not guarantee admission to specific majors or campuses. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS College of the Desert Foundation - College of the Desert Foundation COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, D6 IGETC: 3B, 4F, HIST 006History of Western Civilization IIUnits: 3, This course surveys the development of Western Civilization from the 16th century into the 21st century. (C-ID HIST 170) 1996 College of the Desert B.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 1978 University of Nebraska M.A. The foundational statistical concepts learned in this course will help lead to academic success in statistics courses. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS 2002 Cerritos College B.A. Special attention is given to the interpretation of relevant quantitative data. Professor of Finance, Beedie School of Business, Simon Fraser University. Students will survey demographic research on the diversity of Latinx identity and political behavior in the U.S. as well as the institutional relationship that Latinx groups have established and challenged within the U.S. political system. The various social, political, and economic conditions and experiences of people of Mexican ancestry living in the United States are examined in historical context, from the pre-Columbian period to the present. COD GE: C2, C3 CSU GE: C2, D6 IGETC: 3B, 4F, HIST 018US History from Reconstruction to PresentUnits: 3, This course is a survey of the political and social development of the United States from the Reconstruction Period to the present. Limitation on enrollment: None COD GE: C2, C5 CSU GE: D4, E IGETC: None, This course examines the development and practice of human sexuality through exploration of the psychological, social, cognitive, and physiological dimensions of human behavior. (C-ID SOCI 125; MATH 110) Note: All students now can enroll in this transfer-level course without completing posted requisites. danastas@msudenver.edu 303-615-0120 Directory Profile. It is designed to develop understanding of institutions basic to world civilization. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Limitation on enrollment: None 1999 University of California - Riverside M.A. Strong research. Social Sciences < College of the Desert 1996 California State Polytechnic University - Pomona, MICHAEL L. SMITH (2001) Professor, PhilosophyB.A. It examines the origins of humans and their place in nature. Prerequisite: None 11. 1990 Oregon State University M.Ed. 2016 College of the Desert B.S. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Grading: Letter 1985 Victor Valley College B.A. 2007 California Polytechnic State University Ph.D. 2014 Indiana University of Pennsylvania, MARVIN GABUT (2018) Distance Education & Instructional Design CoordinatorB.A. Advisory: None 2012 El Camino College, RICHARD BURNS (2017) Assistant Professor, GeologyB.S. The Sociology Major at College of the Desert 1993 Villanova University M.A. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 43-500 Monterey Ave Grading: Letter 2007 Syracuse University, ROSA M. ACOSTA (2015) Associate Professor, Applied Sciences and BusinessA.S. Listed on 2023-03-02. Advanced Search Results - HigherEdJobs Opens in a new window. Topics will include assessments, diagnostic practices, interventions and therapies. Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No 2004 University of California - Los Angeles M.Ed. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS It is designed to develop understanding of institutions basic to world civilization. Transfer Status:CSU/UC Degree Applicable:AA/AS Prerequisite: None Lecture Hours: 54Lab Hours: NoneRepeatable: No Cecil College seeks qualified applicants to fill a full-time Sociology Faculty position beginning in the fall of the 2023-2024 academic year. To view the most current list of College of the Desert Associate Degrees for Transfer please go to Academic Programs. (C-ID PSY 110) Providing Sustainable Electricity to Urban Informal Settlements of the
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