I tend to like consistency so I ordered the exact same menu items as my past cruise on the Carnival Breeze in December. The weather outside was hot & sunny. The ship will be the first able to run on liquified natural gas to sail from Galveston. 1,818 views Apr 19, 2022 36 Dislike Share CCL MIAMI BLOG 10.1K subscribers Carnival Breeze in dry dock. Carnival Horizon Cruise Ship, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Carnival Horizon Dates are subject to change and are often pushed back by days, months and even occasionally years. Choosing this option was cheaper as we would not be provided with shuttle service. When zone A01 was called over the cruise terminal loudspeaker I jumped up to get in line. I think Carnival handled all of this with class and professionalism. 1 new interior stateroom added to Empress Deck 7and 1 new interior stateroom added to Verandah Deck 11. Carnival cruise ships PDF files of year-round itineraries have been updated on July 26, 2021. 13, 2023 Indoor Parking with Shuttle My muster station was "B4" which was the Deck 4 level of the Sapphire Restaurant. Below are some pictures of the Limelight Lounge: Also at the back of Deck 5 is the Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse and the Piano Bar 88. The 2,200-passenger ship will reposition from San Francisco to Texas on Oct. 1 . After eating this plate I was ready for dessert so I stopped by the dessert station for some Funfetti Cheesecake. Dry docks are used for the construction, maintenance and repair of ships, boats and other watercraft. At the back of the Lido Deck by the aft Tides pool, the Pizzeria and Seafood Shack lines were open. This Guy's Burger Joint will serve some of the . This was my 18th cruise and second time on the Carnival Breeze. I hope they are able to finish everything they. Also, an announcement was made that all of the elevators were going to be stopped as part a test. Deck 15 is the highest deck on the Carnival Breeze. As a side note, sometimes I will refer to this buffet as the Lido Marketplace and other times may keep it simple by just calling this area the Lido Buffet. While at the back of deck 5 I walked by Piano Bar 88. In February 2022, it was announced that Carnival would retire Carnival Ecstasy as well as Carnival Sensation from the fleet. These sailings will offer calls at some ports that are unique. And finally, Carnival Breeze has departed its Texas homeport and is en route to Cadiz, Spain for a planned extended dry dock. The stateroom was located in between the front and middle elevators on the starboard side of the ship. The weather outside was hot & sunny. For dessert I ordered a banana split, which is on the Kid's Menu. Carnival Breeze's Serenity also had a few hottubs. To record boarding my picture was taken using one of Carnival's Smile & Go machines. The Carnival Paradise's last dry-dock was 10/1/2021 - 10/22/2021 according to GoCCL. After security we were directed to a lady who checked our passport. Everything was great and our waitstaff did an excellent job! I had Your-Time Dining which means I could dine in a specific dining room from 5:30pm until about 9:00pm. The Carnival Breeze's Serenity Adults Only Retreat is located on Deck 15 at the front of the ship. Carnival Cruise Ship Delay Results In Shortened Itinerary The Fahrenheit 555 Steakhouse was open each evening and required reservations (not complimentary). He looked genuinely surprised and good job to all the Fun Squad and techs who pulled off the surprise. My BLT from the deli was good. Carnival Breeze in dry dock. When the doors to the cruise terminal opened we were directed to a lady who was checking our Covid vaccine and test results. what time is final boarding for carnival cruise. Unfortunately, the crew were working inside so I was unable to get some good pictures of this venue. The walk took about 7 minutes which included time needed to cross Harborside Drive. I did not play bingo, but watched the game because I wanted to be in the Ovation Theater for a good seat for the Welcome Aboard Show. The mini golf course is located on two levels. During this dry-dock the Carnival Breeze received the red, white, & blue livery on the exterior of the ship. Carnival Breeze Cruise Ship, 2023, 2024 and 2025 Carnival Breeze This McDonald's location has a great view of the beach. After the Welcome Aboard Show I went to the Lido Marketplace for some water and then headed up to Deck 12 for a quick walk around the ship. In the shower, shampoo and shower gel were available in a dispenser. I stopped to get some pictures of the food on the main Lido buffet line. The following monthly cruise ship calendar is updated frequently using the latest official itineraries released by Carnival. We are finally moving onto the carnival Panorama in November. Here are some pictures from the dessert line: My first stop for food was the Carnival Breeze's Deli. The Lanai on the Carnival Breeze at the front was closed as this area is now for crew only. Outside of the Lido Marketplace by the main Lido pool is Guy's Burger Joint and the Blue Iguana Cantina. Carnival Miracle will further diversify Carnival's deployment from Galveston, joining