First, find a Lord in your current faction that you have good relations with, preferably the best relations with to be honest but you also want to consider what territories he owns because you are going to steal him and his fiefs for you new Kindgom. The power is the field parties + garrisons (not militia), the more fiefs and clans (parties) your faction has the more attractive you are! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Winning battles means increasing Influence and Renown. Boom, you have your own Kingdom, your first Clan with its 2-3 parties and all the fiefs he owned. I can teach you, just watch . A lot of people assume so, but it isn't so. Falcon. In this guide on How To Recruit Special Units In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord we explain a great but rarely used mechanic that lets you recruit more troops than just the towns and villages have to offer, including exclusive and . Because its broken, in my game i have 2 billion denars, the other factions haven't hold a fief for the last 43 years and even the ones that have 100 relation with me don't want to switch sides. Also how rich they are I think plays a part. Execution will cause a massive relations penalty between you and that nobles clan. You can also ransom some nobles if youre not looking forward to recruiting them. 1. The clan in Mount and Blade 2 Bannerlord introduces several novelties which were unavailable in the previous part of the series - Warband.Expanding the clan increases the maximum size of the party or allows more companions to join the team. Execution will cause a . Not joking. I'm kinda in the same boat, except I have money because I'm my own mega-caravan where-ever I go. I Skipped the Big Conspiracy Quest. You can also recruit prisoners in Bannerlord to your party. To recruit an enemy lord, go ahead and speak to one of the nobles and tell them that the ruler of their faction should not have their loyalty because they're not worthy of it. This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. In my experience one of the strongest indicators of whether they will be willing to jump ship is if they own settlements. Aserai. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). The lord will offer to join your kingdom and youll need to trade gold or other items to make them accept. All rights reserved. Once you have fulfilled these two requirements you will be able to create a kingdom from the Clan screen. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Happens with every culture as well. 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Not all clans will want to leave their kingdoms and you cant even try to convince them to do so. You will have to first raise your clan level up up to at least 4 by raising your renown and also capture at least one town or castle. If you have did what I said and have decent charm, leadership and a few other skills, plus have a great relationship with this lord he should be easy to recruit. For more information, check out our guides and features hub. TwoPercentNog 1 yr. ago. In this way, they . Alternatively, you could choose to let them go after defeating them in battle. I am finding it difficult and near impossible to recruit lords to my kingdom. Conversely you could go out and make the "Spicevendors" into vassals, but similar issue: There's no way to train a companion in tactics, and so they get wrecked in AI vs AI battles. Hi Yuri, Gambit works better as an attacker. Taking a castle or Town also depletes my army so that I need to recruit more troops, while doing so another conspiracy quest will inevitably pop up ad nauseum. Please allow us to ask our companions about their stories once we have recruited them. Press J to jump to the feed. A very poor lord with 0 holding seams very eager to defect for 500k even with poor relations, Your current kingdom is too small and weak, plus your relations with said lord aren't high too. This isn't such a large amount in comparison to the other requirements but still, worth taking into account. Press J to jump to the feed. This guide will show you how to recruit lords from other kingdoms to grow your faction. Now that you are apart of a kingdom you are able to start trying to recruit other lords. However, if you do pass all the dialogue checks, the barter screen will open (seen above). Usually around 14 relation is doable with high charm and maybe save scumming in some cases. Version 1.0.1. He leave my kingdom with nothing in two weeks time! I get the same response every time, either "long may he live" or "I am happy with my current leige". Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Finding and recruiting companions. It helps a great deal :) https://youtu.be/HbMj44xa1NkCheck out my other channels;Second Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4boipL4AOoLVmj9tTqas1ATwitch twitch.tv/DomsRoundtableDiscord https://discord.gg/86AbEtTrJ4Facebook facebook.com/DomsRoundtableTwitter @DomsRoundtableInstagram DomsRoundtable0:00 Intro0:22 Tip 11:06 Tip 21:29 Tip 32:26 Tip 42:57 Tip 53:12 Tip 64:32 Tip 74:55 Tip 85:32 Tip 97:04 Interlude7:35 Tip 108:14 Gameplay \u0026 Battle9:26 sik beatz9:48 Outro#bannerlord #guide #lords Does Kitaria Fables Have Romance and/or Marriage? https://t.co/S60JosMjpQ, SportsXs augmented reality brings gaming-style overlays to the real world It started by executing a few nobles, but the relation spike snowballed across every. Valve Corporation. For the ones playing the realistic version like me, you wont get to do that, so RIP. Clans with fiefs almost never join you. but still, recruiting can be expensive. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'setreadygame_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',156,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-setreadygame_com-leader-3-0');When you first try to convince lords to join your kingdom you will be faced with a bunch of different questions and you will have to opportunity to choose from a range of answers. Sturgia. Your mission is to make sure you say the right thing to the right lord. don't recruit unless you need to. So, I removed all the lords that I . I must have a bad luck, as I recruit Godum (sturdian lord) to my kingdom for 600k (with relation over 50), he died in silly siege very next day, so I gave two castles to his son Lek and gues what? He's also one of only five games journalists from the Philippines. That way you will build up your forces without breaking the bank. This is because the game logic of their characters if just tied to their respective kings, or their relationship is too great towards that character. After concurring all their holdings the lords are very interested in defecting again. Recruiting enemy lords has two big upsides, namely: Recruiting enemy lords is quite an easy process, but not always a successful one. Title: You will have to be the ruler of a kingdom in order to promote one of your companions to a vassal. So that might be throwing people off if it seems like it isn't working, go track down the clan leader. When a lord flat out refuses you it means the hypothetical amount of money they would want to turn is just too great compared to what you posses, the devs did this so you don't waste your time on the persuasion dialogue only to not be able to get them anyways. 10. In Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, after youve managed to be a ruler of a kingdom, you will be allowed to take in lords from different factions and ask them to take part in your objectives, by joining your kingdom. Writer by day and gamer by night. Fixed a bug where a new Garission is always created. For more information, check out our Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord guides and features hub. The only exceptions are the faction leaders themselves. Hey also, i think that only the leader of a clan will provide the option to recruit them, all other members of that clan will just give the response about them being happy with their current liege. Premium membership donations accepted. And, there is no implication. If you're an unstoppable warrior in battle . bounding into comics reddit. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. The goal is to focus on imprisoning higher-tier units so you can recruit them down the line. I have never have anyone left my kingdom. You wont start with any vassals, and youll have to recruit characters from other kingdoms. If they like thier king they are hard (expensive) to get and more likely to flip flop back to that faction later, but if they don't like them but have a good relation to you, they are easier and will stay. How To Recruit Special Units In Mount & Blade II Bannerlord Special units can really help you recruit more troops. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Anything above 60 relation seems to be like in the 100k range tops. Yup, that was it. If you werent able to convince a lord, it may take a while until the dialogue option is made available again; the cooldown seems to be variable. Soon for real I will try updating it to 1.7.0 but I don't know if it will work with 1.7.1 or 1.7.2 but every mod that is 1.7.1 or 1.7.2 is working with 1.7.0 in general. Unlike managing your army, the initial recruitment of troops in Bannerlord is quite easy. M ount & Blade II Bannerlord can be a very challenging game, and there is a steep learning curve, especially at the beginning. The only exception is if you are mega rich and have high charm and they are enemies with their current ruler. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord will build upon the popular Mount & Blade franchise bringing in many exciting and highly requested new features. How to Level Smithing In Bannerlord Raise Smithing Skill, How To Assign Companion and Clan Roles Bannerlord. You can find out how to raise your charm skill by following this guide. You can open the topic of discussion by speaking to a head of a clan, telling them that their factions ruler is not worthy of their loyalty. If youre successful, another window will pop up through which you will be required to trade in gold or some other items so that the enemy lords accept the offer to join your kingdom. In our series of guides for Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, weve already detailed how to become a mercenary or a vassal, build up your clans rank, and play politics with the other lords in your kingdom. I went to multiple lords and got to the barter screen and offered up to 800k and still no lord will accept. Look for lowly lords, ones with no