The members of the coaching staff (including the manager) can make one mound visit per pitcher per inning without needing to remove the pitcher from the game. Baseball players start pitching at age 9 & 10. When a batted ball hits the pitching machine, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded one base, with each runner advancing one base. 2021 PG 10U National World Series Pitching Restrictions - Perfect Game Infield fly rules do not apply. If the Umpire discovers that a bat has been used to put a ball in play and before the next legal pitch, the defensive team shall have the choice of the result of play or the batter being called out and all runners returning to the base occupied at the time of the pitch. Teams may use free substitution on defense, but the batting order shall remain the same. The ball shall be declared dead before making the award. For example, if the end cap is in any way loose or appears damaged, the bat should be removed from play for being a damaged bat. If there is a contradiction with language found in any printed copy of this addendum and the version most recently updated online, the online version shall supersede. Using unsportsmanlike conduct or abusive language, symbol tactics, or derogatory or unbecoming acts. The only question is whether the bat is altered or whether the owner / user has refused to let the bat be examined to determine if it is altered. 10U Division Any spectator, coach, manager, or player who is ejected for the second time during the tournament will be eliminated from participating for the remainder of the tournament. Length/weight ratio must be -3 and stamped BBCOR. Fair Ball Arc: There shall be a twenty (20) foot arc drawn from first (1st) baseline to third (3rd) baseline in front of home plate. The catcher shall receive the pitch in the catchers box in a normal baseball manner. The fake to third and throw to first play remains LEGAL for PG Youth events. Players born on/after May 1, 2011are eligible. Replacing the grip, adding tape or adding a build up to the handle is not considered altering a bat. ONLYTWOschool grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 3rd grade who turn 10 years old before May 1st, 2023. No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if it is damaged in any way. Tournament hosts have the authority to eject a player, fans, or team anytime during a tournament of committing any of the above listed offenses. The runner does not have to contact the fielder and the fielder does not have to control the ball for this to be considered an illegal act. If time has expired, the last three hitters from previous inning will load the base with 1 out. Adopted Spring 2022 . It shall be the responsibility of each team to challenge pitching violations by notifying the Umpire and then filing a Protest with the League / Tournament Director. Awards and Coach Suspensions: If an owner / user chooses to submit a suspected altered bat to the USSSA Altered Bat Committee or Manufacturer no awards may be given to the team until the bat is determined not to be altered. Any intentional forfeit could result in the forfeiting team being eliminated from the tournament. The responsibility for knowing whether a bat is altered is that of the users and the owner of the bat. The Ball. The batter shall receive a maximum of six (6) pitches or three (3) swinging strikes. If no one claims to be the owner, USSSA shall retain the bat. Failure to produce a complete lineup card can result in games not starting on time. When a starter re-enters, the player in the starters batting position in the batting order must be removed from the game and is ineligible for the remainder of the game. Ten (10) defensive players shall play in the field with four (4) outfielders. Upon protest, failure to have a photocopy of the original birth certificate immediately available upon demand shall result in the offending team losing the game(s). A player who is in violation of the age eligibility shall be considered an illegal player. Players born on/after May 1, 2016are eligible. If anytime during a tournament game, a player is discovered illegal due to an age violation or participating on more than one team in the same tournament, the team is subject to forfeit. If an end plug has come out or the knob has come off, the only way that such bat is legal in USSSA play, is if the knob or end cap is replaced by the manufacturer. The 10U National League is open to boys or girls who are 9-10 years of age as of January 1st of the current registration year. PDF MINORS (9u/10u) RULES and/or enhancement to the rules - SportsEngine (Run Rules still apply). . The catcher shall wear all appropriate protective gear including a catchers helmet with facemask and either a built in extended throat guard or a separately attached throat guard, chest protector, shin and / or leg guards, and protective cup. For all Pool Play games- Home team will be determined by coin flip. Perfect Game shall utilize officials who are registered with Perfect Game and administer the contest in accordance with Perfect Game rules and expectations. Upon becoming aware that a participant or coach/manager of his team has received a suspected concussion (or has been struck in the head area with any significant force), the Team Manager will not allow that person to participate in any USSSA sanctioned event and if occurring during a USSSA sanctioned event, shall have that person removed from the playing field of any USSSA sanctioned event. Metal cleats cannot be worn for divisions 12U and younger. The USSSA National By-Laws and the National League Major League Baseball Rules shall govern all . 10U Baseball A player that is found to be illegal due to an age violation during or after a league or tournament game, shall result in the offending team losing the game(s), team and player being ejected from the tournament, team being placed last in the standings and forfeiting all awards, points, sponsors travel money, and berths that would have been or have been awarded. school grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in Kindergarten who turn 7 years old before May 1st, 2023. USSSA 1.15 BPF mark, the serial number of the bat, the model or manufacturer name, official softball, etc. Altered Bat: An Altered Bat is a bat that has had its physical structure changed, including, but not limited to: The bat has had the surface of the barrel or the taper changed in any way such as by addition of graphics, painting, repainting, removal of bat material or paint by any means including but not limited to sandpapering or applying a solvent to the surface such as fingernail polish remover or by any other means. No team shall be allowed to compete in any USSSA Rec League Baseball program without first paying their team registration fee. The courtesy runner must be a player not presently in the line-up. If the DH enters the game on defense, the player he was batting for must come out of the game. This is done by approving the online RETURN TO PLAY WAIVER and approving the player for the team. Replacement by anyone else results in an altered bat with potential suspension for the owner/user of the bat. PDF Official Baseball National By-laws & Rules - Usssa 10U Travel Baseball Guide - Baseball