Carnival Breeze, which offers four- and five-day cruises; Carnival Dream, which sails mostly six . I stood at the stairwell area for about 8 minutes and was texting other family members who said that Carnival temporarily halted boarding on the gangway when the alarm started. When zone A01 was called over the cruise terminal loudspeaker I jumped up to get in line. Around the stateroom's small counter space there were two 120V electrical outlets and a European electrical outlet. The stateroom was located in between the front and middle elevators on the starboard side of the ship. He looked genuinely surprised and good job to all the Fun Squad and techs who pulled off the surprise. Our stateroom steward came by and left a towel animal. Shortly before the dining room opened the Carnival Hub App began allowing guests to check-in. Fincantieri Monfalcone of Italy is the builder. The main casino on Deck 5 is expected to have both smoking and non-smoking options. As I walked along Deck 5 I passed by Bonsai Sushi. The drill lasted no more than 5 minutes and gave us a good reminder on how to wear a lifejacket & where we needed to go in the event of a real emergency. Due to some crowding at the elevators and wanting to get some steps in, I decided to take the stairs from Deck 3 to Deck 10 (Lido Deck). Carnival Corporation is leading the way, as it expects to drydock 28 ships or approximately around one-third of its fleet during the first half of the year. Started October 12, 2018, Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. tiktok likes 2022. does trident clean teeth. There is a mini stage and dance floor in the center of the Ocean Plaza that are used at night for music and dancing. Carnival Expands in Galveston with Longer Cruises This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. While I was there I stepped outside on my cove balcony to look outside. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I sat in the same place I did last cruise as I had a great view of the room. The Verifly app was optional, but highly recommended by Carnival. My alarm was set for 4:00am, but I went ahead and slowly got up and checked the Carnival Breeze's location on the Marine Traffic app. Below are some pictures I took during sail-a-way: How The Your-Time Dining Check-In Process Worked:I had Your-Time Dining which means I could dine in a specific dining room from 5:30pm until about 9:00pm. When we got back, the ship went out 1 more time, but then it was going to be going into dry dock 3 weeks early and they paid for 90% of their employees to fly home 3 weeks early, and with pay. After getting my picture taken we were directed to the gangway. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Carnival Breeze | Deck Plans, Activities & Sailings - Carnival Cruise Line If you need assistance on the first day finding your muster station, crew members are stationed throughout the ship and can direct you to your assigned muster station. 09, 2023 Indoor Parking with Shuttle Save Money - Outdoor Parking with Shuttle Promo Code Carnival Breeze Depart Date: Mar. First Dinner On The Carnival Breeze In The Sapphire Dining Room: After being seated our headwater came by and introduced himself. Boarding the Carnival Breeze is based on zones which are assigned after online check-in is completed and based on arrival appointment times. Below are some pictures of the food on the first day's Lido Marketplace buffet line: After eating lunch I was excited to take my first walk around the Carnival Breeze. The dates and information provided on this page are subject to change at any time and maybe inaccurate. 04, 2023 Return Date: Mar. Crossing the. After parking, we took our luggage out of the trunk and walked to the cruise terminal. Carnival Drydock Schedule - RyG's Cruise Guide I had to empty my pockets and stuffed my camera bag with my phone, wallet, and the camera batteries I had in my shorts pocket. Loving your review! Here are a few pictures of the food at Guy's Pig & Anchor BBQ: Cove Balcony Stateroom: Staterooms opened for all guests at 1:30pm. walmart store hours. During the three-week shipyard stay, the vessel saw its propulsion problem fixed and also received Carnival's new red, blue and white livery. Started June 21, 2021, By Previous Carnival Cancellations from January 22, 2021 Show Notes Trip Report Day 1 - Port Canaveral Day 2 - At Sea Day 3 Continue Reading . Carnival Paradise will sail on October 1 and Carnival Sunshine will sail on October 21, both from Cadiz, Spain. Whopping 802 dry dock days for Carnival Corp. in 2022 My balcony consisted of two chairs and a very small table. Carnival notified everyone a few days prior to the cruise that construction was going to be taking place on I-45 and extra time for travel would be needed. The Ocean Plaza is used during the day-time for various events and activities. Visual kei lives | | vkgy () I looked at the Galveston webcams around 4:45am and saw the Carnival Breeze had turned around and was close to docking at Cruise Terminal 2. Appearance and fuel efficiency Crew members were standing at the entrance of the Sapphire Restaurant. Routine hotel maintenance and