It costs just as much money, if not more, to run poorly, so you might as well learn to run well. Forum Actions: Forum Statistics: Threads: 4; Posts: 10; Last Post: I-44 Speedway-Jeg's Master of. So, there is a limit to how much you can get away with and still have a decent corner entry. When thisbook was originally published in 2001 it was specifically for GM Metricchassis (78 or newer Malibu, Monte Carlo, Regal and Cutlass cars) racing on asphalt. Basically, if the suspension mounting points must remain stock, the leaf spring cars will dominate (at least on ashpalt.). rolling chassis. set the tone for how the parts and setup will work. Includes: Performance handling basics, chassis & roll cage fabrication, front suspension alignment, changing the roll center and camber curve, rear suspensions, springs and shocks, tires (bias and radial), stagger, gearing, basic chassis set-up for asphalt and dirt tracks, weight adjustments, tuning the car to . Keep It Fast and Cheap. A three link with panhard bar using the stock lower mounts works fine. jp. 1 Min Read. A spring split of 250-lb/in spring in the left rear and 200-lb/in spring in the right rear is common. Truck99August 22, 2005 in Grease Monkey Hangout. These pads are use on dirt for medium and heavy braking, and asphalt for sportsman and Hobby Stock cars. I appreciate the lead. But there is still some changes to be made from track to track. With all the negative BS that tends to permiate these boards these days, I thought maybe we could talk about something real and constructive. The steering system in your car must be evaluated and any negative characteristics must be eliminated. Would it be too much of an advantage to let these guys run a 3-link rear with solid links and panhard bar? I'm not saying this is not important to some degree, but on short tracks I would stress that aero downforce is over-rated in most cases. Other competitors will offer you tips, but what works on their car may not work on yours and often they cant explain why something works for them, it just does. I think everyone agrees that the old leaf spring cars (Camaros and Novas) are becoming harder and harder to find. $137.99. Customer is to bring a clean non-sandblasted frame when picking up the chassis. Caster is best described as a vertical line that runs through the 2 pivot points in your car or trucks suspension. Smaller gains can come later on after the more important aspects of setup are resolved. I also vote for weight jackers in ALL SS or Sportsman level cars simply because they're so cheap and make life so much easier for the teams. That's why I asked about weight jacks in the original post. Add to Cart. 4. . Oversteer help - 1978-1988 General Motors A/G-Body Community Street Stock Setup Manual We also discuss where we want the roll cente. The Metric four-link Roll Center The metric roll center is quite high compared to other rear suspension systems, such as the three-link with Panhard bar, the leaf spring system, and the Watts link. The lateral location of the third link can affect the distribution of load among the two rear tires that results from acceleration and antisquat. Balance is spoken of in all types of motorsports these days, even F1. Saturday Night Racer - reverse spring split - LATEMODELRACER.COM With several wins and a championship under our belt after the first year . Conclusion The Metric four-link rear suspension is here to stay for a while. So, again this year as in past years, we will present what is admittedly the formula for success related more for the conventional and what we call soft conventional setups mainly because these are the ones that produce more consistency and do win races. These are the general rules unless you are trying to "tie down" a corner. After payment you will be directed to a download page. If you could slide the MC to the right, or outside of the turn for you road racers, the front end will get stiffer. Adjust drag link accordingly, *unless something is bent, spindles, drag link, idler arms, etc. How to Lower the Cross Weight in an iRacing Setup. Bilstein Stock Car Shock Package Fits the popular metric chassis (4) Front shocks (3) Rear Shocks Stock Mount front and rear Additional Features Nitrogen Gas . If those desired angles are different, then we term the setup unbalanced. I'd think that without them you'd at the very least need to allow some sort of spring adjuster. Try one or two click on each spring perch shown above to raise the cross weight. A three link with panhard bar using the stock lower mounts works fine. . var contact = "Contact Us" The overall general rule is that the angles between the driveshaft and both the pinion shaft and the transmission output shaft need to be equal and in opposite directions. Both of these ICs act like hard points of resistance to lateral movement of the chassis. Administrator. Metric Street Stocks - Lone Star Speedzone Forums And, it must be economically applied. Copper has been known to kill tomato plants if placed directly into the stem or base, but