Connections Please be reminded that unsportsmanlike conduct can result in a game or tournament suspension in the discretion of the Umpire or tournament director and up to a year suspension in the discretion of the State Director. A player that pitches eight (8) innings in two (2) consecutive days MUST rest the next day. For a second-time offender pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2, any such suspension shall be lifetime. A league shall consist of a minimum eight (8) game schedule. The Tournament Director will rule in the fairest possible way. If you go watch pitchers in this age group the first half of the season hardly anything happens in the games. If in the Umpires judgment, the catcher is not receiving the ball in a normal baseball manner, there shall be a warning issued. Coach pitch plays 60 feet bases. Withhold the bat from inspection and accept an immediate two-year (automatic life time for second time offenders pursuant to USSSA Rule 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2) suspension from USSSA sanctioned activities with no right to appeal; or, Withhold the bat from further examination by the USSSA Altered Bat Committee Chairman or Manufacturer and accept an immediate two-year (up to life time for second time offenders pursuant to USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and / or 13.02.C.2) suspension from USSSA sanctioned activities with no right to appeal; or, Allow the Director to send the bat to the USSSA Altered Bat Committee Chairman and / or Manufacturer for a determination as to whether or not the bat is altered. home team shall cease batting and the game shall end. No team should benefit from the result of a forfeit in an unfair manner. An imposed Mercy (run) Rule shall be used to complete a regulation game when one teams margin of lead is greater than or equal to the listed run differential in the corresponding listed start inning. Perfect Game and Perfect Game Baseball Affiliate (PGBA) tournaments and events will adhere to the following Youth Grad Year and Age Restrictions for the Fall 2022- Spring/Summer 2023 A regulation game consists of six (6) innings for age divisions 4U 12U and seven (7) innings for age divisions 13U and older, unless the game is: Extended because the score is tied after the completion of the regulation number of innings, in which case, play shall continue until the visiting team has scored more total runs than the home team at the end of a completed inning, or the home team scores the winning run in an uncompleted inning. The Panther Baseball Club 7U. Upon becoming aware that a participant, coach/manager or official/umpire/referee has received a suspected concussion (or has been struck in the head area with any significant force), a USSSA official/umpire/referee or director will have that person removed from the playing field of any USSSA sanctioned event. 14U: 60/90. The following rules and guidelines are provided in addition to, in substitution of, or in place of the rules provided in the NFHS Baseball Rule Book. DH Rule: Top Gun will allow the Major League DH rule. Run spreads for all games: 12 runs after 3 innings; 8 runs after 4 innings. . Time Limit. When a batted ball hits the Pitching Coach, the following shall apply: If in the Umpires judgment, the coach did not make a legitimate attempt to avoid contact, the batter is declared out and no runners shall advance. The Infield Fly Rule shall not be in effect at any time. 7.05.B.4(b), A player that pitches eight (8) innings in two (2) consecutive days MUST rest the next day. The team protesting must make cash payment of $100 at the time of the protest. It shall be the League / Tournament Directors responsibility regarding uniform legality. 13.02.C.11(d). Directors will rule in the fairest way possible. In addition to any other penalties pursuant to USSSA Rules, any coach or manager of a youth team that has more than one suspension imposed on his players in connection with USSSA Rules 13.02.C.1 and /or 13.02.C.2 may be suspended from all USSSA activities for any time period, including life. Tournament Participation: In all USSSA Baseball sanctioned tournaments, teams shall qualify for State Championships and / or World Series play. All 14u players must use a maximum drop 5 (-5) bat with the official USSSA 1.15 BPF Mark permanently stamped. ONLYTWOschool grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in Kindergarten who turn 7 years old before May 1st, 2023. Players who turn 7 prior to May 1 of the current season are not eligible. These Tie Breakers will be for all events: Qualifying, State and World Series. No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if any of the graphics of the bat have worn off. The use of ANY tobacco or any electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes, vape pens or atomizers shall be prohibited by all participants (including but not limited to players, manager, coaches, umpires) within the confines of the playing field and dugouts. Umpires shall call Time after every play and declare the ball dead. 10U Baseball (Minors) %PDF-1.7 May start game with 8 players, 9th player spot is an out when he comes up in lineup. endobj Any player ejected from a game shall either immediately remove themselves from the vicinity of the playing field for the remainder of the game or be confined to the dugout area for the remainder of the game at the discretion of the League / Tournament Director. All USSSA marked bats made by a USSSA approved manufacturer must be available to the public for purchase. Any coach, manager, sponsor or spectator ejected from a game shall immediately remove themselves from the vicinity of the playing field and / or grandstands for the remainder of the game. 13.02.C.6, Participation in, Profits from, or Encouraging the Altering of USSSA Marked Bats: Anyone who participates in, profits from, or encourages the altering of USSSA marked bats shall be suspended indefinitely from all USSSA activities, until the offending party has satisfied all requests of the USSSA Altered Bat Committee with respect to his altered bat activities including but not limited to publicly swearing under penalties of perjury to never again participate in, profit from, or encourage the altering of USSSA marked bats. The pitching coach shall position himself as not to be an obstruction to the defensive team on any possible play once the ball has been hit. 13.02.C.9(c), No bat is legal for USSSA sanctioned play, if the paint has been worn through and the actual bat material is showing. PLAYER PITCH RULES 7U/8U. An individual must know that his bat is. Investigation Cooperation: Any coach, manager, player or other person who fails to cooperate in the investigation by USSSA of a potential or actual altered bat may be subject to an unsportsmanlike conduct suspension. ONLYTWOschool grade exemptions per team will be allowed for players who are in the 4th grade who turn 11 years old before May 1st, 2023. Additional Penalty: If a coach violates this rule before the ball is pitched, First Offense: Warning; Second Offense: Removal of coach as the pitcher for the remainder of the game. Shamrock Spectacular III (7:00 AM - 4:00 PM) (2023) - USSSA
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