cosmetic enhancements such as new carpeting, tile work, etc. Cruise News Today March 21, 2022 [VIDEO] - Cruise Radio Most of the information currently contained below was gathered pre-COVID.This dry dock schedule contains the entire Carnival Cruise Lines' Fleet. Our order for appetizers, main courses, and desserts was taken at once. Fourth Carnival Cruise Ship Will Be Based Out of Galveston, Texas It looks like you may be utilizing ad blocker software or other ad filtering technology while visiting our site. A sampling of some of the new itineraries now open for . google mountain view charge cash app; wect news bladen county; norwegian cruise line dry dock schedule; norwegian cruise line dry dock schedule. The check-in for dinner was easy and involved clicking a check-box for each guest that was going to be eating. I sat in the Ocean Plaza right next to the Alchemy Bar. The check-in worker directed us to a lot that was located right by the Railroad Museum and told us to make sure to display the ticket. I was able to get a great view of the Carnival Vista, which was docked at cruise terminal #1. My zone number was A01 for this cruise. After getting up I showered and finished packing a couple of things that I would need for the cruise. At night the ship's piano bar entertainer will perform here. This dry dock schedule contains the entire Carnival Cruise Lines' Fleet. At night the ship's piano bar entertainer will perform here. Here is how it will be: Carnival Miracle > Now to be in dry dock from in October and November Carnival Radiance > All 3+4 day cruises (Long Beach) from October 17 to October 28 canceled Carnival Miracle > November 3 + 8, 2022 c. I was able to see the Deck 3 level of the atrium was packed with guests still boarding. Please use this same link to post any questions you may have. No guests were using any of the machines at this time of embarkation day so I walked around and took some pictures: After walking around the Carnival Breeze's SPA and Fitness Center on Deck 12, I headed down to Deck 5 (Promenade). A variety of different deck chairs, clamshell chairs, and hammocks were available in this area for guests to use. This venue is complimentary and is open on Galveston day and sea days. Copyright 19952023 The Independent Traveler, Inc. Amazing, Funny & Totally Awesome Cruise Photos, http://www.embarkandaway.com/carnival-breeze-cruise-review-2022.html, http://www.embarkandaway.com/carnival-breeze-2022-whats-happening-daily-activity-newsletter.html, http://www.embarkandaway.com/carnival-breeze-2022-main-dining-room-menus.html, Click here to reload the page in order to enable certain features, Policy regarding COVID related Discussions. It may not display this or other websites correctly. At the very front of Deck 9 is an area above the navigational bridge that is one of my favorite places on a ship to look out. Sail group for the Carnival Breeze leaving Galveston on May 14, 2022. Carnival Cruise Line 2023 itineraries of the cruise ship Carnival Legend with homeports and ports-of-call including dates and times. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. On my previous cruises on the Carnival Dream and Carnival Breeze (these ships are in the same class) this outside Lanai area is one of my favorite areas to walk. Breeze was my first cruise ship, will always hold a special place in my heart. I went to the very front of Deck 9. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Funfetti cheesecake is my absolute FAVORITE!!! While on the Deck 14 level of the Cloud 9 SPA I walked into the Tepidarium. I asked for one piece of both, but the multigraincranberry is my favorite piece of bread onboard. I try to do the review in parts, by day. The fruit punch was very sweet, but tasted good. . Shortly before the dining room opened the Carnival Hub App began allowing guests to check-in. On the stateroom's vanity a few flyers were waiting for us. Outside of the Lido Marketplace by the main Lido pool is Guy's Burger Joint and the Blue Iguana Cantina. When I completed online check-in I selected 10:00am - 10:30am, but due to this change from Carnival my new arrival appointment time was 9:00am - 9:30am. #carnival #carnivalbreeze #cclmiamiblog. When guests step onboard the 2,200-passenger Carnival Miracle, they'll be glad to know she recently underwent a dry dock in November 2022. Dry docks are typically used in for major repairs and upgrades where it is easier to work on the watercraft while it is physically out of the water. While at the back of deck 5 I walked by Piano Bar 88. This 133,500 ton vessel has a capacity of 3,936 guests and 1,450 crew members. Overall, I feel like the Verifly app was worth the pre-cruise work as it did save us a few minutes. Carnival adds 4th ship to Galveston, offers longer cruises with what time is final boarding for carnival cruise During Carnival Breeze's last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Conquest's last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Dream's last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Ecstasy's last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Elation last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Fascination's last dry-dock it received the following updates: During Carnival Freedom's last dry-dock it received the following updates: Carnival Horizon's was put in service in 2018 and has not yet been scheduled for a future dry dock. This was the first time since my first cruise in 2007 of seeing fruit punch served in the Lido. This new process of checking in for Your-Time Dining replaced guests lining up early and then everyone speaking with a hostess when the doors opened. My stateroom was a Cove Balcony stateroom located on Deck 2. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". My muster station was "B4" which was the Deck 4 level of the Sapphire Restaurant. Once this was done, we were directed to the escalator to the 2nd floor of the cruise terminal. Crew members were directing everyone to the front elevator/stairwell area. Upon arriving at the atrium entrance of the Sapphire Dining Room I told the hostess my table number that was assigned on the app and she had someone bring us to our table. Carnival Cruise Line temporarily pulled the vessel from service after encountering an issue with the ship's maximum speed in late November. Suite guests are first and have "Priority" printed on their boarding pass. Within a couple of minutes of checking in the app notified me that my table was ready and I selected that I was on my way. cyberpower gamer xtreme. Our Welcome Aboard Show consisted of the cruise director speaking, an interactive game with contestants on stage, and the Playlist Productions dancers giving a short 10 minute sneak peek of the show. On Dream Class ships, the cove balconies are below the lifeboats and are the closest balconies to the water. I walked from the front of the deck through the atrium. Carnival's Cruise Ship Improve/Dry Dock Schedule 2023-2024 New deck added - Deck 14 features 36 staterooms: 2 Grand Vista Suites, 2 Scenic Ocean View staterooms, 22 Junior Suites and 10 Interior staterooms; 1 new interior stateroom added to Empress Deck 7 and 1 new interior stateroom added to Verandah Deck 11. 11/14/2022. The balcony door could be locked by crew members in the event of bad weather because the balcony dividers can be used as watertight storm doors to keep guests off their balconies in the event of bad weather. Carnival Pride, dry dock/refurb Spring 2023? - Carnival Cruise Lines 02 October 2022 - 15 October 2022 : Baltics : Knitting Group 30 November 2022 - 11 December 2022 : S. Caribbean : $50k Slots Tournament 28 December 2022 - 04 January 2023 : W. Caribbean :. On the gangway we had to to stop a few times to allow wheelchairs to be taken off the ship. zillow grandy nc. The room was muggy so I stuck my camera in long enough to get some pictures and then continued my walk. Carnival Cruise Line Adding Fourth Ship to Galveston, Offering Longer Carnival Breeze's Serenity also had a few hottubs. Download itinerary: For my main course I ordered the Sweet & Sour Shrimp. After a short walk past the basketball court I came to the Carnival Breeze's mini golf course and ropes course. Another letter was a letter about how Carnival has crew members from Russia & Ukraine onboard and that the conflict is tough. Carnival announces more cruise cancellations going into 2021 As soon at the latest information is available the information below will be updated. Carnival Breeze: April 1 Carnival Horizon - April 1 Mardi Gras - April 1. . Australia: Carnival Cruise Line is cancelling planned operations of Carnival Splendor from June 10, 2022 through September 26, 2022, and of Carnival Spirit from June 5, 2022 to October. They served the bread to us using tongs. Upon arrival at EZ Cruise Parking we showed our confirmation and were given a ticket to put in the dashboard. Both tasted great. Details: Marella Cruises' next new ship was built in 1997 for Celebrity Cruises and most recently sailed as Tui's Mein Schiff Herz. 19952023, The Independent Traveler, Inc. Carnival BREEZE After Dry-Dock 2022 5 Night Cruise Review - With Photos, Activity Newsletters, & Menus! March 2022 Update: HAL Dry Docks, Charters and Groups Onboard One of the flyers was a Good To Know informational flyer about some onboard procedures. vkgy is a visual kei library maintained by overseas fans. I asked for one piece of both, but the multigraincranberry is my favorite piece of bread onboard. After our order was taken the waitstaff came by with a big basket of bread and asked which bread we would like. Built in 2012, you can also enjoy the SkyCourse, an exciting ropes course, and the Punchliner Comedy Club presented by George Lopez on the Carnival Breeze. I love Breeze so much I have gone on her the last seven cruises, from 2 different ports. Enjoy the island atmosphere of RedFrog Rum Bar, or south-of-the-border taco goodness at BlueIguana Cantina. After a night of not being able to sleep due to being too excited for the cruise I woke up around 3:30am. Carnival Magic will be the first ship to receive the new livery during its current dry . Carnival Horizon, Carnival Cruise Line's second Vista-class ship, is nothing short of enchanting! Carnival Cruise Line Announces New Red, White and Blue Hull Design