property/fiefs, they normally run cheaper as well. and you will usually have to pay them a lot of money. Bandits can also be converted into normal troops once you have recruited them by having the disciplinarian perk, which is found at Leadership level 125. Bannerlord 2 can't seem to recruit lords. It's a video game, it doesn't need fan fiction to explain why you never run out of arrows. Keeping an extra save isnt just to ensure that you can reload when you fail the dialogue checks. Fixed a bug where the recruiter just disband when trying to recruit in the home-town. The best way for your to conquer the map of Calradia is with manpower! These include how much the lord likes you, their traits and your charm level. In Bannerlord, the player can have the ability to join one of the existing kingdoms (or factions) in the game as a vassal or even as the king. They (Clans)consider several things in order of importance: 1: Their own fiefs and finances, no fief = easy to get, less money they have, the easier too. Also the AI is constantly ant swarming me with little groups of soldiers to burn my villages reducing all income. It is really important for you to level up your Charm skills. You are using an out of date browser. Once youve lit all (4) of them up, you will be able to recruit them. Mount & Blade 2 Bannerlord HOW TO Recruit Lords and Clans to your KINGDOM Beginner's Guide (CONSOLE)this video is a hard subject to cover in just one video, . I can get any landless lord to negotiate regardless of relation. If I break my army apart then they swarm en masse to kill. All Quests Walkthrough Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLU9RCp3FVNkRutMG0iJG0qbLIWshXQvr4Second Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC. A subreddit and community for the Mount & Blade series, created by TaleWorlds Entertainment. For best results, look for nobles who already own settlements. I don't know how true this is, but in my experience recruiting lords as the same culture as yours seems to be cheaper. You cant just ask anyone though, you will have to find the clan leader first. May the best General win! Otherwise, you will only be making your life harder. You can level their skills, gear them up with the finest armor - or silk dresses, your choice - and ask them to join you in battle. I am near broke constantly even with my shops maxed out, because I am chasing random conspiracy quests across the world map all the time, and I lose any walled towns I own or castles while doing so. Version 1.0.2. Their army still might be bumping into yours, while the dialogue may be on an endless loop where it will reopen over and over again, basically making it impossible to recruit the enemy lord in that case in Bannerlord. This is with lords of high relation, I have plenty of renown, what else am I supposed to do to lower the bartering cost. https://t.co/Wm5LulWtYt. Will it improve or decrease your relationship with the enemy kingdom? When their faction is ****'d and you're is okay, they are easier to get. Recruiting enemy lords is quite an easy process, but not always a successful one. Vlandia. Is it an easy task or an impossible one? However, there is one downside. These Top Tips bring all the Lords to my Kingdom, because they know, it's better than yours, damn right, it's better than yours! If you are looking to save your denars try to recruit smaller clans, such as tier 3 clans first. Evil West Review A Promising, Vampire-Killing, Carnage-Fueled Adventure, Marvels Midnight Suns Review Superhero Demon Hunting, Need for Speed Unbound Review Its Got Wings, Steelrising review more like gold rising for Spiders, Octopath Traveler 2 Dark Entity Boss Guide, Octopath Traveler 2 Doron And Veron Boss Guide. Money: It will cost 20,000 denars to create a new clan for your vassal. Diplomatic approaches for the win! Auto-resolving . In this guide, we will show you How to Recruit Enemy Lords in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. You need to get all four pips to light up based on your answers. I've found that only lords with one or fewer fiefs will ever want to defect, I've found this also. as you mentioned, high friendship, and personal issues with his current liege. My character is charming enough and can easily persuade other lords to his cause, but then they want payment, and the payment is insanely high, I estimate that they want well over 200,000 gold maybe even 300,000 or 400,000. Early on I try to snipe clans with lots of adults, but no settlements, since in the long term theyll make good vassals. So, long story short, I ended up ruling Sturgia for a few years and took over half the map, including all of Vlandia whose fefes all belong to me. So that might be throwing people off if it seems like it isn't working, go track down the clan leader. The main goal of your campaigns in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord is going to be to conqueror the entire map of Calradia. The chance you can successfully recruit a lord will depend on a few factors. Usually around 14 relation is doable with high charm and maybe save scumming in some cases. Your available answers have varying degrees of success and the probability is based on your skills and other traits.
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