placing copper wire around the wound may not have the same effect. Splash = 2-3 gallons, 1/2 can = 5-6 gallons, 1 can = 11-12 gallons, 1 1/2 cans = 17-18 gallons, 2 cans = full tank. The rear won't desire much roll and there will be excess load transfer to the outer wheel and tire. Then it's done! I see the times at CCMS are identical, THR the truck .5 sec quicker. We ran the stock lowers but boxed them and put in better bushings if I recall correctly. I just think frames are harder to come by, so are stock blocks, so the old stock and hobby classes are a dying breed. But if you cant 11 inchers is all you can go. by RonL Fri Jan 02, 2015 12:36 am, Post ANYBODY KNOW OF ANY STREET STOCK RACING CHEATS/TIPS. IMHO they should be able to remove the two upper rear control arms and replace them with a single, fabricated, adjustable upper control arm (top link). I have little experience on dirt but can definetely notice this! Adding neoprene bushings to all of the connection points will unnecessarily restrict movement and cause the chassis to be stiff in roll. racing aspirations Moment Center for Circle Track Next is engine set back if allowed. Stock cars using the metric-style four-link rear suspension usually need to do this just to achieve a balanced setup with the high rear moment centers in those cars. Im lifting early and using zero brake. Brake Pad Identification and Friction Surface Options Explained Thats the theory and the science anyway. Dwarf Mr Snow, Fred's Tie Dye, Saucy Mary, Sweet Scarlet, Kangaroo Paw Green, Idaho Gem and Banana Toes are just a few of the varieties one gardener is growing in a 4x8 bed of "bulletproof" tomatoes. We even did pretty good with it in the THR LLM class back in `99. It's that time of year again when gardeners all over the world are planning what to grow in their gardens. Racing Aspirations refers to this point as the roll center (RC), but it can also referred to as the moment center. This would mean we could align the driveshaft from a side view inline with the tranny shaft and the pinion shaft with no angular deflection. It just won't work. That is the best description of the result of the dynamic force that influences each system. Location:Austin, Tx. I think if I had the opportunity I could make the 4-link work on asphalt using a similar set-up that I used on dirt. 5. How do I tighten or loosen the car on exit? The driveshaft alignment is critical from the standpoint of mechanical efficiency. If the car's center of gravity was say 16.5 inches (around average for an asphalt car that has been lowered), there would only be a 2-inch moment arm to try to roll the car. Estler's Mortgage Lifter is ideal for growing in northern climates due to its ability to withstand cooler temperatures better than other varieties. We cover all forms of racing in the Midwest featuring racing news, results, photos & videos. Aug 24th 2005. In the last article, I talked about the uses of toe and how it affects both drivability and front-end dynamics. Wheel Accessories. -3 . 03 0@ 34-.=- 2 ++(+'o $ (&%q qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ,&%q qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qq (,%q qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq ,,%q qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq qq It has been found that the misalignment of your tires/wheels presents serious drawbacks to a finely tuned chassis and setup. taipei city stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images Probably to the guys that are beating you! Conclusion Russet mites are a type of pest that can cause damage to leaves, stems, and petioles. About Us. This is very "old school" but when applied with a balanced setup, very effective. We ran the car with a lot softer set up than that. Excessive front toe in will make a car turn into a corner quicker, & may create a loose condition. There are ways to do that without changing the handling at other points around the racetrack. Dec 24, 2005 at 5:33am. Fox80. Setup Tips for Metric on asphalt | racecheep - ProBoards We are only talking about a difference of 0.040- to 0.060-inch, but that is enough to help stabilize our car on exit and provide added bite. PDF Metric 4 Link Setup For Dirt - Annualreport.psg.fr That was the only time that car was really fun to drive even though I opted not to go to tech because it was not legal for THR rules. There are a lot of things you can do to improve handling. A high rear roll center causes a short moment arm in the rear suspension and will stiffen the rear suspension similar to installing very stiff springs. Its important to make even adjustments, meaning you should make the same number of clicks on each spring perch. Hardcore Package - $5,700 (2023 Pricing) *Some components included in the package are not shown in picture below*. It is this sliding scale situation that determines the stiffness of your front end. And, of course, Terry chose to park it. Taipei Taxis, City Traffic Taiwan Street scene in the capital city of Taiwan at dusk with motion blurred taxis and traffic in the streets. So don't try it. The car madracing 19 has for sale has all of these things done to it. I never felt good about cheating but when everyone does you need an even playing field. Refer to the images below. The metrics at THR are NOT competitive compared to the leaf cars. 122. I had a very experienced racer come out and help us one time and he said the problem he saw with the car is the rear end looked as if it was shifting to the left by a couple inches. 