After checking out the mini golf course & ropes course I continued walking towards the front of Deck 12. I last cruised on the Carnival Breeze in December 2021 and since then the ship underwent a dry-dock in Spain. The check-in worker directed us to a lot that was located right by the Railroad Museum and told us to make sure to display the ticket. The sun was beginning to rise while we ate breakfast. twin adjustable bed. The Carnival Breeze's Piano Bar 88 is located right along the Promenade walkway and has a large piano with seats around. The drydock and refurbishment market is hot for the start of 2022 as operators take the opportunity to do updates and necessary work before ships get back to full operational status, according to the 2022 Drydock and Refurbishment Report by Cruise Industry News. For my main course I ordered the Sweet & Sour Shrimp. This is the way I have done several of my past cruise reviews pre-Covid so I will keep the same format! I stood at the stairwell area for about 8 minutes and was texting other family members who said that Carnival temporarily halted boarding on the gangway when the alarm started. An employee checked the zone number on the boarding pass to make sure no line cutting was occurring. I had some family traveling on the Carnival Vista so they stood at the back and waved to us before the ship set sail. An employee checked the zone number on the boarding pass to make sure no line cutting was occurring. . You will be able to leave a comment after signing in, By The Carnival Vista left before the Carnival Breeze. I ordered a BLT and it was immediately made. The drill consisted of a lifejacket demonstration and some basic safety information. We walked to cruise terminal #2 and found a porter outside the building. Before taking our luggage we were reminded to make sure our passports, vaccine cards, test results, and other documentation was in carry-on and not in our bags that were getting checked in. For details about a Carnival Journeys cruise, click here. Unfortunately, the crew were working inside so I was unable to get some good pictures of this venue. The workers outside were very friendly and chatted with everyone waiting. He also introduced the Fun Squad, which are the crew members that host the entertainment department's games and activities throughout the cruise. If you need assistance on the first day finding your muster station, crew members are stationed throughout the ship and can direct you to your assigned muster station. Guests can be sure of a memorable cruise worth a thousand words - with nearly as many options for fun and entertainment onboard! After completing the self-muster drill I went from Deck 3 to Deck 5. This is an 'unusually large number,' CFO David Bernstein said, adding that in the range of 550 days was probably the previous high. The bathroom consisted of a toilet, sink, and shower. TIP:Your assigned muster station for the cruise can be found in multiple areas. The 130,000 gross ton Carnival Breeze just completed a dry dock in Cadiz, Spain. Cruise Tips October 15, 2022. The information contained on this site is updated frequently and kept as accurate as possible. Carnival Corp. to Drydock 28 Ships in First Half of 2022 The Carnival Breeze has all the bells and whistles of a Carnival "Fun Ship" with several bars, lounges and restaurants. What was done during the dry-dock? I continued walking on Deck 5 and reached the Ocean Plaza. Information About This Cruise & Me:This was my 18th cruise and second time on the Carnival Breeze. Last time I did this by the end I had to stop due to some stressful deadlines at work and it being Christmas time, but this time I fully intend on finishing posting everything here. Launched in 2022 at 182,800 gross tons, Excel-class ships Carnival Celebration and Mardi Gras are 35% larger than the next biggest ships in the fleet. The dates and information provided on this page are subject to change at any time and maybe inaccurate. I stopped to get some pictures of the food on the main Lido buffet line. During this time the ship received the new red, white, & blue hull paint scheme and routine hotel maintenance & cosmetic enhancements. 13 Biggest Mistakes Made by Carnival Cruise Passengers [Carnival Tips] The Ocean Plaza is used during the day-time for various events and activities. An announcement was made that the alarm was a test and there was no need for any evacuation. I am sure I wil love it but I'm pretty sure that Breeze will still be my all time favorite. Cruise Industry News 1996-2022. I made it up to Deck 10 (Lido Deck) and the fire-door at the elevator area into the ship's atrium was blocking the hallway. The review is on my personal cruise blog (no ads - just a hobby), which is also where you can find Daily What's Happening newsletters (former Fun-Times equivalent) and other scanned handouts from the cruise. Carnival Venezia Ship Food & Dining Guide - RyG's Cruise Guide After our order was taken the waitstaff came by with a big basket of bread and asked which bread we would like. Carnival Cruise Line Expanding with Longer Cruises - travelpulse.com
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