The system is address-based. WARRANT ARREST - On January 3rd, 2023 at around 9:09 PM, deputies made a traffic stop on a speeding Volkswagen Atlas. 3-3 00:30. Phone: 541-766-6858 Fax: 541-766-6011. WHITE WAS RELEASED WITH A NEW COURT DATE. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Friday, January 27, 2023, deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash approximately one quarter mile west of Philomath on Highway 20. WARRANT ARREST - On February 28, 2023, at about 4:24 p.m., deputies stopped a black 2019 Nissan Altima for multiple traffic violations on NE Granger near milepost 1. The resident reported he had withdrawn $4800.00 and sent it to a "lawyer" via a Coin Flip machine. DUII; RECKLESS DRIVING - On Monday, January 23, 2023, at about 5:05 pm, deputies stopped a silver Toyota Camry on Buchanan Avenue near Dixon Street in Corvallis for failing to drive in its lane. WARRANT ARREST - On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at around noon, deputies stopped Bryan Oleman, 40, on Highway 20 near milepost 42 and cited and released him for a warrant issued out of Deschutes County. All occupants refused medical aid and the vehicle was towed. $294,000. The driver was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital. It was unknown if there were any injuries at the time of the call. Deputies arrived and found a male had driven his gray 2022 Ford F350 into the ditch as he turned onto Tampico Rd from Highway 99W. Gruenhagen had a confirmed cite and release warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for Carrying a Prohibited Weapon, Bail $00. Three watches were ordered without authorization and mailed to a residence. A resident reported that unknown males were loitering on her porch. You may park in the parking lot located in front of the Benton County Justice Center. ABANDONED VEHICLE - On February 18th 2023, deputies responded to Bellfountain Rd at about milepost 1 for an abandoned vehicle. It was unknown if there were any injuries at the time of the call. On Monday, February 20, 2023 Justin Darryl McQuade, 43, of Tidewater was arrested for DUII. No damage to the vehicle. WARRANT ARREST - ON 2/7/23 AT APPROXIMATELY 10:45 AM, HAGEMAN, AUDRIAUNA, 30, WAS ARRESTED AT THE JAIL ON A WARRANT FOR FTA THEFT 3. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 28, 2023, at about 6:10 a.m., deputies responded to a single vehicle that slid off the roadway into a ditch on Independence Hwy near NW Palestine Drive. Girma was transported to the Benton County Jail. Owen had a confirmed warrant out of Benton County Circuit Court for Theft III. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On January 22nd, 2023 at about 6:39 am, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Hwy 99W, at Cemetery Road, Monroe just north of Monroe. Dart refused the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and was taken into custody. Turner had an active warrant out of Albany Municipal Court for failing to appear on a littering charge. DUII - On Sunday, February 19, 2023, at about 2:30 AM, deputies initiated a traffic stop at NW 6th Street and NW Van Buren Avenue in Corvallis. THEFT 3 FROM VEHICLE - On February 8, 2023 at around 10:35 am, deputies spoke with a resident via telephone, regarding her vehicle being broken into in the 600 block of NW Shannon Dr. Additionally, Meloling was on Probation out of Benton County for Felony DUII. Call if you can, text if you can't. Deputies later arrested the driver, Dylan Henderson Wood, 21, for DUII and Reckless Driving. Display Incidents. WARRANT ARREST - On February 11th, 2023 at around 7:21 PM, deputies observed a transient male walking across 3rd Street against a no-walk crosswalk signal with on-coming vehicle traffic which slowed and swerved to avoid hitting him. Community Risk Reduction. Deputies arrived and observed a white 2012 Toyota XB crashed into a mobile home. Telecommunicators answer all 9-1-1 emergency calls for service and dispatch units for Benton County Sheriff and the fire departments of Big Sandy, Eva, Holladay-McIllwain, South 40, Chalk Level, Morris Chapel, Sandy River, and Camden. Deputies contacted the occupant Marion Gardner, 52. WARRANT ARREST - On February 4th, 2023, at about 7:22 pm, Travis Rictor, 32, and Justin Rickard, 32, were arrested at the intersection of NW Independence Highway and NW Ryals Ave in Benton County. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On February 24, 2023 at 3:09 pm, deputies were dispatched to a two-vehicle injury traffic crash on HWY 20 at Blodgett Rd. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 1 - On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at approximately 10:50 AM, deputies contacted a resident about damage to his mailbox. The vehicle, a Toyota did not appeared damaged, and the driver said she was not injured. No appointment is needed. Lake of the Ozarks/Osage River has 54,000 acres of . Pay Fines or Tickets Get payment details. WARRANT ARREST - On February 20, 2023, at 6:21 AM, deputies stopped Levi Anthony Gruenhagen, 41, on Western Boulevard near 11th Street in Corvallis for failure to use hand signals on a bicycle. He can be contacted at 541-812-6113 or Cody.Mann@lee.net. Coussens had a4 year old child with her at the time of the stop. Vehicle 2 was behind vehicle 1, did not observe that vehicle 1 was stopped, and vehicle 2 crashed into the back of vehicle 1. Listed below are recent incidents responded to by the Benton County Sheriff's Office. Terms Of Service. Clarksville units are 260-264 currently. The owner later came and towed the vehicle home. Deputies arrived and located Patricia Terri Compton, 42, on the sidewalk in front of the building. The Utility Notification Center is the one-call agency dedicated to safeguarding citizens and construction personnel who work around utilities, as well as safeguarding the underground infrastructure of pipes, mains and lines which bring utilities to your community. Deputies later arrested Anthony Owen, 33, for stealing three bags of cans. The body matched the photos of the vehicle. The driver was not injured and there appeared to be minimal damage if any to the Honda. This app provides direct access of recent arrests, inmate roster, warrants, most wanted, child support w 6000 FT CAROLINE RD. The resident did not feel comfortable with sending more money at this point, assumed this was a scam and discontinued conversations with the alleged lawyer. The Benton County Sheriff's Department is the Primary Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for Benton County. We can set up your account on your behalf and . As well as access to Shelters, 24 Hour Crisis . LITTERING - On Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at approximately 1:00 PM, deputies contacted a resident about a trailer of garbage dumped on his property in the 6000 block of NW Gilmour Ln, Albany. You may browse the list below, or search by first name, last name, DOC number, crime, or county. Follow him on Twitter via @News_Mann_. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 24, 2023 at around 1:32 pm, deputies were dispatched to a single-vehicle crash at Highway 20 near milepost #39. FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER PROP DAMAGE - On Thursday, February 23, 2023, deputies were dispatched to the 23700 block of Highway 20 for a hit and run. 600 FLORENCE ST. IMPERIAL BEACH. CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 - On January 3rd, 2023, at approximately 4:00 pm, deputies were dispatched to a trespass in the 28900 block of Fish Hatchery Road in Alsea. At the time, the driver was in a 2009 white Subaru. Deputies cited ASHE for Failure to Obey a Traffic Violation, warned him for other bicycle violations, and the E violation amount of controlled substances (snort tube with white powdery substance). In 2020, the City of Santa Clara Communications Center fielded 151,615 phone calls and 167 texts. - Send all correspondence to the following address: Smart Communications - Benton County Sheriff's Office. The caller relayed information about someone littering. The burglary occurred sometime between early December 2022, and January 3, 2023. The vehicle was located and returned to Christopher on January 16, 2023. Deputies issued Brown a citation and informed her of the new court date. Magers was criminally cited and released. Mar 1, 2023 Updated Mar 1, 2023. Deputies spoke with the male at the hospital. Non-Emergency Telephone. . (NMLS #967396) Colorado Universal Service Fund - Intrastate Telephone Calls The male agreed not to come back. Deputies later arrested the driver of the sedan, Dolores A. Moncada Segoviano, 34, for DUII and Reckless Driving. Baths. He was issued a citation and released on scene. $15 US Dollars was taken. HERLONG RD / OLD MIDDLEBURG RD N. 1050. A driver reported that a black Volvo followed her from the Dallas, Oregon, area and bumped her with the side mirror of the car as she left a parking lot. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On 02/24/2023 at approximately 4:00 P.M., deputies were dispatched to Highway 20 near Milepost 35, in Blodgett, for a report of a single-vehicle car crash with injuries. There was damage to the front of vehicle 2 and damage to the rear of vehicle 1. He was intoxicated, likely from alcohol and cannabis, but deputies were unable to prove he was under the influence at the time he drove. Emily Ramsey, 25, dumped a pile of trash next to the entrance of the landfill after hours. RECKLESS DRIVING; ELUDE VEHICLE - On January 10, 2023 at around 1:33 am, deputies attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a primer gray 2003 BMW 330 at SW 4th St and SW Jefferson Ave for reckless driving. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 23, 2023, at around 6:13 pm, deputies were dispatched to a motor vehicle crash on Highway 99W MP 94. The driver of a 2001 Volkswagen Bug Perkins told deputies he was traveling south on Highway 99 heading home from work. UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE - On February 6th, 2023, deputies took a report of Unlawful Entry of a Motor Vehicle in the 700 block of NW James Place in Corvallis. WARRANT ARREST - On Sunday, February 12, 2023, at about 7:15 p.m., deputies stopped EVAN ASHE, 42, on NW 2nd Street near NW Harrison Boulevard for traffic violations committed on the bicycle he was riding. The driver turned too late at the intersection to safely make the turn, which she said was because of the fog. On Saturday, February 18, 2023 Brodie Thomas Corrigan, 22, of Corvallis was arrested for DUII and Reckless Driving. Gassner was lodged at the Benton County Jail. The driver said he was negotiating a slight left-hand turn in the road and lost traction and said his car started to spin and ended up off of the roadway into the ditch. Text-to-9-1-1 is available in Benton County Benton County now has the ability to receive text-to-9-1-1 from all major cell phone carriers. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 3 - On Friday, January 6, 2023, at approximately 4:00 PM, deputies contacted a resident about a vehicle hitting her mailbox in the 24700 block of Ervin Road on January 4, 2023. RECKLESS DRIVING - On 01/28/2023 at approximately 3:50 A.M., deputies stopped a vehicle for driving 111 miles per hour on Highway 34 near the Highway 34 Bypass. Deputies contacted the driver who was identified as Jaime Bran-Barrera, 24. Deputies contacted the male, later identified as Andrew Edmonds, 41. . The incident started with a safety issue that turned into a use of force. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF 2; FAIL TO PERFORM DUTIES/DRIVER- On Tuesday, January 10, 2023, at approximately 8:40 AM, deputies contacted a driver about a crash between her van and another vehicle at NW Hwy 99W and Granger Avenue, Corvallis. Seminole, FL 33775-9118. There have since been no additional calls for the vehicle. However, if you are experiencing an outage please call Benton PUD's Outage Line at 1-888-582-2176 or report it through SmartHub. Deputies later arrested three juveniles, issued criminal citations for Criminal Mischief 2nd Degree, and were released to their parents. Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office. The court sent a new court date, the subject signed release agreement and was released. Court Administration. Driver 1 was traveling in a green 1999 Toyota 4-Runner towing a small black empty utility trailer east on NW Lewisburg Avenue when she attempted to turn right onto NW Highland Drive and crashed. The surrounding cities include Cave Springs . CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2 - On January 27, 2023 at approximately 11:30 PM, deputies located a vehicle belonging to a male, stuck on a sand pile at the Benton County Fairgrounds parking lot. Deputies later arrested Evander Rusty Whitedirt, 28, on a misdemeanor Multnomah County Circuit Court warrant for Sex Abuse 3. Damewood was cited and released for Driving While Suspended Misdemeanor. Jeremiah Louis Jones, 33, was later taken into custody and lodged at the Benton County Jail for a confirmed Parole Violation Warrant, Interfering, and Trespass 1. Deputies located the juvenile at a friends house. ACCIDENT VEHICLE INJURY - On Thursday, February 9, 2023, deputies were dispatched to an injury crash on Highway 20 at milepost eight. ACCIDENT OTHER NO INJ - On January 20th, 2023 at about 1:13 pm, deputies were dispatched to a crash on Hwy 20, milepost 36, just west of Blodgett. Newens was charged with assault in the fourth degree. Deputies later contacted the registered owner who said he had crashed while avoiding an oncoming vehicle that was sliding towards him on the snowy roads. - The Inmates Name and ID number must be clearly printed on the outside of the envelope or postcard to ensure the mail is posted to the correct account. The caller reported someone entered his pickup truck around 5:30 pm, went through his glove box, and took a Skil grinder he had in a Home Depot fabric bag. Deputies later arrested the driver, Cynthia Ann Mross, 59, for DUII and Reckless Driving. The resident was contacted again by the "Lawyer," Michael Stevens, requesting more funds. DISORDERLY CONDUCT 2; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 2; WARRANT ARREST - On January 8th, 2023 at around 7:57 PM, deputies were dispatched to the 500 block of Main Street, Philomath. The mailbox has been damaged and replaced three times in the past month. 225 E 6th Street. Deputies later issued Berkey a criminal citation for Harassment. Frequency License Type Tone Alpha Tag Description Mode Tag; 154.175: WQLF400: RM: CSQ: BCFD Disp: Fire Dispatch: FMN: Fire Dispatch: 155.310: WQLF400: RM: CSQ: BCFD . No injuries were reported. The female believes it was directed towards her, via her neighbor, but there is no definitive proof. The driver was not injured, and there did not appear to be any damage to the vehicle. The resident does not know when the mail was taken and there are no cameras in the area. In 2021 Saline County 911 and Benton Police Department 911 Communications consolidated to form Saline Emergency Communications (SEC). Deputies located Evan at the Benton County Fairgrounds and arrested him for violating a no-contact release agreement. Counselor of the Day. STRICKLAN was transported to the Benton County Sheriff`s Office where he consented to a breath test. The driver, Scott Kotara, 33, was suspended misdemeanor. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, at approximately 5:20 AM, deputies responded to Highway 20 and Marys River Estates Road, Benton County for a motor vehicle crash due to icy road conditions. Deputies release him on a citation to appear on a future date. No suspect info. Deputies contacted the male who thought he knew the owner. Art. P.O. Melissa Lee Wilson, 50, was arrested, cited and released for a confirmed Albany Muni Court warrant. Dart was transported the Benton County Sheriff`s Office, where he refused to provide a breath sample. The vehicle was driven away from the scene. After striking the culvert wall, he went into the ditch and travelled roughly 60 feet, then hit a telephone pole, causing it to break. It was reported that a car door was left open but nothing was stolen. HARASSMENT; CRIMINAL TRESPASS 1 - On Sunday, January 8, 2023, at approximately 9:25 am, deputies were dispatched to the 300 block of NW 53rd Street in Corvallis for an assault. The second was a Florence Municipal Court warrant for Trespass II and disorderly Conduct II. Williams was transported to the Benton County Jail where he was lodged. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On March 1, 2023 at 8:42 am, deputies were dispatched to a single vehicle traffic crash on West Hills Rd at 19th St. OUR MISSION: We provide professional public safety services with integrity and accountability. Upon arrival, Medics brought the male back to life and transported him to Good Samaritan Hospital. FINANCIAL TRANS UNLAW ACTIVITY - On Wednesday, February 8, 2023, deputies were dispatched to a fraud call. Deputies were able to have dispatch get ahold of a responsible person for the business and let them out. Sample: Inmate's Name Housing Unit (If known) Benton County Jail 7122 W Okanogan Place, #B110 Kennewick, WA 99336 . Deputies arrived and found a silver 2009 Honda CRV had slid into the ditch due to an icy roadway. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at approximately 2:55 AM, deputies responded to a motor vehicle crash on Highway 20 near Kings Valley Highway. E8384619. For additional information on jury service, see A Juror's Guide. VEHICLE RECOVERED FOR OTHER AGENCY - On January 30, 2023 at around 12:15 am, deputies located a red 1994 Honda Civic which was confirmed stolen, in the 1700 block of NW 9th St. All incident types currently included. Deputies released him with a citation. ADT Home Security Monitoring Service in Benton, Illinois Discover Peace of Mind. Washington 211 provides the most current and comprehensive database of community resources in the State of Washington (over 30,000 listings), which serves as a central access point for connecting . 2023 8am - 3pm @ The Benton County Fairgrounds. Simply stop at the front desk and ask "to see the Counselor of the Day". Deputies later arrested, cited and released the driver, Thanh Duc Trinh, 37, for Failure to Carry and Present an Operator`s License and DWS Violation. Deputies later arrested Martinez for DUII and Reckless Driving. WARRANT ARREST - On February 9, 2023, at around 7:45 pm, deputies initiated a traffic stop on a silver 2002 Pontiac Sunfire on Highway 20 and Independence Highway and later arrested Christopher Whitney, 42, for a Linn County Circuit Court warrant for Failure to Appear-FTA Distribution of Methamphetamine. The driver, Demetrius Mendez, 51, was suspended misdemeanor for a past DUII. Hebert was cited and released. Call Type Location Dispatch Time Little Rock Dispatches delayed 30 minutes to 8 hours displayed. 202300129521. Choose a language, then press 0 to speak to a representative. ACCIDENT VEHICLE NO INJ - On February 22, 2023 at 7:51 am, deputies were dispatched to the area of HWY 99w and Granger for a traffic crash. DUII; RECKLESS DRIVING; FAIL CARRY/PRESENT OP LICENSE - On Sunday, January 22, 2023, at about 6:30 pm, deputies stopped a white Chevy Cavalier for failing to drive in its lane and for following too close. Deputies spoke with a man who said he had been driving south near the location when it passed him, lost control and struck an embankment. UNLAW ENTRY MOTOR VEHICLE - On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, at approximately 12:49 pm, deputies were dispatched to the 800 block of NW James Avenue for an unlawful entry into a motor vehicle. Deputies issued Gardner a new court date for the warrant and helped him move the pickup off the roadway. He was cited and released. BIAS CRIME 2 - On February 6th, 2023, at about 5:30 pm, Mark Newens, 34, was arrested at the Benton County Jail for Bias Crime in the second degree after making threats to another adult in custody. There was no damage to the pickup and the suspects did not leave anything behind in the vehicle. WARRANT ARREST - On Sunday, January 1, 2023, at around 12:30 pm, deputies stopped Tyson Smith, 40, for a traffic violation near Timian and Dresden in Corvallis.
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