2. Click. My Metric front end setup. Anything helps when u trying to figure out a starting point.thanks for the input i will try some of this and see how it works i have raced some before mostly mini stocks. Ive raise the center section of the chassis where the the upper mounts attach by 3". I drive both a metric (my truck) and a leaf spring car (ss). If we can raise the upper front link mounts, we can lower the rear RC by lowering the upper IC. Port City Racecars Road Race Chassis is a purpose-built racing machine. The amount of resistance is directly related to the degree of side view angle we put in our control arms and the amount of brake force used. Use the "new" 7 inch arm on the RH and the 8.5 on the LH. If the car is tight under throttle, or driving off the left rear, invert the spring perch offset adjustment procedure above. The components that locate the rear end must be evaluated and set correctly. The problem on dirt is the high rear roll center. I would run either the pure stock or street stock class. Additionally, modern pennies are only 2.5% copper, so older pennies should be used instead for better results. 266. 2.Now set toe out. I was thinking this setup might help because their are not alot of different way to adjust these cars other then stagger, offset, and maybe shocks. When the LF is too cold, the RR spring is too soft. They should be matched up within a couple of degrees of average temperature across the tread. I built Couchenours 99 car . View all S3SS. If you have any problem with the download, just email me, and I will email or Facebook you your file. 35810 FABRICATED CHEVELLE FRAME. We are at a crossroads at this point in time with setup technology in asphalt racing. Metric Street Stocks - Page 2 - Lone Star Speedzone Forums Adjustment Guide - Medieval Chassis. Check your PM's. by rick7343 Fri May 01, 2015 5:14 pm, Post As the front brakes are applied, the caliper grabs the rotor and the motion of the wheel/rotor tries to rotate the spindle. The number one reason a car will be tight and not want to turn is because the front end is not designed properly. What I hear I feel is representative, although those who dive head first into the BBSS mix not because of a perceived and measured expectation of success but because of the "see monkey, do monkey" attitude, will never share what they are doing. We also might want to change the locations of the chassis and/or rearend mounts for the links. In short, you'll get more rear grip by lowering the rear RC. PDF By Bob Bolles, Circle Track Magazine - Longacre Racing Online: $349.99. $1,700. I would like know what the ic would be on a g body with a 9 inch in the rear with stock suspension. Biggest change is getting ride height . Rear Geometry Over the years, most of the things that I have learned about racing, I've learned the hard way. A 1/2 inch height change from level can make significant handling changes. And as for you Modified and Stocker class teams, don't even think about it. Setup & Tech Info - Jet Racing Inc How to Open the Setups. 70030. Ill also answer a couple of common questions: These changes are applicable to all asphalt oval cars. For the most accurate Setup and Tech Support, download our Scale & Setup Sheet, fill it out with as much information as you can and then fax it to us at 402-228-4796. See all 6 photos. I talk to lots of racers representing every form of circle track racing in every region of the country and beyond. Symptoms include bronzing on stems and petioles, curling and drying up of leave, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our. Bilstein Stock Car Shock Package-Metric Street Stock - Circle Track Supply Anderson , IN. Setup Tools. If the car feels loose on corner entry, lower the left track bar. The 1st thing we will need to do is look at the car, where are we with your current setup and how far can we go with that setup. Ive read alot of stuff, some of it usefull some of it crazy. ford 9' rear end w/disc brakes, stocks, springs, gauges just add motor and transmission and go racing. You need to keep the ride heights as close as possible to where they were before you started. Subtle changes often go unnoticed, especially when they're hard to see without jacking the car up and crawling underneath. Even when clear rules exist, the track officials are often reluctant to enforce them. In order to slow you must lose (kinetic) energy. Here are some recommendations. Looking forward to the tips for Dirt Oval racing!
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